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We typically associate the act of mourning with funerals and death but mourning actually describes the feeling or expression of grief over a major loss, and believe it or not, failed relationships fall in that category. We juggle our closeted emotions like beach balls under water, anxiously awaiting their resurfacing in areas previously undisturbed. We create more chaos by neglecting our emotional needs than we do by addressing our pain.

And, albeit temporary pain, mourning a relationship is a necessary pain. Not just the denial, but anger and depression as well. Mourning the loss of a relationship means intentionally experiencing the full scope of the pain and guilt of failing at love, while making the choice not to be encumbered by it. Relationship withdrawal is real. The feeling of helplessness, the emotional and physical discomfort, the obsessive thoughts, the depression and social withdrawal, the compulsion to see, hear, talk to, know what your ex is doing, all very really symptoms of relationship withdrawal.

It would be nice if recovering from failed relationships was as simple as the words we use to end them, but the emotional complexities of human attachment demand that we end relationships the same we start them, one step at a time.

Get Her To Dump You In 6 Steps - AskMen

While each step in the process carries its own weight, symptom management is crucial due to the fact that we tend to see the most relapses during this phase. How many of us have called one last time just to see if they would pick up? Don't argue with him about the unfairness of it all or attempt to defend yourself in any way. After he has finished explaining his actions, wish him well and leave.

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Avoid calling your ex when you're lying in bed at 2: Delete his number from your contact list so you won't be tempted to text, either. Keep your fingers from clicking on his social profile pages as well. A "no contact" policy is best, according to psychologist and "breakup coach" Sasha Carr. Keeping your distance from your ex for at least 60 days can help you to avoid the emotional upset that turns you from a graceful minx into a sobbing mess. Grieve the loss of your relationship in the privacy of your home. If you want to handle getting dumped gracefully, it's a good idea to stay away from romantic movies at the theater, lest you wind up red-eyed and sniffling by the end of the show.

The next time you are standing or sitting somewhere together, look to see if his toes are pointing toward you or away from you. If his toes are pointed away from you, however, his focus is somewhere else. Look for these other body language signs as well. How does he hug you? A close, intimate hug with full frontal contact shows comfort and affection.

8 Signs You're Getting Dumped

A half-hug, one shoulder hug or other type of pulling away could be a sign of trouble. If your man is uncomfortable around you or looking for distance in your relationship, his body will naturally try to distance itself from yours. And beware of the simultaneous hug and pat on the back. If someone pats you on the back while you are hugging, it is a clear sign of discomfort. Another tell-tale sign is lying with the eyes. When a person lies, he tends to look up toward the left. If you need one sure sign that you are getting dumped, this is it.

He actually tells you that he does not want to see you. People use this line in lieu of an actual breakup because they are trying to avoid a messy confrontation.

How To Get Dumped… The Right Way

If you start to notice any of these signs coming from your significant other, it might be time to evaluate your relationship. Try to pinpoint any problems you know you two are having and identify potential solutions other than breaking up. Ask yourself how far you are willing to go to mend your relationship and consider how far your boyfriend is willing to go in return.

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Then find a time when the two of you can sit down and talk things over. Getting dumped is never easy, but most of us would rather be prepared than blind-sided.

If you can read his signs, you will be better equipped for dealing with getting dumped.