This time, there's no place to run. Paperback , pages. Published March 1st by Archway Paperbacks first published To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Don't Tell , please sign up. This question contains spoilers… view spoiler [Why did Holly kill Sondra?


I'm guessing to hurt Lauren but has it ever been explicitly mentioned in the book? See 1 question about Don't Tell…. Lists with This Book. May 27, Zoe Tribley rated it it was amazing Shelves: Don't read this at night. I'm so serious, like this isn't one of those cases where people are just like "don't read this at night" as in like, this books super haunting- no.

This book is just really crazy with so many twists and curves in its plot and so many moments where you have to THINK to remember to breathe and just like I recommend it to everyone who has a sturdy bladder and isn't afraid of black holes. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Ero venuta a Wisteria per raccogliere i miei ricordi e metterli definitivamente da parte, come se fossero una scatola di vecchie foto.

DARK SECRETS Don't Tell - PDF Free Download

Ma loro continuavano a sfuggirmi e i miei dubbi non facevano che moltiplicarsi. Certo, era difficile intuire tutti i retroscena di Nick e che Frank fosse coinvolto nella faccenda ma il resto era palese. Frettolosa, scontata e "forzata".

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As I've said before, I hate when characters needlessly stick around through hauntings, threats, abuse, etc. With that said, the mystery aspect was great. I couldn't figure out what the heck was happening or who was responsible. I think I suspected every character at least once by the time it was revealed. So good job of keeping me on my toes. What I didn't like as much was how once the antagonist was revealed, it seemed cartoonish.

This person immediately upon being caught, blurted out the whole story, and cackled wickedly. I like that questions were answered, but it was just delivered a little too easily. Also, after the reveal, everything was wrapped up too neatly as well. All of the above? It was almost an instant HEA when I felt like there should have been more But overall, it was a good mystery that kept me guessing until the very end. Sep 23, Sha rated it liked it Shelves: Lauren is not convinced her mother's death was an accident, which kept her away from her godmother's house for seven years.

When she finally returns, she finds a lukewarm welcome and a recurrence of the troubling events leading up to her mother's death. I made the questionable decision to read this book at night, and during several scenes, I got so spooked, I swore I felt something on the back of my neck. The eerie mood evoked in Chandler's writing, coupled with Lauren's terror as she f Mystery: The eerie mood evoked in Chandler's writing, coupled with Lauren's terror as she finds objects knotted in locked room, creeped me to no end.

Events get more and more unexplainable, terrifying, and dramatic as the pages turn, until the conclusion wraps. Lauren is a bit spoiled, though she is conscious of it. At times in the book she resorts quickly to money to solve problems, which removes her ability to actually reflect on how the issue can be 1 an actual problem for someone who isn't affluent and 2 resolved using her own problem-solving skills. Holly and Nick were fun characters to read, and Aunt Jules brought such complexity to the plot.

I have issues with how Nora was portrayed, because she was shown as having a mental illness that is grossly untreated. But I can't quite put my finger on how she could have better been depicted. I'm too unsure about that aspect of her character as a whole to comment. I would just say to take Nora's characterization with a grain of salt. I liked Nick but I think I liked his dog better. Join me on my book journey! Aug 06, Kirsty rated it liked it Shelves: I love a trashy teen horror, but why do the teenage girls in them always have to hate each other and fight over boys?

See a Problem?

No wonder I couldn't connect with these characters as a teenager. Sep 10, Maria rated it really liked it. I enjoyed the story but felt like some questions I had weren't answered that should have been Perhaps we were to come to our own conclusions but the ending felt rushed to me. Apr 10, Adriana rated it really liked it. Oct 09, Grace K. This book was fun and energetic!!! La trama segue il modello stilistico della narrazione: Quest'ultimo, tuttavia, poteva essere sviluppato forse maggiormente. I personaggi sono ben tratteggiati e di spessore, di facile immedesimazione e affezione da parte del lettore.

Notevole la cover della Newton Compton che spesso quanto a impatto visivo, almeno nel genere fantasy, batte quella della prima edizione originale. Ora i tasti dolenti: Aug 24, Jessica rated it liked it. Aug 05, Geneva Woodmansee rated it liked it. These books all mostly take place in the same New England town of Wisteria, which is kind of fun. The writing is decent and not too cheesy. Sep 19, Wren [t he y] rated it liked it Shelves: Jun 05, Valentina rated it liked it. Je dois bien avouer que je n'avais qu'un vague souvenir de mon ressenti sur le tome 1, mais je savais qu'il m'avait plu.

