
Mit ,1 Milliarden nahm der Bund laut Finanzministerium 18,9 Milliarden Euro mehr an Steuereinnahmen ein als erwartet.

An EU’s common problem

Mai nicht erneut als Parteivorsitzender und gab das Amt somit auf. In Umfragen sank die Partei trotz dem personellen Wechsel auf etwa drei Prozent. In Umfragen erreicht die Partei bis zu 28 Prozent. In Umfragen sanken die Werte der Partei erneut auf 14 bis 17 Prozent und der Landesverband Berlin verstrickte sich in interne Streitereien. Innerhalb des Jahres fanden sieben Wahlen zu Landesparlamenten statt. Nach der Landtagswahl in Sachsen-Anhalt am Bei der Wahl zum Abgeordnetenhaus von Berlin schaffte es die Piratenpartei erstmals in ein Landesparlament.

Weitere Kommunalwahlen fanden am 4. September in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern und am September in Niedersachsen statt.

Der dritte Weltkrieg - Doku ZDF

It is arbitrary because it depends on what the law actually establishes. What is more, it might precisely be what is at stake, as it happens in the current political conflict in Catalonia, when secessionists challenge the idea that the only legitimate demos in Spain is the whole Spanish one. It is circular because the question is who should be able to participate in making the law, so we cannot presuppose that the law has already been made to establish the criterion of subjectedness.

The main alternative, the one that is more popular among theorists nowadays, is the all-affected principle. All those who are affected by a decision in a meaningful way should be able to participate in the decision, although this is compatible with having different people with different forms and degrees of involvement. Now, it is obvious that the major political conflict that we face in Catalonia clearly affects not only Catalans and Spaniards, but also the rest of Europeans. And for that reason I think all Europeans should feel concerned about what is happening now here.

I do not suggest that they should all share the same degree of responsibility or equal vote in finding a stable decision. But they should all have a say and they should also feel some responsibility in the conflict.

Boulevard Of Dreams -

I am not talking about having an option or a privilege. I talk about having a duty. The European Union is surrounded by many terrible political conflicts, some of them occurring in as close as the other side of the Mediterranean Sea. In a globalized world as the one in which we live in, I think the European Union should have a much more active role in helping other international actors to solve their major problems, either because that is what Articles 2, 3. We may have a legal and moral duty to do so, but I also think it is largely optional.

And, more specifically, I do not think the EU has a political duty to intervene in international conflicts. But this is where the Catalan case is different.

  • Was weiß(t) Duden(n) (soisses 1) (German Edition).
  • Boulevard Of Dreams -
  • Liste der geschlossenen amerikanischen Militärstandorte in Süddeutschland – Wikipedia.

We are not talking about an international crisis. It is a major conflict that has exploded within our borders, and which involves our fellow citizens. That is why I demand from the European Institutions, my institutions, to get involved and assist the parties to preserve the values we share and on which our common Union is grounded.

In a previous version, this article contained a factual error not three, but four ministers stayed with Puigdemont in Brussels which is corrected now. Thanks again for covering the situation so well, I hope you will continue doing this. However, I doubt that the proposal of an OPEN interference of the EU and its institutions can be considered a strong legal duty and I also doubt it would be politically wise to do so.

As you wrote, the power to solve the situation is located in Madrid and if Rajoy is not willing to use it, the cooling-down of everybody within the Catalan society probably is the first important step. The elections might not have been the moment yet to strengthen those, who are not fueling the conflict, because voters wanted to make a clear point, but it also made quite clear that the deadlock is here to stay. The timing of this collective realization could not have been better: After arguing all year which lead to much stronger worries than Catalan identity and financial distribution families and friends came together to celebrate Christmas and "els reis".

So, — while the argument of an economic breakdown has been surprisingly weak all along — the short-term solution could be that Catalans realize which kind of prosperity they are actually risking.

Liste der geschlossenen amerikanischen Militärstandorte in Süddeutschland

And then the bottom-up-attitude of lot of Catalans might be good for something again. Just one comment on the German model of art. You are right, the present art. But there was a predecessor in the Weimar constitution, art. Unfortunately, the experiences are rather sad, as it was a tool to legitimize intervention against elected left-wing governments which arguably had not "violated the constitution or federal laws".

In the early years of the republic, the Reich did not tolerate the participation of communist party members in state governments, and in the federal government used the execution procedure to get rid of the last bulwark of the first German democracy, the socialdemocrat-led Prussian government.

Things complicate by the fact that art. When the Prussian government filed a lawsuit to regain its unconstitutionally seized power, the "Staatsgerichtshof" found the measures illegal under art. I am not too much into these things, but anyway, the history shows that the federal execution is a dangerous constitutional tool. I therefore totally agree with you that things could have come a lot worse in Catalonia. As stuck as the situation is, it seems that we have learned in Europe too deal with conflicts peacefully. May I suggest that the comments of Mr Alvaro Gonzalez in Spanish be deleted, as contravening rules 2 and 3 of the Verfassungsblog?

Paradoxically, the author of the comment complains that the independence movement caused "social fracture" in Catalonia, whilst actively and hatefully promoting it through use of such abusive comments. Related Posts Seven Steps to Hell: Requiem for the Rule of Law. Hearing the Siren Song of the Rule of Law. The Facts As I said in my previous post , and pace T. We welcome your comments but you do so as our guest. Please note that we will exercise our property rights to make sure that Verfassungsblog remains a safe and attractive place for everyone.

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Catalonia in deadlock, and why that is a European problem

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