What guidelines apply to the hospitalisation insurance sector to ensure that the free movement of persons is respected? Is it lawful for hospitalisation insurers to set the condition of residing in one Member State in order for insurance cover to continue? Private hospitalisation insurance is covered by the Non-life Insurance Directives. The directives are also based on the principle of the freedom of contract under which insurers and consumers can agree on a variety of contractual terms and conditions, including geographical scope of the given policy.
The policy will have to be compatible with the rules designed to protect the general good in the insurance sector of that Member State. The Commission is conscious of the need to eliminate obstacles to the free movement of EU citizens and recognises the tension between the freedom of contract and the desire to continue insurance policies when citizens relocate to other Member States. The Commission services are analysing the situation with a view to assessing possible improvements of the existing EU insurance legislation.
Fornire dati aggiornati sulla variazione del fatturato industriale degli altri Stati membri? Fornire un dato aggiornato complessivo sulla variazione del fatturato industriale europeo? There was a 0. Domestic turnover fell by 1. In overall terms, the raw turnover indicator fell by 2. Provide up-to-date figures on the trend in industrial turnover in other Member States?

Provide aggregate up-to-date figures on the trend in industrial turnover at EU level? Industrial turnover in the EU28 increased by 1. Amongst the main contributors to this increase were Germany, with a rate of annual growth of 4. Always on a yearly basis, domestic turnover fell by 0.
In de plenaire zitting van januari keurde het Europees Parlement met een grote meerderheid zijn resolutie over de eerbiediging van het fundamentele recht van vrij verkeer in de Europese Unie goed. Uit een rapport dat de Europese Commissie in januari publiceerde blijkt dat het sociaal toerisme dat populistische politici graag inroepen als reden om het vrij verkeer aan banden te leggen, zo goed als niet bestaat. Vooral arbeidsmobielen uit de nieuwere lidstaten worden in de populistische retoriek geviseerd.
Dit is een groot probleem dat negatieve gevolgen heeft voor het vrij verkeer dat op die manier als hoeksteen van de Europese Unie wordt aangetast. Wat is de timing hiervoor? At the January part-session, the European Parliament adopted by a large majority its resolution on respect for the fundamental right to freedom of movement in the European Union. Populist rhetoric is particularly directed against people moving from the newer Member States to work elsewhere. This attitude is a serious problem, adversely affecting freedom of movement, whose status as a cornerstone of the European Union is eroded as a result.
Is the Commission planning action to inform EU citizens better about the advantages of freedom of movement and to eliminate the existing prejudices against worker mobility, and particularly against workers from the new Member States? Does the Commission agree that action in these fields is both necessary and urgent and ought therefore to begin as soon as possible? What is the timetable for this? Would it be possible to launch a large-scale information and awareness-raising campaign in all EU Member States in order to inform EU citizens correctly? It also intends, in cooperation with the Member State authorities, to continue with its efforts to raise awareness and improve communication and information on the subject, so that the public is better informed.
On the subject of the sale of Maltese passports, Commissioner Reding has said that the Council could decide on a set of minimum requirements for granting citizenship. The Council has not discussed the specific matter raised by the Honourable Member. Los neonazis lanzaban amenazas de muerte contra sus militantes mientras destrozaban el equipamiento de la citada sede. This attack is yet another in a series of attacks suffered by the organisation in different places in the Community of Madrid.
The United Left is not the only target of these groups. There have also been attacks on the Delegation of the Government of Catalonia and various social movements. The increase in violent attacks against organisations and individuals publicly displaying their disagreement with government policies is well documented in the Community of Madrid. It is discouraging many citizens from engaging in politics, as they are now fearful of expressing their political opinions, their affiliation with alternative political forces or their engagement in social movements.
The authorities seem to be turning a blind eye and are instead lauding the good old days of fascism from many of their public forums. Is the Commission aware of this recent attack on the headquarters of the United Left? Does it regard this report as presenting specific recommendations for the Community of Madrid? It is a competence of the Member States to investigate and, eventually prosecute any criminal acts on their territory in line with their national legislation.
Only one of these cases falls within one of the mentioned key areas transport. Nine months on, can the Commission say whether Spain has complied with the eight outstanding judgments of the European Court of Justice? If it has not, what action does the Commission propose to take to ensure that this Member State complies with European legislation? Wenn ja, mit welchen Konsequenzen? Wenn nein, warum nicht? How and to what degree does the Commission intend to promote democracy and human rights in Egypt in the future and simultaneously to ensure that these funds are also used for this purpose?
Does the Commission intend to investigate the missing development funds and to uncover any misappropriations? If yes, with what consequences? What actions is the Commission considering taking in the future against the misuse of EU funds in Egypt? I understand that hovercraft are exempt from the regulations under both directives.
However, hovercraft manufacturers are unable to opt in to the regulations and are therefore unable to market their products across the single market as they do not have a declaration of conformity. In light of this, what does the Commission intend to do to enable British hovercraft manufacturers to gain full access to the European market?
