Smithsonian Ocean

And climate change is making the ocean hotter and more acidic, which could spell disaster for coral reefs, polar regions and the rich variety of life they support. And they could play an even bigger role in supporting people in developing countries — but only if we use them sustainably. Protecting the oceans pays huge dividends — and we know they can often bounce back.

Ocean Biomes

Another top priority is making fisheries sustainable — keeping enough fish in the sea, and minimizing impacts on habitats and other species. Posted on 11 December Posted on 20 November The final agreement includes flexibility without strengthening control, failing to deliver more Loggerheads are named for their bulky heads that support their powerful jaws, which can crush clams and sea urchins. Loggerheads are popular in the Mediterranean regions and are endangered due to tourism development overtaking their nesting spaces.

Threats to oceans and coasts | WWF

Also, fishing nets and lines catch and tangle the hapless turtles. Due to human pollution, lose of nesting sites, lack of food and oil spill pollution, these birds are now endangered. Coral is endangered due to ocean acidification and commercial fishing.

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  • Major threats to the world's oceans include:;

Also, humans touching or standing on the reefs while snorkeling or diving damages them further. Gray whales are found throughout the Pacific and North Atlantic waters, but the northwestern Pacific population is critically endangered.

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Human rights and environmental concerns are inextricably linked. When companies deny fishermen a living wage, they can afford to keep more boats on the water. This further drives overfishing, creating a spiral that threatens our oceans and fishermen alike. The practice was rampant for so long that many whale species were driven to the brink of extinction. In the US, the North Atlantic right whale is down to about remaining individuals.

The blue whales of the Antarctic are at less than one percent of their original population. Visit Greenpeace Fund , a nonprofit, c 3 charitable entity created to increase public awareness and understanding of environmental issues through research, the media and educational programs.


The global industry is overrun with human rights violations — from human trafficking and forced labor to debt bondage and inhumane working conditions Currently, there is very little protection for our threatened marine life and dwindling fish stocks — with less than two percent of our oceans set aside as marine reserves, it has become all too easy for our natural resources to be exploited from lack of protection. Plastic Pollution Single-use plastic is everywhere: Human Rights on Land and at Sea. Demand big corporations do their part to end plastic pollution!