Publisher's Summary

Barbara Cartland was the world's most prolific novelist who wrote an amazing books in her lifetime, of which no less than were romantic novels with worldwide sales of over 1 billion copies and her books were translated into 36 different languages.

Pink Collection

As well as romantic novels, she wrote historical biographies, 6 autobiographies, theatrical plays and books of advice on life, love, vitamins and cookery. She wrote her first book at the age of 21 and it was called Jigsaw. It became an immediate bestseller and sold , copies in hardback in England and all over Europe in translation. Between the ages of 77 and 97 she increased her output and wrote an incredible romances as the demand for her romances was so strong all over the world.

She wrote her last book at the age of 97 and it was entitled perhaps prophetically "The Way to Heaven".

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Dalton bestsellers list, a feat never achieved before or since by any author. Lady Galina More and her brother, Georgie, the Earl of Ranmore, are in despair because they own two large historic houses which are entailed.

Georgie decides he will have to marry an American heiress, so he opens his house in London, but has no idea how he can staff it or afford to entertain. Craig Farlow, one of the richest oil millionaires in America who has brought his daughter, Ellie-May, to London as he wants her to marry a title and he becomes a tenant at Georgie's house in Park Lane.

A Change of Hearts

Galina has been a huge success because of her beauty, but she is determined not to marry anyone unless she is in love. When she meets Lord Bramton, she loses her heart, but knows it is hopeless as he is as poor as they are. Because Ellie-May is attracting so much attention, the Prince of Wales becomes interested, so they all get invited to Sandringham.

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In the meantime, Georgie has gone off to America to see, if by some miracle, he can find one of the fabulous oil wells. How love triumphs over money, and how the prayers of those in love are answered, is told in this unusual and exciting story by Barbara Cartland.

Barbara Cartland was the world's most prolific novelist who wrote an amazing books in her lifetime, of which no less than were romantic novels with worldwide sales of over 1 billion copies and her books were translated into 36 different languages. As well as romantic novels, she wrote historical biographies, 6 autobiographies, theatrical plays and books of advice on life, love, vitamins and cookery.

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Pink Collection | Classic Romance Books by Barbara Cartland

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