This directive excludes from its scope craft specifically intended to be crewed and to carry passengers for commercial purposes and, in addition, air cushion vehicles are excluded because their physical characteristics are not consistent with the Essential Requirements of the directive. The Codes are also applicable to Air Cushion Vehicles hovercraft.
Hence there is a set of rules recognised at EU level, which might be appropriate in this instance: These standards ensure the free movement of marine equipment within the internal market. Da questa situazione traggono un grande e ingiusto vantaggio paesi come Regno Unito e Irlanda, parlanti inglese come lingua madre. Le candidature possono essere presentate in una qualsiasi delle lingue ufficiali.
Pertanto la Commissione non ritiene che alcun gruppo di candidati potenziali sia stato posto in una situazione di svantaggio. In effetti, un simile ritardo avrebbe un impatto negativo sostanziale sui cittadini e sulle organizzazioni dell'UE che desiderino partecipare al programma. This situation implies a major and unfair advantage for countries like the United Kingdom and Ireland where English is the mother tongue. This launch took place on Applications can be submitted in any official language. Thus the Commission does not consider that any group of potential applicants has been put at a disadvantage.
It is a long document that is currently being translated by the Commission's services, which are also simultaneously translating similar guides in respect of the other new EU programmes. The Guide will be made available in all languages as soon as possible. Indeed, any such delay would have had a substantial negative impact on EU citizens and organisations wishing to participate in the programme. Tras este anuncio, las obras continuaron y se reanudaron las negociaciones. No se ha estudiado la posibilidad de conceder ayuda financiera a las empresas en forma de fondos de la UE en este caso.
Meanwhile, credit for households and SMEs is shrinking, and credit for the public sector is rising. The extension of the Panama Canal is a unique project of immense importance for the global economy. The award procedure and management of the contract is the responsibility of ACP. Following this announcement, the works continued and negotiations resumed.
Contacts with the authorities of Panama were also taken. Despite a temporary breakdown in the negotiations early February, the parties appear to have made good progress towards a solution of their dispute, as indicated by recent press articles. This would allow, if confirmed, the completion of the project on time. No financial assistance to the companies in the form of EU funds has been considered in this matter. If not, what measures does the Commission intend to take to ensure that this Member State complies with EU legislation?
Spain now considers that it has fully transposed the directive. The Commission is checking the various acts notified to ensure that this is the case. The next step in the process, as with all the other Member States, is to check whether the national legislation correctly transposes all the obligations under the directive. The Commission is currently in dialog with Spain in order to ensure its compliance with the findings of the Court. If not, what measures will the Commission take to ensure that this Member State complies with EU legislation?
In the course of the proceedings, Spain notified several national transposition measures. Depending on the outcome of the examination, the Commission may decide to close the infringement procedure or take the next procedural steps. Although home should be a safe place, for many it is not, especially numerous vulnerable people, such as the elderly, who lack the financial resources needed to maintain their homes. Inadequate housing conditions represent a serious environmental health threat that could be prevented. What strategies are being adopted to assist elderly people who are living in such conditions to improve their homes or to find alternative accommodation which is safer and more decent?
Healthy ageing and independent living have been promoted in Member States as part of the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations. However, the Commission provides them with policy guidance and support through various EU policies and Funds. In the SIP the Commission also proposes the Member States to implement integrated housing-led strategies to prevent homelessness and housing exclusion and to provide social housing for the most disadvantaged people.
L'Afghanistan ha compiuto progressi straordinari in campo sanitario rispetto al , quando l'UE e altri donatori hanno iniziato a fornire aiuti. I progressi sono stati analoghi per quanto riguarda la salute dei bambini: Gli stanziamenti di bilancio dell'UE destinati agli aiuti umanitari finanziano anche siti sentinella di controllo nutrizionale dell'OMS.
L'UE fornisce inoltre assistenza sanitaria di emergenza alle popolazioni vittime di conflitti e di catastrofi. L'Unione intende procedere nel a una valutazione congiunta del paese su cui si baseranno un riesame del programma indicativo pluriennale e una programmazione congiunta nel Diversi donatori si sono detti interessati a parteciparvi. Parliament has pointed out on several occasions in its assessments of EU aid to Afghanistan that the aid has not produced any of the anticipated results, in spite of the huge amounts of money allocated to development and humanitarian issues.
Parliament has also reiterated its request that the European External Action Service EEAS provide a clear and transparent impact assessment of the Union's aid to Afghanistan, and has made several proposals on how to improve aid structure and effectiveness. Similar progress can be seen with regard to child health: The prevalence of stunting in under-five children was Nation-wide and reliable nutrition data are not available since then. Unicef has not confirmed the validity of the data contained in recent press articles.
