1. Lettres portugaises (French Edition);
  2. LULU.
  3. !
  4. .
  5. ;
  6. .

He heard a car engine and looked up to see a cloud of dust coming off the road about two miles away. But later he grew still, drifted into visionary fields-dew-bedizened leas decked with eglantine and meadow rue.

  • Wisdome Tales from Kirsan Leela.
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  • He veered off onto a rutted path, a thin pencil line of black dropping through the thick growth. I was only ten, but i felt ancient when you were placed in my arms.

    On the Go with Ray LaHood: September 2012

    He might have said to them: oh, dear friends, those things of which you speak are the toys that long ago i played with and set aside.