You were the glamorous and sunny girl whom I always dream of to share the rest of my life with.

SMRPG Orchestral Arrangement: Seeing Dreams Through the Window of the Stars

Alas, actually you were far beyond my wildest dreams and I had no idea about how to bridge that gulf between you and me. So I schemed nothing but to wait, to wait for an appropriate opportunity.

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Till now — the arrival of graduation, I realize I am such an idiot that one should create the opportunity and seize it instead of just waiting. These days, having parted with friends, roommates and classmates one after another, I still cannot believe the fact that after waving hands, these familiar faces will soon vanish from our life and become no more than a memory. I will move out from school tomorrow. And you are planning to fly far far away, to pursue your future and fulfill your dreams. Perhaps we will not meet each other any more if without fate and luck.

So tonight, I was wandering around your dormitory building hoping to meet you there by chance. But contradictorily, your appearance must quicken my heartbeat and my clumsy tongue might be not able to belch out a word.

Service flag

I cannot remember how many times I have passed your dormitory building both in Zhuhai and Guangzhou, and each time aspired to see you appear in the balcony or your silhouette that cast on the window. I cannot remember how many times this idea comes to my mind: The box opened up a world of pain and joy to author Barbara Eymann Mohrman as she set out on a personal journey to trace her family history, and inadvertently, unspoken Eymann family Fifty years ago, a young girl opened a cardboard box in her basement.

The box opened up a world of pain and joy to author Barbara Eymann Mohrman as she set out on a personal journey to trace her family history, and inadvertently, unspoken Eymann family secrets. This is the story of hard-scrabble life in rural Oakdale, Nebraska population starting in the heyday of the s. Chriss Eymann, a newly arrived Swiss immigrant and his wife, Hattie Mae, raised ten children on the Dust Bowl-ravaged plains during the s in the depths of the Great Depression. But their greatest sacrifice was yet to come—when they sent four young sons off to war in the South Pacific and Europe.

The story traces in detail and vintage photos from to the anguish, danger, and their everlasting hope with some surprising family news that brings the story full circle. Highly recommended" -- Midwest Book Review Paperback , First , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Four Blue Stars in the Window , please sign up.

  • Four Blue Stars in the Window.
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Be the first to ask a question about Four Blue Stars in the Window. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Oct 02, Jennifer rated it liked it. I was poking around the Internet one night, researching family history, looking for Eymann hints, and I was astonished to come across this book. Turns out that this family is a branch from my Eymann tree; Chriss Eymann, the patriarch of the Four Blue Stars, was the brother of my great-grandmother, Bertha Eymann Stern.

Although this is ultimately a book about four brothers serving in World War II, I found the parts about their life growing up in Oakdale, Nebraska as well as the truth about Chriss I was poking around the Internet one night, researching family history, looking for Eymann hints, and I was astonished to come across this book. Although this is ultimately a book about four brothers serving in World War II, I found the parts about their life growing up in Oakdale, Nebraska as well as the truth about Chriss to be the most interesting. I felt the book was well-researched in regards to the war I would have much rather read more first-hand accounts from the brothers.

I feel that's where Mohrman's writing really shines. My Eymann family and Mohrman's Eymann family split off in different directions nearly years ago, after coming to Nebraska from Switzerland around the turn of the century. Some Eymanns stayed in Oakdale, some even returned to Europe. My Eymanns moved to Omaha to work in the packing plants. My great-grandmother hated living in America.

She refused to speak English. From all accounts, she spent most of her time in her room, only emerging to cook meals.

She was most likely clinically depressed, but that diagnosis was only acted upon in the most severe circumstances in her time. So it was not a surprise to find out about Chriss. It made me sad that his family refused to even speak his name.

Four Blue Stars in the Window by Barbara Eymann Mohrman

But it was oddly reassuring? Excellent,highly recommended Totally enjoyed the book! Obviously a family with deep commitments to each other as well as love. Their parents did a wonderful job raising them and instilling strong values in each of them. I am familiar with that area of Nebraska and I must say that children are still brought there with these values.

Good,honest hard-working people who care about their country,their community and each other. As to what happened to Chriss I feel he probably had a medical issue that p Excellent,highly recommended Totally enjoyed the book! As to what happened to Chriss I feel he probably had a medical issue that probably would be recognized today but not known at that time. Apr 12, Marilyn rated it really liked it.

This is the story of an immigrant family who came to Nebraska from Europe. They live on the edge of a farm where the father works. The banner was designed in by U. Army Captain Robert L. On September 24, , an Ohio congressman read into the Congressional Record:. The mayor of Cleveland , the Chamber of Commerce, and the Governor of Ohio have adopted this service flag.

The world should know of those who give so much for liberty. The dearest thing in all the world to a father and mother—their children. Manufacture of these flags is only allowed by specific government license in the territories under U. The same section of the United States Code that limits manufacture of the banner also mentions lapel pins.

There is no legal specification of the banner's size, but according to the DoD code, [9] the flag size ratio must be When displayed with the national flag, the latter should take the place of honor. If the flags displayed differ in size, the national flag should be larger. Blue and gold are the only colors specified for use, but silver stars are increasingly in use to represent those discharged from service because of wounds or being invalided home. Congress to make the Silver Star Service Banner official for those wounded or injured in a war zone.

Forty-nine states, Guam, Saipan, the U. One state, Missouri, took steps to make such recognition a state law. Although the design differs from the U. The individuals entitled to display the service flag are officially defined in 36 U. A service flag approved by the Secretary of Defense may be displayed in a window of the place of residence of individuals who are members of the immediate family of an individual serving in the Armed Forces of the United States during any period of war or hostilities in which the Armed Forces of the United States are engaged.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. American Gold Star Mothers official website.