Malnutrition is a chronic problem in Afghanistan, linked to health and infections, food insecurity, gender dynamics i. Some of the alarming field data may be the result of increased outreach rather than a worsening of the situation. Development aid to Afghanistan is currently delivered within the context of a mutual accountability framework agreed between donors and the Government in Tokyo in The EU currently intends to carry out a joint country evaluation in , which is intended to inform a review of the multi-annual indicative programme and a joint programming exercise in A number of donors have shown interest in participating.
While this is commendable, it is also essential to ensure the highest level of accountability in the management of this EU public money. The Commission is therefore asked to clarify the following points:. What, if any, performance indicators are used to evaluate the effectiveness of EU aid? What practical steps are planned with a view to making EU aid more effective in the future?
This is also a measure of conditionality. Separate contracts exist for audit and control. Gli Emirati arabi uniti hanno recentemente annunciato di voler introdurre il servizio militare obbligatorio. Il primo ministro degli Emirati arabi uniti, lo sceicco Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, ha annunciato che gli uomini che hanno conseguito un diploma di scuola superiore dovranno prestare servizio per nove mesi, mentre coloro che non sono in possesso di tale diploma dovranno prestare servizio per due anni.
Nel corso degli anni, gli Emirati arabi uniti si sono avvalsi di un numero considerevole di sistemi militari. Anche se gli Emirati arabi uniti non devono far fronte a pericoli immediati per la sicurezza, vi sono tensioni con l'Iran a causa di tre isole contese nello stretto di Hormuz. Intende l'UE sostenere l'addestramento della nuova forza di coscrizione degli Emirati arabi uniti?
In altre parole, intende inviare addestratori e consulenti militari? A law was endorsed by the government which will require men over the age of 18 or those who have finished high school and under the age of 30 to complete military training. Women may be allowed to join on a voluntary basis. According to a number of military observers in the region, the UAE has chosen to introduce conscription in order to maintain stability.
Over the years, the UAE has procured a considerable amount of military systems. While the UAE does not face any immediate security threats, it has experienced tension with Iran over three disputed islands in the Strait of Hormuz. What is more, in light of regional problems that have emerged since , it is likely that the UAE authorities thought it wise to implement a system of military conscription.
In other words, does it intend to send military trainers and advisers? No EU support in the form of training is currently considered for the United Arab Emirates' new conscription force. Una nuova strage in Iraq ha provocato la morte di 24 persone e il ferimento di altre 58 in seguito all'esplosione di sei diverse autobombe. Tra le vittime un giornalista al servizio di una rete televisiva di Falluja. L'accordo di partenariato e cooperazione costituisce inoltre un valido quadro per intensificare la nostra cooperazione in questo ambito. A further atrocity in Iraq has resulted in the death of 24 people, with another 58 suffering injuries following the detonation of six separate car bombs.
Among the victims was a journalist working for a television network in Fallujah. In the medium term, the promotion of the Rule of Law and the respect for Human Rights is considered as one of the intervention areas of EU assistance in the period The Partnership and Cooperation Agreement provides also a valuable framework for enhancing our cooperation in this area. Uno scandalo in Germania ha investito un'importante istituzione del settore automobilistico che conta quasi 20 milioni di iscritti, circa un quarto della popolazione tedesca totale. Il club ha dapprima smentito l'intera vicenda, salvo poi confermare che i dati sono stati manipolati.
Neanche in occasione di concorsi del passato sono stati notificati alla Commissione casi analoghi. The club initially denied the entire affair, but then went on to confirm that the data had been doctored. This matter is extremely serious when one considers that the club in question also conducts business with rental companies, insurance companies and travel agencies. Based on the information provided, the Commission is not in a position to evaluate to what extent the results manipulation in this competition would distort the competition in the European automotive markets or in associated markets, such as the car rental and insurance markets.
Morever, since the facts take place in Germany, the German authorities would appear well placed to deal with any possible issues, including those that may involve fraud or the application of competition rules. Nel , attraverso il quadro dell'Unione europea per le strategie nazionali di integrazione dei rom fino al , la Commissione ha invitato gli Stati membri a intraprendere una serie di iniziative volte a ottenere una maggiore inclusione sociale delle popolazioni di etnia rom stanziate sul territorio dell'Unione europea.
Alcune di queste iniziative andranno a pesare unicamente sul bilancio dei singoli paesi, mentre altre, come il programma ROMACT attualmente attivo in Italia, Romania, Bulgaria, Ungheria e Slovenia , prevedono un cofinanziamento europeo. Alla luce della valutazione della prima fase di attuazione del programma ROMACT la Commissione intende estendere il programma ad altri paesi e comuni.
A partire da oggi tuttavia i finanziamenti che verranno stanziati per il programma ROMACT e per le altre iniziative indirizzate all'integrazione dei rom da adesso fino al saranno decisi nel corso delle successive procedure di bilancio annuali.
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Some of these initiatives will be funded solely out of the budget of the individual countries, while others, such as the ROMACT programme which is currently being implemented in Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Slovenia , qualify for part-financing from Europe. Detailed figures in terms of financial allocations per country and municipality will be available only at the time of the midterm evaluation of the programme, as the amount which the Commission allocated to the programme is not pre-distributed per country.
