Conclusion It is time to acknowledge commercial sex as a widely prevalent and basically fully legitimate form of sexual relations. Sex at the margins: Migration, labour markets and the rescue industry.

Combination HIV prevention for female sex workers: What is the evidence? Intimacy, authenticity, and the commerce of sex. University of Chicago Press; Their lived experiences and policy recommendations. Graduate dissertation, University of Alaska Fairbanks. Of frames, cons and affects: Constructing and responding to prostitution and trafficking for sexual exploitation.

Regional dialogues from the global south. Sexuality Policy Watch; London Review of Books.

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Unmanageable work, un liveable lives: The UK sex industry, labour rights and the welfare state. Human rights violations against sex workers: Burden and effect on HIV. A systematic review of the correlates of violence against sex workers.

American Journal of Public Health. Sex work, trafficking and HIV: Development with a body: The Swedish Sex Purchase Act: Claimed success and documented effects. Paper presented at Decriminalizing Prostitution and Beyond: Sex workers fight against compulsory registration and identification in Germany. The Swedish law that prohibits the purchase of sexual services.

Empower University Press; Euchner EM, Knill C. Sin, unavoidable evil, or recognized profession? On the road to permissiveness? Change and convergence of moral regulation in Europe. Oxford University Press; A particular kind of violence: Swedish social policy puzzles of a multipurpose criminal law. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. Speaking of sex workers: The impact of anti-trafficking measures on human rights around the world. Notes on the management of spoiled identity. Sex work and the law. Where is the funding for anti-trafficking work?

A look at donor funds, policies and practices in Europe. Regulating the spaces of sex work in the EU: Regulation of sex work in Sweden. University of Loughborough; Strategic plan — Feminism needs sex workers, sex workers need feminism: Combating human trafficking in the sex trade: Can sex workers do it better? Journal of Public Health. The Swedish law to criminalize clients: A failed experiment in social engineering.

George Washington College of Law. A community empowerment approach to the HIV response among sex workers: Effectiveness, challenges, and considerations for implementation and scale-up. Anti - gender campaigns in Europe: Kulpa R, Mizielinska J, editors. Central and Eastern European perspectives. Occupational stigma as a primary barrier to health care for street-based sex workers in Canada. Aan de grenzen van het meetbare. De methodologische kwaliteit van internationale studies naar de omvang van aan prostitutie gerelateerde mensenhandel met nadruk op Noordwest Europa [On the boundaries of what we can measure: The methodological quality of international studies on the prevalence of prostitution related human trafficking with emphasis on North West Europe].

University of Humanistic Studies. Levy J, Jakobsson P. Criminology and Criminal Justice. Trafficking, demand and the sex market. Graduate Journal of Social Science. Taking money for bodily services. Journal of Legal Studies. Policy change in prostitution in the Netherlands: From legalization to strict control.

The struggle for autonomy. Conceptrapportage evaluatie uitstapprogramma prostituees Deventer [Concept report exit program prostitutes Deventer]. The framing of prostitution as victimhood and violence for criminalisation purposes. Persak N, Vermeulen G, editors.

Sex Work Criminalization Is Barking Up the Wrong Tree

From discourse to description, from moralisation to normalisation? At long last, listen to the women! Health impacts of criminalisation of sex work. Sexual surveillance and moral quarantines: A history of anti-trafficking.

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Counter-trafficking policies and US power. Notes for a radical theory of the politics of sexuality. Regulating prostitution in England and Wales. Sex work undresses patriarchy with every trick! Global epidemiology of HIV among female sex workers: Influence of structural determinants.

Prostitution policy in the Nordic region.

Sex Work Criminalization Is Barking Up the Wrong Tree

Does anybody want to decriminalise sex workers? The F word , contemporary UK feminism. Sex work and the law in Asia and the Pacific: Laws, HIV and human rights in the context of sex work. Sexuality and sex work. Tolman D, Diamond L, editors. APA handbook of sexuality and psychology. American Psychological Association; Twelve ways to do nothing about trafficking while pretending to.

VU University Press; Another decade of social scientific work on sex work: A review of research — Annual Review of Sex Research. Burnout among female indoor sex workers. The case of the Netherlands. Prostitution push and pull: Male and female perspectives. Journal of Sex Research. Opposition to gender equality: To learn more about Copies Direct watch this short online video.

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