Comparative cost analysis covered initial treatment, hospital follow-up, outpatient and production loss costs. Despite a fairly good prognosis, many breast-cancer patients suffer from symptoms such as anxiety, depression and fatigue, which may affect health-related quality of life and may persist for several years. The aim of the present study was to perform a long-term follow-up of a randomized study of support group intervention in women after primary breast cancer treatment.
Three hundred and eighty two women with primary breast cancer were randomized to support group intervention or control group, in each group. Women in the intervention group participated in 1 week of intervention followed by 4 days of follow-up 2 months later. This is a long-term follow-up undertaken, in average, 6. After adjusting for treatment with chemotherapy, age, marriage, education and children at home, there was a significant improvement in physical, mental and total fatigue FQ , cognitive function, body image and future perspective EORTC QLQ C 30 and BR23 in the intervention group compared with controls.
The proportion of women affected by high anxiety and depression scores were not significantly different between the groups. Support intervention significantly improved cognitive function, body image, future perspective and fatigue, compared with to the findings in the control group. Quality of life of early stage colorectal cancer patients in Morocco. A multicentre cohort study was held in Morocco, designed to evaluate the quality of life of cancer patients. The aim of this paper is to report the assessment of the quality of life of early colorectal cancer patients, before and after cancer treatment, to identify other factors which are related to this quality of life.
The Data collection was done at inclusion and then every twelve weeks to achieve one year of follow up. The male-female sex ratio was 1. At inclusion, the global health status was the most affected functional dimension. Emotional and social functions were significantly worse in rectal cancer. Most symptoms were more present in rectal cancer. At inclusion, global health status score was significantly worse in stage III. Anorexia was significantly more important among colorectal female patients. Overall, Functional dimensions scores were improved after chemotherapy.
The symptoms scores did not differ significantly for patients treated by radiotherapy, between inclusion and at one year. Neither chemotherapy, nor radiotherapy worsened the quality of life at one year. Dutch validation of the low anterior resection syndrome score. The aim of this study was to validate the Dutch translation of the low anterior resection syndrome LARS score in a population of Dutch rectal cancer patients.
A subgroup of patients received the LARS score twice to assess the test-retest reliability. A total of patients were included in the analysis, identified in six Dutch centres. The response rate was The percentage of patients who reported 'major LARS' was There was a high proportion of patients with a perfect or moderate fit between the QoL category question and the LARS score, showing a good convergent validity.
Ettie Bierman
The test-retest reliability of the LARS score was good, with an interclass correlation coefficient of 0. The good psychometric properties of the Dutch version of the LARS score are comparable overall to the earlier validations in other countries. Therefore, the Dutch translation can be considered to be a valid tool for assessing LARS in Dutch rectal cancer patients.
Radiation therapy RT is an effective method of palliating painful bone metastases and can improve function and reduce analgesic requirements. In advanced cancer patients, quality of life QOL is the primary outcome of interest over traditional endpoints such as survival. The purpose of our study was to compare bone metastasis-specific QOL scores among patients who responded differently to palliative RT. Pain scores and analgesic intake were recorded, and response to RT was determined according to the latest published guidelines.
Is ignorance a Bliss? Despite worldwide trends toward optimizing full disclosure of information DOI , the prevailing belief that cancer diagnosis should be concealed from patients, for their own good, has endured for a substantial period of time in Middle Eastern communities. Moreover, we compared the differences in the level of information among groups based on clinical and biographical variables.
A sample of patients, being treated for a variety of malignancies, was prospectively evaluated. In total patients were interviewed.
There was a considerable lack of information provided to the participants with Further analysis showed no significant association between gender, marital status, cancer site and stage and the amount of information received. However, age and level of education were associated with DOI such as younger and more educated patients received more information. Older patients were also found to be the most satisfied with the information they received, despite having less access to information. Determinants and implications of cancer patients' psychosocial needs. Cancer patients often experience distress.
However, the majority of newly diagnosed patients gradually adapt to the crisis. When symptoms of distress and anxiety persist over months, patients require psychosocial support. The aim of the present study was to determine the proportion of cancer patients who indicate the need for psychosocial support and to identify sociodemographic, psychological and illness-related factors predicting the need for psychosocial support in a German sample.
The cross-sectional retrospective study was administered to cancer patients who had been inpatients at the University Hospital of Cologne. Patients suffering from bronchial, oesophageal, colorectal, breast, prostate and skin cancer participated in the study. The severity of depressive symptoms was assessed using the German version of the Major Depression Inventory. The level of anxiety was assessed with the state subscale of the German version of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Of the cancer patients, Nonetheless, the successful implementation of PROs is still a major challenge, although common barriers to and facilitators of their beneficial use are well known.
Herein, we present an outline of the newly developed "'Manual for the use of EORTC measures in daily clinical practice", covering the following issues: Next to an extensive overview of currently available literature, the manual specifically focuses on knowledge about EORTC measures to give evidence-based recommendations whenever possible and to encourage readers and end-users of EORTC measures to contribute to further needed high-quality research.
The manual will be accessible on the EORTC Quality of Life Group website's homepage and will be periodically updated to take into account any new knowledge due to medical, technical, regulatory and scientific advances. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. Spiritual therapy to improve the spiritual well-being of Iranian women with breast cancer: The aim of this study was to investigate the role of spiritual therapy intervention in improving the spiritual well-being and quality of life QOL of Iranian women with breast cancer.
After six spiritual therapy sessions, the mean spiritual well-being score from In the total patient sample, worse emotional functioning, pain, and appetite loss were the most significant predictive factors for worse QOL. One-month follow-up in patients revealed that the significant predictors changed somewhat over time. For example, in the total patient sample, physical functioning, fatigue, and appetite loss were significant predictors at the follow-up point. A sub-analysis of predictive factors affecting QOL by primary cancer lung, breast, and prostate was also conducted for the total patient sample.
Special attention should be directed to managing factors most influential on overall QOL to ensure optimal management of advanced cancer patients. Development of an item bank for computerized adaptive test CAT measurement of pain. Patient-reported outcomes should ideally be adapted to the individual patient while maintaining comparability of scores across patients.
This is achievable using computerized adaptive testing CAT. The development process consisted of four steps: In step 1, we identified pain items from the literature. Twenty-nine new items fitting the QLQ-C 30 item style were formulated in step 2 that were reduced to 26 items by expert evaluations.
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Based on interviews with 31 patients from Denmark, France and the UK, the list was further reduced to 21 items in step 3. In phase 4, responses were obtained from cancer patients from five countries. Psychometric evaluations showed that 16 items could be retained in a unidimensional item bank. We have established an item bank of 16 items suitable for CAT measurement of pain.
While being backward compatible with the QLQ-C 30 , the new item bank will significantly improve measurement precision of pain. To assess anxiety level and factors contributing to its development in patients undergoing surgical treatment for breast cancer. The subjects of the study were 72 women, aged years, with the diagnosis of primary breast cancer. Anxiety is a highly prevalent in women with breast cancer and has a marked negative impact, in particular on younger patients. Assessing health-related quality of life in gynecologic oncology: Researchers wishing to assess the health-related quality of life HRQoL of women with gynecologic cancers have a range of questionnaires to choose from.
In general, disease-, treatment-, or symptom-specific questionnaires are assumed to be better able to identify between-group differences sensitivity and changes over time responsiveness than are cancer-specific or generic questionnaires. However, little work has tested this assumption in oncology. We set out to a identify all multidimensional HRQoL questionnaires used in studies with women with gynecologic cancer and b evaluate their track records in identifying minimal clinically important differences MCIDs , with a view to making recommendations.
We searched MEDLINE using the term quality of life and each gynecologic cancer type, as well as the names of identified questionnaires. Twenty-seven articles reported results from 26 studies in which an MCID had been identified. Quality of life in cancer patients undergoing anticoagulant treatment with LMWH for venous thromboembolism: Clinical guidelines recommend at least 3-months low molecular weight heparin LMWH treatment for established venous thromboembolism VTE in cancer patients. Among cancer patients included at M0, Patients were asked to answer three QoL questionnaires at anticoagulant treatment initiation M0 and at 3 M3 and 6 M6 -month follow-ups.
Changes in quality of life and disease-related symptoms in patients with polycythemia vera receiving ruxolitinib or standard therapy. Polycythemia vera PV -related symptoms may not be adequately controlled with conventional therapy. Serious adverse events SAEs and subject replacements occur frequently in phase 1 oncology clinical trials. Whether baseline quality-of-life QOL or social support can predict risk for SAEs or subject replacement among these patients is not known.
Between , 92 patients undergoing screening for enrollment into one of 22 phase 1 solid tumor clinical trials at Roswell Park Cancer Institute were included in this study. Frequency of dose limiting toxicities DLTs , subject replacement and SAEs that occurred within the first 4 cycles of treatment were recorded. Fisher's exact test and Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test were used to study the association between categorical and continuous variables, respectively.
A linear transformation was used to standardize QOL scores. Quality assurance in head and neck surgical oncology: EORTC trial on larynx preservation. In this multicentre study, patients with resectable advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx or hypopharynx were randomly assigned for treatment with sequential or alternating chemoradiation. The need for a quality assurance program is the evaluation and prevention of differences in treatments between centres in this multidisciplinary study. The surgical subcommittee of the HNCG prepared a questionnaire, and clinical records of all patients were verified during audits of independent teams.
Data relating institutional practices were collected during a face to face interview with members of the local team. The main difference between centres was the time interval between first consultation and treatment initiation, with a mean of 45 days. Extranodal spread was not always described in neck dissection specimens. The EORTC trial on larynx preservation was the first prospective trial with a quality assurance program in head and neck surgical oncology. The analysis shows similarities in practices, but also points out some important differences between centres.
Operation reports were fairly complete, but uniformity in pathology reports should be improved. To explore factors affecting quality of life QOL among patients with nasopharyngeal cancer NPC complicated by post-radiotherapy endocrinopathy. This cross-sectional study was conducted in a tertiary medical center and involved a total of 43 post-radiotherapy, recurrence-free NPC patients with endocrinopathy.
Of the patients, 22 Both depression and anxiety were negatively correlated with functional scales and global QoL but positively correlated with symptom scales. Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that physical distress symptoms of QLQ-C 30 and physical functioning were the significant predictors of global QoL. Emotional and social functioning could predict depression, whereas emotional and physical functioning were significant predictors of anxiety. NPC patients with post-radiotherapy endocrinopathy exhibit impaired cognitive function and negative emotions.
Symptoms of physical distress play an important role in QoL perception. The high psychological distress related to the endocrine disturbances or the impact of NPC itself needs further study. Does awareness of diagnosis influence health related quality of life in north Indian patients with lung cancer?
eortc qlq-c30 version: Topics by
Several patients with cancer in India are not aware of their diagnosis. We evaluated the impact of awareness of cancer diagnosis on health-related quality of life HRQL in newly diagnosed patients with lung cancer. Various domain scores were computed and compared between the two groups. Analysis of covariance was used to determine significance of differences after adjustment for potential confounding factors. Of all, All HRQL domain scores were similar between the two groups, except that group B patients had significantly poorer median interquartile range Physical [ After adjusting for gender, age, education, family income, and tumour extent, these differences were not significant.
Disclosure of cancer diagnosis, or lack of it, had no significant impact on HRQL in patients with lung cancer after adjustment of potential confounders. Relationship between anxiety disorders and domains of health related quality of life among Nigerians with breast cancer. Health Related Quality of life HRQoL is increasingly recognised as an important indicator of outcome and well-being in oncology care. A cross sectional evaluation of attendees of an oncology clinic was done using designed questionnaire to gather socio-demographic and clinical data.
The mean age of participants was Spiritual well-being was found to have some protective effect against end-of life despair in cancer patients. We aimed at assessing the impact of spirituality on the quality of life, depression, and anxiety of Lebanese cancer patients. In addition to socio-demographic and clinical data, three questionnaires were used: The remaining 97 patients were analyzed. Better emotional and cognitive functioning was seen in patients with higher meaning, peace, faith, and total FACIT scores.
Meaning, peace, and total FACIT scores were also higher among patients with better global health status and quality of life. Anxiety as well as depression was significantly associated to all spiritual well-being factors. Spirituality can improve quality of life and decrease the incidence of anxiety and depression in cancer patients.
Our results highlight the need to incorporate spiritual care in healthcare systems. Differences in health-related quality of life between European and Asian patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. The aim of this study is to explore the possible effects of clinical and cultural characteristics of hepatocellular carcinoma on patients' health-related quality of life HRQoL. Comparisons were made using Student's t-test and Wilcoxon rank-sum test with method of false discovery to correct multiple comparisons.
Multiway analysis of variance and model selection were used to assess the effects of clinical characteristics and geographic areas. Two hundred and twenty-seven patients with hepatocellular carcinoma completed questionnaires. Both clinical characteristics and geographic areas affected the HRQoL in with hepatocellular carcinoma.
Cultural differences and clinical differences in the pattern of disease due to active surveillance of Asian countries may explain the results. An analysis of treatment of patients with complicated forms of chronic pancreatitis operated during years was carried out. The indicators of quality of life have improved by Change of the surgical strategy has led to decreased number of postoperative complications by 4.
Multiorgan resections in the small pelvis are standard procedures in oncosurgery and some indications have no alternative. In advanced pelvic cancer, pelvic exenteration with en bloc resection of the involved organs and structures, including portions of the bony pelvis, is indicated. The aim was to describe the quality of life of long-term total pelvic exenteration survivors. In total, 63 pelvic exenterations were performed between to at the Department of Surgery, Thomayer Hospital, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, mostly for primary or relapsed rectal cancer.
At the time of this survey, 24 patients after TPE were surviving longer than one year after the surgery. Most of our patients reported a good level of their physical, emotional, cognitive and social functions. Some patients reported a worse body image, and of course a worsening in their sexual life. Regarding symptom-oriented questions, some patients evaluated the necessity of more frequent care of the stomia as slightly problematic; most patients reported impotence men or painful sexual intercourse women. Long-term quality of life in survivors of pelvic exenteration for rectal cancer is comparable with reported results following primary rectal cancer resection with the exception of the sexual function.
The quality of life gradually improves in the course of weeks to months from the surgery. A cross-cultural convergent parallel mixed methods study of what makes a cancer-related symptom or functional health problem clinically important. In this study, we investigated what makes a symptom or functional impairment clinically important, that is, relevant for a patient to discuss with a health care professional HCP. We conducted interviews with cancer patients and HCPs in 6 European countries. Participants were asked to name aspects of a symptom or problem that make it clinically important and to provide importance ratings for a predefined set of aspects eg, need for help and limitations of daily functioning.
We conducted interviews with 83 cancer patients mean age, Participants related clinical importance to limitations of everyday life patients, In the patient sample, importance ratings were highest for worries by partner or family, limitations in everyday life, and need for help from the medical staff. Health care professionals rated limitations in everyday life and need for help from the medical staff to be most important. Based on these findings, we will define anchor items for the development of thresholds for clinical importance for the EORTC measures in a Europe-wide field study.
Fifteen centers from 8 countries completed the pFQ between May and December The average number of patients treated per year and per particle center was range, An increase in the patients-health professional FTE ratio was observed for eye tumor only centers when compared to other centers. The majority of centers treated pediatric cases with particles. Only a minority of the queried institutions treated non-static targets. As the number of particle centers coming online will increase, the experience with this treatment modality will rise in Europe.
Children can currently be treated in these facilities in a majority of cases. The majority of these centers provide state of the art particle beam therapy. Here the results obtained between and are presented and compared to previous results. For all BOA reports the following parameters were scored: Four-hundred and sixty-one BOA reports were analyzed containing the results of photon and electron beams, delivered by different treatment machines.
The majority of beams Only 13 beams 0. Previous reviews reported a much higher percentage of 2. This is an important improvement compared to previous BOA results. A Comparison of Women Versus Men. Studies comparing health-related quality of life HR-QoL between patients who underwent radical cystectomy RC and those who underwent a different form of urinary diversion has not reached yet univocal and reliable conclusions. The aim of our study was to evaluate bladder-specific long-term HR-QoL after radical cystectomy and ileal conduit. A multicenter study was carried out on consecutive patients males and 33 females undergoing RC and ileal conduit IC.
Nevertheless, men undergoing IC had more problems in sexual functioning than women score: Some young and active patients requiring abdominoperineal resection for rectum cancer ask for an alternative of an abdominal colostomy. We analysed the results after a combination of a perineal colostomy and antegrade continence enemas ACE. Fifteen patients have been operated between and Five out of 15 patients presented complications: ACE are still used by all patients.
The volume needed was ml and duration of irrigation was 30 minutes minutes. The scores for all aspects of functioning were excellent, as well as the score for body image. The procedure is simple and can be performed in one operative session. A perineal colostomy with ACE seems to be a valuable and less expensive alternative for an abdominal colostomy, and certainly for total anorectal reconstruction. A sociological study was made of quality of life of 60 patients with nephrostomic drainage and 71 patients with an ureteral stent according to standard international questionnaires SF and EORTC QLQ-C 30 , version 3.
It was found that both internal and external drain significantly aggravate quality of life in the same degree. Younger patients of both groups suffered less. Quality of life was higher in both groups in drainage duration up to 1 month p Quality of Life in Patients with Bladder Cancer Undergoing Ileal Conduit: The European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer EORTC phase 3 randomized clinical trial compared 2 schemes of combined chemotherapy for patients with resectable cancers of the hypopharynx and larynx: The current study reports detailed effects of both treatment arms on health-related quality of life HRQOL and symptoms.
QOL assessment was performed at randomization; at baseline; at 42 days; and at 6, 12, 24, 36, and 48 months. There were no observed differences with regard to the primary endpoint of Fatigue and secondary endpoint of Dyspnea. Significant differences were found in the secondary endpoints of Swallowing and Speech problems at 42 days after randomization in favor of patients in the sequential arm.
Explanatory and sensitivity analysis revealed that the primary analysis favored the sequential arm, but the majority of differences in HRQOL did not exist at the end of treatment, and returned to baseline levels. In the current study, a trend toward worse scores was noted in the patients treated on the alternating chemoradiotherapy arm but very few differences reached the level of statistical significance.
Quality-of-life impairment after endoluminal locoregional resection and laparoscopic total mesorectal excision. For selected patients with rectal cancer, endoluminal locoregional resection ELRR by transanal endoscopic microsurgery TEM may be an alternative treatment option to laparoscopic total mesorectal excision LTME. Observation 1 month after LTME showed worsening in all items of both questionnaires. Functional sequelae are present up to 1 month only. Informational needs among cancer patients are similar, but the degree of information disclosure in different cultural areas varies.
In this paper, we present the results of a cross-cultural study on information received. This questionnaire evaluates the information that patients report they have received. Cross-cultural differences in information have been evaluated using statistical tests such as Kruskall-Wallis and multivariate models with covariates to account for differences in clinical and demographic characteristics across areas.
Four hundred and fifty-one patients from three cultural areas, North-Middle Europe, South Europe, and Taiwan, were included in the study. These results were confirmed when adjusting for age, education, and disease stage. There are cross-cultural differences in information received.
Some of these differences are based on the characteristics of each culture. The proportion of patients with improved HRQOL scores, defined as a change of 10 points or more, and duration of changes were recorded. Sixty-five patients completed the questionnaires at baseline. The treatment was consistently associated with improvement or stability in most of the preselected HRQOL domains.
Global health improved over time; mean score differed by 9. For social functioning and cognitive functioning, mean scores improved over time, with a maximum difference of By contrast, fatigue worsened over time, with a difference in mean score of 5. Quality of life in cancer survivors 5 years or more after total gastrectomy: This study investigated how total gastrectomy TG , along with memories of cancer, affect the subjective wellness of survivors long after surgery.
Rational approaches for effectively improving the quality of life QoL of these survivors were suggested. Between and , QoL data of gastric cancer patients who underwent a curative TG, were obtained at 5-year postoperative follow-up visits 5-year survivors and at visits beyond 5 years long-term survivors. The control groups for these survivor groups were constructed from volunteers who visited our health-examination center for annual medical checkups.
In long-term survivors, deterioration in QoL were still apparent in financial difficulties, reflux, and eating restrictions, while QoL differences in the remaining scales had diminished. Surviving 5 years after TG does not result in living in a carefree state in terms of QoL. After 5 postoperative years, survivors still need extended care for deteriorated QoL indicators due to symptomatic, behavioral, and financial consequences of surgery.
While relevant clinical and institutional approaches are required for corresponding declines in QoL, such efforts must extend beyond 5 postoperative years.
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Published by Elsevier Ltd. Cardiovascular disease after treatment for Hodgkin's lymphoma: Cardiovascular disease after treatment is an important concern in cancer survivors. However, knowledge of cardiotoxicity is limited by the retrospective nature of data, which often does not contain details of treatment exposure. To facilitate individual risk counselling of patients, we aimed to quantify the effect of anthracyclines, vinca-alkaloids, and radiotherapy on the risk of cardiovascular disease in patients treated for Hodgkin's lymphoma.
We reconstructed the mean radiation doses to the heart and carotid arteries and the cumulative doses of anthracyclines and vinca-alkaloids for all patients. Incidence of cardiovascular disease was reported during follow-up and updated through the LSQ. We applied Cox proportional hazards regression analyses to quantify the effect of chemotherapy and radiation on the risk of a first cardiovascular disease event. Information of primary treatment was complete for patients median age at diagnosis 30 years [IQR ]; median length of follow-up 9 years [].
The pharmaceutical formulation of a new anti-tumour agent has often been perceived as the bottleneck in anti-cancer drug development. The main goal of the JFWP is to facilitate the rapid progress of a new drug through pharmaceutical developmental to preclinical toxicology and subsequently to phase I clinical trial. Under the auspices of the JFWP around 50 new agents have been developed or are currently in development. In this report we present our formulation experiences since the establishment of the JFWP with a selected number of agents: The approaches used and problems presented may be of general interest to scientists in related fields and those considering submitting agents for development.
A randomized controlled trial of physical activity, dietary habit, and distress management with the Leadership and Coaching for Health LEACH program for disease-free cancer survivors. We aimed to evaluate the potential benefits of the Leadership and Coaching for Health LEACH program on physical activity PA , dietary habits, and distress management in cancer survivors. We randomly assigned cancer survivors with an allocation ratio of two-to-one to the LEACH program LP group, coached by long-term survivors, or the usual care UC group.
Clinical trial information can be found for the following: NCT the date when the trial was registered: Metastasis size in melanoma sentinel lymph nodes SLNs is an emerging prognostic factor.
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Two European melanoma treatment trials include SLN metastasis diameters as inclusion criteria. Whilst diameter estimates are sensitive to the number of sections examined, the level of this bias is largely unknown.
We performed a prospective multicentre study to compare the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer EORTC recommended protocol with a protocol of complete step-sectioning. Overall, 29 patients Examining SLNs by close central sectioning alone EORTC Protocol misses a substantial number of metastases and underestimates the maximum metastasis diameter, leading to important changes in patient eligibility for various treatment protocols. Cancer patients routinely develop symptoms consistent with profound circadian disruption, which causes circadian disruption diminished quality of life.
This study was initiated to determine the relationship between the severity of potentially remediable cancer-associated circadian disruption and quality of life among patients with advanced lung cancer. Fifty three of the patients in the study were starting their definitive therapy following diagnosis and thirty one patients were beginning second-line therapy. Among the patients who failed prior therapy, the median time between completing definitive therapy and baseline actigraphy was 4.
We found that circadian disruption is universal and severe among these patients compared to non-cancer-bearing individuals.

This analysis was performed to assess whether antiepileptic drugs AEDs modulate the effectiveness of temozolomide radiochemotherapy in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma. Data were adjusted for known prognostic factors. When treatment began, patients Patients receiving VPA alone 97 [ Future studies are needed to determine whether VPA increases TMZ bioavailability or acts as an inhibitor of histone deacetylases and thereby sensitizes for radiochemotherapy in vivo.
It is now accepted that the addition of temozolomide to radiotherapy in the treatment of patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma multiforme GBM significantly improves survival. We tested this calculator against actual local survival data to validate its use in our patients. Prospectively collected clinical data were analysed on consecutive patients receiving concurrent chemoradiotherapy following surgical treatment of GBM between December and February Using the EORTC online calculator, survival outcomes were generated for these patients and compared with their actual survival.
The median overall survival for the entire cohort was This is in comparison to the median overall predictive survival of Subgroup analyses showed similar overestimation of patients' survival, except calculator Model 3 which utilised MGMT status. Uncertainty exists as to the cause of overestimation in the cohort although local socioeconomic factors might play a role. The different calculator models yielded different outcomes and the "best" predictor of survival for the cohort under study utilised the tumour MGMT status.
We would strongly encourage similar local studies of validity testing prior to employing the online prognostic calculator for other population groups. A Report Using Intergroup All books are in great condition, all covered and no highlighting or torn pages. Marbles - Ad posted by azzie5.
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