Taking into account the evaluation of the first phase of implementation of the ROMACT programme the Commission aims at extending the programme in other countries and municipalities. As of today however funding which will be allocated to the ROMACT programme and other initiatives aimed at Roma integration from now until will be decided in the course of the successive annual budget procedures. The Commission expects that through addressing some of the obstacles to successful Roma integration at the local level the ROMACT programme will enable municipalities to take effective measures for Roma inclusion.
Local authorities in Poland recently adopted their budgets for Does the Commission have any information on the failure by some Polish local authorities to take road investment decisions despite the disastrous condition of some roads? The Commission does not have information on, nor does it have the competence to intervene in, the investment decisions of Polish regions as described by the Honourable Member.
Investment in road infrastructure is one of the priorities of EU co-financing through cohesion policy.
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The European Regional Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund have invested significant amounts in the modernisation, reconstruction and construction of roads in Poland in the period. These investments have included local roads. In order to assure adequacy and financial sustainability of EU co-financed infrastructure investments, road repairs fall exclusively under the responsibility and budget of national or regional authorities.
The Polish authorities should commit to appropriate budget allocations and an appropriate strategy for maintaining EU co-financed road infrastructure. That question referred to a report produced by the Panoptykon Foundation, an NGO looking into the issue of state surveillance. Does the Commission have statistics showing the number of instances of snooping by government agencies in Poland as against the numbers for other countries, in particular for the years , and ?
That data may be accessed for legitimate reasons by competent authorities, on conditions and in compliance with legal procedures set out in national law, in compliance with the Charter of Fundamental Rights.
The Commission would like to note however that the statistics provided by Member States differ in scope and detail. In a number of Member States, including Poland, competent authorities usually submit the same request for mobile telephony data to multiple service providers, which might distort the statistics. In light of this, what guidance, if any, has the Commission given to encourage Member States to allow their citizens to use a non-gender specific identifier on passports?
National law applies to the issuing procedures for passports as well as to which entry to use to determine the sex of the document holder. However, the ICAO specifications leave to individual countries the choice among the three possibilities mentioned by the Honourable Member for the indication of the gender. The Commission will, in the appropriate fora, encourage Member States to consider doing so.
One of my constituents has recently contacted me concerning whaling. The Japanese are taking advantage of a loophole in the law that permits the killing of whales for scientific research. Australian anti-whaling activists say that the whales were killed within an internationally recognised whale sanctuary but the Japanese argue that it is for scientific research. The moratorium on commercial whaling was put in place to allow whale stocks to recover.
It is vital that the moratorium is respected to protect whales and to ensure that past mistakes are not repeated. Does the Commission agree that the moratorium on commercial whaling is necessary in order to protect whale stocks? Does the Commission condemn the whaling that is being carried out by the Japanese? Does the Commission intend to publicly comment on the fact that Japanese fleets are whaling in an internationally recognised whale sanctuary?
What steps will the Commission take in order to protect healthy whale stocks and to prevent countries from whaling? The Commission supports the moratorium on commercial whaling as a necessary means to protect whale stocks. Japan conducts scientific whaling under special permits. While the IWC does not ban this activity, the European Union has expressed strong reservations on such scientific whaling and will continue to do so.
At this stage, the Commission does not intend to make a public statement on Japan's whaling activities in the Southern Ocean Sanctuary, since this issue is currently being examined by the International Court of Justice following a complaint by Australia. The Commission monitors this court case very closely and looks forward to seeing the findings of the Court that are expected to be published in a few months.
EU policy and legislation provides strict protection of all cetaceans whales, dolphins and porpoise and bans the trade in whale products. The EU will continue to press for decisions on whaling within the IWC that lead to better conservation of whales worldwide. In addition, the European Union has a regular dialogue with Japan covering environment-related issues, including whaling.
La Commission est consciente que le gaz naturel extrait de formations schisteuses est un combustible fossile. While this document takes into account the environmental and health hazards, it also prepares the ground for a regulation, which is tantamount to accepting that some states should use this energy source. We also learn that shale gas is a possible substitute for fossil fuels with a view to energy diversification.
Is the Commission aware that shale gas is also a fossil fuel? How does the Commission intend to ensure the energy transition and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions while at the same time paving the way for the production of shale gas? In the negotiations on the Transatlantic Free Trade Area, the Commission had asserted that it would respect the decision of those Member States that had refused to produce shale gas. Can confirm that the recommendation in question will not make it go back on the position it held last November before the European Parliament?
The Commission is aware that natural gas from shale formations is a fossil fuel. At the same time, it is of the opinion that it could contribute to the EU's security of supply and competitiveness. It could also offer climate benefits provided it replaces more carbon-intensive fossil fuels like coal without displacing renewable energy sources and provided greenhouse gas emissions are properly mitigated during the extraction process.
