Anche il sindaco di Palermo Leoluca Orlando ha fatto sentire la sua voce: L'immigrazione compete ad altri. Anche la casa del sindaco deve essere pronta ad accogliere i migranti. Vanno a scaricarli nel paese di provenienza della nave. Certo che i napolitani sono sempre stati di cuore: Hey ma chi comanda in Italia? Il sindaco di Napoli? Cominci ad ospitare qualcuno a casa sua, tanto per dare l'esempio Ma se non ha neppure i soldi per dargli una bottiglia d'acqua?
Se lo 'sborone' li vuole ebbene, che se li tenga. Il sindaco di Napoli quale competenza ha sulla capitaneria del porto? De Magistris, ha chiesto ai napoletani cosa ne pensano? Faccia attenzione alla sua pellaccia. Spero anche la casa di Giggino sia aperta per raccoglierli. Nulla di nuovo, chi non sa fare il sindaco, l'attore, il fotografo o il vignettista, si occupa di clandestini, gender e sesso degli angeli! Ma i Napoletani sarebbero d'accordo con Giggino? Giggino a' munnezza bella. Lei faccia il Sindaco. Se vuole fare il Ministro dell'Interno, alle prossime elezioni, si candidi; diversamente In caso contrario, dovrebbe essere sostituito.
Illustre Sindaco, ed il pestaggio dei nordafricani in danno ai turisti? La vita umana continua ad avere un valore assoluto? E' piu' che probabile che i napoletani la pensano diversamente e piuttosto che farne continuare ad arrivare altri vorrebbero liberarsi di quelli che gia' infestano la loro citta'.
Quando si vota a Napoli per il sindaco? Cacciare il mascalzone De Magistris! Abbasso i traditori che vogliono aprire le porte della Patria a un'invasione continua. O con l'Italia e il popolo italiano o contro l'Italia. La sinistra vuole continuare a schierarsi con gli invasori? La pacchia e' finita anche per la sinistra. La pacchia e' finita, anche per la sinistra. Ho detto a Salvini: Sindaci di Palermo, Napoli, Messina: E' nel loro DNA.
Arresto immediato per alto tradimento. Se credono di poter fare quello che vogliono Si' si, vai Giggino provaci, cosi' farai i conti coi napoletani incazzati che stando alla tua pagina facebook son tanti. Camorra e mafia usano i clandestini per il traffico illecito della merce contraffatta, il caporalato agricolo, lo spaccio della droga. E la malavita controlla i voti. A pensar male si fa peccato ma qualche volta ci si azzecca, diceva Andreotti, un vero esperto. Nessun problema li accolgano ma se li mantengano e non possano uscire dal loro territorio, senza aiuti statali solo regionali e vedremo quanto dureranno.
Amico giovinguappo tu che ne dici??? Va bene, ma manteneteli in toto voi, non con i soldi degli altri, komunisti maledetti. Chi non rispetta gli ordini o non si adegua, deve essere rimosso immediatamente dal suo incarico. Gli italiani ne hanno piene le scatole di questa insubordinazione buonista del cxxxo. E ti pareva che non rispondesse l'idiota Napoletano. Io non prenderei a calci lui ma tutti i miei paesani che l'hanno rivotato. Idioti di sindaci PD, la competenza e' del ministero, altrimenti e disobbedienza,stupidi. Non aiutano mai a risolvere un problema MAI delinquenti.
I napoletani devono buttare il loro sindaco e tutti i saviani venduti e pagati da questa gente antitaliana,traditori. DeMagistris e gli altri sindaci ribelli vengano commissariati dai Prefetti e ricevano la stessa medicina che Alfano rifilava come ministro dell'interno a tutti i comuni che si rifiutavano di accogliere i clandestini.
Gli interessi della nazione vengono prima di quelli dei singoli comuni. DeMagistris traditore del popolo italiano. I trafficanti usano imbarcazioni fatiscenti costano poco su cui stivano il triplo di quelle consentite per massimizzare i profitti. Assurdo che quel qualcuno che ora grida per salvare le vite sulle navi, sia sempre stato indifferente ai milioni di bambini che ogni anno muoiono di fame nel mondo e per quelli che arrivano, tra qualche anno, saranno schiavi di qualche agricoltore come a Rosarno.
Tanto non paga di tasca sua, ma il contribuente. Quanto vorrei un servizio delle Iene su questo fatto! Due belinoni, sindaci fantasy, idioti sicuri. Non sanno fare i sindaci ed hanno anche la pretesa di fare le Leggi! Si facessero prima eleggere in Parlamento Falsone,, ipocriti, apri il tuo porto e poi tutti gli immigrati?????
I sindaci rossi contro un ministro dell'interno?
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Continuiamo con il marciume dei comunisti!! Se non si adeguano alle disposizioni dello stato arrestateli! Ignorantoni comunisti, sui porti i sindachelli devono attenersi alle disposizioni ricevute, non alle deviazioni mentali del partito! Questo si chiama ammutinamento. Tra l'altro i sindaci non hanno alcuna competenza sui porti.
Solo in Italia possono succedere cose di questo genere. Si antepongono gli interessi delle masse africane in spostamento convogliate dalle mafie scafiste a quelli del popolo italiano. Siamo la vergogna del pianeta, altro che cuore grande, portateli a casa tua! If so, what measures will she take to put an end to the human rights violations which, according to local sources, are being committed there? Mistreatments have also been reported particularly in the case of the FRCI.
However, the allegations of water or other types of torture are so far unconfirmed, according to the UNOCI human rights division, who have access to some of these camps. Such practices are in any case completely unacceptable. The EU places human rights, the restoration of the rule of law and the reform of the security sector at the centre of its political dialogue with the national authorities.
The EU is supporting the professionalization of the National Police through training and capacity-building, to promote the provision of effective security to the Ivorian citizens in compliance with human rights principles. Politiche di urbanizzazione volte a promuovere lo sviluppo urbano ed economico. Allo stesso tempo vi sono milioni di persone che riescono a scappare da queste pessime condizioni di vita grazie alla trasformazione delle favela in nuove zone residenziali.
