Melissa Patty

As we grow up, we lose sight of how amazing life can be because we feel burdened by the responsibilities and mundane parts of life.

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It's time to reconnect with what you love and to take action on it. No more excuses about not having the time, money, resources, babysitter etc. Make a commitment to do what you love and watch your life change before your very eyes. Go on an adventure. Whether it's a day trip, a solitary retreat, or a week-long drive along the coast, go out and explore the world.

This will not only allow you to tap into the flow, but it will also give you the time and focus to really reconnect with yourself again. You'll be away from the noise of your regular life and will be able to see and experience the world with fresh eyes. I promise, when you come back you will have far more clarity about where you are going than you had when you started. Reconnect with your dreams and dream BIG. What kinds of dreams did you have for your life before you lost yourself in the busy-ness of life? What have you since deemed impossible or improbable because of where you are today?

Grab a journal and reconnect with the dreams you once had and better yet, come up with some new dreams. In a perfect world, what would you love to be, have, or do? What is your soul aching for? Once you reconnect with your dreams, you'll have the desire and inspiration to begin to take action and suddenly you will have found yourself again.

Expand your comfort zone regularly. It's time to get uncomfortable by trying new things and meeting new people. Growth doesn't happen by staying in your bubble of comfort where everything is familiar. Challenge yourself to do something that is slightly terrifying, yet invigorating.

That is what I like to call the zone. It's the space where you are stretching yourself just enough to continue to grow and evolve. What's the first thing that came to mind for you? Get quiet and listen. Everyday there are signs, messages, and guideposts that will inspire you to act, but you only notice them if you are open.

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With all the mind chatter and busy-ness we have these days it can be difficult to recognize the signs that are all around, so it's important to get quiet and listen. Pay attention to the signs on the road, songs on the radio, and the people you meet in the street. Your Most Beautiful Heart. Freedom in Chains, A Short Story.

~Lost Within Myself~ - a poem by Lauren-L- - All Poetry

All That You Ignore. A Dream Come True. The Windows to My Soul. Same Song, Different Strings. The Shadow Who Stole the Whistle.

Famous Poems

Sadness Is a Blanket. A way to freedom. Looking back at depression. In the Mind of a Teenage Girl. From Me, With Love. Pieces of a Broken Soul.

  1. Lost Within Myself - Poem by Melissa Patty!
  2. Nonno Perché e i segreti della natura (Italian Edition)?
  3. Send Reading Invitation Mail.
  4. Herb-Wife (Lord Alchemist Duology Book 2).
  5. Lost Within Myself by Megan Taliaferro - Hello Poetry?

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