Ambiance sombre, secrets mortels, http: Tout d'abord, elle va vite retrouver Nick, son ami d'enfance. Et que cette personne va tenter de la tuer. Celle-ci va y parvenir J'ai eu peur, j'ai eu une boule de stress dans le ventre Quel bonheur de ressentir de telles sensations! Comme nous, Lauren panique. On s'interroge vraiment, et c'est exaltant! J'ai besoin d'en savoir plus! Mar 30, Katelin Campbell rated it really liked it. Our main character in this book is Lauren. Seven years ago her mother died by drowning after she fell off the dock. Lauren had been visiting her godmother at the time and after her mother died, it took her seven years to return.

The death was considered an accident but most believed she was murdered. Lauren decides that it's time to return to Wisteria to see her beloved Aunt Jule. When she arrives in town she decides to walk to the festival and where she runs into an old childhood friend, Nick. Over the seven years Nick has grown into a handsome young man and Lauren feels that instant attraction.

Lauren is the daughter of a senator and which makes her rich. He was able to afford sending her to an all girl boarding school. Being surrounded by girls constantly definitely didn't expose her to boys. While she is walking around, Lauren notices that someone is following her. It really creeps her out so she decides to head to Aunt Jule's house. Her summer escape from her childhood is now falling apart.

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Jules is deep in debt and Jule's daughter Holly is in charge of taking care of expenses. Lauren offers money to Holly to help with the house and the cost of food for which Holly is grateful.

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  • When Lauren gets to the house she meets Nora, Holly's little sister. When they were younger, Nora was already a little different. She was the one who discovered Lauren's mother and it is obvious this has affected her. Aunt Jule ignores it while Holly just tells her sister to knock it off. Only Lauren seems concerned about Nora. Jule is defensive when Lauren approaches the subject of getting Nora psychiatric help.

    The anger shock Lauren as Aunt Jule has always treated Lauren better than her own children. When they were younger, Holly was extremely jealous of Jule's attention to Lauren. Holly is much nicer to Lauren now and told Lauren she has forgiven her. Strange things are beginning to happen around Lauren. She is threatened and is almost killed a couple of times. Mysterious knots are appearing around the house in in Lauren's room, exactly like the knots that Lauren's mother told her about the days before her death. As she gets closer to discovering the truth behind her mother's death, the creepier things get.

    I found Don't Tell better than Legacy of Lies. The creepy factor is definitely higher in this book. Even though I've read the book before, I didn't really remember anything about it. I couldn't remember the details so it was enjoyable to read again. I wasn't kept at the edge of my seat and it was an easy read but I liked it enough. I will continue on with the series.

    As authors continue to write you can usually see growth and the books and writing get better. Hopefully this will hold true for the next three books in the Dark Secrets series. Originally from my blog A Bookworm's Confessions Mais rien n'est plus pareil. Tu seras la prochaine. Innanzitutto voglio chiarire una cosa: L'instabile Nora o la dolce Holly? Il vicino Frank, il bel Nick o la zia Jule che sette anni addietro aveva fatto chiudere in fretta il caso dell'annegamento della madre? Personalmente mi sono scervellata per riuscire a capire chi fosse stato e beh, non ne avevo idea, fino alla fine.

    Tutti sembrano avere qualcosa da nascondere; ci sono segreti su segreti che tutti vogliono mantenere, ma che il ritorno di Lauren sembra aver messo in pericolo. E, ovviamente, da bravo YA, in questo libro non poteva mancare la parte romantica. But while Jule, Holly and Nick all seem pleased to see her, Nora is clearly unstable, and Lauren becomes scared for her life as bizarre and dangerous things keep happening. She starts to doubt whether her mother's death was an accident - and if it wasn't, is she going to be next? I was fully expecting this to be at least a slight letdown after enjoying Legacy of Lies so much, but this story was actually far superior.

    There's an air of menace running right through the book, and it's one of the most chilling teen novels I've ever read, particularly as various items of Lauren's start tying themselves in knots — the same thing that happened to Lauren's mother's things just before she died. The main character of Lauren is wonderful, being strong, independent, and remarkably forgiving, while the supporting cast of Jule, Nick, Holly and Nick's Uncle Frank are all brilliantly brought to life as well.

    Again, the dialogue is brilliant, particularly Nora's, and the ending is breathtaking, wrapping up previous plot points very impressively and providing a really satisfying climax. While the two books were first released separately nearly a decade ago, and there's no real crossover in characters, even though they're set in the same town, this edition works beautifully as a pair of stories with similar themes and is fantastic value for money.

    You can read more book reviews or buy Dark Secrets: Just send us an email and we'll put the best up on the site. Retrieved from " http: Personal tools Log in.