So far you find many language and grammar mistakes inside because of lack of time. Will be corricated and updated with more Around-The-World-Travellers in future. If you find yourself inside or any lack of information please inform me! Bernd Tesch has been working in this field "Around The World" since In I visited famaous Mc-Travllers in Australia. Cars and Motorcycles until now: In there have been 20 RTW travellers by motorcycle within participants. In 11 of them. I own the largest archive of World-Around-Travellers: To find all this and all my activities was a "life-long job" and cost me a lot of money.

About Motorcyle World-Tours. I own all this books in all languages. If there is shown "Book: If you find this book there you can order it. I have had many discussions what you can call a Motorcycle or car-tour "Around-The-World". There does not exist only ONE definition. Some travellers thing that you must have done it in ONE tour. Others thing that you must have been in each continent. American Jim Rogers things that you must have crossed each continent in one tour covered 6 continents. Bernd Tesch thinks that we all should be very tolerant to each other: I even think it is interesting to know who planned to go Around-The-World, and started but did not finish it for different reasons If you are a World-Around-Traveller or plan to do this or "on the road" already or know anyone who is not listed here, please send my any details, addresses, publications, homepages and most important: Solo Around the World with car Volkswagen bus.

Bike solo by plane to Singapure. I flew to Singapure. Malaysia - Thailand - back to Singapure.

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Or offer names like: Darwin - Adelaide - Melbourne - Sydney I wanted to find myself. I got Malaria in Nairobi. Attack of soldiers with weapons in Iran Important useful informations for others: Book or publication about your tour I am very grateful to all the individuals who knew that I am working in this field. They informed me since worldwide by meeting me, phoning, sending letters, later faxes and emails since about World-Around-Travellers.

Without their help I could not get to this high level. This internet-list had to be done in many days but too quick, because I did not have enough time. So please give me your "pardon" that there are mistakes inside of the information and a lot in my language. At least you will never have seen such a collection of information in internet or literature.

I own a lot of information as well about other kinds of going Around-The-World. Especially I own the old books about round-the-world by cars. But I cannot do the job to collect, summarise and publish all this alone here. Even if you know good books about this subject. You can talk with high experienced Motorcycle-Travellers who rode all continents so far: Always end of april.

Organisation by Bernd Tesch. To answer this question exactly is difficult because this changes many times in the earlier years. I never could read a publication about this. Have you seen one? The countries that were in the world in now in are Peter Forwood informed me that there are countries in 3 categories in the world according to Rand McNally atlas.

There are totally independent countries at all. The German leading book "Fischer Alamach " says: The idea to move with power of others is very old. The question was only how? So people tried many ways: The earth is one of nine big planets of the sun. Possibly out of change of gravity in the universe it was caused that dust attracted each other at first to smaller parts which are getting bigger and bigger.

Finally becoming big rocks which attracted each other to big planets. Most of them were attracted by the biggest part which is the sun. The nine planets could escape somehow the gravity of the sun and started to circle around the sun. If this came by meteroits from other planets or developed came up, is not proved so far. The very well known French writer Jules wrote the phantastic novel Roman in which Phileas Fogg won the bed to circle the world in 80 days. This novel became very famous and was translated in many languages.

The journey was the expression of dreams of people of that time "to circle the world" after the British finished a railway in India: British - Plan Around-The-World by car. The first known planned tour by car Around-The-World. Den Artic Circle Polarkreis in Schweden. So startete er zu einer Weltumrundung. Er war auch in Japan, Canada und Mexiko und fuhr insgesamt Boomerang Australia, , Glidden.

The Carrige of Wind Java, , Glidden. Der erste mir bekannte, zusammenfassende Artikel dieser Art ist in dem Buch von T. C Bidges und H. First known tour Around-The-World by car. In this got the model "Silver Ghost". Im Auto um die Welt. Das erste gelungene Wagnis dieser Art. Beschreibung einer Rallye auf der Route: Insgesamt kamen nur drei von 6 gestarteten an.

Verlag von Ullstein und Co. Autorennen um die Erde". Von sechs gestarteten Wagen erreichten nur 3 das Ziel. Als erster der deutsche Protos unter Hans Koeppen. Der Film lief auf verschiedenen Sendern in der letzten Zeit. Hat der Motor eine Seele? Verlag von Reimar Hobbing. Die erste Autofahrt einer Frau um die Welt. Die erste Weltumrundung einer Frau am Steuer eines Autos. Laos, Vietnam und China.

Max Reisch "Im Auto um die Erde". Das Auto steht im Zeughaus-Museum in Innsbruck. Claudia Parsons and Baker in Afghanistan. Caludia Parsons besides a rare roadsign in the desert Then by a Studebaker motorcar from India to London. Her commentary of the people she met and of the changing times are fascinating and her political and cultural views might be seen as modern and enlightened even today. At the time of her death in she was the oldest Member of the Society of Women Engineers.