In this sense, the exploration of shale gas does not undermine the Commission's commitments towards decarbonisation, renewable energies and energy efficiency. The Commission also fully acknowledges the fundamental role of energy efficiency in the Framework and will further determine its role in the context of the review of the Energy Efficiency Directive planned for mid Problem cementne industrije u Republici Hrvatskoj.
Posljedice promjene za hrvatsku industriju cementa bile bi katastrofalne: Hrvatska industrija cementa nije imala financijsku korist od tzv. U Komunikaciji Komisije o okviru za klimatsku i energetsku politiku u razdoblju do Tako bi se osigurao kontinuitet u sastavljanju popisa. Any change would lead to disastrous consequences for the Croatian cement industry: The reasons are as follows: Without a free allowance, production in Croatia cannot be maintained on a long-term sustainable basis.
Because of the difficult situation resulting from the fall in production since the onset of the global crisis and the decline in investment on the global market, the cement industry no longer matches the scale required for inclusion on the list of sectors exposed to a significant risk of carbon leakage. Will the Commission take any steps to ensure that the cement industry will remain on the list of sectors exposed to the risk of carbon leakage when greenhouse gas emissions trading is implemented in accordance with the rules of the ETS Directive, applying exactly the same criteria as those applied in ?
The European Commission has a legal obligation to determine a new carbon leakage list to be valid from to This would guarantee continuity in the composition of the list. Publicatie uitkomsten questionnaire over financiering haveninfrastructuur en vennootschapsbelasting Europese zeehavens.
De Europese Commissie wil de generieke vrijstelling van vennootschapsbelasting voor Nederlandse overheidsbedrijven, waaronder de havenbedrijven, afschaffen. Tot nu toe zijn de antwoorden op de questionnaire en de conclusies die de Europese Commissie hieraan verbindt nog niet naar buiten gebracht. Als er niet snel meer duidelijkheid komt over de verschillen tussen de Europese zeehavens bestaat de kans dat de Nederlandse zeehavens onnodig worden benadeeld.
Zijn de uitkomsten en bevindingen van de questionnaire aan de lidstaten inmiddels bekend? Wanneer is de Commissie van plan om over de uitkomsten van de questionnaire te rapporteren? De Commissie heeft van alle lidstaten antwoorden ontvangen op de vragenlijst. Twee lidstaten hebben echter niet geantwoord op het gedeelte over het functioneren van havens. De vragenlijst kwam er op eigen initiatief van de Commissie en was bedoeld om informatie te verzamelen over de ontwikkeling en handhaving van staatssteunregels in de havensector. De uitkomsten van de vragenlijst geven aanzienlijke verschillen tussen lidstaten te zien wat betreft eigendom van havens, organisatiestructuur, maar ook wat betreft financiering.
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Aangezien deze exercitie geen publieke consultatie was, is de Commissie niet voornemens om de uitkomsten te publiceren. Uit de antwoorden op de vragenlijst is voorts gebleken dat EU-havens over een uiteenlopende reeks inkomstenbronnen beschikken, die fiscaal verschillend worden behandeld, naargelang de lidstaat. Deze antwoorden leverden een aantal mogelijke probleempunten op, die nader moeten worden onderzocht om te bepalen of daarmee staatssteun gemoeid is. Aan de betrokken lidstaten zijn vervolgverzoeken om informatie gezonden, om een en ander verder op te helderen.
The European Commission wishes to abolish the general exemption from corporation tax for Dutch public sector companies, including the port authorities. So far, the answers to the questionnaire and the conclusions that the European Commission has drawn from these answers have not yet been published. The European Commission announced that it will not issue criteria for ports and airports to receive state support until , while the plans for abolishing the general exemption for Dutch port authorities are simply going ahead.
If there is not more clarity soon about the differences between the European seaports, there is a risk that the Dutch seaports will be placed at an unnecessary disadvantage. Are the results and findings of the questionnaire sent to the Member States now known? If so, can these results be published?
When does the Commission plan to issue a report on the results of the questionnaire? The Commission has received replies to the questionnaire from all Member States; however, two Member States have not replied to the part on the functioning of ports. The questionnaire was prepared at the Commission's own initiative and was intended to be a fact-finding exercise to seek information for the development and enforcement of state aid rules to the ports sector.
The results of the questionnaire show that there are substantial differences among EU countries in relation to ownership of ports, organisational structures and also in terms of financing. Since the exercise did not take the form of a public consultation, the Commission does not intend to publish the results.
The replies to the questionnaire also show that EU ports have a variety of revenue sources, which are subject to diverse tax treatments depending on the Member State. Certain possible issues have been identified that require further examination in order to find out whether state aid is involved or not.
Follow-up requests for information have been sent to the Member States concerned in order to seek further clarification. Last June, with the aim of reducing the dramatic youth unemployment figures, the European Council approved a global plan for combating youth unemployment, which is intended to speed up the application of the Youth Employment Initiative and the Youth Guarantee and to increase the mobility of young people and the involvement of social partners.
