The latter — as foundations, the monument was conceived as to already pointed out by Isserlin — had been partly have the boundary walls top at a somewhat modified in its central stretch, due to the regular elevation around - 0. Nonetheless, the westernmost section of the southern wall was preserved with its original height, and two blocks of the upper fourth course of ashlar masonry characterized by a slighter lower height — around 0. Conversely, on the eastern side of the pool, the upper course of blocks were robbed in antiquity pillaging activities by the [fig.
The maximum depth at the centre of the basin was around 1. The edge of the built up structure was at least 0. The elevation of the water surface was around 0. The latter, as stated above, was between 0. It is, thus, evident that water depth made it impossible to navigate within the Kothon, unless with very small and unloaded boats.
Finally, it has to be recalled that the Marsala Lagoon is subjected to regular tides which are connected with water flowing from the Kothon and the Temple Springs, so that when sea level [fig. The Kothon corners gradually but constantly robbed removing almost The examinations of walls junctions at the Kothon completely the blocks of the upper course of the corners brought about the first basic outcome of rectangular construction. On both corners of the southern wall M.
This provides a clear evidence of the constructive junction between each side wall of the Kothon with its neighbors. After the excavation of the inner filling of the basin, the boundary walls masonry appears the outcome of an unitary constructive effort, with each block regularly joined to the other in a continuous work all around the rectangular pool. Since each block weights from around up to kg, it is very difficult to imagine that one side of the structure had been dismantled to be reconstructed by intermingling the corner blocks. The only transformations of the original construction was, in facts, detected on the upper [fig.
This was the Kothon is concerned figs. Since the latter was rebuilt in modern times when the the height of each block was not necessarily sea level had raised laying on top of the upper corresponding to that of its neighbor, those by course along the corner a group of eight huge the walls join were adapted and regularized in blocks possibly including also the moulded block order to fit better one into the other.
These protected the earlier walls junction, so that the south-western corner of the Kothon is the only one already kept as it was originally, except for the later superimposition. The lowest blocks were set into the clayish marl bedrock. They were cuboid blocks of around 2 cubits length, carefully joined, with the one of the southern wall set into [fig.
IN THE the body of the western wall. The uppermost course was also the two long side-walls of the basin. The northern boundary wall of the basin however, did not affect the general wall layout, M. The clayish marl bedrock which was the waterproof bottom of the basin raised towards the north up to elevation — 1. The height of each course was regular. The lower one II was made with blocks 0. The regularity of the wall was interrupted After this device, [fig. Conversely, it was well detectable at the bottom of the last three eastern blocks of the wall fig.
It was again detected just underneath ledge M. In the eastern section of the northern wall, blocks often exhibit clear signs of attempts of plundering them, so that they have broken [fig.
Moreover, a stretch 6. After an inner subsiding, the wall was repaired and strengthened, at around 5 m from the NE corner, by inserting four re-employed blocks as headers slightly protruding from its face fig. One cannot exclude that this device M. In correspondence of device M. The ledge of protruding blocks M. The overall length of the protruding and This jutted out from the structure fig. The eight the seven gaps in between them. There are 3 blocks of size B, two blocks of size ancient people walking on them, so that their C, and two of size A.
Blocks of size A were placed profile is rounded and worn figs. Upon the sixth block from the east a capital decorated by an Egyptian gola was standing M. It was 1 royal cubit high and 0. These dimensions suggest that the alternation between blocks in the ledge correspond to the presence of two or three pillars, belonging to a passage or a porch [fig. As stated above, also the the two lateral blocks M. One has to Finally, the examination of the ledge allowed point out that both blocks M. This was interpreted as depending blocks vertical surfaces, as well as that of modern on subsiding due to fresh water flow from the times was neatly detectable on the blocks of the rear side and under the bottom of the ledge, upper replaced course, thus marking the however, it may be an effect of the pillars weight.
This is, for instance, the case of the Thanks to its jutting shape, it made it difficult to feet of an Attic Black Gloss Ware kylix take away mud deposited into the pool. The chronological setting of the latter was emptied several times in antiquity, majority of fragments is Motya Period VII especially after its transformation into a salt pan. Nonetheless, the presence of some However, the area just underneath the ledge early sherd seems noteworthy especially in the remained protected fig.
Even though the case of a fragment of the shoulder of a Cypriote blocks attracted the attention of plunderers as it or Philistine?
Tag Archives: Talisman – The Sacred Pool Expansion
White Painted Ware krater- is shown by the eastern most jutting slab, which amphora, which originates from an early layer of has an indented hollow on the southern vertical Motya IV BC. The western stretch of wall M. This slab foundation was 9. Around 1 m west of the ledge, the wall had an interruption: The masonry continued westwards with the insertion in the second course of a shorter block M.
II , created a gap in the wall curtain, for the whole length 0. Erosion traces on the vertical face of the block hint at a possible drain In the westernmost stretch of the wall to collect water into the pool fig. A second inner face inside around 1. Such a constructional feature occurred stretchers. The joints between these blocks and their bottom It may be surmised that these inner faces allowed upon the flat slabs serving as foundation basis, structural interventions behind the wall were stuck by layer US.
The eastern boundary wall M.
pilgrim and sacred pool Amrit Sarovar, Golden temple, Amritsar, Punjab, India
The blocks, almost completely disappeared. Excavation started from the Temple C, where the two upper courses were set centre, in the area facing the quay connected to inward of 5 cm, e. However, due to multi-secular north. The southern half of M. NIGRO a, 1, , fig. This meant that the stratigraphy of the filling inside [fig. Ashlar masonry of wall M. The four employed and carefully interconnected with the preserved superimposed courses of blocks had a lowest one of the eastern boundary wall M. Each block was wedged in the head of the underlying one, thus creating a solid structure.
The length of blocks was variable from 0. Long blocks were usually alternated to short ones 0. They may holes provoked by tools used to try to extract have belonged to an earlier building erected in them fig. In the central stretch the slight the area or to the first artificial basin, dismantled offset of lower courses was again visible figs. Water flowing into the basin through wall M. The upper ones were connected with channels and drains from the Temple, among which the most monumental one was C. It was the upper prosecution of a drain running underneath the western wing of the temple NIGRO The lower ones were instead outflows capturing fresh water from the phreatic aquifer thanks to the drainage properties of underground clayish and marl strata lying on the rear side of the structure fig.
Such outflows at least five [fig. From this hole fresh water was spilling out figs. This apparently was, in antiquity, the elevation where phreatic aquifer sprung out. Ground water was, thus, captured and poured out into the basin at the much possible higher elevation, so as to facilitate its filling. The elevation of drain C. The marl step was coated with cyan—gray waterproof clay US. To the same obliteration covered by an heavily eroded fragmentary antefix ritual, a Corinthian cothon MC. The plastic properties of the clay kept Punic oil bottle MC.
Drains in the uppermost courses of the Some 3. Three circular holes in the uppermost courses of I, M.
Beautiful Sacred Pool - Review of Cleopatra Pools, Pamukkale, Turkey - TripAdvisor
A further, third hole C. It was a fan shaped cut in the lower vertical erosion of the eleventh block pl. I, part of the block, which in later periods was M. It was presumably connected with a series of hydraulic installations located just south of the corner of the pool, namely wells P. This device recalls drain C.
Drains at the bottom of the eastern boundary wall M. They were usually obtained by exploiting the gaps between blocks and inserting a small rectangular or square, generating a small opening 0. Sometime at the bottom of the outflow a slab or as small block was set. In the second course from the north, blocks are mostly alternated stretchers and headers pl.
It was standing upon a flat slab with superimposed blocks of the third and second another gap possibly also serving for waters courses. Water flowed drawing groundwater from the clayish-marl from it and from another gap left just south of bedrock of this region of the island, letting it the cut out block fig. The southern boundary wall of the eastern and western side-walls of the basin, the Kothon M. Isserlin, which, however, never reached the bottom of this 2 m high monumental structure. This thesis, though manifestly contradicted by the very wall, hampering water and boats access to the dock 15 m far away , lead to the wrong assumption that there existed a channel connecting the pool to the dock, which is not, and, actually, the rectangular basin never communicated with the Marsala Lagoon during the life span of the city of Motya.
Actually, only in later periods a way in and out for sea waters was opened, but at a very superficial elevation, because the sea level had raised due to marine transgression up to 1 m. Notwithstanding this facts, and the basic observation that the southern boundary wall was solidly connected both to the [fig. Channels and drains of the modern salt pan In the central stretch of the wall, the upper course of southern wall M. I, CXXVIII , east of the gap, had been twisted and carved to serve as slot for the wooden gate of the channel carrying sea waters to the salt pan fig.
Such twisted blocks testify to modern times sea elevation, and have to be matched with the uppermost drains and [fig. The wall masonry In spite of these transformations, the original masonry of the southern boundary wall of the Kothon was examined in the four original superimposed courses of blocks, since to the west also the coronation upper course made of lower blocks was preserved fig.
The building technique was regular and exploited the peculiar characteristics of the soft local sandstone. Blocks employed in the wall were, in [fig. The three lower courses of the wall consisted of blocks 1 cubit high, while the blocks of the uppermost coronation fourth course were 0.
Courses I and II show an alternation of headers and stretchers, according to a typical Phoenician building technique, with a marked difference between the lower foundation course I and the upper one II , that is that blocks of the first course were not refined in the visible face, kept unworked in an embossed style, while those of the second course were carefully cut on the facciavista fig.
Both the two lower courses, however, as stated above, show headers and stretchers regularly set. Conversely, the third course from the bottom was made only of huge stretchers up to 1. It was made, as stated above, of blocks shorter than the others, laid as coronation of the structure as indicated by the fact that they slightly abut cm in respect of the wall face figs. In spite of their limited thickness, the coronation blocks were as long as those of the III course, that is between 1. This would have been particularly unsuitable in a navigable basin or in a port device. For this reason, the underlying huge blocks of the third course were twisted in order to raise the edge of the pool, when it was transformed into a fish farm and a salt producing device in late antiquity.
The central stretch water infiltrations the structure was laid at a 0. In order to maintain the characterized by the gap of two blocks removed wall courses regularity in this point, two bigger in antiquity when the basin was transformed into blocks were set into the marl, while three slabs salt pan and it was connected to the sea through were placed underneath two blocks of course I to a channel the borders of which lay at the reinforce their bottom fig.
The western boundary wall of the coronation course as known from the southern basin M.
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The western side-wall M. The lower courses pl. II, I-II were 0. The majority of blocks were laid as stretchers, even though on this side of the basin the boundary wall had to support a huge and heavy earthen mass. The uppermost course mainly consisted of blocks re-displaced in late [fig. The pottery from the Kothon This chronological and typological gap testify to the continuous frequentation of the place for Despite of the objective difficulty in dealing with industrial activities after the second fall and the a hard - and slick - field fig.
As in antiquity, when it was the pivot of some coherent ceramic contexts, possibly related religious activities of the Sacred Area, the Kothon to cult activities which interested the sacred pool continued to be, also in modern times, a focal during the lifetime of the Temple of Baal. The finding of pottery, thus, may reflect a period of decrease of maintenance of the Kothon sacred structures. Except for the US. As far as argumenta e silentio can be deemed valid, it may be of some interest to notice the almost total absence of transport wares in the Kothon, as well as that of ceramics connected to later reuses of the pool as fish farm, i.
Roman pottery, and of pottery related to its modern utilization as saline and cave for building material, i. Conversely, such pottery classes are well attested to in abandonment layers both of the Temple and of the Kothon quay NIGRO , Concentric lines on the reserved rim. TOTI a, , no. The retrieval of such bones MC.
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They were probably used for exterior and interior of nozzle, reserved body. Other cult vases hard. The deposit was placed aside the channel inside. From a chronological point of view, pottery of Bibliography: We are probably MC. At that moment, all Description: Deities are represented by two nuggets usually limestone, chamotte, quartz, organic; Incl. NIGRO , , pl. NIGRO b, 49, fig. Pottery from the deposit D.
I and an Attic skyphos as betyls and stelae, were removed and used to MC. I has a reddish glaze, and, as demonstrated by the excavation of the probably a residue of the black gloss that Kothon, the channel which connected the Temple originally must have coated the surface, inside Spring and the sacred well to the pool. Deposit and outside, whereas the centre of the cup and D.
Descending The pottery of the deposit includes both Greek from an Attic typology, this cup belongs to a and Punic vases: A couple of almost identical Black Gloss MC. I presents on the I is one basic feature of the deposit. Lamps outer surface traces of white slip.
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The type, exhibit black glaze outside and on the nozzle, and characterized by the everted rim and the a reserved body. Black lines decorate the carination, may have been inspired from a Greek reserved rim. XXXV, for Punic cities: The Punic kernos MC. The presence of cups be with the Red-Slip specimen found in Tomb Connected to the obliteration ritual light polish. It is probably part of the hollow torus are the Corinthian cothon MC. II supporting the cups. This special vessel, however, and a Punic oil bottle MC. The was widely used in cult activities also outside first is an imported and well attested form from funerary contexts, although in these cases formerly in archaic sacred contexts as the Tophet their preservation in archaeological record was CIASCA , pl.
XXXV, 2, 4 , while the oil bottle less easy. A specimen similar to the fragment belongs to a Levantine tradition attested to MC. Finally, two fragmentary painted a, , fig. A stemmed dish MC. I , surface, are also attested to. They too might be is, together with two cups and a skyphos see related to the obliteration ritual connected with below , a major offering in the deposit.

Accumulated under the protruding blocks on the Motya VII. Such vessels are century BC. Temple, as the pierced and carved out foots of Punic local. Other pieces seem residual from phases limestone, chamotte, organic; Incl. Motya chamotte, organic; Incl. Ceramic fragments may be that is the bottom of the modern saline. Few again related to a religious context, as the fragments of Impasto Ware testify to the earliest comparison with the assemblage from the phases Phases of occupation of the area.
Temple of the Kothon suggests even though they Earlier Phase 5 is represented by two fragments are quit common in any context at Motya Period of Greek vases: Other common finds in the ceramic assemblage of the pottery belongs to the middle-end of 5th up to the Temple of Phase 4 the ceramic repertoire of first half of 4th century BC. TOTI a, , pl. Base 22 cm; rim thickness: Fabric limestone, chamotte, organic; Incl. Distinguishing features of the MC. Punic, non-local North Africa. Fabric which whereas seem fully draw from the Greek color: For this particular vessel, we could thus assume medium; Incl.
Fabric phenomenon leading to a deep change involving color: A krater-olla from the sounding at the center of the Kothon US. It was so cold when we visited that we could not swim in the terrace pools further down, so Cleopatra's pool was a great alternative. It costs an extra 32 lira, plus a refundable 10 lira for a locker but its well worth it. The gift shop is reasonably priced, but the restaurant prices are exhorbitant.
The pools were perfect as i was there on a cooler day! Most amazing coloured water and the food available there isn't so bad either! However I'm not sure if it is meant to be but the pools were filled with a lot of algae? Not sure if this is just a side effect to the hot springs or..? Otherwise it was still really worth going and a very relaxing and enjoyable experience! I wouldn't have paid extra to get in the pools if Pamukkale had enough running water.
However there wasn't enough water and we ended up paying the extra 30 liras I think They were well worth it. Nice clean warm water running from the springs. Apparently not everyone is willing to pay the extra fee because we were all alone for about an hour. There is a locker service for 10 liras.
But you get your money back when you return the key. Lovely pool to swim in not included in price of pemerkale trip pool has rocks underneath like ruins quite warm photographers take picture's of you in pool for you to buy good and drinks available. Swuim in the same place Cleopatra did about years before you! Bring yourself a towel and enjoy your time there. Own or manage this property? Claim your listing for free to respond to reviews, update your profile and much more.
All of your saved places can be found here in My Trips. Log in to get trip updates and message other travelers. Log in Join Recently viewed Bookings Inbox. Review of Cleopatra Pools. Pamukkale Hot Springs and Hierapolis Excursion. Ranked 8 of 9 things to do in Pamukkale. Reviewed April 19, Write a Review Reviews 1,