Asphalt Concrete for very thin layers. Aggregates for unbound and hydraulically bound materials for use in civil engineering work and road construction. Definitions, requirements and conformity criteria. The threshold level for density set in Clause 5. Underlays for discontinuous roofing.
- 5. Author and Work in the French Print Privileges System: Some Milestones;
- Philippe MARTIN?
- SEDAR Application Error / Erreur -- application SEDAR.
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- .
- Pour une histoire de lintime : Et de ses variations (French Edition).
- Il Libro dellAnno 2011 (Italian Edition).
Specifications for dowels to be used in concrete pavements. Requirements for reinforced garages monolithic or consisting of single sections with room dimensions. Specification for the loose-fill products before installation. Specification for the rigid foam spray system before installation. Specification for bonded and loose-fill products before installation. Specification for the rigid foam dispensed system before installation. Windows and external pedestrian doorsets. Corrugated safety metal hose assemblies for the connection of domestic appliances using gaseous fuels. Flue and air supply ducts for room sealed appliances.
Lightweight blocks for simple formwork. Safety gas connection valves for metal hose assemblies used for the connection of domestic appliances using gaseous fuel. Definitions, specifications and conformity criteria.
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Gypsum boards with mat reinforcement. Sealants for facade elements. Sealants for sanitary joints. Sealants for pedestrian walkways. The third sentence of Clause 4. Specifications for external renders and internal plasters based on organic binders. Subsequently, the titles of the standards are translated into all other required official languages of the European Union by the national standardisation bodies.
The European Commission is not responsible for the correctness of the titles which have been presented for publication in the Official Journal. Publication of the references in the Official Journal of the European Union does not imply that the standards are available in all the official languages of the European Union. This list replaces all the previous lists published in the Official Journal of the European Union. The European Commission ensures the updating of this list. More information about harmonised standards and other European standards on the Internet at:.
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This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website. EU case law Case law Digital reports Directory of case law. Need more search options? Use the Advanced search. Help Print this page. Expand all Collapse all. Languages, formats and link to OJ. To see if this document has been published in an e-OJ with legal value, click on the icon above For OJs published before 1st July , only the paper version has legal value. Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for common cements EN Requirements for pipes, fittings and joints EN Requirements for adaptors, connectors and flexible couplings EN Requirements for perforated pipes and fittings EN Requirements for components of manholes and inspection chambers EN Requirements for pipes and joints for pipe jacking EN Composition, specifications and conformity criteria EN Technical specifications and requirements EN Definition, specifications and conformity criteria EN Definitions, specifications and conformity criteria EN Hose reels with semi-rigid hose EN Hose systems with lay-flat hose EN Clay masonry units EN Calcium silicate masonry units EN Aggregate concrete masonry units Dense and lightweight aggregates EN Autoclaved aerated concrete masonry units EN Manufactured stone masonry units EN Natural stone masonry units EN Wall ties, tension straps, hangers and brackets EN Bed joint reinforcement of steel meshwork EN Rendering and plastering mortar EN Masonry mortar EN Requirements for conformity assessment of structural components EN Evaluation of conformity EN Product requirements and evaluation of conformity for vehicle restraint systems EN Initial performance requirements EN System chimney products EN Metal flue liners and connecting flue pipes EN Requirements and test methods for high and low pressure selector valves and their actuators EN Requirements and test methods for non-electrical disable devices EN Specification for powered smoke and heat control ventilators Fans EN Specifications for slate and carbonate slate EN Requirements and test methods for sootfire resistance EN Requirements and test methods under wet conditions EN Product specifications of cylindrical steel fabrications for use in single wall steel chimneys and steel liners EN Definitions, requirements and conformity criteria EN Definitions and requirements EN General requirements EN Windows and external pedestrian doorsets EN Expanded polystyrene blocks EN Gypsum boards with mat reinforcement EN Gypsum fibre boards EN Reference and title of the standard and reference document.
Reference of superseded standard. Date of applicability of the standard as a harmonised standard. Date of the end of the co-existence period. Requirements for steel lighting columns. Requirements for aluminium lighting columns. Control and indicating equipment. Components using radio links. From a list see below for potential papers of academic and policy articles which deal with an issue in international macroeconomics and finance, write a policy brief of 4 pages maximum.
This brief should be aimed for a policy maker. Final exam May with answers.
This textbook is the basic reference but I will often go beyond the textbook and refer to more advanced and technical material. French data on the Balance of payments. The Greek balance of payment. We estimate three international price elasticities using exporters data: In standard trade and international macroeconomics models these three elasticities should be equal.
