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Using digital technology, Rain Room creates a carefully choreographed downpour, simultaneously encouraging people to become performers on an unexpected stage and creating an intimate atmosphere of contemplation. Rain Room is open daily during regular Museum hours.

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Admittance to the queue will end once it reaches capacity, prior to Museum closing. MoMA members and their guests enjoy priority access to Rain Room at all times, as well as an exclusive early member viewing hour, from 9: Not a MoMA member? Due to popular demand, the Member Early Hour will be extended.

Starting on Saturday, July 20 the early hours will be 8: Corporate Card holders and their guests enjoy priority access to Rain Room at all times. However, priority access to this installation does not extend to Corporate Member employees those holding only an employee ID. In order for visitors to enjoy the sensory experience of Rain Room , capacity is limited to 10 people at a time. Entry is on a first-come, first-served basis and wait times are expected to be significant. Test Your Knowledge - and learn some interesting things along the way.

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Test your vocabulary with our question quiz! Synonyms for rain Synonyms: Noun cloudburst , deluge , downfall , downpour , rainfall , rainstorm , storm , wet Synonyms: Verb pour , precipitate , storm Visit the Thesaurus for More. Examples of rain in a Sentence Noun The weatherman forecasts rain for this afternoon.

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  • Rain - Wikipedia.
  • Rain Room | MoMA.

Everyone went inside when the rain began to fall. What the garden needs is a good, soaking rain.

Heavy rain and severe weather for rest of the week

A light rain began to fall. A severe weather rain warning has been issued for parts of Westland and Fiordland, along with a severe wind watch for inland parts of the island.

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A trough over the South Island moves slowly northeast over central and northern New Zealand during Thursday as a low develops on it to the east of the country, MetService explained in a statement. While this trough is expected to bring rain to most places, a heavy rain warning is in force for Westland. In Westland, north of Otira, Buller and the ranges of northwest Nelson, rain is expected to persist through Thursday.

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There is low confidence rainfall accumulations will reach warning criteria. For the rest of Nelson, Marlborough, Canterbury north of Rangiora, and from Wellington to Horowhenua, including the Tararua Range, there is moderate confidence of warnable amounts of rain on Thursday. Furthermore, on Thursday, there is low risk of warning amounts of rain in Wairarapa excluding the Tararua Range, and Hawkes Bay. For Manawatu to Waitomo, including the central high country, and across to the eastern ranges of Bay of Plenty, there is a low risk of heavy rain.