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Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping. Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. Buy the eBook Price: Available in Russia Shop from Russia to buy this item. Or, get it for Kobo Super Points! In this series View all Book 2. Ratings and Reviews 2 41 star ratings 2 reviews. Yes No Thanks for your feedback! I was a given a copy of this book in exchange for a review. This is Ryan and Shawna's story. When I first started to read the book, I was like, oh no, young people and their woes. I paused there for a moment, then thought, let me keep going to see where this is leading.

The book actually flips back and forth between present day and the past. Ryan and Shawna are older and wiser than their first meeting 6 years ago. Ryan was not decisive or self assured when he met Shawna the first time. He was st I was a given a copy of this book in exchange for a review.

He was still coming into his own. He saw Shawna in the store and decided he had to make his move because it was a now or never moment. Ryan convinced Shawna to go out with him and they ended up spending a glorious weekend together until she found out that Ryan had a girlfriend. I thought it was going to be a wife the way Shawna reacted. I was actually a little relieved because a wife would have been a point of no redemption in my eyes.

Anyway, Shawna disappeared from Ryan's life. Six years later, he's talking to a friend of his and finds out that his sister in law and Shawna is one in the same woman! He begs his friend to set up a date, but he never divulged their history. Shawna agrees to a blind date because her sister won't leave her alone otherwise. She sees Ryan and wants to tuck her tail and run. Ryan convinces her to stay and they discussed what happened all those years ago and try to recreate those same feelings in present time.

I liked how Ms. Delaney wove the past with the present without confusion. That's not an easy task. I liked how she told us of their relationship in how they got started while not neglecting the the present. The only thing I didn't like is that I didn't feel there was enough interaction outside of sex that helps me remember why these two are so good for one another now. What are their commonalities? They had a good start on their first weekend together, but their present was filled with a lot of mistrust and talking about getting back on track to recapture the magic.

Shawna was angry which she had every right to be and a typical fickle woman, who said one thing but meant another.

The Blind Date

It could have been great had it been more of the getting to know you aspect in their present relationship. I still enjoyed the story and read it in one sitting, so it's a solid 3. Oct 06, Nia Forrester rated it it was amazing Shelves: I love Delaney Diamond. Have I said this before? Certain writers have a way of expressing themselves that just speaks to something in you that you can't identify, and for me, she is one of them. Her stories always have just that perfect balance of sweet and sour -- love and loss, pain and euphoria, that I love in romance.

Not cloyingly sweet or overly sentimental, but also not in-your-face gritty realism either. In The Blind Date , she gives us characters that are somewhat unlike her usual fare. They are younger than her usual H and h, and are building something rather than at the pinnacle of a hard-fought career or the beneficiaries of family wealth, and when we first meet them Ryan and Shawna are meeting again after a six-year separation. To help us understand Shawna's rather explosive reaction when Shawna and Ryan meet on a blind date, the writer goes back in time so we can get the history.

The old flashback routine can be tedious sometimes, but not here. In fact, the love story of their past is as engaging as the one in the present, which might explain why you feel like you get twice as much story in one fairly short read. Ryan is a bad-ass who wants to claim his woman right away, and Shawna is the perfect reticent heroine who wants to keep her head about her while her heart has other ideas. The conflicts--Ryan's past deception and Shawna's current would-be suitor--are just enough to keep you turning the page. Well, that and the super-sexy love scenes, of course.

I've read some reviews where readers wish there was more of this, that or the other, but y'know, I didn't experience that and never do with this writer. Her work is like a perfect amuse-bouche. Just enough to make you want more, never so much that you wish you hadn't eaten the meal. This book left me entirely satisfied.

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Oct 07, Ginny Rose rated it really liked it Shelves: This story is about Ryan and Shawna, two people who cross paths after six years. Just like someone else reviewed, I was afraid of reading a book in which went back and forth between the past and the present. I don't mind those stories, but I'm afraid that once the past is explained the present becomes rushed to end and you don't see why they are at the point in which the story originated. Thank goodness, this story was not that case. Ryan and Shawna meet and there is instant chemistry.

They're f This story is about Ryan and Shawna, two people who cross paths after six years. They're funny, they're sexy, and you can't help but relate to them immediately.

The Blind Date by Delaney Diamond on Apple Books

Ryan is a an everyday man, hard worker,portrayed as an alpha male, in which I love. Shawna is no push over and I appreciate stories in which women are independent, successful and are not afraid to speak their minds. The story itself is about second chances. Can you trust someone who broke your heart?

Will you find someone who will make you feel what you felt for that person? Their story has a bit of everything: This is a definite must read. Jun 03, Paulette L. Expect the unexpected and don't fight it.

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Oct 03, C rated it really liked it. Blind date was a cute love story between shawna and Ryan who had a fling six years ago but things didn't go as plan. Six years later they reunited in a blind date set up by shawna brother in law and sister because Ryan wants to rekindle that spark from six years ago. They chemistry was strong it didn't seem like they have spent six years apart. The story was short but sweet. Nov 07, Kiru Taye rated it it was amazing Shelves: This is one of my favourite books from this author.

I love that her characters are sophisticated, their chemistry sizzles and the love scenes are sensual. A classy contemporary romance. Jun 05, Shelly rated it really liked it Shelves: Six years ago, while in town for her last internship with one of the top companies, Shawna meets a persistent yet charming Ryan Stewart. After seeing Shawna across the room kind of thing, Ryan pursues her for about half a block before snagging a date.

A date turns into sex and a night turns into the weekend. After their blissful time, Shawna is surprised when she finds out Ryan lied - he's not the single man he said he was. Through some shenanigans, Ryan sets up a blind date to get to see Shawna again. He's missed her and the happiness he felt when he was with her. Their first date after the 6 year separation is actually one of my favorite scenes because Shawna is understandably surprised to see him and she lets him know. No punches pun intended held.

The dinner was uncomfortable for both and I actually appreciated that. What I got was some quick sex after dinner and a romance that moved quickly with as few words as possible. Pretty good it got to the point. Narrator was really good put a lot of emotion in the story! I thoroughly, enjoyed the story. I had a fight for the under dog, though he started off as a dog vibe.

The only thing holding me back was the narrator. His voice was a pain and did not jive well with the characters and they projected certain emotions. I'm new to reviews. Not my thing, but I promised to give an honest review. I love Diamond Delaney as an author and will continue to support her work and will get the next audiobook in this series because I will be on the road the next couple of weeks. Desperate for the next story.

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I will suffer through his voice one last time. Everything about it was awesome! The story was great but the narrator, Michael Pauley made it even better!!

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Awesome job goes to the author and the storyteller! Would not read again. I really liked this book and would recommend this book. It had a great storyline and sexual storylines. I wish this book was a movie or TV show. I didn't like that Jerome didn't get into trouble after what he did.

I would like to hear more about their happy ending. Hopefully another one of your books about their friends will give a hint about their lives. I like the story of lost and then found again love. It was just a little short. The story spends time to introduce a character from another Love Unexpected book.