Definition of 'Zenith'

Supplementary Material Data Supplement: Click here to view. Intention tremor, parkinsonism, and generalized brain atrophy in male carriers of fragile X. Lessons from fragile X regarding neurobiology, autism, and neurodegeneration. J Dev Behav Pediatr ; The mGluR theory of fragile X mental retardation. Trends Neurosci ; Early acceleration of head circumference in children with fragile x syndrome and autism.

The Zenith Syndrome by Robert Menzies (2013, Paperback, Large Type)

PLoS Biol ; 5: Peripheral biomarkers in autism: Int J Clin Exp Med ; 1: Mullan M, Crawford F. Genetic and molecular advances in Alzheimer's disease. Regulation of amyloid precursor protein secretion by glutamate receptors in human Ntera 2 neurons. J Biol Chem ; Secreted forms of beta-amyloid precursor protein modulate dendrite outgrowth and calcium responses to glutamate in cultured embryonic hippocampal neurons.

J Neurobiol ; Genetic programming by the proteolytic fragments of the amyloid precursor protein: Rev Neurosci ; Role of the APP non-amyloidogenic signaling pathway and targeting alpha-secretase as an alternative drug target for treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Curr Med Chem ; High levels of Alzheimer beta-amyloid precursor protein APP in children with severely autistic behavior and aggression. J Child Neurol ; The physical and behavioral phenotype. Diagnosis, Treatment, and Research , 3rd ed Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press; Seizures in Alzheimer disease: Arch Neurol ; Seizure susceptibility and mortality in mice that over-express amyloid precursor protein.


Int J Clin Exp Pathol ; 1: Belmonte MK, Bourgeron T. Fragile X syndrome and autism at the intersection of genetic and neural networks. Nat Neurosci ; 9: Pickett J, London E. The neuropathology of autism: J Neuropathol Exp Neurol ; Elevated cytokine levels in children with autism spectrum disorder.

J Neuroimmunol ; Elevation of tumor necrosis factor-alpha in cerebrospinal fluid of autistic children. Pediatr Neurol ; Annu Rev Med ; Macrocephaly and the control of brain growth in autistic disorders. Prog Neurobiol ; Neuroimaging in autistic spectrum disorder ASD. J Neuroimaging ; Neuroanatomic observations of the brain in autism: Int J Dev Neurosci ; Autism associated with conditions characterized by developmental errors in early embryogenesis: Autism genome-wide copy number variation reveals ubiquitin and neuronal genes.

Chen Y, Bodles AM. Amyloid precursor protein modulates beta-catenin degradation. J Neuroinflammation ; 4: The epidemiology of the dementias: Curr Opin Psychiatry ; She was treated with PLEX, steroids and cyclophosphamide, the latter for 32 months—a period greatly exceeding usual practice. She improved with treatment and no further relapses have occurred despite continued cigarette smoking. Standard therapy again improved the PH, but she was left dialysis-dependent. Like the case of Liu et al. Taken together, these two cases provide an important lesson that a monophasic illness is not inevitable in anti-GBM disease, and detection of anti-GBM antibodies can be quite variable depending on the assay used.

These observations extend the phenotype of antic-GBM disease. A common feature in these two cases is the continuing exposure to pulmonary irritants and prominent manifestations of PH with relapses. This might explain the repeated bouts of PH in the presence of a low and undetectable by conventional assays levels of possibly low-affinity anti-GBM antibodies. These antibodies might have been detected by WB or bio-sensor-based assays, which were not performed. The continued presence of linear deposits of IgG in the case of Gu et al.

WB or chemiluminescence assays are preferred when the ELISA assays are inextricably negative; however, these assays may be of limited availability.

Evaluation of a new disease-specific endovascular device for type B aortic dissection.

The observation of a response of PH to PLEX, cyclophosphamide and steroid therapy despite the absence of detectable anti-GBM antibodies implies that removal of some substance or replacement of a missing factor was involved. While this may have been low-affinity anti-GBM antibody, other factors might also be involved, such as complement components or cytokines.

But this is pure speculation. In any case, while many questions cannot be answered, these two exceptional cases re-emphasize the broad spectrum of anti-GBM disease and illustrate the limitations of presently available unstandardized assays for anti-GBM antibody. The option of bilateral nephrectomy has been largely abandoned as a maneuver to prevent recurrent anti-GBM disease in renal allografts [ 31 ], but anecdotes of improvement in the activity of native disease and refractory, persistently high anti-GBM antibody levels following bilateral nephrectomy have been reported [ 32 ].

The evidence that the diseased kidneys somehow are involved, in provoking continued autoantibody production resistant to immunosuppressive therapy perhaps by release of altered GBM antigens, is weak and unsubstantiated. Finally, every effort should be made to remove subjects from exposure to pulmonary irritants of any kind in patients with a diagnosis of anti-GBM disease, regardless of the presence or absence of detectable circulating anti-GBM antibodies.

All patients with anti-GBM disease also deserve regular and close follow-up, even for years after the initial episode, even though only a very few will pursue a course revealed by these two highly instructive cases. See related article by Liu et al. Multiple recurrences of anti-glomerular basement membrane disease with variable antibody detection: Clin Kidney J 9: Frequently relapsing anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody disease with changing clinical phenotype and antibody characteristics over time. National Center for Biotechnology Information , U.

Journal List Clin Kidney J v. Published online Jul Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer. Correspondence and offprint requests to: Received Jun 28; Accepted Jun For commercial re-use, please contact journals.

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See " Multiple recurrences of anti-glomerular basement membrane disease with variable antibody detection: This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Abstract Anti-glomerular basement membrane GBM disease usually pursues a self-limited course, at least from the immunological perspective.

Conflict of interest statement None declared. The role of anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody in the pathogenesis of human glomerulonephritis. Perturbations first began to be studied in order to. These radiant sources were formed approximately twelve billion years ago.

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The Heliopause is that part of the solar system which is exposed to particles and ions of deep space.

Heliopause is the boundary of the heliosphere which is the spherical region around the Sun. It is filled with solar magnetic fields and solar wind that consists.

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A Lagrangian point is a position or location in space where the combined gravitational forces of two large bodies is equal to the centrifugal force that is felt by a third body which is relatively smaller.

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The two large bodies here may be the Earth and Sun or the Earth and Moon. A lagrangian point is also known as a Lagrange point, Liberation point, or L-point. These points are loc. Choose your reason below and click on the Report button. This will alert our moderators to take action. Get instant notifications from Economic Times Allow Not now You can switch off notifications anytime using browser settings. National Entrepreneurship Awards Vodafone Business Services Digilogue - Your guide to digitally transforming your business.