However, virtually all of this money has to be paid in advance by Member States, which means that the States which have been hardest hit by the economic crisis, such as Spain, have to find a solution to prevent the money that is paid in advance to fund the plan from being recorded as a deficit. Otherwise, in the worst case scenario, this could lead to an imbalance that could cause the suspension of regional funds in compliance with the new macroeconomic conditionality provisions.
When will the Commission give the final approval to the Spanish plan that was submitted in December? What kind of aid is the Commission providing for those young people aged between 25 and 30 who cannot benefit from the Youth Guarantee? Final assessment of all the YGIP received will be presented together with the country-specific recommendations. Member States are free to use resources allocated to them from the ESF and YEI also to support employment of people aged between 25 and 29, and in the case of the ESF of any other age group as well.
This amounts to approximately one third of traditional Tamil land. Are there any plans at international level to give the land in question back to its lawful owners? The EU considers that international cooperation and dialogue provide, at this stage, a more effective leverage than trade-related actions. There are however many claims and cases filed in courts that indicate that these are private lands and that the benefit to the public and development objectives are not clear.
Wenn ja, was hat sie bisher unternommen, um dieses Problem anzugehen? It is obvious that the Tamil population is being controlled by structural genocide, not only by means of rape and sexual abuse but also, for example, through the forced use of birth control progestogen-only subdermal implants as a form of coercive population control. Some of what has been reported, such as the forced use of birth control in the North, is indeed very worrying.
EU's approach has been consistent throughout by using multitude of methods both to uplift women's rights and in particular to combat discrimination, including gender-based violence. Besides using the political means at our disposal, we also ensure that all our programmes further the realisation of the right of individuals as laid down in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
We also work towards attaining a greater degree of complementarity with EU Member States and other international donors. Currently, a vast majority of EU development activities are implemented predominantly in the conflict affected areas of the North and East including the bordering districts. In the context of women empowerment, participation in public and private life, and elimination of violence, numerous activities are undertaken in collaboration with the UN and other key stakeholders such as capacity building particularly aimed at the law enforcement agencies and civil society.
Could the Commission inform me when it expects its proposals to come into force, and whether it will monitor their implementation to ensure that an effective and accurate equine database is established in each Member State? An operational central database for domestic equidae would assist competent authorities in Member States to enforce the animal health and welfare and the public health conditions pertaining to the keeping and movement of equidae in the Union more effectively.
The Commission is therefore finalising an appropriate legal text in view of its possible presentation to Member States in the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health. Is de Commissie het ermee eens dat door dergelijke technieken alle metagegevens inzake telecommunicatie onbetrouwbaar worden voor politieonderzoek en als bewijs in rechtszaken? Is de Commissie het ermee eens dat het nut van gegevensbewaring hierdoor nog verder afneemt? Is de Commissie het ermee eens dat, wanneer metagegevens niet betrouwbaar zijn, alle programma's die zijn ontworpen voor het op grote schaal verzamelen en bewaren van metagegevens per definitie niet noodzakelijk en evenredig zijn, zoals vereist krachtens de wet?
Is de Commissie het ermee eens dat dit betekent dat dergelijke programma's niet in overeenstemming met de wet zijn? De Commissie zal deze kwestie op EU-niveau blijven volgen. Does the Commission agree that such techniques render all telecom metadata unreliable, both for police investigations and as evidence in court? Would the Commission agree that this reduces even further the usefulness of data retention? Would the Commission agree that if metadata are not reliable, all programmes designed for the bulk collection and storage of metadata are by definition not necessary and proportionate, as required by law?
Would the Commission agree that this means such programmes are not in conformity with the law? If not, can the Commission explain how the mass processing of unreliable data contributes to our security? Spoofing is a technique known to law enforcement authorities, which have various means to verify whether spoofing has been used.
In response to questions by several Dutch Members of Parliament, the Minister stated that verification of telephone numbers forms an important part of criminal investigations, including whether spoofing took place. The Commission will keep monitoring this issue, at EU-wide level. De ECB voert momenteel een uitgebreide beoordeling van de banksystemen uit voornamelijk bestaande uit een activakwaliteitstoets en een stresstest in samenwerking met de EBA , voorafgaande aan de start van haar taak als toezichthouder in november Het gebruik van geharmoniseerde definities bijvoorbeeld gebaseerd op de definities van niet-renderende blootstellingen die zijn ontwikkeld door de EBA zal een consistente aanpak verzekeren.
De activakwaliteitstoets is goed op schema en de Commissie is ervan overtuigd dat de uitgebreide beoordeling op tijd zal worden voltooid. The use of harmonised definitions e. The asset quality review is well on track and the Commission is confident that the comprehensive assessment will be completed on time. The financial crisis revealed diverging national interpretations of the regulatory framework as well as different national supervisory practices, including on the accounting treatment of non-performing exposures.