She never married, explaining when aged 95, that "men often threatened to stop me from doing what I wanted to do" deciding to be a "non-marrying wife, to meet and live with her companion when chance offered. Purpose to travel RTW: The urgings of an adventurer and to meet her sister in India by going Westwards. Siam and French Indo China.

December to April She wrote of her adventures in in her book "Vagabondage".

Südostasien - Auf den Spuren der Traveller - Vietnam (German Edition)

Later in life when I met her in she then wrote an autobiography called "Century Story". She was an early female traveler, one of the first women to become a qualified Mechanical Engineer. I have all the books of her now. If this story is of interest to you and you feel she "qualifies" then I would be happy to send you copies of photos from her books. She lived in Wonersh Surrey, very near to Elspeth Beard! She was sharp witted and still very enthusiastic about her travels.

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So I bought her book to hear her account of the long past world and the people that she saw first hand. I have never had the time to travel RTW. In fact I have never wanted to use the time to do it, rather to visit places one by one. But one day I just might The first aeroplane circled the world. It got several times fuel in the air. The US-Bomber B Max Reisch "Auf nach Afrika". Logo und Foto von www. The reason it took so long that they earned their money "on the route" by making music.

Manni read a book about a French who crossed thw world in a 2 CV in Manni married the American Carol. Bogota - Kolumbien Publication: Guness book of records for the longest travel in only ONE car. No book about the first tour RTW. But a book about the second tour in On the road again, In 80 Tagen um die Welt. You can buy his book via Hdy: He wants a reprint of his book through Siberia. This was the record from Ford with the model T until this day. Both circled the world in a VW-Bus: They wrote a booklet about their experience.

It was the first recommendation-book for individual tours RTW or overland. Advice for overland travellers. At first private published. DM 15,90 Verlag: The trip is not sponsored! To find all this and all my activities was a "life-long job" and cost me a lot of money. After he came home: Der erste mir bekannte, zusammenfassende Artikel dieser Art ist in dem Buch von T.

Sun will kill all Motorcycle-Travellers. The sun will have extended so much in size that she reaches the earth. Without their help I could not get to this high level.

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  • The Master Breakthrough: 24 Hour Spiritual Revolution.

This internet-list had to be done in many days but too quick, because I did not have enough time. So please give me your "pardon" that there are mistakes inside of the information and a lot in my language.

China zementiert Einfluss auf Mekong-Staaten

Read Kindle Store Reviews - bolstergroup. Auf den Spuren der Traveller German Edition. At least you will never have seen such a huge collection of information in internet or literature. I went to Australia in First discovery of the Australian landscape and the harshness of the sun in the bush. My friend made the mistake to wear shorts one day. Next one he was so burnt he could not climb on the bike! Luckily I was not so foolish, even in those days, to ride a motorcycle wearing shorts! From Cairns we went inland as far as Charleville where we got stuck a few days due to a flood.

Resumed the trip through a grasshopers cloud then past giant termite mounds. Hit a bull on the road before reaching Darwin. Got lost between Mt Isa and the Birdsville track. Down the Birdsville track to Adelaide and on to Melbourne where we arrived after one year of traveling. In those days the roads were still dirt!

Finding our way back to the Birdsville track thanks to a ranch owner! Getting lost between Mt Isa and the Birdsville track! France - India - Singapore - Australia. Went back from Australia to France by boat in We toured Europe on both bikes. Then I crashed mine on a roundabout by a foggy night. Worked in a banque, bought another Suzuki GT In we shipped back the and decided to go back overland with the Got enough 2 stroke oil to last me the trip and we left France in April We had snow in Italy, snow in Greece and even snow in Turkey.

Istambul is a great place. We travelled east through Cappadocia, a beautiful part of Turkey with stunning landscapes. We were warned by travellers than further east kids were pretty rough, asking for cigarettes and throwing stones at vehicles.

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Soon we got the treatment. Having been warned, each time I saw kids waving by the roadside. I would slow down to first gear, put my blinkers and pretend to stop, but instead I would give full throttle and charge at them. They scattered and by the time they threw their stones I was out of reach. Went to court, did not said a word and won the case! The driver not only had to pay for the repair but also to lodge us in his house until it was ready!

Then it was Afghanistan. Broke down before Kandahar. Got a lift in town where the local mechanice had to manufacture new shaft bearing himself. Meanwhile we had tea and haschich everyday until the bike was ready. Great country and great people. Through the Kyber pass to Pakistan then to India. Down to Madras where we shipped to Singapore and shipped again to Perth.

Got to Perth in time, the hand made bearing had done their jobs. They were replaced by original ones and we rode across the Nullarbor now all bitumen to Melbourne. We did a grand tour of Mexico then went to Belice. Got stuck for 2 weeks in Belice City thanks to the flood. Eventually we managed to ride and waddle through to reach the border with Guatemala. At the border I checked the oil. Gosh it was a paste! So I changed it before we continued through mud to Tikal Took us more than one hour for the last 4 km.

