Stop Following Me, Moon!

The stars will be in almost the same part of the sky as they were the first night. Since you waited 24 hours, they had time to "move" around the earth once and get back to where they were before.

Stop Following Me, Moon! — Darren Farrell

But the moon will be in a different place! In fact, you would have to wait a little while usually an extra 30 minutes or an hour until it got back to the same place as it was the night before. How come the moon "fell behind" everything else? The answer is that the moon is moving. All the stars in the sky are pretty much standing still - they only look like they're moving because the earth is spinning, as I said above.

But the moon is actually moving in orbit around the earth - it takes about a month for it to complete one circle around us. So the moon's motion has two parts to it. It looks like it's moving around the earth once per day along with everything else, but in addition to that it is actually moving around the earth once per month. That is what makes it move to a different place on the sky.

It is even possible to watch the moon move, if you are patient enough. If you carefully keep track of the moon and a nearby star for an hour or so, you should be able to see the distance between them change! Dave is a former graduate student and postdoctoral researcher at Cornell who used infrared and X-ray observations and theoretical computer models to study accreting black holes in our Galaxy.

He also did most of the development for the former version of the site. Why is the moon in a different place every night? Beginner There are two reasons. This page was last updated on July 18, About the Author Dave Rothstein Dave is a former graduate student and postdoctoral researcher at Cornell who used infrared and X-ray observations and theoretical computer models to study accreting black holes in our Galaxy. Similar Questions that might Interest You Advanced Is the Moon always visible during winter on the North Pole? Intermediate Is the Moon moving away from the Earth?

When was this discovered? Beginner How does the position of Moonrise and Moonset change? How do scientists slow light down? In any case, the scientists found that the moon is not just one celestial entity, but a whole family. There are uncountably many moon brothers and sisters who each live in one slice of the night sky. So as you move from one place to another, you may instead be seeing the moon's brother Angelo or sister Katrina instead of the moon himself. If you pay very close attention, you can see when one fades out of view and the other in, but humans in general are not very observant and only a few people have ever actually witnessed this.

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The Moon is Following Me

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NSA listens to all your phone calls while the Moon and Sun follow you. Be afraid, be very afraid. This all is happening due to the fact that motion w. Keep a glass of water on the table, and tell your friend to move it a little to the right. You will see it has moved a little to the right. Now dont move the glass, move yourself a little bit to the left. This time you will see the whole world, including the glass move a little to the right. Therefore, it does not matter if the object which you are looking at is moving or the observer the one watching the object i.

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The rarest sense of the Universe, which is commonly known as "Common Sense". Well, as the earth spins with you on it, you don't sense the movement of the sun when you are standing still, but when you are moving, you feel like the sun is moving as well because you are rotating with the earth. The sun and moon are rather constant from where you stand.


You can't hope to pass them unless night falls or morning rises. You don't feel the earth spin because you are attracted to it by gravity. You can't hope to pivot around the sun unless you can spin faster than the earth which will never happen, so you feel like the sun is stalking you.