The regulation serves to remove some sources of national divergences and thus contribute to a more effective functioning of the internal market. The establishment of the European Banking Authority EBA and of a single supervisor further contribute to develop the single rule book and to ensure supervisory consistency as well as appropriate cooperation among competent authorities. In your speech to Parliament last week, you stressed the importance of the agreement on the normalisation of relations between Serbia and Kosovo and of its continued application.
In this context, it is important that other agreements encouraging good neighbourly cooperation are also respected. Good neighbourly relations are an important element of the conditions of the Stabilisation and Association Process SAP and the Commission closely monitors progress in this field. In the spirit of good neighbourly relations, open bilateral issues need to be addressed by the parties concerned as early as possible and should not hold up the accession process.
The Commission also emphasised that issues related to past conflicts, including war crimes and refugee return, as well as the treatment of minorities and ensuring equal rights for all citizens remain key challenges to stability in the western Balkans and need to be fully addressed. It took good note of the renewed mutual desire of Serbia and Croatia to work together to address such issues and is hopeful that the bilateral working groups set up in will bring about progress in the near future.
It is well known that the most vulnerable groups as far as employment is concerned are women and young people. Since women claim that their work should be valued equally, unequal pay for men for the same work constitutes a violation of human rights, and such discrimination is placing a burden on the European economy.
Can the Commission explain how these two programmes are specifically helping to resolve the issue of women's inferior position where pay and employment are concerned? Analytical activities, such as the collection of disaggregated employment data and statistics and female employment related studies and analyses;. Training activities, such as workshops and seminars directly focusing on employment and equal pay issues;. Mutual learning, cooperation and awareness-raising activities, such as exchanges on good practices on a vast array of gender equality issues.
Activities related to the organisation of National and European Equal Pay Days will be pursued during the coming years;. Different calls for proposals will be launched. The EU programme for Employment and Social Innovation will support when relevant the mainstreaming of equality between women and men in the activities launched in the fields of employment, social protection, social exclusion, poverty and working conditions. Equal economic independence and equal pay for equal work are the first two priority areas of the strategy. I moti di piazza in Ucraina, scatenati dalla decisione del governo di abbandonare la prospettiva dell'associazione con l'UE in favore dell'unione doganale con la Federazione Russa, continuano a inasprirsi.
Some people have so far been injured in the clashes, with over half being hospitalised. The EU has been actively engaged in facilitating a peaceful and sustainable solution to the political crisis in Ukraine, including in deescalating violence. They issued several statements in reaction to events and following their meetings in Kyiv.
These regrettable developments came at a time of political crisis and did not contribute to building confidence and finding a political solution which can only happen through an inclusive dialogue with all stakeholders. High Representative called on the President of Ukraine to ensure that these decisions are revised and brought in line with Ukraine's international commitments.
This, in turn, could result in some businesses closing down. Warmia i Mazury, Podlasie and Pomorze are areas of Poland which for centuries have produced healthy food using traditional methods. It is these areas that attract tourists with their culture and tradition, of which food products, such as smoked meat and fish, are undoubtedly a part. Furthermore, the regions of northern Poland make use of EU funds to promote this heritage. How does the Commission intend to solve the problem of producers of certified smoked meats made according to old recipes who cannot change the production technology because this is the basis on which the product has been classed as a traditional product?
Would it be possible to leave in place, or apply a smaller reduction in, the maximum permitted levels of tarry substances in products which are smoked using traditional methods and sold on the local market? Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PAHs are genotoxic carcinogens and their presence in food is of health concern.
Maximum levels have therefore to be established at a level as low as reasonably achievable. The draft Regulation received a favourable opinion from the Committee, all Member States, including Poland, voting in favour, with only Latvia and Estonia abstaining. No concerns as regards the smoking of meat and meat products were raised. By applying good smoking practices, also with traditional wood-smoking, the lower maximum levels for PAH in smoked meat and smoked meat products are achievable.
The Commission is considering providing assistance, if requested by the competent authority, for the application of the good smoking practices. The Polish authorities have undertaken a large survey of traditionally smoked meat and meat products whereby for each sample a tracing to the smoking method will be carried out. Also other Member States have committed to perform analysis and to provide data to the Commission. Agora, corre o risco de se afastar mais ainda dessas metas. There is today, in Portugal, a national rallying of members of the scientific community protesting against the recent cuts in research funding and, in general, in the budget for science and research.
The lives of thousands of candidates and the development and continuation of thousands of research projects are thus now seriously compromised. Many research centres will be stripped of the enormous critical mass and workforce potential which, in many cases, guarantee the functioning of these centres, constituting essential elements in the national scientific system. For many of these research workers, emigration will be the only option.
Others will move to a different area. In either of these events we would be wasting all the investment which the country made in training them. It is very probable that the country will end up losing a large percentage of the research workers which it trained and funded over several years.
