The boys run out to watch the carnival arrive at three in the morning. As the train pulls in, the smoke billows in circles and solidifies as the carnival. Holloway talks about this time of night as "soul's midnight," when men are closest to death, locked in the depths of despair. The boys go the next day to explore the carnival and they encounter their seventh grade teacher, Miss Foley, who is dazed after visiting the Mirror Maze.

Jim insists on coming back that night and Will agrees, but when they bump into the lightning-rod salesman's abandoned bag, they realize that they must stay to learn what happens after dark. After investigating all of the rides, they go up to a carousel, which has an out-of-order sign. Cooger suddenly grabs Will and Jim after they climb up on horses and he informs them the merry-go-round is broken. Another man arrives and tells him to put them down, introducing himself as Mr. Dark and says that the huge man's name is Mr. Dark pays attention only to Jim, who is enthralled by what he sees.

He then tells the boys to come back the next day and offers them passes to the carousel. They run away and then hide and wait. Cooger riding backwards on the carousel as the music plays backwards , and when he steps off, to their shock, he is twelve years old. They follow young Mr. Cooger to Miss Foley's house, where he pretends to be the nephew she was expecting. Jim tries to talk to with him, because he wants to ride the carousel, but Will stops him. Jim takes off in the direction of the carnival.

When Will catches up, Mr. Cooger is riding the carousel growing older, and Jim is about to join him. Will knocks the switch on the carousel and it flies out of control, spinning rapidly forward. Cooger ages over years before it stops, and Jim and Will take off. They return with the police, but Mr.

Cooger is nowhere to be found. Inside the tents they find him all set up as a new act, "Mr.

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Electrico", a man they run electricity through. Dark tells the boys to come back to the carnival the next day. Will tries to keep his father out of the situation, promising him that he will tell all soon. That night, the Dust Witch floats by in her balloon to find Jim and Will. Will lures her to an abandoned house and destroys her balloon with a bow and arrow. They later both dream of a bizarre funeral for the balloon, featuring a giant, misshapen coffin. The next day the boys find a girl crying on the curb and realize she is the former Miss Foley made young again but also totally blind.

They assist her to her house, but when they return they're cut off by a parade. The carnival is out searching the streets for the two of them. The boys hide, and Will's father spots them hiding under a storm drain in front of the cigar store. The boys convince him to keep quiet.

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Dark later arrives to talk to him. Holloway pretends not to know the two boys whose faces are tattooed on the man's hand, but when the Witch comes and begins to sense the boys' presence he blows cigar smoke at her, choking her and forcing her to leave. Dark then asks Charles Holloway for his name, and Will's father tells him he is the town library's janitor.

That night Will and Jim meet him at the library where he has done research into his own father's ministerial notes. The carnival arrives once a generation, and leaves in the midst of a giant storm. Dark appears and the boys hide in the book stacks. He discovers both of them and crushes the janitor's hand when Mr.

Holloway attempts to fight him. The tarot witch casts spells on the boys to mesmerize them and also tries to stop Mr. Just before he is about to die, Charles Holloway looks at the Witch and begins to laugh hysterically. His laughter wounds her deeply and drives her away. He then follows Mr.

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Dark to the carnival to rescue the boys. At the carnival Charles Holloway triumphs over Mr. Dark, finds his son in the mirror maze, kills the Witch with a smile on a bullet, and destroys all the mirrors in a matter of minutes, all through the use of laughter and cheer. Then he and Will search for Jim.

My favorite Halloween legend

Cooger turns to dust and blows away before he can be saved by the carousel. Jim runs to the merry-go-round, and rides it forward. When I got home at 1: I went to check the circuit breaker and saw that the padlock on it had been cut. I promptly went inside and called Here is the conclusion I have come to though I'm open to alternatives. Someone had been watching us for a while and knew our habits. That Saturday, they saw her car in the driveway and my car gone.

They cut the lock and threw the circuit breaker. This would have baited her outside. She would have been outside with the front door unlocked and quite vulnerable. I bought a nice bottle of wine for her friend and a shotgun for the house. A post shared by Creepy Catalog thecreepycatalog on May 18, at A man leaves his house every morning to walk to work and passes a mental hospital surrounded by a wooden fence. Every morning the patients are out in the yard and he can hear them saying in unison,. When I was a child my family moved to a big old two-floor house, with big empty rooms and creaking floorboards.

Tales of Halloween - Wikipedia

Both my parents worked so I was often alone when I came home from school. One early evening when I came home the house was still dark. I jumped back, startled and ran down the stairs to her, but as I glanced back from the top of the stairs, the door to the room slowly opened a crack. I check into small hotel a few kilometers from Kiev. I tell woman at desk I want a room.

She tells me room number and give key. Night comes and I hear trickling of water. It comes from the room across. My wife woke me up last night to tell me there was an intruder in our house. She was murdered by an intruder 2 years ago. I was having a pleasant dream when what sounded like hammering woke me.

After that, I could barely hear the muffled sound of dirt covering the coffin over my own screams. After working a hard day I came home to see my girlfriend cradling our child. You hear your mom calling you into the kitchen.

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Born 7 pounds 10 ounces, 18 inches long, 32 fully formed teeth. She went upstairs to check on her sleeping toddler. The window was open and the bed was empty. Being the first to respond to a fatal car accident is always the most traumatic thing I see as a police officer. But today, when the crushed body of the little dead child boy strapped in his car seat opened his eyes and giggled at me when I tried to peel him out of the wreckage, I immediately knew that today would be my last day on the force.

I always thought my cat had a staring problem, she always seemed fixated on my face. Until one day, when I realized that she was always looking just behind me. I woke up cold, clutching the dress she was buried in. I kiss my wife and daughter goodnight before I go to sleep. The pairs of emaciated eyes outnumber the single round in my gun. My mother has been screaming at the front door for hours now. I have a friend named Charlie. I used a Ouija board yesterday, but I only asked one question and put it away.

I got my answer today — written in blood on my ceiling. Problem is, my daughter is with her mother this weekend… over miles away. Grandpa died smoking a cigar in his favorite chair. We got a new one but from the ash marks he leaves behind he has a new favorite chair. My husband woke me up by kissing my cheek when he got home late. This morning I checked my phone — he stayed with a friend last night.

I like to sing in the shower sometimes. My wife just ran in to ask me if I was okay because she could hear my terrible coughing fit from across the house. Finger also for sale for the right offer. I had a dream that a man was watching me sleep from outside my bedroom window. When I woke up, I found footprints… inside, next to my bed.

My TV keeps turning on by itself. My girlfriend is scared of horror movies. He died in a drunk driving accident six years ago. I thought it was stupid until I went on a blind date and saw him at the table. My mom told me she had the best time playing with my little sister today. My sister went missing in — they found her body in I tried to be a loving mother.

I should have been cremated, and not buried in the ground. And tonight you might possibly die. Than the night the police found, her dismembered head. And hand reached up and grabbed my foot. Their bodies swaying side to side, while silently they hung. There is someone right behind you.

Warm and juicy; best best served fresh. I love the taste of human flesh. What could lie in her crib, crying? And exact my revenge — flesh by the pound. And I know how your window unlocks. I was starving and lost in the woods until I found a hiker. In the morning I woke up freezing cold and clutching the dress she was buried in. I arrived at the funeral a few minutes late. Nobody acknowledged me, and I figured out why when I looked into the casket and saw myself.

I had three seconds of sight left. I was fascinated by how much my brains resembled oatmeal, spattered on the concrete. They gave you to me. As I walked up the driveway with my new friend, I introduced him to my dad.

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I sat up from this horrible nightmare that a gruesome faced man was trying to get in my home, all of a sudden I heard my daughter screaming. She woke up to an unusual silence in their bedroom.

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  8. She looked over as the thing that laid where her husband use to be rose from under the sheets. I have never seen anything like it, the way it screamed and crawled towards me. This… This thing is suppose to be my little brother. Lightning strikes and there is a man standing in my hallway with a knife. I woke up to the sound of screams and the feel of immense heat surrounding me.

    I look at my clock its 3: Looking at my clock it is 3: As she finally drifted off to sleep, she felt the cold, bony fingers caress her body. She prayed it was just a dream…. When she turned around, she saw her own self, dressed in different clothes. Her heart went into shock and the other self gently helped her to the floor as she died. I opened my front door to the frantic pounding of my next door neighbor.