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He has a kind of puppyish look to him, like a retriever in a bog roll advert — big eyes, blond, polite, inoffensive. Inca the dog more than gets her dues.

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Not only did she help propel Fogle to stardom, becoming a well-known celebrity in her own right during Castaway , but she helped him meet his wife during flirting sessions with a fellow dog owner in the park. Fogle then recounts his TV days, and rather gamely reprints an excoriating review of Death By Pets , one of his cringeworthy bob-a-job early shows, by Ian Hyland in the Daily Mirror. Have they done it?

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They are both happily married to other people and have children. A theme that runs throughout the book is the conflict between humanity and nature. This leads to that nasty cognitive dissonance we might feel in visiting the farm, petting a pig and then enjoying a bacon roll the next morning.

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The circle of life, my friends. They did not progress from a dull cramp to an eye-popping paroxysm over the course of an entire day.

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But 30 minutes became 40 minutes and in that same span my contractions shortened to three minutes apart. Not only had the frequency increased, but so too had the intensity. Naturally, I tried to walk it off. I was not so much worried about delivering a baby in the car. I was worried I would not arrive in time to get my epidural. Thankfully, my ride arrived. I called from the car. An ambulance met us at a police station. I shrieked as they wheeled me in through the emergency department doors. My breathing steadied, my mind refocused. On the second push, my baby raced out.

Ben Fogle, Part Four (of Four), the first talk on The Accidental Naturalist.

Sure enough, my OB was right: I had worried for naught. My desperate cry for the epidural transformed into the battle hymn of a warrior-mom. For all my efforts I was rewarded with a perfect little baby, but also a newfound confidence. I suppose a lot of women have interesting birth giving stories.

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This maxed out my own scale. You certainly a story for moms and future mothers. However, this lil lady is still not enticed by the pains of birth, haha. What a brave and inspiring post! You had me panting there!! Despite the pain and terror this has such an uplifting ending.

Ithaca College

Now you can conquer the planet! Thanks for all your help, Nate! And thanks for prompting me to join the bronze lounge in the first place. I really love your feedback! I love how this turned out: I was wondering how this was going to turn out! This is plain awesome. You developed the tension and terror well. I could feel both.

Jo Situ Allen - “The Accidental Naturalist” - Laguna Beach Garden Club

He joined the local bird club, collected field guides, and learned at the feet of local wildlife experts, precipitating an enduring appreciation for the natural world. What began as a professional obligation became a personal devotion. He soon began volunteering as a gatekeeper at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, a nearby wildlife sanctuary and conservation center. And although he retired from full-time broadcasting in , Holcomb can still be heard on the air at WEEU.

Now 79, Holcomb has no plans to completely retire from broadcasting or bird-watching. He would like nothing more than to continue meshing his passions, traveling freely between the two worlds, spreading the message of one through the other. All rights reserved; unauthorized use prohibited.