We find that this is far from being the case. We use French firm level electricity costs to instrument for export prices and provide a first estimate of the elasticity of firm-level exports to export prices. The elasticity of exports is highest, around 5, for export prices followed by tariffs, around 2, and is lowest for the real exchange rate, around 0.
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The large discrepancy between these elasticities makes us conclude that the international elasticity puzzle is actually worse than previously thought. Moreover, we show that because exporters absorb part of tariffs and exchange rate movements, estimates of export elasticities that do not take into account export prices are biased. We characterize bailout size and likelihood as a function of the economic fundamentals economic activity, debt-to-gdp ratio, default costs. Ex-post, bailouts do not improve the welfare of the recipient country, since creditor countries get the entire surplus from avoiding default.
Publications Publications in refereed journals Please download and print for personal use only Inspecting the Mechanism: We provide a comprehensive account of the dynamics of eurozone countries from to We analyze private leverage, fiscal policy, labor costs and spreads, and we propose a model and an identification strategy to separate the impact of credit cycles, excessive government spending, and sudden stops.
We then ask how eurozone countries would have fared with different policies. We find that countries could have stabilized their employment if they had followed more conservative fiscal policies during the boom. Macro-prudential policies and an early intervention by the ECB to prevent market segmentation and reduce fiscal austerity would also have significantly reduced the recession.
Are clusters more resilient in crises? Harrison, forthcoming Oxford University Press. CEPR Discussion paper We show that, on average, both agglomeration and the cluster policy are associated with a higher survival probability of firms on export markets, and conditioning on survival, a higher growth rate of their exports. However, these effects are not stronger during the crisis.
The negative impact of financial crises on trade is magnified for destinations with longer time-to-ship. A simple model shows that exporters react to an increase in the probability of default of importers in destinations in crisis by increasing their export price and decreasing their export volumes. For those with longer shipping time, this is magnified as the default probability increases with time.
Some exporters also decide to stop exporting the more so the longer time-to-ship. Using aggregate data we show that this magnification effect is very robust. We test the firm-level results on French exporter data and find that they are broadly consistent with our predictions. Journal of International Economics. Volume 89, Issue 1, Pages , January lead article. We revisit the classic transfer problem, accounting for two channels of adjustment: Over the medium term, the latter reduces the scope for real exchange rate and terms of trade variability in response to cross-border flows.
Simulation exercises based on data suggest that a transfer of the size of the pre-crisis U. These are particularly vulnerable to a banking crisis in the countries they export to. For African exporters the fall in trade relative to gravity is around 15 percentage points higher than for other countries in the aftermath of a banking crisis. We analyze several possible causes of this vulnerability. Macroeconomics, , 4 4: In addition to standard trade gains, regional trade agreements RTAs can promote peaceful relations by increasing the opportunity cost of conflicts.
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Country-pairs with large trade gains from RTAs and a high probability of conflict should be more likely to sign a RTA. Using data from to , we show that this complementarity between economics and politics determines the geography of RTAs. We disentangle trade gains from political factors by a theory-driven empirical estimation and find that country pairs with higher frequency of past wars are more likely to sign RTAs, the more so the larger the trade gains. See column in VOX. An appendix is here. We analyze the heterogenous reaction of exporters to real exchange rate changes using a very rich French firm-level dataset with destination-specific export values and volumes on the period High-performance firms react to a depreciation by increasing more their markup and by increasing less their export volume.
This heterogeneity in pricing-to-market is consistent with models where the demand elasticity decreases with firm performance. Since aggregate exports are concentrated on high performance firms heterogenous pricing-to-market may partly explain the weak aggregate impact of exchange rate movements. We analyze empirically a public policy promoting industrial clusters in France. We use firm-level data on production and employment for firms that benefited from the policy and on firms that did not, both before and after the policy started.
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The policy selected firms in sectors and regions in relative decline and did not succeed in reversing the relative decline in productivity for the targeted firms. The policy had no robust effect on employment or exports. We analyze the effect of spatial agglomeration of activities on plant-level productivity, using French firm and plant-level data We exploit short-run variations of variables by making use of GMM estimation.
This allows us to control for endogeneity biases that the estimation of agglomeration economies typically encounters. French plants benefit from localization economies and these are relatively well internalized by firms in their location choice: Despite the liberalization of capital flows among OECD countries, equity home bias remains sizable. The interaction of the following ingredients generates a realistic equity home bias: In our model, domestic stocks are used to hedge fluctuations in local wage income. Terms of trade risk is hedged using bonds denominated in local and foreign goods.
In contrast to related models, the low level of international diversification does not depend on strongly countercyclical terms of trade. Insiders and outsiders ", , with Nicolas Coeurdacier.