Il governo brasiliano sta attuando la seconda fase del Growth Acceleration Program , potenziando gli investimenti in determinate aree urbane con nuove installazioni idriche e fognarie, con la conversione all'energia elettrica, con il potenziamento dei mezzi di trasporto pubblici e con lo sviluppo di politiche educative e di prevenzione della violenza.
Ritiene la Commissione che tali politiche di urbanizzazione siano un mezzo adeguato per favorire la democratizzazione, l'istruzione e il miglioramento delle condizioni di vita nei grandi centri urbani, specie nei paesi in via di sviluppo?
At the same time, millions of people manage to escape from these terrible living conditions thanks to the transformation of shanty towns into new residential areas. Brazil, which hosted the recent World Urban Forum in , can be taken as an example of the remarkable transformation of poor neighbourhoods through strong political will and significant investment. The Brazilian Government is now implementing the second phase of its Growth Acceleration Programme, by increasing investments in certain urban areas, providing them with new water and sewage systems and with electricity, strengthening public transport and developing education and violence prevention policies.
Does the Commission agree that such urbanisation policies are an appropriate way to promote democracy, education and improved living conditions in large urban areas, especially in developing countries? If so, what aspects does it think should be strengthened in the near future? Two EU funded bilateral projects are precursors of such policies in Brazil: Based on this experience, the Commission may conclude that within the given context its support to the improvement of mentioned Brazilian urbanisation policies has been instrumental in promoting, among others, democracy and education, and improving living conditions in large urban areas.
I principi sanciti dal Trattato di pace del e dal Memorandum di Londra del vennero poi accolti nell'ordinamento giuridico italiano con i decreti del Commissario Generale del Governo n. Tutte le operazioni che possono essere effettuate nella zona franca di Trieste devono essere conformi alle disposizioni doganali.
Can it confirm that the special regulations governing the free zones of the Port of Trieste still hold good and hence that all operations entailed in the loading and unloading of materials and goods, depositing, trading, and processing, industrial or otherwise, may be carried out in those zones, completely freely and without discrimination, and with no customs duties or taxes other than fees for services rendered? The Free Zone of Trieste is operated as a free zone of control type I.
All operations which may be carried out in the Free Zone of Trieste must be in line with the customs provisions. Licenziamento e trasferimento dei lavoratori delle sedi europee del gruppo Merck. Nelle scorse settimane la stessa Merck ha inoltre annunciato ulteriori licenziamenti nella sede francese di Lione circa e negli stabilimenti spagnoli e italiani.
I licenziamenti, i trasferimenti e la delocalizzazione della produzione comporterebbero gravissime conseguenze occupazionali e sociali, tenendo conto anche dei numerosi lavoratori impiegati nell'indotto. Alla luce di quanto sopra esposto si chiede alla Commissione di rispondere ai seguenti quesiti:. Le buone pratiche in fatto di programmazione, preparazione e gestione delle esigenze di ristrutturazione delle imprese devono essere applicate con maggiore efficacia in tutta l'Unione. Redundancy measures on this scale will not just have repercussions locally, but will also hit the economies of neighbouring EU Member States: What is more, Merck has announced plans in recent weeks for further redundancies at its French site in Lyon approx.
Taking into account the large number of people working in satellite industries, the redundancies and relocation of staff and production will have serious social and employment repercussions. What action has the Commission taken or will it take to stop the impoverishment of the manufacturing system in Europe, and the resultant major economic and social repercussions, caused by the constant rise in the number of firms relocating, very often for reasons that have nothing to do with the companies concerned experiencing genuine problems?
The Commission is not in a position to assess the facts or state whether a private company has or has not complied with any provisions implementing EU legislation. It is for the competent national authorities, including the courts, to ensure that the national legislation transposing EU directives is correctly and effectively applied by the employer concerned, having regard to the specific circumstances of each case. The Commission is convinced of the need for restructuring operations to be anticipated and prepared as far in advance as possible and to be managed in a socially responsible way.
Vindt de Commissie zulke wetgeving gepast en in regel met het Europese gedachtegoed? Heeft de Commissie weet van andere EU-lidstaten die volgens hun fiscale wetgeving eenzelfde of gelijkaardige verplichting opleggen? Welke aanbevelingen of maatregelen zou de Commissie desgevallend ondernemen om in casu de Europese beginselen van non-discriminatie te doen naleven? Voorafgaand merkt de Commissie op dat als een activum te gelde wordt gemaakt ongeacht de waardering ervan , dit activum over het algemeen niet langer in de balans wordt opgenomen.
Aangezien deze nationale keuze op grond van het EU-recht is toegestaan, is het niet discriminerend dat er verschillende boekhoudregels van toepassing zijn op een filiaal al naargelang van de vestiging van de moederentiteit. Uit die richtlijn valt af te leiden dat de lidstaten geen aanvullende openbaarmakingsregels mogen opleggen met betrekking tot boekhoudbescheiden die op een filiaal betrekking hebben.
Deze richtlijn heeft echter geen betrekking op de inhoud van de boekhoudverplichtingen. Voorlopig zijn er nog geen specifieke maatregelen of aanbevelingen op dit gebied. De jaarrekeningenrichtlijnen worden momenteel echter grondig herzien. Het doel van deze herziening is het EU-boekhoudkader te vereenvoudigen en een grotere mate van harmonisatie te bereiken.
Does the Commission consider such legislation appropriate and compatible with European principles? Does the Commission know of any other EU Member States which apply an accounting requirement similar to that which exists in Belgium when a revalued fixed asset is realised? Moreover, in order to have the benefit of fractioned payment of tax on a gain in value in Belgium, an inviolability condition must be met.
Is the Commission aware of any other EU Member States whose tax law imposes the same or an equivalent requirement? What recommendations would the Commission make or what measures would it take, if appropriate, in order to enforce the European principles of non-discrimination in this case? The Commission would note as a preliminary observation that when an asset is realised irrespective of its valuation , that asset is generally no longer presented in the balance sheet.
The book value of the asset concerned and its realisation value in most cases the selling price will be entered in the profit and loss statement. Certain Member States, including Belgium, allow or require such revaluation. It follows from that directive that Member States may not impose additional disclosure rules regarding accounting documents relating to a branch.
However, this directive does not deal with the substance of the accounting obligations. No particular measures or recommendations are foreseen in this area for the time being. However, the Accounting Directives are currently subject to an in-depth revision. Discrimination is currently a matter of great concern, given the large number of restrictions or even exclusions on grounds of nationality, ethnic origin, religion or membership of lesser-favoured categories to name but a few.
In particular, discrimination on the employment market is of major concern to European citizens and, by extension, the watchdog bodies responsible. Unfortunately there are considerable disparities between the status of such bodies and the role played by them in combating discrimination in the various Member States. In some countries they have legal powers and are able to issue rulings or impose penalties for example, the Romanian National Anti-Discrimination Council , while in others they are merely mediators or observers for example, the German Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency.
In particular, what standard procedures are necessary at EU level with a view to reducing the number of complaints, court cases or hearings before industrial arbitration bodies arising from discrimination? Where under these Directives Member States are obliged to establish equality bodies these bodies must perform three essential tasks: This leaves Member States a margin of discretion as to the precise powers of such bodies and the applicable procedural rules in discrimination cases.
The Commission reviews the operations of equality bodies in the context of the regular reports on the implementation of the directives in question. Sviluppo sostenibile ad Haiti: Dalle infrastrutture alla potatura e fertilizzazione, magari impiegando solo sostanze organiche. Quali misure intende intraprendere l'UE a sostegno e conferma dell'impegno preso in sede internazionale? Quali progetti ha avviato o intende cofinanziare al fine di integrare la produzione alimentare locale e la sicurezza alimentare mediante lo sviluppo delle infrastrutture rurali e l'aiuto ai piccoli agricoltori, nell'ambito di un approccio congiunto alla programmazione delle risorse per la ricostruzione di Haiti?
Inoltre, dopo il terremoto, la Commissione ha attuato attraverso vari operatori numerosi progetti in materia di assistenza alimentare e nutrizione, per un totale di 23,5 milioni di euro. The earthquake made this situation worse. Coffee has a problem on local markets: Being able to sell on international markets is important therefore. The Commission expects, however, that disbursements will pick up as these projects advance. This project will support food production and commercialisation in the most vulnerable rural areas.
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Futuro della filiera del tabacco: Plastica, escrementi di animali, frammenti di metallo, mosche e vermi morti: La valutazione d'impatto comprende un'analisi approfondita delle ripercussioni economiche, sociali e sanitarie legate alle diverse opzioni politiche. La Commissione sta considerando tutta una serie di diverse opzioni politiche e non ha ancora adottato una posizione finale. The tobacco industry generates millions of jobs and, in developing countries, is often one of the only means of lifting the local economy out of poverty.
In Italy, in , cigarettes provided the State with The tobacco sector worldwide produces around 5. Plastic, animal excrement, metal fragments, dead flies and worms have all been found in packages of Chinese counterfeit tobacco. The impact assessment includes a thorough analysis of the economic, social and health impacts of different policy options. The impact on all stakeholders is being carefully considered within this analysis, including effects on employment and the effects — if any — on illicit trade.
The Commission is still considering a number of different policy options and a final position has yet to be taken. Adoption of the new proposal is planned for the end of , at which stage the impact assessment will also be published. Questo inquinamento indoor viene preso in considerazione molto raramente. Gli arredi e gli elettrodomestici sono rivestiti con prodotti chimici come colla e solventi, oppure materiali apparentemente innocui come la plastica o il truciolato che rendono l'aria impura. Esaminando i risultati di questo studio e considerando che non esistono linee guida che fissino i livelli di polveri sottili ritenuti non rischiosi in casa, intende la Commissione approfondire lo studio sull'inquinamento indoor?
People often think that their indoor environments at home are clean and healthy, but according to a study by the University of Sheffield, sometimes our homes are more polluted than streets or city centres.
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It has been ascertained that homes contain high concentrations of nitrogen dioxide, up to three times higher than those measured outdoors. This indoor pollution is very rarely taken into consideration. Insulating our homes, making them impenetrable, comfortable and warm can cut heating costs but exposes us more to high levels of indoor pollution. Furniture and electrical appliances are coated with chemicals such as glues and solvents, or seemingly innocuous materials such as plastic or particle board, which make the air impure. In addition, in kitchens with gas cookers, high percentages of volatile organic compounds VOCs and solid particles small enough to penetrate the lungs have been found.
It is therefore vital that we adopt pollution control measures for housing. Will the Commission look at the results of this study and, given that there are no guidelines that establish what levels of fine particles do not pose a danger in the home, will it conduct further research into the indoor pollution study? The Commission agrees with the Honourable Member that personal consumption and lifestyle choices have an important impact on indoor air quality and associated health effects.
Ridurre le emissioni di CO 2 con l'aiuto di batteri e alberi. Da questa combinazione gli alberi dell'iroko ottengono minerali calcarei indispensabili per il loro sostentamento e per la fioritura. A detta dei ricercatori inglesi, il processo di produzione dei minerali calcarei offre una tecnica accessibile e facile da gestire per agricoltori con poche risorse. Considerato che il metodo migliorerebbe la composizione di nutrienti del suolo e progetti pilota di riforestazione con tale metodo sono in corso in Africa, in Bolivia, ad Haiti e in India intende la Commissione approfondire la ricerca e la diffusione d'informazioni in merito a questo studio che mitigherebbe il riscaldamento globale e sarebbe di ausilio alla salute dei terreni e al benessere delle popolazioni?
The reduction of CO 2 emissions could be assisted by an innovative technology which takes advantage of a species of microbes that are able to capture CO 2 in the atmosphere and lock it in the soil, thus potentially reducing the global warming caused by high levels of greenhouse gases. Edinburgh University has discovered that the iroko tree, when grown on dry, acidic soil treated with a combination of natural fungus and bacteria, combines calcium from the earth with CO 2 from the atmosphere to produce the calcareous minerals it needs to grow and flourish.
Furthermore, these minerals make the soil more fertile, thus enhancing its productivity and, hence, the standard of living of farmers in developing countries. According to the British researchers involved in this project, this low-tech method of producing limestone minerals is easy for farmers with few resources to manage. Given that this method would improve the nutrient content of the soil, and pilot reforestation projects based on the method are already in progress in Africa, Bolivia, Haiti and India, does the Commission intend to help further this research and circulate information about this project, which could mitigate global warming and help enhance the quality of soil and the well-being of local communities?
Amongst several results, related to bio-inspired solutions for carbon sequestration, an ecosystem management approach was developed based on the discovery of the interaction between some trees, fungi and bacteria, leading to the precipitation of calcium carbonate in acidic soils around and below the tree roots. Before the end of the project, an innovation review meeting was organised focusing on the importance of the exploitation of the results.
Foundations searching for philanthropic innovating projects and big companies in need for carbon compensation were also contacted.
De Magistris sfida Salvini: "Il porto di Napoli pronto ad accogliere i migranti"
Two press releases and dissemination activities in various media were performed. The project was advertised in 51 conferences, in 2 TV interviews and 6 radio interventions, as well as in 17 web articles. Pilot reforestation projects based on the method developed are already in progress in several countries.
Intervento dell'UE contro gli attacchi speculativi all'Italia. Il fondo sentenzia come oggigiorno gli istituti italiani di credito sarebbero in rosso di 48 miliardi rispetto a quanto ottenuto dalla BCE. Le due aste Ltro non hanno quindi affatto risolto i problemi monetari dell'Italia — e neanche della Spagna — con la conseguenza che, a breve, i tassi di interesse saliranno nuovamente. Ritiene la Commissione che vi siano reali problematiche monetarie in Italia o reputa i report succitati uno strumento per speculare da parte di istituti finanziari stranieri, tramite informazioni fallaci, in modo da aumentare i tassi di interesse?
Does the Commission believe that Italy really is experiencing monetary problems or does it consider the aforementioned reports to be a tool for speculation, used by foreign financial institutions to drive up interest rates by providing misleading information? The Commission will soon make a legislative proposal for a single supervisory mechanism, involving the ECB. When this mechanism is established, the ESM could have the possibility to recapitalise banks directly. Heads of State and Government reaffirmed their strong commitment to do whatever is necessary to ensure the financial stability of the euro area.
In crescita solo gli Stati membri dell'UE al di fuori dell'eurozona. L'Estonia e la Slovacchia saranno le migliori, con una performance prevista per il in costante miglioramento. Nella sola eurozona, solamente il Lussemburgo e Malta faranno compagnia all'Estonia e alla Slovacchia nel club dei paesi con crescita oltre il punto percentuale. Poi ci sono le nazioni che stanno vivendo una stagnazione economica: Come spiega la Commissione il fatto che solo gli Stati membri dell'UE che non hanno aderito all'euro presentino dati di crescita del PIL?
Inoltre, occorre valutare gli sviluppi economici in un dato anno alla luce della loro evoluzione nel tempo. We have a three-speed Europe: The latest data from the Commission shows that three different blocks exist. Very few euro area countries are to be found in the first block, the one with the highest speed. Estonia and Slovakia will come out best, with a constant improvement in performance forecast for According to the Commission, there will be 1.
Slovakia will record growth of 1. In the euro area only Luxembourg and Malta will join Estonia and Slovakia in the club of countries that are experiencing growth of more than one percentage point. Meanwhile, however, countries such as Poland, Latvia and Lithuania are running ahead. Then there are the countries experiencing economic stagnation: Belgium, and Germany which, according to the Commission, will only grow by 0. Lastly there are the slowest EU countries: Economic growth in the euro area has in the past indeed been slower than it could have been with better policy implementation.
Economic developments in the euro area in have to be seen in the context of the crisis of confidence that is associated with the sovereign debt crisis in a number of its Member States. The decisions by the European Council on establishing a banking union, growth-enhancing measures, and setting down a roadmap towards deeper economic and monetary union will go a long way to re-establishing confidence and growth prospects. Economic developments in any one year must also be seen in the context of their evolution over time. While it is true that in euro area real GDP is forecast to contract by 0.
The absence of the exchange rate as an instrument for adjustment also imposes additional constraints on members of the euro area. As is reflected in the ongoing overhaul of economic governance in the euro area and the country-specific recommendations adopted as part of the European Semester, better future growth prospects in some euro area countries will depend on deep structural reforms which can increase productivity growth and enhance adjustment capacity.
The orders affect the eight families of the community, who have been part of a recent EU shelter rehabilitation project, designed to replace sub-standard shelters with eight residential structures. The ICA has also informed the Az-Zayyem Arab al-Jahalin Bedouin community that demolitions will take place in their community, effective immediately, following the lifting of an injunction order protecting their structures.
If these structures were built with the written permission of all the necessary public authorities? If it has made representations to the Israeli Civil Administration to persuade them not to proceed with the illegal demolition of these structures? What compensation would be payable to residents, and to EU taxpayers who funded these buildings, if the structures are demolished? The removable and dismantable temporary shelters and latrines in Al Kurshan have been put in place without written permission.
This is a commonly agreed practice, in line with the United Nations emergency response mechanisms, to address verified basic humanitarian needs in Area C. The European Union is funding organisations that provide legal assistance to the communities to stop or delay the demolitions and eviction orders. At the moment the demolition orders referred to have been put on hold.
The EU position has been very clear: The Commission does not have information on the cost of the structures in Jahalin, which were funded by an Italian non-governmental organisation NGO. He is also an Amnesty International prisoner of conscience. The EU will continue, in contacts with the Indonesian authorities, to address the issue of the harsh sentences imposed for displaying the Papua flag and the need to respect the right of peaceful freedom of expression.
Bilingualism –
I have been contacted by a constituent who is concerned at the way in which the Bangladeshi Government is interfering in the operations of Grameen Bank, one of the few banks in the country that provides unsecured loans to women. The Government of Bangladesh is aware of the concern in Europe about the removal of Prof.
Yunus from his position in Grameen Bank. The EU took the occasion to urge the Government to ensure that the independence of Grameen Bank is preserved. Yunus and raised the situation of the Grameen Bank with the Government. Regarding Member States' aid programmes targeting poor Bangladeshi women, the Commission is not aware of any new problems they are facing. Moreover the Commission sees no impact of possible Government action on the programmes it currently implements under the Development Cooperation Instrument in this area. My constituent claims that, if Scotland were to secede from the Treaty of Union, this would, de jure, mean that a new treaty would have to be signed between Wales, Northern Ireland and England which, he believes, would render the United Kingdom a new legal entity.
What procedure would the United Kingdom without Scotland have to follow in order to re-apply for membership of the EU? In the run-up to the elections and in the course of the public debate in Greece, almost all parties concurred regarding the need to renegotiate certain decisions taken in the past under the memorandum of understanding. In this connection, it was judged necessary to top up extremely low pension entitlements and allowances for large families, restoring them to their levels.
What view does the Commission take of calls for an increase in very low pension entitlements and in allowances for large families so as to restore them to their levels? Overall, this has enhanced its financial sustainability. The impact of the reform on the adequacy of pension benefits is being mitigated by the introduction of the basic pensions which effectively combats the most extreme poverty amongst pensioners, and by focusing the cuts to main pensions and supplementary pensions on the highest main and supplementary pensions and, therefore, which do not impact on the less well-off segment of pensioners.
Increasing retirement age will, subject to an improvement in the employment opportunities for older workers, also help to ensure financial sustainability without having to further weaken the adequacy of pensions. When considering further changes to the pension system, it should be borne in mind that the pension system has to stand on a financially sustainable footing in order to provide pensioners with adequate and safe pensions over the long run. In the run-up to the elections and during the public debate in Greece, almost all parties concurred on the need to renegotiate certain decisions taken in the past under the memorandum of understanding.
What view does the Commission take of calls for an extension of the deadline for achieving economic adjustment objectives? What would be the cost of such a measure? Greece must resolutely address the structural weaknesses of its economy, respecting its commitments. The basic strategy in the memorandum of understanding is valid and must remain intact: Continuing the fiscal and structural reforms spelled out in the Economic Adjustment Programme is the best guarantee to regain international competitiveness, fiscal and financial sustainability, and to therefore ensure a more prosperous future in the euro area.
These reforms are in the interest of Greece. The main objectives of the mission are to review the action taken by the Greek authorities to deliver the needed economic and budgetary adjustment and bring the programme back on track, after the delays accumulated in Spring largely due to the double electoral round and the deeper economic recession.
At the current moment, any speculation on extending the deadline for achieving the economic adjustment is premature. One of the measures which would help the unemployed is extension of the period of entitlement to unemployment and the introduction of special unemployment benefits for the self employed. In view of this and given the impossibility of creating new jobs and the parlous situation of those out of work, most of whom have become long-term unemployed:. What view does the Commission take of the proposal to extend the period of entitlement to unemployment benefits and to introduce emergency unemployment benefits for professions with no welfare safety net?
Could extension of the period of entitlement to unemployment benefits and the introduction of emergency unemployment benefits be financed under existing Community funds and, if so, which funds? Would it be necessary to end other programmes of a social nature and comparable budget in order to fund such initiatives? Unemployment benefits and policies on social transfers in general are a matter of competence of the individual Member States MS.
Not only are MS free to choose their policies, they are also responsible for their funding. The Commission does not comment on measures that fall within the competences of the MS, though it encourages governments to pursue a fair distribution of the burden of the economic adjustment. Should the authorities bring proposals to help the hardest hit by loss of labour income to the table, and possible funding options, when discussing the economic adjustment programme, the Commission is willing to analyse and discuss them as far as they are consistent with the broader programme objectives.
Those efforts amount to approx. That effort is carried out in tandem with the Greek authorities, which are responsible for ensuring the effective implementation of those initiatives. Again together with the Greek authorities, the Commission is reviewing ways for Greece to maximise the benefits which can be obtained through an efficient and effective use of EU funds. This decision contributed to a sharp increase in the massive unemployment affecting this shipbuilding area and its tens of thousands of workers.
If the Commission authorises the construction of merchant vessels as well, it will help provide employment for thousands of workers and significantly assist in the recovery of an entire area and an entire industrial sector. Given the economic crisis and danger of insolvency currently being confronted by Greece, will the Commission therefore consider lifting the ban on the production of merchant vessels by HSY?
At this stage, none of the commitments offered by Greece and accepted by the Commission in have been implemented. Since at this stage no recovery has been realised, and in light of the Court's judgment, the Commission regrets that it sees no scope for reconsidering its current position cf. Can the Commission indicate what amount has been allocated to Greece for from the four funds set up under the framework programme for solidarity and the management flows?
Has the amount increased compared with funding allocated in ? Both the Commission and European Parliament have been making persistent efforts to improve cooperation between Member States in combating money laundering and harmonise penalties for this offence. This programme, which is being funded by the Commission, is intended to ensure the safe online exchange of financial information.
Is the Commission gathering information regarding the number of offences and criminal activities committed and detected as a result of this cross-border cooperation and the amounts involved? Is it collecting information from each Member State individually? How many offences were committed in Greece and how does this compare with the European average? Net is a secure, decentralised and integrated platform for information exchange, processing and analysis between FIUs of EU Member States and relevant third parties to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.
Regrettably, Greece was not always able to provide the relevant data on which this Report is based. Have efforts by Member States to combat tax evasion through tax havens produced any measurable results? What is the situation with regard to Greece? To what extent are good practices successfully followed by Member States for the recovery of tax on errant funds being passed onto those Member States encountering difficulties?
What contribution has been made by the Commission in this respect?
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The Commission is in the process of conducting research as part of the preparatory work for the December Communication. With regard to Greece, the Commission does not have any information at the present time.
In addition, Member States' tax administrations liaise together to exchange best practices effectively, notably in the framework of the Fiscalis program. Decine di persone nell'hotel sono state prese in ostaggio dai ribelli, che hanno iniziato uno scontro con le forze di sicurezza afghane protrattosi per dodici ore uccidendo almeno venti persone, 15 delle quali civili. Una volta messo in sicurezza l'edificio, la polizia ha trovato una cinquantina di ostaggi all'interno. Tutti e cinque i ribelli sono stati uccisi dalle forze di sicurezza afghane, con il sostegno della coalizione NATO.
In una e-mail i talebani hanno rivendicato l'attacco, asserendo che avevano notizia che fossero presenti molti membri ISAF e diplomatici delle ambasciate di altri paesi stranieri. L'attacco si presenta come l'ultimo di una serie che testimonia un'aumentata incidenza di violenze in Afghanistan. Dozens of people at the hotel were taken hostage by the insurgents, who began a standoff with Afghan security forces that lasted for 12 hours and killed at least 20 people, 15 of whom were civilians.
Once the building had been safely cleared, police found 50 hostages inside. In an e-mail the Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack, saying that it had information that many International Security Assistance Force ISAF and other embassy diplomats from foreign countries were present. The attack comes as the latest in a series of increased incidences of violence in Afghanistan. However, it is expected that this increase in violence anticipates the removal of NATO forces in , when the Afghan Government will have full responsibility for protecting its citizens.
The following questions are submitted for the consideration of the High Representative:. What measures should be taken — or are already being taken — to show this support, especially in light of recent attacks? The underlying reasons for such violent and unjustifiable incidents are complex and can only be addressed over time.

While much progress has been made over the last decade, Afghanistan remains one of the least developed nations in the world. Lack of economic and social opportunity, one of the driving factors of instability, provides fertile ground for extremist attacks. The EU is one of the major donors providing development and humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan. Long-term international engagement can assist Afghanistan to overcome decades of violent conflict, develop its institutions and improve governance. Security is key to broad based economic growth, reducing the incentives for those who resort to violence.
Het blijkt dat daardoor in veel gevallen de risico-analyse voor de consument niet afgerond is, en in bijna alle gevallen dat verplichte testen voor het milieu ontbreken. Chemische onzuiverheden werden in de besluitvorming genegeerd. Klopt het dat onvolledige dossiers nu routinematig worden geaccepteerd bij plaatsing. In het EFSA-advies werden vaak chemische onzuiverheden geconstateerd met een mogelijke giftige werking. Hoe kan de Commissie garanderen dat de veiligheid van de consument is gewaarborgd als de risico-analyse niet is afgerond?
En naar de handhaving van de voorschriften t. Nu diverse pesticiden met een hoog risico voor vogels en zoogdieren op de markt worden toegelaten, en de nationale implementatie ongewis is, wat zijn de cumulatieve effecten van al die middelen met een hoog risico? In het licht van de beschikbare informatie heeft de Commissie geen reden om aan te nemen dat de nationale vergunningen voor gewasbeschermingsmiddelen geen risicobeperkende maatregelen verplicht stellen wanneer dat nodig is.
Ten aanzien van cumulatieve effecten als gevolg van de blootstelling van vogels en zoogdieren aan verscheidene bestrijdingsmiddelen voorziet Verordening EG nr. De Commissie merkt op dat dergelijke methoden bijna gereed zijn voor wat de menselijke gezondheid aangaat, maar dat er op ecotoxicologisch gebied nog geen methoden voor de beoordeling van de cumulatieve blootstelling van vogels en zoogdieren aan verscheidene bestrijdingsmiddelen beschikbaar zijn. As a result, in many cases the consumer risk analysis has not been completed, and in nearly every case, compulsory environmental tests have not been performed.
Chemical impurities were ignored in the decision-making. Is it true that incomplete documentation is now accepted on a routine basis for purposes of listing. The EFSA report often refers to chemical impurities having been identified which could have toxic effects. How can the Commission guarantee consumer safety if the risk analysis has not been completed? As various pesticides which present serious risks to birds and mammals are being admitted to the market, and national implementation is uncertain, what are the cumulative effects of all these high-risk products?
In the light of the information available, the Commission has no reason to believe that national authorisations of plant protection products do not prescribe mitigation measures, whenever necessary. The Commission notes that such methods are under finalisation for human health, but that in the field of ecotoxicology methods to assess the cumulative exposure of birds and mammals to several pesticides are not available yet.
Kommissionens meddelelse om vedvarende energi. Market operators are therefore seeking clearer guidelines from the Commission to the Member States as to what does, and does not, constitute proportionate and necessary measures. Can the Commission explain why it did not address the above problem in its communication? Kommissionen fremlagde den The rationale for this is that the previous policy of giving aid to all owners of agricultural land has led to some subsidies going to landowners who do not actually carry out farming activities.
Whilst there may be broad political consensus on the intent and purpose of this part of the proposal, some concerns have however been expressed about the cost of enforcement. If so, how will it ensure that the proposal will be easier to implement, allowing individual Member States to avoid more bureaucracy?
The implementing costs would therefore, in this respect, not be at the level of the estimates set out in the impact assessment. It needs to be acknowledged that a better targeting of direct income support cannot be achieved without some increase in administrative costs. The Commission is however open to adaptations to the proposal in the course of the legislative process, taking into account various options that could facilitate the implementation and keep down administrative costs.
The legislator should on the other hand bear in mind that maintenance of the status quo would contradict the objective of improving the overall effectiveness of the CAP and the principle of a sound management of EU funds. Den danske regering indgik den Disse bruttoreduktioner finansieres af alle medlemsstater i forhold til deres bruttonationalindkomst.
The previous government had threatened to veto the common EU budget if it did not obtain this rebate, which the current government has so far failed to achieve. Has the Danish Government reached a preliminary agreement with the Commission, or simply consulted it about this rebate? Should the Commission not have promised Denmark this discount, will it be sympathetic to any such request from the Danish Government? It currently includes the UK correction, which is financed by all Member States except the UK itself, with Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands and Austria contributing only one-fourth of their share.
As part of the financing system, any financial correction granted to a Member State needs to be agreed and included in the Own Resources Decision ORD , which is to be adopted at unanimity by Council and after ratification by all Member States. On the basis of its expenditure proposals for , the Commission considered that, contrary to the case of the four countries for which it has proposed a correction, the conditions were not met in the case of Denmark.
Lugo un plazo razonable para organizar su defensa. Does the High Representative not see a need to condemn or reject this orchestrated coup? EU Heads of mission in Paraguay are undertaking a round of dialogues and discussions with all actors of the Paraguayan society, including the government in office, former President Lugo and his political allies, civil society organisations, intellectual and opinion leaders. All regional organisations, even those that have suspended Paraguay, agree that the impeachment was carried out in accordance with the Paraguayan law, but question its legitimacy, in particular since Fernando Lugo was not granted a reasonable period of time to organise his defence.
We will keep following closely the analysis and decisions of the OAS and other organisations. If the newspaper account accords with the facts, does the Commission agree that it highlights the way in which the use of EU funds has been brought into public disrepute, and emphasises the need to change the way in which the subsidy regime for fishing activities is used? The Commission has not been officially informed of the specific cases mentioned by the Honourable Member. The Commission is aware of irregularities involving the Vidal family, and is in contact with the relevant national and regional authorities to ensure close follow-up.
The Commission continues its efforts to improve the means to prevent that EU subsidies support directly or indirectly IUU activities. To further strengthen the framework, the Commission has included in its proposal for the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund EMFF provisions on conditionality to strengthen compliance with Common Fisheries Policy rules and facilitate recovery of funds allocated to operators involved in IUU fishing.
This proposal also includes measures to reduce the dependency of the European fishing fleet on subsidies, in particular by redirecting such subsidies away from fleet structural adjustments, which may further mitigate the risks in this area. It has come to my attention that retired UK citizens residing in Sweden are facing discrimination over healthcare. The Swedish authorities are insisting that non-working residents from other EU countries take out private medical insurance, despite them having previously been covered by the European Health Insurance Card and having occupational pensions.
If so, will the Commission raise this with the Swedish authorities and what other measures will it take? Together with the Member States within the Administrative Commission for the Coordination of Social Security Schemes, the Commission is also investigating the application of a habitual residence test in Sweden. In general, pensioners are entitled to healthcare in most Member States, either because they are in receipt of a pension there or because the healthcare system is based on residence.
That Member State is also responsible for issuing the European Health Insurance Card for necessary healthcare during a temporary stay abroad and Form S1 to pensioners residing abroad for registration with the healthcare institution in the Member State of residence. Persons in receipt of a UK occupational pension scheme but not in receipt of a UK State pension do not qualify as pensioners under that regulation.
A few days after the deaths of three Palestinians in a series of clashes between the Lebanese army and residents of the refugee camps — two of them at Nahr al-Bared, in northern Lebanon, and one at Ain al-Hilweh, the largest Palestinian refugee camp in the country, close to the southern town of Sidon — a report published by American Near East Refugee Aid ANERA revealed that the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon are considered to be the worst in the region in terms of poverty, health, education and living conditions.
Palestinian refugees in Lebanon suffer from discrimination, isolation, poverty, unemployment, housing problems and a lack of proper schools, hospitals and sewage systems. Lebanon has the highest level of Palestinian refugees living in extreme poverty. According to the report, two out of three Palestinian refugees survive on less than six dollars a day. Palestinian refugees living in Lebanon are deprived of a number of basic rights.
For example, they are banned from exercising some 20 professions, and most of them depend on UN aid for survival. What measures have been adopted to improve living conditions in the refugee camps? Has the Commission raised the issue of these refugees and their right to return home with the Israeli authorities? The EU continues to urge the parties to find a solution to all final status issues through direct negotiations.
Fournisseurs internationaux de la grande distribution. The Belgian Minister for Economic Affairs has commissioned a study at national level to determine why prices in Belgian supermarkets are higher than those in neighbouring countries France, the Netherlands and Germany. The study reveals that the European internal market is a one-way system. Suppliers see it as a unified market in which they are able to manufacture and sell their products wherever they see fit, but in which they do not allow buyers — whether on legal grounds or by express prohibition — to sell these same articles to all consumers, restricting them to their national market only.
In other words, the single market exists for producers but not for consumers. This is why prices in small countries such as ours remain artificially high. The study concludes that the European single market does not exist as such for retailers. Furthermore, this problem not only affects distribution chains in different countries, but also applies to chains with outlets in more than one country, which are forced to buy identical products on different terms.
Does any plan exist to set up an independent European regulating body not tied to any institution? The Commission has been informed of the study commissioned by the Belgian authorities and is in contact with them to discuss this issue and find solutions. There can be many reasons for suppliers to charge higher prices to Belgian retailers, which do not necessarily constitute a market failure: However, the Commission works on promoting a better functioning of the retail supply chain through several initiatives.
In the food sector, the Commission has also set up in the High Level Forum on the Better Functioning of the Food Supply Chain, which in particular supports the Commission's objective to improve business-to-business relationships as well as transparency in food price transmission. It has also set up a task force dedicated to the food sector within its Directorate General for Competition, which investigates any concrete complaint about abuses of a dominant position by suppliers or agreements between suppliers and distributors to prevent parallel trade.
Inefficienza della pubblica amministrazione italiana. Nonostante queste preoccupanti statistiche, alcune regioni italiane continuano a comportarsi in modo poco virtuoso. Despite these worrying statistics, some regions in Italy continue to be less than ethical in their behaviour. The Commission closely monitors Member States' public finance developments and their compatibility with the strengthened Stability and Growth Pact which, inter alia , requires Member States to respect rules concerning the growth rates of their primary expenditure.
It is then in principle the Member States' prerogative to manage their budget. In , it amounted to Italy is very close to the EA17 average, at Scudo contro la pressione fiscale per tutelare cittadini e imprese europee. Task force europea contro gli sprechi nella spesa pubblica. Le misure di austerity sono probabilmente una scelta obbligata nell'attuale congiuntura storico-economica e rappresentano l'unica via per permettere agli Stati membri e all'Europa di uscire dalla crisi.
La verifica dei costi di produzione e di gestione dei servizi pubblici non rientra nelle competenze della Commissione nel contesto della sorveglianza multilaterale. The positions taken by Member States in regard to public spending differ somewhat: At this particular moment in history national governments need to impose austerity measures if economic systems are to survive, but they also need to stimulate growth. To correct national deficits caused by poor management of public finances, taxes are being raised and bureaucracy increased, which hits the general public and businesses.
Does the Commission intend to monitor public service production costs carefully in each Member State as, when these are unjustifiably high compared to the inflation rate and production costs for private services, this could constitute incontrovertible proof of waste and poor management? The austerity measures are arguably an inescapable necessity in the present economic circumstances and the only way in which the Member States and Europe can overcome the crisis. Given, however, that citizens and industry are being asked to make sacrifices and the State is apparently doing nothing in return, especially as regards the wasteful, ineffectual use of public money and resources by government departments, does the Commission think that it should set up a European task force to monitor efficiency in public spending and make national and regional assessments in order to identify sectors and places in there are visible management shortcomings and instances of huge extravagance, causing damage which citizens collectively and industry have to make good by shouldering a larger tax burden?
The audit of public service production and management costs do not fall under the competencies of the Commission in the context of multilateral surveillance. However, the quality of the public administration is fundamental for economic competitiveness and societal well-being, notably at a time when Member States are facing increased pressures on public budgets. Despite the broadness and complexity of the concept of quality of public finances, the Commission services have made an attempt to identify a large set of relevant indicators and summarise them into some key groups, including indicators for composition, efficiency and effectiveness of expenditure.
The methodology used and the results are presented in the edition of the report on Public Finance in EMU. In an appeal to the international community, representatives of the Bulgarian minority in Moldova have reported that the central authorities there intend to cut the funding for Bulgarian-language education in the country. This discriminatory attitude to the minority ought not to be tolerated by the European Union, especially in the light of the negotiations on an association agreement with Moldova. Does the Commission consider that, in cutting the funding for Bulgarian-language education in Moldova, the central authorities in the country are discriminating against the Bulgarian minority?
What steps will the Commission take, in the context of the negotiations on an association agreement with Moldova, to defend the right of the Bulgarian minority to mother-tongue education? This issue needs to be considered in the light of the overall cuts in funding of the Moldovan education system, under the IMF obligations of the Republic of Moldova. The way the reform was implemented gave indeed rise to concerns as regards the principle that all citizens should enjoy equal opportunities and quality of public services. This agreement was followed by the agreement to resume funding of Bulgarian language classes starting from next year.
The EU and in particular its Delegation in Chisinau are following closely the situation of all minorities in the Republic of Moldova and stand ready to raise its concerns where relevant. The Association Agreement will refer to respect for the democratic principles, human rights and fundamental freedoms as an essential element, ie. It will therefore constitute a solid legal frame for the protection of the rights of minorities in the Republic of Moldova.
The excavations are being conducted by the so-called Eastern Mediterranean University in cooperation with the University of Ankara. Do the Commission and the Commissioner responsible for Culture intend to take action to end such illegal excavations? Why are they passively allowing the cultural heritage of an EU Member State to be pillaged? Why are they failing to take measures in cooperation with Unesco to protect the European cultural heritage in Cyprus from such depredations?
The Commission has no powers to interfere with the excavations that the Honourable Member refers to. Regarding the protection of cultural heritage in Cyprus, the Commission is working in close cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme UNDP and the bi-communal Technical Committee on Cultural Heritage to fund priority projects, which have been agreed and approved by the bi-communal committee. The EU contribution will allow carrying out emergency support works on six sites, including the Othello Tower in Famagusta. The sites are part of a list of 11 cultural heritage sites of great importance identified by the Technical Committee on Cultural Heritage.
The committee selected the sites based on an in-depth study carried out in , which established an inventory of cultural heritage sites on the island. What measures have been or will be taken by the Commission and the Commissioner responsible for education to end such acts of provocation, given that the ETUCE is a recipient of EU funding and is using it improperly to organise a convention in occupied Cyprus in a hotel belonging to Greek Cypriots? Why have the necessary measures not been taken in response to this situation, given that such conventions are constantly being organised in occupied Cyprus by the illegal Turkish regime?
Voorstel Commissie verplicht lidstaten tot jaarlijkse apk-keuring. Die zouden in de toekomst standaard jaarlijks moeten plaatsvinden. In future the standard procedure would be to have them performed annually. Does the Commission agree with the PVV that the Netherlands is perfectly capable of regulating and organising its own roadworthiness tests and that the Netherlands does not need Europe to issue instructions to it on this subject?
Does the Commission agree with the PVV that European regulation of roadworthiness tests is completely superfluous in the case of the Netherlands? Does the Commission agree with the PVV that in these economically difficult times it is unacceptable for European regulation to further drive up motorists' costs?