Deep in the Swamp Lesson Plan

Count along with the animals and their babies. Follow a mother river otter as she plays with her pup and see a mother alligator bask in the sun with her many little ones. The beautiful illustrations depicted in Deep in the Swamp will leave children eager to learn more about the Okenfenokee's lush flora and fauna and the many rich elements of this amazing ecosystem. Set the Stage Use some of the following discussion points to prepare the students for the story.

List Name Delete from selected List. Save Create a List. The Teacher Store Cart. Discuss the title and cover of the book. What kinds of animals do you think live in a swamp? What kinds of plants might grow in a swamp? Is it hot or cold in a swamp? Is it dry or wet? Have you ever been to a swamp? Would you like to live in a swamp? Review After reading the book, discuss the following: What kind of animals did you learn about in the book?

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Were they the same ones that you discussed before reading? Explain the term fauna with the students. Then review the different animals in the book such as rat snake, snapping turtle, river otter, marsh rabbit, damselfly, flame bird, bull frog, crayfish, alligator, and blue heron. Explain the term flora. Review with students the different plants in the book such as cattails, cypress trees, bamboo vines, neverwet, and water lilies.

Guide students to analyze fauna and flora by generating a chart or diagram that compares and contrasts the two concepts. Discuss the concept of a swamp and list unique characteristics of a swamp. Show students a map of the United States. This site allows educators and students to explore the subject of propaganda by actively engaging in dialogue, interpretation, and analysis. Learners may examine propaganda from their local communities on topics of particular interest to them or explore propaganda from from around the world to stimulate intellectual curiosity.

You can download the complete curriculum with lesson plans and handouts as a PDF file or you can access the lesson plans as editable Google Docs to customize for learners. There are many different definitions of propaganda, but all definitions share some common themes. These definitions reflect changing time periods and contexts. Although propaganda takes many forms, it can recognized by its use of techniques that activate strong emotions, simplify ideas, respond to audience needs, and attack opponents. by Jamie Keddie How deep is the ocean? -

To Share or Not to Share. It is important to consciously reflect on the potential benefits and harms that may result from propaganda because people participate in the spread of propaganda when they share with their social networks. Where Propaganda Is Found. It can be challenging to recognize propaganda when it is found in entertainment, education, and news because do not expect to be persuaded by these types of content. Analyzing Propaganda with Critical Questions.

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Analyze propaganda by asking critical questions about the message that identify its author, purpose, and point of view. Also consider multiple interpretations of how people may respond to the message.

Deep Lie: A Novel Summary & Study Guide Description

Talking Back to Propaganda. When you demonstrate your ability to comment, critically analyze, and put propaganda in context by creating a short video response, you are using the power of image, language, and sound to convey important ideas. Deepening your knowledge of propaganda is excellent preparation for work, life, and citizenship.

Reflecting on what you have learned about propaganda helps you internalize new knowledge and apply it to everyday life. Because users can upload their own examples, they help to create a robust, fresh dialogue about contemporary propaganda.

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Because propaganda addresses all aspects of culture, MIND OVER MEDIA provides opportunities for authentic inquiry about a variety of topics, including business and the economy, health care, global issues, science and technology, politics and government, crime and law enforcement, education, the environment, and issues of faith and values. When you create an account on the Mind Over Media website, you can create a Custom Gallery in order to select and upload particular examples for closer examination.

After you create an account on the Mind Over Media website, you can create a custom gallery in order to select and upload particular examples for closer examination. Your Custom Gallery contains a smaller selection of media items that you have chosen to explore a particular topic or issue.

Follow these instructions to create and use a Custom Gallery: