Multiplanar reconstructions in coronal and parasagittal planes with different reconstruction increment and slice thickness were evaluated in terms of image noise, contour artifacts and visualisation of anatomical structures. The best image quality was obtained with a collimation of 4 x 1.
A reconstruction increment of 0. With these parameters the bone structures were depicted in an optimal way without artifacts. The tube current could be reduced to 50 mA without significant loss of image quality. Low-dose MSCT using thin collimation, low table speed and small reconstruction increments provides excellent data for both axial images and multiplanar reconstructions in patients with facial trauma. An additional examination in coronal orientation is therefore no longer necessary.
Ein anthropomorphes Schaedel-Phantom wurde in axialer Schichtfuehrung mit einem MSCT untersucht, wobei die Kollimation 1,25 - 2,5 mm , der Tischvorschubfaktor Pitch 3 - 6 und der Roehrenstrom 20 - mA systematisch variiert wurden. Aus den Volumendatensaetzen wurden jeweils koronare und parasagittale Sekundaerreformationen mit unterschiedlichen.
Der Fachbereich Fertigungstechnik der Zukunft. Im vorliegenden Papier wird ein internes Entwicklungsprojekt, genannt " Der Fachberich der Zukunft", beschrieben. Orthogonal design method was applied to analyze the effects of factors such as licorice concentration volume, soaking time and processing temperature on processing technology of Rhizoma Pinelliae Praeparatum; MTT assay and flow cytometry were used to determine the inhibitory effect of Rhizoma Pinelliae This landscape study outlines the current body of knowledge, capabilities, and the broader array of solutions supporting integration and optimization in commercial buildings.
CBI seeks to support solutions for both existing buildings and new construction, which often present very different challenges. Prospects and visions for biogas technology. Paper; Chancen und Visionen der Biogastechnologie. Due to the Electricity Feed Law the conversion of biogas into electricity has gained significance in recent years. Thanks to the Renewable Energy Law and of course the incentive programme of the Federal Economy Ministry biogas production has become a major agricultural branch. Durch das erneuerbare Energiengesetz EEG und natuerlich das Anreizprogramm des Bundeswirtschaftsministeriums ist die ''Biogasanlage'' zu einem bedeutenden Betriebszweig nicht nur in der Landwirtschaft aufgestiegen.
Comparison and optimization of different processes of mechanical sewage sludge disintegration; Vergleich und Optimierung verschiedener Verfahren der mechanischen Klaerschlammdesintegration. There are in principle three applications of mechanical sewage sludge disintegration within the framework of sewage treatment, which are briefly dealt with. The organic material released in the course of the disintegration process can be used as a proton donator for denitrification.
In the second application, mechanical sludge disintegration improves the sedimentation properties of bulking sludge and scum. In the third application, sewage sludge disintegration enhances the anaerobic degradation behaviour of excess sludge and digester sludge. Das im Zuge der Desintegration freigesetzte organische Material kann als Protonendonator fuer die Denitrifikation verwendet werden. Eine weitere Anwendung der mechanischen Desintegration stellt die Verbesserung der Absetzeigenschaften von Blaeh- und Schwimmschlaemmen dar. Den dritten Einsatzfall der Klaerschlammdesintegration stellt die Verbesserung des anaeroben Abbauverhaltens von Ueberschuss- und Faulschlaemmen dar.
Analytical investigation of the thermal optimization of biogas plants; Analytische Untersuchung der thermischen Optimierung von Biogasanlagen. Knauer, Thomas [Rostock Univ. Lehrstuhl Abfall- und Stoffstromwirtschaft; Ing. The economic efficiency of biogas plants is more difficult to display with recent legal regulations than with bonus tariff systems of previous EEG amendments.
To enhance efficiency there are different options, often linked with further investments. Direct technical innovations with fast economic yields need exact evaluation of limiting conditions. Within this article the heat sector of agricultural biogas plants is studied. So far scarcely considered, especially the improvement of on-site thermal energy consumption promises a high optimisation. Data basis are feeding protocols and temperature measurements of input substrates, biogas, environment etc. Analyzing first results of measurements and primary equilibrations shows, that maintenance of biogas process temperature consumes most thermal energy and therefore has the greatest potential of improvement.
Passive and active insulation of feed systems and heat recovery from secondary fermenter liquids are identified as first optimization measures. Depending on amount and temperature raise of input substrates, saving potentials of more than hundred megawatt hours per year were calculated. The know-your-customer KYC due diligenceprocess is outdated and generates costs of up to USD million per year per bank. The authors propose a newsystem, based on distributed ledger technology DLT , thatreduces the costs of the core KYC verification process forfinancial institutions and improves the customer experi-ence.
In the proposed system, the core KYC verificationprocess is only conducted once for each customer,regardless of the number of financial institutions withwhich tha Der Sinn der Lehre. Current trends in fermentation technology ; WTT. Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich der Vergaerungstechnologie. WTT has substantial know-how in the design and construction of plants for biological and mechanical treatment of waste.
In the past few years, fermentation was a key issue. In , the WTT dry fermentation plant in Wiefels ws commissioned, which is described in this contribution. The plant is for treating the fine fraction of biological residues; it is an extension of the former biological treatment plant and a further optimisation of the overall concept. The experience gained, the performance so far, and the integration advantages are presented in brief.
Im Rahmen des Vortrags wird die Referenzanlage in Wiefels vorgestellt. In dieser Anlage wird die organische Feinfraktion des Restabfalls behandelt. Unsere Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse sowie die Integrationsvorteile werden kurz vorgestellt. Technological requirements on refrigeration as seen by a frozen menu manufacturer; Technologische Anforderungen an die Kaeltetechnik aus der Sicht eines Tiefkuehl-Menue-Herstellers.
The present paper examines hour refrigeration in future will need to contribute to production pactices of frozen food manufacturers. This is exemplified for the practical everyday use of a froster. The paper also points out the limitations of present-day frozen menu manufacture. Finally, it discusses future demands on refrigeration regarding ecology and economy. Optimization tasks for the future are to increase freezing speed and render it controllable and to improve capacity control. Abschliessend werden zukuenftige Anforderungen an die Kaeltetechnik unter den Aspekten Oekologie und Oekonomie beleuchtet.
Zukuenftige Optimierungsansaetze liegen in einer besseren und angepassten Gefriergeschwindigkeit sowie in einer besser regulierbaren Leistung. Development of process technology for large-area thin-film solar modules based on compound semiconductors. Final report; Entwicklung der technologischen Grundlagen fuer grosse Photovoltaikmodule auf Basis von Duennschicht-Verbindungshalbleitern. The various thin-film layers of the cells and modules comprize molybdenum as rear contact, copper-indium gallium -diselenide CIGS as absorber material, the combination of cadmium sulphide CdS and ZnO as window layer.
Monolithic series connection of cells, used in other thin-film technologies , was studied and optimized by suitable patterning procedures, such as laser-scribing, mechanical scribing or lift-off techniques. Central to the PST efforts was the large-area deposition of Mo followed by patterning for the monolithic series connection, and furthermore important contributions in regard to the ZnO window layer as well as aspects of the module technology.
Optimization of waste water discharge and waste water cleaning on the basis of measurements of the organic pollutant load; Optimierung von Abwasserableitung und Abwasserreinigung durch Messung der organischen Abwasserbelastung. The spectral absorption coefficient SAC is a sum parameter for describing the organic pollutant load of waste water. It is based on a purely physical measuring technique and can be monitored continuously and directly in the medium by means of the described UV process probe.
From this arise numerous opportunities for optimizing waste water discharge and cleaning. Er basiert auf einem rein physikalischen Messverfahren und kann mit der hier vorgestellten UV-Prozess-Sonde kontinuierlich und direkt im Medium erfasst werden. Daraus ergeben sich zahlreiche Moeglichkeiten zur Optimierung von Abwasserableitung und -reinigung. While engineered nanomaterials ENMs are increasingly incorporated in diverse applications, risks of ENM adoption remain difficult to predict and mitigate proactively.
Current decision-making tools do not adequately account for ENM uncertainties including varying functional forms, unique environmental behavior, economic costs, unknown supply and demand, and upstream emissions. The complexity of the ENM system necessitates a novel approach: Where a traditional investment portfolio optimization model maximizes return on investment through optimal selection of stock, ENM portfolio optimization maximizes the performance of energy technology systems by optimizing selective use of ENMs.
Cumulative impacts of multiple ENM material portfolios are evaluated in two case studies: Results indicate ENM adoption is dependent on overall performance and variance of the material, resource use, environmental impact, and economic trade-offs. From a sustainability perspective, improved clean energy applications can help extend product lifespans, reduce fossil energy consumption, and substitute ENMs for scarce incumbent materials.
Distributed optimal coordination for distributed energy resources in power systems.
Driven by smart grid technologies , distributed energy resources DERs have been rapidly developing in recent years for improving reliability and efficiency of distribution systems. Emerging DERs require effective and efficient coordination in order to reap their potential benefits. With the proposed algorithms Optimizing Technology -Oriented Constructional Paramour's of complex dynamic systems. Creating optimal vibro systems requires sequential solving of a few problems: This approach is illustrated by an example of a high-efficiency vibro system synthesized for forming building structure components.
When using only one single source to excite oscillations, resonance oscillations are imparted to the product to be formed in the horizontal and vertical planes. In order to obtain versatile and dynamically optimized parameters, a factor is introduced into the differential equations of the motion, accounting for the relationship between the parameters, which determine the frequency characteristics of the system and the parameter variation range. This results in obtaining non-sophisticated mathematical models of the system under investigation, convenient for optimization and for engineering design and calculations as well.
Technology Optimism in a Socio-Economic Perspective. Abstract It is widely acknowledged that a great effort is necessary to cope with environmental problems. Focus is often upon technological change as the main way to achieve sustainability. But is it reasonable to place so much faith in technological change?
The main dividing line between the opti The main dividing line between First, an over-narrow focus upon technology diverts attention from the need to deal with distributional issues as an integral part of coping with environmental problems. Second, the technology optimists underestimate The paper deals with the state interventionist version of technology optimism , where it is emphasized that active industrial and technology policies Material stream management of biomass wastes for the optimization of organic wastes utilization; Stoffstrommanagement von Biomasseabfaellen mit dem Ziel der Optimierung der Verwertung organischer Abfaelle.
The effective use of the valuable substances found in waste materials can make an important contribution to climate protection and the conservation of fossil and mineral resources. In order to harness the potential contribution of biomass waste streams, it is necessary to consider the potential of the waste in connection with that of the total biomass. In this project, relevant biogenous material streams in the forestry, the agriculture as well as in several industries are studied, and their optimization potentials are illustrated. Scenarios are then developed, while taking various other environmental impacts into considerations, to explore possible optimized utilization of biomass streams and biomass waste substances for the future.
Straw that is not needed for humus production and currently left on the field can be used for its energy content. The realisation of this potential would be significant contribution towards climate protection. The energetic use of liquid manure without negatively influencing its application as commercial fertilizer can also be similarly successful because of its large volume. The results of our study also support an increased energetic use of saw residues as fuel in form of pellets in small furnaces.
For household organic wastes, the report suggests the fermentation with optimized energy use and intensified marketing of the aerobically treated compost as peat substitution. While for waste cooking fat that is currently disposed in the residual waste, a separate collection and direct use in motors that are used as combined heat and power generation are recommended. For meat and bone meal and communal sludge that are not being used substantial currently or in the future, phosphorus can be recovered with promising success from the ash produced when the waste is burnt in mono incinerators.
These technical options should however be tested against disposal standard. Welt-Erdoel-Kongress aus deutscher Sicht. For the 15th World Petroleum Congress, held from 12 to 16 October in Peking, the programme committee had chosen the following central motto: For the petroleum and natural gas industry, this congress represents the most important international forum for discussing technical, economic, and increasingly also ecological issues.
Welt-Erdoel-Kongress, der vom Der Kongress stellt fuer die Erdoel- und Erdgasindustrie das bedeutendste internationale Forum fuer eine Diskussion technischer, oekonomischer und zunehmend auch oekologischer Fragen. Optimal welding technology of high strength steel SQL. Directory of Open Access Journals Sweden. Full Text Available In this paper is presented the detailed procedure for defining the optimal technology for welding the structures made of the high strength steel SQL. That steel belongs into a group of steels with exceptional mechanical properties.
The most prominent properties are the high tensile strength and impact toughness, at room and at elevated temperatures, as well. However, this steel has a negative characteristic - proneness to appearance of cold cracks. That impedes welding and makes as an imperative to study different aspects of this steel's properties as well as those of eventual filler metal. Selection and defining of the optimal welding technology of this high strength steel is done for the purpose of preserving the favorable mechanical properties once the welded joint is realized; properties of the welded metal and the melting zone, as well as in the heat affected zone, which is the most critical zone of the welded joint.
New drilling optimization technologies make drilling more efficient. Several new technologies have been adopted by the upstream petroleum industry in the past two decades in order to optimize drilling operations and improve drilling efficiency. Since financial returns from an oil and gas investment strongly depend on drilling costs, it is important to reduce non-productive time due to stuck pipes, lost circulation, hole cleaning and well bore stability problems.
Drilling optimization should include solutions for drillstring integrity, hydraulics management and wellbore integrity. New drilling optimization methods emphasize information management and real-time decision making. A recent study for drilling in shallow water in the Gulf of Mexico demonstrates that trouble time accounts for 25 per cent of rig time. A reduction in trouble time could result in significant cost savings for the industry. This paper presents a case study on vibration prevention to demonstrate how the drilling industry has benefited from new technologies.
Transferring inventions of academic scientists to private enterprises for the purpose of commercialization is long known as University-Industry firm Technology Transfer While the importance of this phenomenon is simultaneously raising in public and private sector, only a part of patented academic inventions succeed in passing the process of commercialization.
Despite the fact that formal Technology Transfer process and licencing of patented innovations to third party is the main legal tool for safeguarding rights of academic inventors in commercialization of their inventions, it is not sufficient for transmitting tacit knowledge which is necessary in exploitation of transferred technology. Existence of reciprocal and complementary relations between formal and informal technology transfer process has resulted in formation of different models for university-industry organizational collaboration or even integration where licensee firms keep contact with academic inventors after gaining legal right for commercialization of their patented invention.
Current paper argues that despite necessity for patents to legally pass the right of commercialization of an invention, they are not sufficient for complete knowledge transmission in the process of technology transfer. Lack of efficiency of formal mechanism to end the Technology Transfer loop makes an opportunity to create innovative interpersonal and organizational connections among patentee and licensee company. With emphasize on need for further elaboration of informal mechanisms as critical and underappreciated aspect of technology transfer process, article will try to answer the questions of how to optimize knowledge transmission process in the framework of University-Industry Technology Transfer Projects?
What is the theoretical basis for university-industry technology transfer process? What are organization collaborative models which can enhance overall performance by improving transmission of knowledge in. Full Text Available Transferring inventions of academic scientists to private enterprises for the purpose of commercialization is long known as University-Industry firm Technology Transfer While the importance of this phenomenon is simultaneously raising in public and private sector, only a part of patented academic inventions succeed in passing the process of commercialization.
What are organization collaborative models which can enhance overall performance by improving transmission of. Promoting exports in the energy technology area; Foerderung des Exports im Bereich der Energietechnologien. This report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE examines the position of Switzerland as a leader in the investment goods markets for energy-efficiency products and for technologies for using renewable forms of energy.
optimal der technology: Topics by
The report quotes figures for exports in these areas and discusses the difficulty of extracting useful data on these products from normal statistical data. Analyses made by a group of experts from the export-oriented technology field, energy service providers and representatives of export promotion institutions are presented and figures are quoted for various product categories. Factors promoting the competitiveness of Swiss products are discussed as well as those impeding it. An analysis of export potential is presented and measures to promote export are discussed.
The report also discusses the aids and promotion activities that are considered necessary by companies in the field and the macro-economic perspectives of increased export promotion. Health technology assessment to optimize health technology utilization: The way in which a health technology is used in any particular health system depends on the decisions and actions of a variety of stakeholders, the local culture, and context. In , the HTAi Policy Forum considered how health technology assessment HTA could be improved to optimize the use of technologies in terms of uptake, change in use, or disinvestment in such complex systems.
In scoping, it was agreed to focus on initiatives to implement evidence-based guidance and monitoring activities. A review identified systematic reviews of implementation initiatives and monitoring activities. A two-day deliberative workshop was held to discuss key papers, members' experiences, and collectively address key questions. This consensus paper was developed by email and finalized at a postworkshop meeting. Evidence suggests that the impact and use of HTA could be increased by ensuring timely delivery of relevant reports to clearly determined policy receptor decision-making points.
To achieve this, the breadth of assessment, implementation initiatives such as incentives and targeted, intelligent dissemination of HTA result, needs to be considered. HTA stakeholders undertake a variety of monitoring activities, which could inform optimal use of a technology. However, the quality of these data varies and is often not submitted to an HTA. Monitoring data should be sufficiently robust so that they can be used in HTA to inform optimal use of technology. Evidence-based implementation initiatives should be developed for HTA, to better inform decision makers at all levels in a health system about the optimal use of technology.
Reference points in the debate on technology acceptance. Mensch - Gesellschaft - Technik. Orientierungspunkte in der Technikakzeptanzdebatte. The acceptance of technological risks, which is discussed today mainly in the context of large-scale technologies , has become the subject of political argument, of power politics and also of negotiation. Its evaluation and assessment depend not least on the current atmosphere for decisions and the specific subject.
Acceptance research - this is one of the central theses of this book - is not only a reactive instrument for later fine-tuning after the probability of risk is evident, but can also be more. However, it requires to this end 'cleaner' and more comprehensible methods; the recognition of its viability limits is also necessary. It provides then a possibility for a rational formulation of policies on the basis of a long-standing, and certainly partly superfluous technological -political dialogue.
Interactions between philosophy of life and technology and environmental policy. Weltanschauliche Weichenstellungen der Technologie- und Umweltpolitik. The first part of the book describes the development of a polarised spectrum of attitudes towards science and technology over the last two decades. Positivistic attitudes that emerged from the materialistic branch of the period of Enlightenment are shown in contrast to the attitudes that stem from the philosophical line of Rousseau-romanticism-vitalism. The second part of the book presents the results of an empirical study, providing evidence for the existence of the different attitudes towards technology and the environment.
The study is based on a representative opinion poll among civil servants, engineering professions, social workers, and artists. Engineers and social workers are shown to represent the two antipodes in terms of the 'dual-culture' theory. In addition, sex-specific and age-specific differences are explained, and the different pictures of technology drawn by personalities characterised by an attitude of active control in contrast to those characterised by an attitude of intuitive faith.
The present technology assessment study examines the effects of three technology scenarios on future energy consumption and the energy-related emissions by industrial manufacturing in Switzerland. The three paths of development Trend, High-Tech, Alternative can be represented as follows: After a reduction until , the Trend development entails a slight increase in consumption of energy.
- An Open Letter to Dr. Michael Coe (1);
- The Little Shepherd Of Kingdom Come?
- The Marakata Shard (The Journals of Aiden Hunter Book 1);
- mortality component im: Topics by!
- ?
- Nomos - eLibrary | M&K Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft.
Until then consumption is some 10 percent lower in both the High-Tech and the Alternative Scenarios. Consumption of electricity increases in all scenarios, the proportion is highest in 20 year's time under the High-Tech scenario. The emissions are lowest in the High-Tech scenario. At this juncture important bases are still not yet available for a definitive evaluation with respect to the sustainable development. Sustainability objectives are currently being compiled for Switzerland in the wake of the Berlin Climate Conference and the Rio Conference. In the political lobbies the Green factions are making demands, such as those currently under discussion internationally e.
The official objectives of the Swiss Energy programme can be achieved with all scenarios. However, further energy-relevant efficiency potentials in industrial production can be activated by energy-policy motivated measures. More extensive objectives, such as e. Extending the horizons advances in computing, optimization , and decision technologies. Advances in Computing, Optimization , and Decision Technologies is a volume that presents the latest, leading research in the design and analysis of algorithms, computational optimization , heuristic search and learning, modeling languages, parallel and distributed computing, simulation, computational logic and visualization.
The industrial growing of increasingly large and perfect silicon Si monocrystals for applications in microelectronics and photovoltaics requires continuous improvement of process control and growing technology. Continuous adaptation and optimization of system technology in terms of reliability, process flexibility and dimensioning are also necessary. The basic principles of industrial silicon crystal growing and the resultant requirements for the Si process and system technologies are described in the first part of this series of articles.
The constantly increasing requirements for the performance and complexity of the electronic circuits chips in accordance with Moore's Law mean that the requirements for the perfection and dimensions of monocrystalline Si wafers and Si crystals are also continuously rising. After the introduction of the mm Si wafer generation in recent years, the next Si wafer generation mm is therefore being discussed already.
The technological and economic effects of these constantly increasing requirements for the necessary system technologies will be set out and discussed in the subsequent articles on the basis of current Si CZ crystal growing systems as well as new system concepts. The production of biofuels in Germany. State of the art and optimization approaches; Die Biokraftstoffproduktion in Deutschland. Stand der Technik und Optimierungsansaetze. Determining the status quo of existing biofuel plants in Germany, an extensive database of process configurations was received. This information was used to develop simulation models of virtual biofuel plants, which are now available for further investigations.
The GHG emissions of biofuels can partly be improved by the studied optimization approaches. The studied optimization approaches can hence contribute to the increasing requirements for GHG reductions of biofuels. The integration of multiple optimization approaches in one concept would improve its GHG balance further. In addition to the investigated technical measures, emissions could also be reduced by adapting the energy supply. The use of biofuels for heat generation, for example, could have an additional reducing effect on total GHG emissions, because a fossil fuel-based heat and electricity supply is the main driver of the GHG balance.
From the communication with contacts in the industry it can be said that the German biofuel industry operates production plants that have already reached a high level of efficiency. At many locations, additional measures and modifications are planned, not only driven by economic reasons but also to further improve the GHG balance. The quality of these layers and the conversion efficiency of the solar cells depends on the process parameters of the sequential process. Electroreflectance measurements are used to characterize these solar cells. This method is suitable to measure optical properties like band gap energy and to detect secondary phases in the vicinity of the heterojunction and defects in the semiconductor.
Electroreflectance measurements of the thin film solar cells shows clearly a dependence of film growth from the process parameters copper to indium ratio and sulfurization temperature. From the correlation of electroreflectance results with photoluminescence, X-ray-diffraction and external quantum efficiency measurements a model of film growth was derived. This is the best efficiency reported so far for this type of solar cell.
Die Qualitaet dieser Schichten und damit der Solarzellenwirkungsgrad haengen von den Prozessparametern des sequentiellen Prozesses ab. Elektroreflexion wurde als Messverfahren zur Charakterisierung der fertigen Solarzellen eingesetzt. Dieses Verfahren ist geeignet um optische Eigenschaften, wie die Bandlueckenenergie, zu bestimmen und Fremdphasen in der Naehe des pn-Ueberganges sowie Defekte im Halbleiter nachzuweisen.
In Elektroreflexionsmessungen an den hergestellten Duennfilmsolarzellen zeigte sich deutlich eine Abhaengigkeit des Schichtwachstums von den Prozessparametern Kupfer-Indium-Verhaeltnis und Sulfurisierungstemperatur. Material saving by means of CWR technology using optimization techniques. For long products, cross wedge rolling CWR technology can be used to obtain forging preforms with a suitable distribution of the material along its own axis. However, defining the correct preform dimensions is not an easy task and it could need an intensive trial-and-error campaign.
To speed up the preform definition, it is necessary to apply optimization techniques on Finite Element Models FEM able to reproduce the material behaviour when being rolled. The paper shows the application of these optimization techniques to the definition of the right preform for a shaft from a vehicle of the agricultural sector.
First, the current forging process, based on obtaining the forging preform by means of an open die forging operation, is showed. Then, the CWR preform optimization is developed by using the above mentioned optimization techniques. The objective is to reduce, as much as possible, the initial billet weight, so that a calculation of flash weight reduction due to the use of the proposed preform is stated. Finally, a simulation of CWR process for the defined preform is carried out to check that most common failures necking, spirals,.. A day of superlatives.
Modernste Plattformtechnologie fuer Norwegens Offshore-Industrie. May 10, , was a milestone in the history of the European power industry. Oil fields are getting smaller, and the advancements in production technology permit smaller and less complex installations. Mai ist ein Meilenstein in der Geschichte der europaeischen Energiewirtschaft. An diesem Tag wurde im Vatsfjord noerdlich von Stavanger der Bau der Plattform Troll A abgeschlossen und mit dem fuenftaegigen Schlepp zu den weltgroessten Gasvorkommen begonnen. Im Gandsfjord etwas suedlich der norwegischen Oelhauptstadt waren Energiepolitiker aus aller Welt zu Gast, als zu gleicher Zeit die Heidrun-Plattform getauft wurde.
Troll und Heidrun sind modernste Plattformtechnologie und gleichzeitige Wendepunkt in der norwegischen Offshore-Industrie. Experten und Politiker sind sich einig: Die Felder werden kleiner, und die Foerdertechnologie erlaubt bescheidenere Installationen. The four strategic directions referring to the entire life cycle of aluminum are as follows: Thus, in this work, the following are analyzed and optimized: According to the energetic balance at the gaseous environment level, the conductive transfer model is also analyzed through the finished elements method.
Several principles of modeling and optimization are presented and analyzed: Based on these principles, an original diagram model is designed together with the corresponding logic diagram. This article also presents and analyzes the main benefits of aluminum recycling and reuse. The aluminum recycling and production process causes the emission of pollutants such as dioxides and furans, hydrogen chloride, and particulate matter.
To control these emissions, aluminum recyclers are required to comply with the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Secondary Aluminum Production. The results of technological , economic, and ecological optimization of aluminum recycling are based on the criteria function's evaluation in the modeling system. Accordingly, the more EPO is artificially inside the body the more red blood cells are able to be produced which is decisive for the oxygen transport to the muscles. In terms of the Tour de France, the oxygen transport inside the body has a special meaning and probably a bigger meaning than in other endurance sports.
The reason for that is that beside the flat stages and time trials the most important parts for a rider in the Tour de France are the mountain stages. The best riders need to perform outstanding in the stages of the Alps and Pyrenees. In biochemical terms the higher the region and place of the performance, the lower the oxygen level and delivery to the body.
Therefore, the difficulty is not only to ride up the mountains but also the lack of oxygen delivery. Areas who are located up in the mountains deliver a smaller amount of oxygen in the blood pO2 for riders. To solve the issue of less oxygen the body starts to produce more red blood cells. Riders, like Lance Armstrong, who genetically produce less lactate and more red blood cells have an advantage in mountain stages.
Altitude training and, of course, endurance training improves the performance because the higher the demand of oxygen in the body the more red blood cells will be produced. The hematocrit defines the level of red blood cells. To differentiate which level of red blood cells is legal or illegal the WADA set a criterion of an allowed hematocrit level.
The hematocrit level is essentially important in the detection of doped athletes. An analysis showed that the red blood cell production and the oxygen delivery to the muscles increase within two hours after the injection.
Doping and Detection in Professional Sport
The issue of blood-doping in professional cycling became heightened especially during the Tour de France in It is not known when the first riders used the possibility of blood-doping but the use increased. During the Tour de France and riders, such as Floyd Landis or Alexander Vinokourov, have been detected to use performance enhancing substances in the mountain stages.
Retrieved on March 17th from http: Pathology of Bone Marrow and Blood Cells. How does EPO-doping work? Published in German language. Retrieved on February 26th, from http: Higher muscle density Published in German language Retrieved on March 18th from http: Improved muscular efficiency displayed as Tour de France champion matures. Retrieved on March 18th from http: The Prohibited List — International Standard.
Medicine - Surgery, Sports Medicine. Sport - Sport Economics, Sport Management. Soziologie - Individuum, Gruppe, Gesellschaft. Politik - Grundlagen und Allgemeines. Unsere Aufmerksamkeit gilt bier der Textsorte "weiche" Nachricht, die als Abweichung des Grundmusters gilt. Antarctic observations available for IMS correlative analyses. A review is provided of the wide-ranging observational programs of 25 stations operating on and around the continent of Antarctica during the International Magnetospheric Study IMS. Attention is given to observations of geomagnetism, short period fluctuations of the earth's electromagnetic field, observations of the ionosphere and of whistler mode signals, observational programs in ionospheric and magnetospheric physics, upper atmosphere physics observations, details of magnetospheric programs conducted at Kerguelen, H- component magnetograms, magnetic field line oscillations, dynamic spectra of whistlers, and the variation of plasmapause position derived from recorded whistlers.
The considered studies suggest that, in principle, if the level of magnetic activity is known, predictions can be made concerning the time at which the trough occurs, and the shape and the movement of the main trough. Insulation of pipelines and component parts in the Ritter Sport factory at Waldenbuch; Sanierung: In the chocolate factory Ritter Sport the heating systems were retrofitted in the last months. Two separated central heating plants were unified in a central block unit with cogeneration components. The piping system was decartelized and optimized.
During the insulation of pipelines with elastomer high temperature materials high hygienical standards have to be kept. Furthermore the new lines have to be installed and insulated during running production because hot water supply shouldn't be interrupted. GL [German] Isolierungen in der Industrie muessen haeufig hohen Anforderungen genuegen und unter erschwerten Bedingungen durchgefuehrt werden. Dabei wurden zwei raeumlich getrennte Heizzentralen auf ein zentrales Blockheizkraftwerk umgeruestet.
Gleichzeitig wurde das Rohrleitungsnetz entflochten und optimiert. Bei der Daemmung der Heizungsrohrleitungen mit einem elastomeren Hochtemperaturdaemmstoff mussten nicht nur die hohen Hygiene-Standards der Ritter Sport GmbH eingehalten werden, die neuen Leitungen mussten zudem bei laufender Produktion verlegt und gedaemmt werden, da die Heizwasserversorgung nicht unterbrochen werden durfte. Design, construction and integration of hybrid drive components in commercial vehicles.
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In contrast to the passenger car the drive train of commercial vehicles is designed basically in view of a maximum efficiency, because the fuel consumption has a determining portion in the vehicle operating expenses of the operators. The pay load of the vehicle also has a high value, in particular in the small and middle segment from 8 t of total weight. In view of pollutant issues the environmental zones which may be also driven by commercial vehicles only from a certain pollutant class were already furnished by many local authority districts.
Additional demands for a purely, emission free electric short distance operation can result from suitable emission editions in bigger towns in future. MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG meet these topical challenges with the development of a hybriddelivery truck of the 12 t - class. For the integration of the hybrid components in the vehicle it was respected to preserve the pay load of the vehicle without limiting the functionality.
The dimensioning of the hybrid drive train for a delivery truck vehicle, the vehicle integration and the effects on the lifecycle economics are lighted up in the following. Full Text Available An essential element in a learning object repository is the meta-information associated with the resources housed by the repository, as this is what enables the objects to be retrieved. In many cases, the meta-information which is described consists of the classification of a resource in relation to a taxonomy or thesaurus. Part of the meta-information described corresponds to the classification of the object with respect to a group of taxonomies and a thesaurus, which have had to be described using the ims vdex standard to enable them to be managed from the federation nodes.
This article describes the way in which ims vdex has been used in order to create this description and how these metadata instances are managed. About Infant Mortality Infant mortality is the death of an infant Professionalisierung und Doping im Sport. The author analyzes the interdependencies between a growing commercia Some entities time-series, images, a algorithm -specific parameters must be managed Tree mortality is a natural process in all forest ecosystems. However, extremely high mortality also can be an indicator of forest health issues. On a regional scale, high mortality levels may indicate widespread insect or disease problems.
High mortality may also occur if a large proportion of the forest in a particular region is made up of older, senescent stands Digital Medien im Naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht. Und auch die Alltags- und Berufswelt ist ohne Informationstechnologien nicht mehr vorstellbar. Wie gelingt im Schulalltag die Balance zwischen Kreidezeit und interaktivem Whiteboard nach mittlerweile 30 Jahren Erfahrung mit Schulcomputern?
Zu Wort kommen Hochschullehr This list of frequently asked questions was composed on the basis of questions asked of the Educational Technology Expertise Centrum. The questions addessed are: The social class gradient was less steep for women.
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- Contes et légendes du Québec (MON PETIT EDITE) (French Edition).
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- Gay-Witze - Die besten Schwulen- und Lesben-Jokes aus der Community [Illustrierte Ausgabe] (German Edition).
- Crazy Coed Summer: The Beginning (Book 1);
- The Megalith Union (Celtic Mythos).
- The Magic of Science (Same Planet Different World Book 3).
- ;
The main objective of this deliverable is to summarize state-of-the-art information and to make the guideline needed In particular the following aspects are summed up in the deliverable: This framework contains a scalable, flexible, and volatile information model Uber IM and a real-time, "organic" communication and storage process e2eUber.
It leverages the proprietary interfaces We document the e2eUber IM requirements and its design Facultad de Bellas Artes. I'm a Map, I'm a Green Tree. I'm talking about the ways we represent ourselves and our world. I've put some thoughts on the topic together here--a gathering that enacts new media creating and takes up conceptual layers like metaphors, models, and composing. Diese Kurse sind online auf dem folgenden Link www.
The MTAs are an identification Variation im heutigen Deutsch: Sprache - Kommunikation - Kultur. Literatur zu Gast im Globe. Als sie um Monate und Jahre verharrt die Welt wie in einer riesigen dreidimensionalen Fotografie, bis ein wiederum schockierendes Ereignis die 'Chronifizierten' aus ihren physikalischen Spekulationen und seltsamen Lebensformen reisst. Gruppenbezogene Menschenfeindlichkeit im Sport in Brandenburg. Mit der Querschnittsstudie "Wir und die Anderen — Gruppenbezogene Menschenfeindlichkeit im organisierten Sport in Brandenburg" wurde das Syndrom Gruppenbezogener Menschenfeindlichkeit im organisierten Sport untersucht.
Das Konzept der Gruppenbezogenen Menschenfeindlichkeit — ausgehend von einer Ideologie der Ungleichwertigkeit — wurde von Prof. Gruppenbezogene Menschenfeindlichkeit im Sport in Sachsen. Verletzungen und Fehlbeanspruchungen im leistungsorientierten Rudersport. Design of an online charging system to support IMS -based inter-domain composite services. For service providers online charging of composite services is necessary in order to manage financial risks of service delivery in multi-domain environments.
At service level, inter-domain composite services consist of one or more service components , e. Retrieved June 30th, , from. Please, cite this publication as: Proceedings of International Workshop in Learning Networks. Infant mortality in the Federal Republic of Germany in the years after Chernobyl. Study into the influence of the Chernobyl reactor accident in April on infant mortality in lightly and heavily contaminated areas of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Saeuglingssterblichkeit nach Tschernobyl in der BRD. Untersuchung der Auswirkungen des Reaktorunfalls von Tschernobyl im April auf die Saeuglingssterblichkeit in schwach- und hochbelasteten Gebieten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Study into the influence of the Chernobyl reactor accident in April on infant mortility in lightly and heavily contaminated areas of the Federal Republic of Germany.
In connection with this scientific study, official quarterly reports on population developments released by the Wiesbaden-based Federal Office of Statistics were subjected to a time-dependent analysis. On the basis of generally applicable stastical laws infant mortality curves plotted after were examined for changes after Chernobyl. In view of regional differences in the effects from radioactive precipitations due to the Chernobyl ractor accident, the examinations were performed in subgroups that were largely derived from the results of a study covering all of the Federal territory.
The analysis revealed the following links: The curve of the infant mortality rates for the first 7 days after delivery 7-day mortalities pointed to a linear-exponential relationship between the point of time investigated and number of infants dying. In heavily contaminated areas the 7-day mortality rates determined after show statistically significant deviations from developments as expected from normal rates.
Traces of microbial volatile organic compounds MVOCs can indicate the growth of moulds in the indoor air. The application of ion mobility spectrometry IMS is a very promising method for the detection of these MVOCs due to its high sensitivity. A mobile IMS device was tested to use this analytical-chemical method for in situ indoor air diagnostics. The first part of this work describes the test gas generation of 14 MVOCs in the laboratory. The test gases were produced by preparation of permeation procedures.
In the second part of this manuscript seven different mould species were cultivated on nutrient media and their MVOCs emissions were explored. It was found out, that the MVOCs emissions of moulds have a dependency of species and of their cultivation time. These results are confirmed by principal component analysis PCA. The MVOCs emissions were explored in the cultivation of mould mixtures on three different building materials. It was possible to find different emission patterns of cultivated moulds on building materials without an identification of the MVOCs inside the emission chamber.
Radiological information management system Rad IMS. Westinghouse Idaho Nuclear Company, Inc. WINCO is developing and implementing an information management system, known as Rad IMS , to track and record personnel exposure to ionizing radiation. These records must be retrievable for the entire working life of the individual and be available to other USDOE contractors on request. To meet these general needs, Rad IMS provides for retrieval of detailed, comprehensive individual exposure histories as well as the usual online interactions to accomplish day-today radiation protection operations.
The exposure histories include database text, paper, microfilm, and electronic bitmaps. Midlatitude magnetometer chains during the IMS. The International Magnetospheric Study IMS is an international program to study global problems of magnetospheric dynamics. A key element of the U. This network included a number of arrays at high and low latitudes.
Descriptions of the type of equipment, station locations, types of data display, and availability of data for each chain are presented in this report. A major problem of the data analysis phase of the IMS will be reducing selected subsets of these data to a common format. Currently, there are no plans to do this in a systematic manner. Across Canada, healthcare organizations, as well as governments, understand that information and information technology are needed to deliver quality care and to sustain our publicly funded health system.
Lernmanagement, Kompetenzmanagement und PLE. De stand van zaken. De stand van zaken In: Leertechnologie in de Lage Landen pp. Ook beschikbaar in dspace: The paper presents the design and implementation of an emulation platform for the IP Multimedia Subsystem. The purpose of the emulation is to offer to IMS service developers an environment where they can integrate development The results of the most recent analysis of the LSS are summarized.
Anos de vida perdidos por mortalidade: The results show that the greatest proportion and rates caused by Group II Noncommunicable diseases, linked with more advanced stages of the epidemiological transition, in RS, SC and Brazil. But in both states and especially in Brazil, Group I Communicable, maternal, perinatal and nutritional conditions causes an important proportion of YLL. Road traffic accidents are particularly important in SC, where the intentional. Having demonstrated the technical viability of P2P- IMS we have also found a way to add a new management dimension to existing P2P systems.
P2P- IMS comes with a natural "data management" mechanism,. Mortality Implications of Mortality Plateaus. This article aims to describe in a unified framework all plateau-generating random effects models in terms of i plausible distributions for the hazard baseline mortality and the random effect unobserved heterogeneity, frailty as well as ii the impact of frailty on the baseline hazard Findings and Strategic Implications.
Full Text Available Abstract Introduction One issue that continues to attract the attention of public health researchers is the possible relationship in high-income countries between income, income inequality and infant mortality IM. The aim of this study was to assess the associations between IM and major socio-economic determinants in Italy. Methods Associations between infant mortality rates in the 20 Italian regions — and the Gini index of income inequality, mean household income, percentage of women with at least 8 years of education, and percentage of unemployed aged 15—64 years were assessed using Pearson correlation coefficients.
Univariate linear regression and multiple stepwise linear regression analyses were performed to determine the magnitude and direction of the effect of the four socio-economic variables on IM. These results suggest that in Italy IM is not only related to income distribution, as demonstrated for other developed countries, but also to economic factors such as absolute income and unemployment. In order to reduce IM and the existing inequalities, the challenge for Italian decision makers is to promote economic growth and enhance employment levels.
Socio-economic factors associated with infant mortality in Italy: One issue that continues to attract the attention of public health researchers is the possible relationship in high-income countries between income, income inequality and infant mortality IM.
Associations between infant mortality rates in the 20 Italian regions and the Gini index of income inequality, mean household income, percentage of women with at least 8 years of education, and percentage of unemployed aged years were assessed using Pearson correlation coefficients. Ion mobility spectrometry-mass spectrometry IMS -MS for on- and offline analysis of atmospheric gas and aerosol species.
Measurement techniques that provide molecular-level information are needed to elucidate the multiphase processes that produce secondary organic aerosol SOA species in the atmosphere. Here we demonstrate the application of ion mobility spectrometry-mass spectrometry IMS -MS to the simultaneous characterization of the elemental composition and molecular structures of organic species in the gas and particulate phases. Molecular ions of gas-phase organic species are measured online with IMS -MS after ionization with a custom-built nitrate chemical ionization CI source.
The ambient IMS -MS signals are consistent with laboratory IMS -MS spectra obtained from single- component carboxylic acids and multicomponent mixtures of isoprene and monoterpene oxidation products. Mass-mobility correlations in the 2-D IMS -MS space provide a means of identifying ions with similar molecular structures within complex mass spectra and are used to separate and identify monoterpene oxidation products in the ambient data that are produced from different chemical pathways.
Water-soluble organic carbon WSOC constituents of fine aerosol particles that are not resolvable with standard analytical separation methods, such as liquid chromatography LC , are shown to be separable with IMS -MS coupled to an electrospray ionization ESI source. The capability to use ion mobility to differentiate between isomers is demonstrated for organosulfates derived from the reactive uptake of isomers of isoprene epoxydiols IEPOX onto wet acidic sulfate aerosol.
Controlled fragmentation of precursor ions by collisionally induced dissociation CID in the transfer region between the IMS and the MS is used to validate MS peak assignments, elucidate structures of oligomers, and confirm the. Emotionsregulationsstrategien und aggressives Verhalten im Kindergartenalter. Specifically, THOR will study how turbulent fluctuations at kinetic scales heat and accelerate particles in different turbulent environments within the near-Earth space.
To achieve this goal, THOR payload is being designed to measure electromagnetic fields and particle distribution functions with unprecedented resolution and accuracy. Each sensor combines a top-hat electrostatic analyzer with deflectors at the entrance together with a time-of-flight section to perform mass selection.
IMS electronics includes a fast sweeping high voltage board that is required to make measurements at high cadence. IMS is being designed to address many of THOR science requirements, in particular ion heating and acceleration by turbulent fluctuations in foreshock, shock and magnetosheath regions. The IMS instrument is being designed and will be built by an international consortium of scientific institutes with main hardware contributions from France, USA, Japan and Germany. Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur sonographischen Frakturdiagnostik im Kinderalter. Nach einem Trauma ist die klinische Untersuchung und Bestimmung des Schmerzmaximums gerade bei Kindern oft sehr schwierig.
Die hierbei auftretende ionisierende Strahlung geht jedoch besonder Professionelle Literaturrecherche und -verwaltung im Web [Praxisbericht. Dynamik des Kaufverhaltens im Bio-Sortiment. The ultimate goal is to design and build a very smart ion mobility spectrometer IMS that can operate autonomously. To accomplish this, software capable of interpreting spectra so that it can be used in control loops for data interpretation as well as adjusting instrument parameters is being developed. Fuzzy logic and fuzzy numbers are used in this IMS spectra classification scheme.
Instead of using 'max' and 'min' values, the product of the truth values is used to determine class membership. Using the product allows rule-bases that utilize the AND function to allow each condition to discount truth value in determining membership, while rule-bases with an OR function are allowed to accumulate membership.
Fuzzy numbers allow encapsulation of the uncertainties due to ion mobility peak widths as well as measured instrumental parameters, such as pressure and temperature. Associating a peak with a value of uncertainty, in addition to making adjustments to the mobility calculation based on variations in measured parameters, enables unexpected shifts to be more reliably detected and accounted for; thereby, reducing the opportunity for 'false negative' results.
The measure of uncertainty is anticipated to serve the additional purpose of diagnosing the operational conditions of the IMS instrument. Eine Fankultur im Medienzeitalter. Full Text Available Mortality and longevity risk is usually one of the main risk components ineconomic capital models of insurance companies. Above all, future mortalityexpectations are an important input in the modeling and pricing of long termproducts. Deviations from the expectation can lead insurance company even todefault if sufficient reserves and capital is not held.
Thus, Modeling of mortalitytime series accurately is a vital concern for the insurance industry. The aim of thisstudy is to perform distributional and spectral testing to the mortality data andpracticed discrete and continuous time modeling. We believe, the results and thetechniques used in this study will provide a basis for Value at Risk formula incase of mortality. The IMS infrasound arrays have up to 15 sites with apertures up to 3 km.
They are distributed remarkably uniformly over the globe, providing excellent coverage of South America, Africa, and Antarctica. Therefore, many infrasound arrays are in regions thousands of kilometers from the closest seismic array. Existing 3- component seismic stations, co-located with infrasound arrays, show how typical seismic signals look at these locations. We estimate a theoretical array response assuming a seismo Empathie wurde im Selbst- und Peerbericht erhoben.
Erstmals werden 45 stratifiziert aufgesammelte Individuen von Euproops untersucht. Einige Details der Morphologie sowie eine dichte Behaarung werden beschrieben. Auf der Basis dieser Merkmale sowie der Verteilung juveniler und adulter Individuen im geologischen Profil wird eine Deutung des Lebensraumes der Euproopiden versucht. In this paper 45 individuals of the genus Euproops, sampled from particular levels in the profile, are reported on for the first time.
Analysis of the fossil material reveals new morphological details — especially setae densely covering the ventral side — that, combined with the geological setting of the profile, gives novel insights into the palaeoenvironment and to the hypothesis of subaerial activity.

Young individuals of Euproops may have been "litter dwellers" inhabiting forest-litter and partly decayed plant material that had washed ashore. By contrast, adults formed a principal component of the nearshore benthic fauna. They were able to leave the water, but only for short periods. This is proved by the occurence of adults and juveniles in different lithologies. Security in the internet; Sicherheitsaspekte im Internet.
Aim of the study: Is it possible to use the Internet as a secure media for transport of telemedicine? Which risks exist for routine use? In this article state of the art methods of security were analysed. Telemedicine in the Internet has severe risks, because patient data and hospital data of a secure Intranet can be manipulated by connecting it to the Web. Establishing of a firewall and the introduction of HPC Health Professional Card are minimizing the risk of un-authorized access to the hospital server.
HPC allows good safety with digital signature and authentication of host and client of medical data. Planning all activities exactly as well as following legal regulations are important requisites for reduction of safety risks in Internet. Es sollten die Fragen beantwortet werden, ob es moeglich ist, das Internet als sicheres Uebermittlungsmedium fuer Telemedizin zu nutzen und welche Sicherheitsrisiken bestehen.
Dazu wurden die gaengigen Sicherheitsmethoden analysiert. Telemedizin im Internet ist mit Sicherheitsrisiken behaftet, die durch die Oeffnung eines Intranets mit der Moeglichkeit zur unberechtigten Manipulation von aussen bedingt sind. Diese Sicherheitsrisiken koennen durch eine Firewall weitgehend unterbunden werden. Chipkarten wie die Health professional card ermoeglichen eine hohe Sicherheit bei digitaler Signatur und sicherer Authentifikation der Sender und Empfaenger von Daten im Internet.
Auch Standards wie Pretty good privacy sind inzwischen fuer sichere e-mails einfach einzusetzen. Wichtige Voraussetzung fuer die Reduktion von Sicherheitsrisiken ist unter Beruecksichtigung der gesetzlichen Vorgaben die exakte Planung aller Aktivitaeten im Internet, bei denen medizinische Patientendaten versandt werden sollen, in einem Team aus Aerzten und Informatikern. The use of Ion Mobility Spectrometry IMS in the Detection of Contraband Sandia researchers use ion mobility spectrometers for trace chemical detection and analysis in a variety of projects and applications.
The emphasis to date has been on explosives detection, but the detection of chemical agents has also been pursued and Verweise mit Demonstrativa im Gesprochenen Deutsch Verweise mit Demonstrativa im gesprochenen Deutsch: Grammatik, Zweitspracherwerb und Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Berlin ; New York: Kriminologie und Kriminalistik im Zugriff der Geschichtswissenschaft. Full Text Available Rezensierte Werke: Silviana Galassi, Kriminologie im Deutschen Kaiserreich. Franz Steiner Verlag , S. Eine Geschichte der Kriminalistik, Darmstadt: Primus Verlag , S.
Cambridge University Press , S. Corporate Venture Capital im Bankensektor: Politische Inhalte im Internet: Welche Bedeutung kommt dem Internet in der Politikvermittlung zu? Full Text Available This paper presents a novel method for broken rotor bar detection in a squirrel-cage induction motor IM. The proposed method applies a single-phase AC voltage as a test signal on motor terminals, resulting in a stator backward-rotating magnetic field. The field ultimately causes additional current components in the stator windings whose magnitudes depend on the broken bar fault severity, even if the motor is unloaded.
This allows robust broken bar fault detection based only on standard motor current signature analysis MCSA technique. The proposed fault detection method is at first verified via simulations, using an IM model based on finite element analysis FEA and multiple coupled circuit approach MCCA. The subsequent experimental investigations have shown good agreement with both theoretical predictions and simulation results. December, 10, , Wollongong, Australia: Evolution oder Revolution anhand konkreter Beispiele. Das Energiesystem als Gesamtes und die Verteilnetze im Speziellen werden smart.
Diese Entwicklung ist eine Evolution, nicht aber eine Revolution. Einheit und Vielfalt in der Rechtsgeschichte im Ostseeraum. Unity and plurality in the legal history of the Baltic Sea area Sechster Rechtshistorikertag im Ostseeraum, 3. Frankfurt am Main u. Information Management System IMS is an essential tool in supporting the provision of information needed for planning and decision making in any organization.
Proper IMS facilitates the smooth flow of information both vertical and horizontal. This paper presents the findings of a survey on information needs of the Gender Support interoperability and reusability of emerging forms of assessment: Full Text Available Diese am 5. Terroristen machen sich das Bild zur Waffe und produzieren erst durch die Positionierung an der Medienfront Sinn in ihren Taten.
Durch die terroristische Kommunikationsstrategie wird das Verbrechen erst zum terroristischen Akt. Das ist die theoretische Grundannahme dieses Aufsatzes. Durch die Entwicklung des Web 2. So ist es nicht erstaunlich, dass terroristische Organisationen sich eine gewisse Expertise im Umgang mit sozialen Medien zugelegt haben. Wie schnell und suggestiv die Videos arbeiten, ist etwa davon abh.
In Deutschland leben ca. Diese kann angeboren oder im Laufe des Lebens erworben sein. This chapter includes descriptions of electronic and mechanical components which do not merit a chapter to themselves. Other hardware requires mention because of particularly high tolerance or intolerance of exposure to radiation. A more systematic analysis of radiation responses of structures which are definable by material was given in section 3. The components discussed here are field effect transistors, transducers, temperature sensors, magnetic components , superconductors, mechanical sensors, and miscellaneous electronic components.
Chapter 5 - Tree Mortality. Extremely high mortality , however, can also be an indicator of forest health issues. Precision moulding of polymer micro components. The overall process chain was considered and investigated during the project, including part design and simulation, tooling, process analysis, part These investigations were conducted on a conventional injection moulding machine adapted A new approach based on coordinate optical measurement of flow markers was developed during the project for the characterization of the melt flow.
In-line pressure measurements were also performed to characterize Im folgenden Artikel werden die Schwerpunktsetzungen dieses Konzepts vorgestellt und durch praktische Beispiele verdeutlicht. This software integrates the whole control of the equipment in an IMS station, including the management of consumables used in daily or periodic operation.
It permits an easy retrieval access of the technical features, suppliers, etc. Although this project is still in a starting phase, a preliminary version of this software is being used in radionuclide station RN01 Buenos Aires , having already demonstrated its usefulness and potential for the improvement of IMS station management.
Proceedings of Adaptive Hypermedia. Retrieved June 30th, , from http: The presentation gives an overview of the approach of the development programme of the OTEC department towards the development of Open Source. Preussen und Livland im Zeichen der Reformation. Quantensprung Digitalisierung - Energiewirtschaft im Energieversorger, die sich dem Wandel nicht stellen, drohen den Anschluss zu verpassen.
Zuerst muss jedoch betont werden, dass es einen Unterschied zwischen dem Begriff der Travestie, mit anderen Worten der Verkleidung,[1] und dem der Metamorphose, dem Verwandeln der Gestalt,[2] gibt. Es gibt auch eine moderne Definition des Begriffes Travestie aus dem Hier beinhaltet diese ein Verfahren oder eine kritische Zielsetzung. Das Problem der Ethnogenese im antiken Griechenland. In Griechenland haben die Zuwanderer die Suffixe -ss und -nth oder -nd nicht erst kennengelernt, sondern zumindest zum Teil schon mitgebracht und vermutlich im 3.
Full Text Available Integration of management systems for quality, environment, health and risk management as well as corporative social responsibilities is workable corporative approach to reduce costs, effective use of resources, higher motivation of employees and better fulfillment of requirements of social engagements and stakeholders.
This paper presents contents of literature and review of a company motives on integrated management system IMS implementation, namely factors affecting the IMS implementation. Gruppenbezogene Menschenfeindlichkeit im Sport in Sachsen-Anhalt. Wie sieht Supply-Chain-Management im Jahr aus? Wir und die Anderen: Mit der Querschnittsstudie "Wir und die Anderen — Gruppenbezogene Menschenfeindlichkeit im organisierten Sport in Sachsen" wurde erstmals das Syndrom Gruppenbezogener Menschenfeindlichkeit im organisierten Sport untersucht.
Der Bericht beinhaltet Ergebnisse von Fleischuntersuchungen auf den Eisengehalt. Vor 30 Jahren lag der Eisengehalt In der Literatur existiert eine eigene Welt, die mit Raum und Zeit verbunden ist. Jahrhundert gewinnen beide, Raum und Zeit, an Bedeutung als bewusst eingesetzte Gestaltungselemente. Deutsche Wirtschaft im Aufschwung. Electronic Components provides a basic grounding in the practical aspects of using and selecting electronics components.
The book describes the basic requirements needed to start practical work on electronic equipment, resistors and potentiometers, capacitance, and inductors and transformers. The text discusses semiconductor devices such as diodes, thyristors and triacs, transistors and heat sinks, logic and linear integrated circuits I. Common abbreviations applied to components are provided. Constructors and electronics engineers will find the book useful.
Mortality tables play important role in actuarial studies such as life annuities, premium determination, premium reserve, valuation pension plan, pension funding. For actuary applications some tables are constructed with different environment such as single decrement, double decrement, and multiple decrement. There exist two approaches in mortality table construction: Distribution model and estimation theory are the statistical concepts that are used in mortality table construction. This article aims to discuss the statistical approach in mortality table construction.
The distributional assumptions are uniform death distribution UDD and constant force exponential. Moment estimation and maximum likelihood are used to estimate the mortality parameter.