People there got excited. They were stuck since 10 days and thought the road was reopened. But when they saw our bikes covered in mud they just sigh! But Tikal was just worse the trouble. More mud was waiting for us before geaching Guatemala City. Went to Antigua, Lake Atitlan, etc. In town we were many times accosted by groups of tough people thinking we were American but we always talked our way out and often had drink with them once they understood their mistake.

From Salvador to Honduras then Nicaragua also in civil war. In Granada we spent a good hour before convincing a young guy armed with a machine gun that we were not yankees and had nothing to do with them. Reluctantly he let us go but it was touch and go. Costa Rica was a relief then we rode to Panama through a deluge. From Panama we flew the bikes to Quito. Went down to Guayaquil where an earthquake shook us out of bed in the middle of the night. No damage for us or the bikes. Left Guayaquil for Peru, rode down the coast then up the Andes to Huaraz fantastic scenery down to the coast again and to Lima.

It was still the wet season and the dirt road was mud. It was slow going with lots of falls. The brakes were blocked by the mud so sometimes the falls were voultary, to avoid a greater fall down the Andes! But we reached Cuzco where Patrick's Honda packed up. No parts in town nor in Lima neither in Bolivia. A general bought his bike so we split. Patrick continued by bus and I still with my Suzuki which was working perfectly.

So we met at prearranged places. In La Paz Bolivia we saw that we could not go much further because money. So we started the trip back to Mexico. From there Patrick went back to Canada. I stayed a bout a year in Mexico, working in a hotel then sold the bike which had developed some problems and with the money went back by bus or hitchiking to Bolivia. Then flew back to Australia on the last day of my visa. In fact the whole trip. The scary moment in Nicaragua. Bought various bikes then the greatest of them all in In I decided it was time to shake the cobwebs from the Public Service.

I flew Ozzie my bike to L. We'll ride together till Guadalajara. They then turn back and I keep going on through Mexico, Belice , Guatemala now the road to Tikal is paved! In Antigua met Ralf and Petra at the Post office. Then I go down to Lake Atitlan, a gem. Panama I fly the bike to Quito in Equador , then myself to Quito! Ozzie is not there! Bastard have not send it yet. After a week of furious calls they eventually send it.

Unfortunately the volcano in Quito start to erupt. Flight are diverted to Guayaquil. Another week pass and Ozzie is still stuck in Guayaquil. I pack up, catch the night bus to Guayaquil and go to the airport. I start the paper works to clear the bike it's 09h00 when I see 4 people coming in, helmet in hands. So we all clear our bikes together and are out by 16h I go back to Quito with everybody than Renate. Gino and I decide to travel together, Petra and Ralf being faster.

Up to m, crossing the Chilian border at m and down in Arica Chile in km of descent. Mark and I go to Uruguay. Mark leaves from Montevideo to England. Ozzie and I take a river boat to Manaus and back on the road to Caracas in Venezuela from where we fly to London. I'm afraid i've been a bit long but it's easy to get carried away They were both life-enhancing and life changing.

Drove to east coast of USA, where we embarked on a Yugoslav freighter that was scheduled to go to Tangier, Morocco in 9 days. It actually went to Marseille in 37 days. From there we travelled to Spain, crossed at Algcerias to Tangier, Morocco, travelled through that country for about one month, then through Algeria to Tunisia, there we took a ferry which went to Naples, Italy.

Cross the Italian peninsula, and from Brindisi took another ferry to Corfu, Greece. Then another ferry to Athens, and finally another ferry to Haifa, Israel. We had friends living in Jerusalem, so spent some time there, and sold the bike to a Canadian couple and flew back. The religiosity of India, the scenery in Kashmir, Varanasi for the rituals of the Hindu religion. The people we met, both fellow travellers and natives; some remarkable experiences. Being unable to leave Kabul, Afghanistan, because they had a coup d'etat, tossing out King Mohammed who is back now, after the US incursion.

Borders were closed, and it is VERY difficult to stay healthy in Afghanistan - getting clean food and water is very dicey. On the first trip, the BMW had California plate; this would have been difficult in some countries at that time starting with Turkey.

Jules Verne - Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde - Hörbuch

Getting the new bike in Germany, and acquiring a "carnet de passage" from the Deutche Automobil Club, and having a registration book in several languages, was a great help. These trips were taken after Barbara and I had travelled together from California up to British Columbia via the coast route, highway.

Intends to take another long trip like this in a couple of years. In an additional letter I found out that Barbara and Doughlas did not marry. In Doughlas met only some Aussies in Yugoslavia, and a German chap in Afghanistan who was on his way back home from Nepal by bike. In the eastern 40 miles or so of Turkey on the GT road were gravel; other than that, it was all paved roads - some a lot better than others, obviously.

Africa, New Zealand and Australia. Et j'ai suivi le vent in French.

Around the World in Eighty Days - Wikipedia

Der Wind war mein Begleiter. Une demoiselle sur une Moto in French. La Piste de l'or. Wohin der Wind mich trieb Start She does not want to have to do anything with mc-travels of her earlier life anymore.