Sheldon Cooper
This situation would be in direct conflict with all the talk of a supposed backing of science and innovation in the period As we are already aware, Portugal has not yet reached the targets established long ago in respect of the level of investment in science and in those who work in the scientific field. It now runs the risk of being even further away from achieving these targets. What information does the Commission have on this negative development in respect of the awarding of research funding? Is the Commission aware of other countries in which the progress in awarding funding has followed a path similar to that in Portugal?
In relation to the previous Multiannual Financial Framework, what has been the evolution of the allowances designated for the higher level training of human resources in the current MFF ? In its Annual Growth Survey , the Commission stresses that the fiscal and financial situation enables Member States to better design fiscal consolidation programmes, focusing on growth.
Furthermore, the Survey calls on Member States to accelerate the modernisation of national research systems in line with the objectives of the European Research Area. However, all decisions regarding fiscal consolidation and achieving the Europe targets are the responsibility of the Portuguese Government.
In the context of the European Semester, the Commission will continue to monitor the efforts of Member States as regards research and innovation investments and reforms. However, the Commission considers that the MSCA will remain a highly attractive funding scheme, as the Marie Curie Actions have been confronted with continuously increasing interest despite the living allowance rates remaining unchanged since Que programas e medidas poderiam apoiar o projeto?
SINAGA — an iconic Azores company which has been producing sugar for more than a hundred years, employs more than a hundred people and on which some beet producers depend — finds itself in a grave economic and financial position. The lack of investment, over a number of years — in equipment, infrastructure, machinery and professional training — has led to the decline of a company which had the potential to become an important centre of production, a company invigorating the regional economy. It must be borne in mind that this is the only non-dairy agricultural industry in the Region.
Despite the planning of the construction of a new plant, financed by POSEI in , the project never progressed. Is the Commission aware of the reasons why this project did not go ahead? Does the Commission think it is possible to include this project within the Multiannual Financial Framework ? Which programmes and measures could support the project?
What are the conditions for co-financing? This regulation foresees EU support for investment in processing and marketing as well as for training. For the implementation of this regulation, Member States are preparing the Rural Development Programmes for which should be submitted to the Commission for approval in the following months. The management, including the selection, contracting and payment of projects, is a competence of the Programme Managing Authority.
Pedro da Cova and concerning the rehabilitation of the environmental liabilities of S. Initiation of the implementation of the programme was, however, suspended due to legal proceedings relating to appeals and counter-appeals concerning the result of the public call for tenders and the filing of a provisional injunction by one of the tenderers.
Has it been informed by the Portuguese Government of the current position of this action? What measures has the Commission taken or will it take? Within what period can the allocation in question be implemented? Pedro da Cova has been challenged. A Portuguese Court has accepted the interim measures requested by one of the competitors. Consequently, the public tender has been suspended until a final decision by the Court. The managing authority of the programme recently informed the Commission that in legal terms there would be no further obstacles, currently, preventing the start of works.
At the beginning of January, a tornado that passed through the town of Paredes, in northern Portugal, left a trail of destruction and dozens of people homeless, many of them families who were already in financial difficulty. The tornado damaged about a hundred and fifty buildings and dozens of vehicles, with the local civil defence services estimating total damage in excess of 5.
The event has already led the local authorities in Paredes to ask the Portuguese Government to declare a state of emergency in the area, given the extent of the damage. For a smaller disaster, the Fund could only be mobilised very exceptionally if the majority of the population in the region is affected and if there are serious and lasting repercussions on living conditions and the economic stability of the region. The proposal amending the Solidarity Fund Regulation is currently in the negotiation phase with Parliament and the Council. Key elements are the introduction of the possibility to make rapid advance payments and to replace the current criteria for regional disaster with a single, simple and objective condition, i.
What has been the content of the reports submitted by the Portuguese authorities from then to now? Does the Commission consider that greater profitability has led to higher risks? Does the Commission consider it appropriate to maintain this state aid? And if so, for how long? Why did the Commission not pursue the complaint made by Portuguese citizens about the illegitimacy and even illegality of the CMEC system? The Commission has not found any indication of misuse of aid, and no indication of excessive profits being generated as a result of implementation of the approved measure.
The periodical adjustment in compensation requested in the decision takes account of the difference between the estimated electricity price used for the purpose of computing the maximum amount of compensation and the actual electricity price. The Commission approved the aid measure until , when the longest Power Purchase Agreement will end. Furthermore, Portugal is obliged to implement the measure in line with the authorisation by the Commission, including by adapting the amount of compensation in line with electricity price evolutions, so as to avoid any overcompensation. Therefore, the Commission does not see any reason to deviate from its previous assessment.
The complaint received by the Commission in , registered under case SA. The Commission has looked carefully at the information provided both by the complainants and by Portugal, in particular in the annual reports. Have there, to date, been any discussions with the Swiss government? The authors come from a large geographic unfold together with the united kingdom, mainland Europe and North the US to make sure a world relevance. This e-book was once written as a brief tale a couple of grandparent that isn't in a position to have in mind anymore.
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