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Wear the right shoes.

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Just like runners often have their gait diagnosed by specialty athletic shoe stores to determine what type of shoe is best for them, walkers can benefit from that same precision. Getting properly fitted for your footwear can help with ankle support and balance.

Walk Your Way to Better Health - Real Simple

Let your toes in on the fun. Walking utilizes the intrinsic muscles in your feet, and strengthening them can also improve balance and ankle support. Bring some weights along. But always balance the weight out on both sides, and beware of overdoing it.

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The initial effectiveness you experience from your daily workout diminishes over time, causing people to plateau in their fitness goals. Avoid too much repetition by varying either your speed or your distance every few weeks. A 10 percent increase in either should do the trick. Keeping your shoulders back and your head up helps stave off bad posture while walking, which can cause sciatic nerve pain.

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It also helps maintain a strong core. Try to find your sweet spot. Aqua walking is a great option for joint pain sufferers and the elderly, who can be less steady on their feet. Or, for optimal health benefits aim for 10, steps per day, which is the equivalent of about five miles. The right walking speed depends on your fitness level. Ideally you should walk at a brisk pace that has you breathing heavily, but you are still able to carry on a conversation.

Here are some tips to help you stay motivated:. Find some walking buddies: They can provide motivation and support along with companionship and security.

How to Lose Weight Running or Walking

Or, if you're a smartphone user, consider downloading a pedometer app like accupedo. Join a walking club: To find one in your community call your local medical center, mall, health clubs, YMCA, running shoe stores or Area Agency on Aging to see if they sponsor or know of any clubs or groups. Or try the American Volkssport Association and American Heart Association Walking Club , which let you search for non-competitive walking clubs in your area, or start one.

Use it to keep track of your walking minutes, steps, or mileage and total it up at the end of each week to see how you're progressing. Studies have shown that dog owners are much more likely to take regular walks than non-dog owners. An iPod or MP3 player can also make a nice walking companion.

Walk Your Way to Better Health

Have a backup plan: If bad weather, allergies or other factors limit your outdoor walking have a backup plan like walking at your local mall, buying a home treadmill or joining a health club. Send your senior questions to: Tap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you. Here are some tips to help you stay motivated: