The library, a nook in a student lounge or study hall, or a quiet coffee house are good places to check out. Make sure to choose the quiet areas in these places, not the loud, central gathering areas. For instance, while it may seem ideal to type notes into your laptop to refer back to later, computers are a powerful distraction for many people because of their versatility. Playing games, checking your feeds, texting, and watching videos are all wonderful distractions that have nothing to do with studying.
So ask yourself whether you really need your laptop to take notes, or whether you can make do with old-fashioned paper and pen or pencil. Keep your phone in your purse or backpack to keep distraction at bay as much as possible. Nothing is more time-consuming and wasteful than having to run back and forth regularly because you forget an important book, paper, or some other resource you need to be successful. If you study best with your favorite music playing, try and limit your interaction with your phone while changing tracks.
Your phone is a potential time-sink and one of the worst enemies of concentration. Most people find that keeping to a standard outline format helps them boil information down to its most basic components. People find that connecting similar concepts together makes it easier to remember when the exam comes around.
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The important thing to remember in writing outlines is that an outline only words as a learning tool when it is in your own words and structure. Failing to do this is what often causes many students to stumble in remembering important items. It may also be helpful to use as many senses as possible when studying, because information is retained more readily in people when other senses are involved.
How to study effectively
Mouthing the words out loud while you copy the notes before an important exam can be one method for involving yet another sense. Memory games, or mnemonic devices , are methods for remembering pieces of information using a simple association of common words. Most often people string together words to form a nonsense sentence that is easy to remember. Mnemonic devices are helpful because you use more of your brain to remember visual and active images than you do to remember just a list of items. Using more of your brain means better memory.
The old age adage, practice makes perfect, is true.
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If a practice or old exam from a course is available, use it as a guide — do not study to the practice or old exam! Too many students treat such exams as the real exams, only to be disappointed when the real exam has none of the same questions. Such exams help you understand the breadth of content and types of questions to expect, not the actual material to study for. Some people enjoy reviewing their materials with a group of friends or classmates. Different formats work for different groups. Some groups like to work through chapters together, quizzing one another as they go through it. Don't study right after you wake up.
Go for a morning walk or do some exercise. You can keep your mind fresh by starting the day like that. Then, wash your face with cold water and start studying. Not Helpful 17 Helpful Start studying the day you are told about the test to give yourself plenty of time to study. That way, you won't be stressing out the night before. Not Helpful 21 Helpful You do not have to write down every word your teacher says.
Just pay attention the important points and write them down. Practice writing faster and improve your handwriting. Not Helpful 10 Helpful Draw mindmaps, pictures and diagrams to help you study. Use lots of coloured markers, highlighters and pens. Yes, it's good to memorize as much material as you can. However, make sure that you understand what you are learning, and have a good idea of what the topic is about.
Not Helpful 26 Helpful Keep highlighters, sticky notes, colored pens and markers with you while taking notes. Use these to help you remember. For instance, use index of highlighters and highlight most important, important or extra information using the index so that when you look back at your notes, you will know what to study. Write important information in a sticky notes or flashcards and stick it over your room or even your binder. This helps you remember. Not Helpful 23 Helpful Is studying different subjects in a day more useful than just studying one?
This is a personal preference. Some people prefer to take breaks by studying other subjects. Try both methods for a week to see which feels best to you. Not Helpful 14 Helpful How many hours of sleep should the average person get on a regular day? Not Helpful 5 Helpful No, it won't be effective at all. In fact, it might even hinder your performance on the exam.
If you study all night, your brain would not be able to function properly, so most if not all of the material you studied would be lost. Try to get about 8 hours of sleep before your exam; your brain will process and retain the information you studied much better that way. Not Helpful 34 Helpful After I finish studying a topic, how often should I go back to review? It depends on how soon your test is. If it's in a week's time, review each day leading up to the test, and several times on the day prior to the test.
Not Helpful 13 Helpful How can I fill up my gaps if I'm lagging behind? Answer this question Flag as How do I be more organized and study when I get home late? What can I do in order for me to stick to my studying time? How can I learn to manage my time wisely? Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered.
20 Study Hacks to Improve Your Memory
Already answered Not a question Bad question Other. How to Study More Effectively. Article Summary X To study intelligently and effectively, break your study sessions into minute chunks, and give yourself minute breaks between sessions so your brain has time to rest and recharge. Did this summary help you? Tips Seek tutoring if you are having trouble remembering information or taking notes. A tutor can help you with individual subjects or help you to build study skills in general. Highlighting information helps so that you can remember the important parts. This is good, especially if you are a visual learner.
Homework Skills In other languages: Did this article help you? Cookies make wikiHow better. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. ZombieSlayerDrew Aug 28, You showed me new ways to study that will help me study regularly and effectively for tests and exams. You also showed me new ways on how to mark the stuff that I need to learn by using highlighters. AH Alexis Hancock Jul Turns out I've been studying wrong. Take a break, it helps, seriously. MP Merida Pedro Jul Thank you for everything. A Anonymous Jun VL Victor Lee May 11, I especially love the idea of having flash cards.
The method of questioning myself and putting them into a "done" pile and a "needs more work" pile really helped me a lot. I used to do flash cards but I thought that they are time consuming, especially when the day before the exam comes. But you proved me wrong, wikiHow! Thank you for posting this article. KR Kamal Ramanai Apr 13, I liked the point here: This article helped me avoid my cell phone and laptop.
MT Maka Tusaumwe Jan I am willing to put lots of effort in and not just give up.
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Smith Jul 10, Every single wikiHow article just gets you going. I visit these pages when I'm out of motivation. S May 31, There were so many points that I didn't get from other articles. This was certainly helpful. I hope it works.
Keep up to Date: Top Tips & Tricks to Study Better
OD Olivia Daly Aug 28, One of my favorite articles on this particular topic. JE John Egbere May 29, SB Suman Bhattacharjee Apr 9, As a whole, this article will help every student if they practice it on a regular basis. RP Ritesh Patil Oct 23, It was of great help for me, and I hope will be for everyone. Awesome tips and techniques. A Anonymous Mar 5, I did not know how to study effectively, but now I do.
SB Sabhya Bhardwaj Oct 5, Whenever I get stuck in any situation, I just take help from wikiHow.
Thanks a lot, guys, keep it up! The tips are very effective. One will surely get good results if it's followed thoroughly. Mokgadi Jun 23, Now I can start preparing early so I reach my goal, rather than discouraging myself.
How to study effectively
A Anonymous Mar 8. AG Asa Gqeba Feb AS Akshay Shinde Apr 5, I thought I had to study for hours without stopping but I was wrong. Thank you very much! FS Frieda Shigwedha Dec 6, A Anonymous Sep 28, Your tips are amazing.