Mustering the courage to escape the factory, Iqbal found the Bonded Labor Liberation Front and worked to instigate a children's rebellion against companies using child slavery.

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Rewarding Iqbal for his work, Reebok presented him with the Youth in Action Award in and offered him a full scholarship to study law at Brandeis University—a scholarship he did not live to accept. Paperback , pages. Published August 1st by Vision first published To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Una testimonianza coraggiosa, che fa riflettere, indigna, commovente. Lo sapevano tutti ma nessuno osava dire una parola, men che meno il malcapitato di turno, quando tornava barcollando alla propria postazione.

Sesekali jari salah seorang anak terluka parah akibat terkena alat tajam yang digunakan untuk bekerja sehingga tidak bisa melanjutkan pekerjaan, maka ajan terdengar teriakan2 dari para pengawas untuk betjaga-jaga agar jangsn sampai ada darah yg menetes ke karpet berharga. Disinilah babak baru kehidupan baru Iqbal dimulai dengan pembebasan anak2 budak dipakistan suka banget sama ceritanya seorang anak yg menginspirasi orang lain dengan tindakannya!

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This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. L'autore del libro, Andrew Crofts, ne ha scritti molti altri con storie da ricordare come quella di Iqbal, spesso senza neanche firmarli, visto che dice di voler semplicemente prestare la sua mano e la sua penna a chi ha una storia da raccontare, ma magari non sa scriverla. In breve tempo aveva capito quanto l'istruzione fosse importante, fondamentale per le sorti di un popolo, che, se ignorante, inevitabilmente diventa schiavo.

Siamo complici anche noi. Jul 05, Farheen rated it really liked it Recommended to Farheen by: An excellent book complete with riveting details of the lives of little children fooled and abused as bonded labourers. A story of an inspiring child who breaks through the mental shackles and is determined to fight the system and bring about change for himself and everyone else. The book takes you right into the psyche of a 8yr old then 10 yr old then 13 yr old The escapes he plans an An excellent book complete with riveting details of the lives of little children fooled and abused as bonded labourers.

The escapes he plans and how he gets caught and is handed back to his cruel master is heart breaking and it is indeed a sad tale of a reality that continues to exist in many countries where neither laws nor human rights are respected. The book made me want to do something for the injustice these children face - and I'm still thinking what I can do and how to make actions effective.

The Little Hero

A moving story that needs to be read by all, especially those in the developed world where things come far too easily and without much effort. An eye opener and an inspirational heart-tugger. One for the road. I finished it in 2 weeks while on a road trip!

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  • MaskenSpiel (LeseLust 3) (German Edition).

Walaupun Iqbal Masih baru berumur 13 tahun saat ia mati, ia sudah melakukan hal - hal yang belum tentu bisa dilakukan oleh orang berumur 50 tahun.. Apr 23, Sierra added it. Paola Kovalsky rated it liked it Jan 19, Tamanna Ahmed rated it liked it Oct 21, Martina rated it it was amazing Sep 16, Alexiel85 rated it liked it May 15, Christopher rated it really liked it Jan 26, Alessandra Muggianu rated it did not like it Sep 14, Amir Gadhvi rated it really liked it Jul 28, Lendorm rated it really liked it Sep 11, Chiarar rated it liked it Apr 12, Vilma rated it really liked it Nov 26, Gianmarco Ingrosso rated it liked it Jan 02, Erica rated it really liked it Sep 23, Giulia rated it it was amazing Mar 01, Milena rated it liked it Aug 07, Kathy Burrows rated it really liked it Jun 06, Chiara rated it it was amazing Mar 28, Chiara Gianetti rated it it was amazing May 22, Dnt rated it it was amazing Dec 19, Joan Gilmartin rated it really liked it Nov 17, Laura Rajaa rated it it was amazing May 19, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.

Andrew Crofts is an author and ghostwriter. He has published more than 80 books, around a dozen of which have been number one bestsellers.

Little Hero - inna di ghetto

His name first became known amongst publishers for the stories he brought them by the otherwise disenfranchised. Travelling all over the world he worked with victims of enforced marriages in North Africa and the Middle East, sex workers in the Far East, orphans Andrew Crofts is an author and ghostwriter. He felt very lonely, and the hurt in his arm grew and grew.

He watched the road with all his eyes, but no one came in sight. Then he leaned his head against the dike, to rest his shoulder. As his ear touched the dike, he heard the voice of the great sea, murmuring. The sound seemed to say,—. No one can stand against me.

Little Hero () - IMDb

What are you, a little child, that you try to keep me out? Hans started to pull out his finger; he was so frightened that he felt as if he must run for ever. But that minute he remembered how much depended on him; if he pulled out his finger, the water would surely make the hole bigger, and at last break down the dike, and the sea would come in on all the land and houses.

He set his teeth, and stuck his finger tighter than ever. At that moment, he heard a far-off shout. Far in the distance he saw a black something on the road, and dust. The men were coming! At last, they were coming.

They came nearer, fast, and he could make out his own father, and the neighbours. They had pickaxes and shovels, and they were running. The next minute, it seemed, they were there. And when they saw Hans, with his pale face, and his hand tight in the dike, they gave a great cheer,—just as people do for soldiers back from war; and they lifted him up and rubbed his aching arm with tender hands, and they told him that he was a real hero and that he had saved the town. When the men had mended the dike, they marched home like an army, and Hans was carried high on their shoulders, because he was a hero.