Each drunken shout and each wail from some poor wretch laid in the straw or in other distress cut his heart to the quick, as if it boded ill omen to his venture. Yet, he had no fear for Sasha. Her courage made nothing of the adventure. She would come alone, in her cloak and trousers, booted like a man. La aventura era nada para su coraje. Borges 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 So he waited in the darkness.
Suddenly he was struck in the face by a blow, soft, yet heavy, on the side of his cheek. So strung with expectation was he, that he started and put his hand to his sword. The blow was repeated a dozen times on forehead and cheek. The dry frost had lasted so long that it took him a minute to realise that these were raindrops falling; the blows were the blows of the rain.
At first, they fell slowly, deliberately, one by one. But soon the six drops became sixty; then six hundred; then ran themselves together in a steady spout of water. It was as if the hard and consolidated sky poured itself forth in one profuse fountain. In the space of five minutes Orlando was soaked to the skin.
Hastily putting the horses under cover, he sought shelter beneath the lintel of the door whence he could still observe the courtyard. The roads, pitted as they were with great holes, would be under water and perhaps impassable. But of what effect this would have upon their flight he scarcely thought.
Sometimes, in the darkness, he seemed to see her wrapped about with rain strokes. But the phantom vanished. Era como si el duro cielo consolidado se viniera abajo en una sola fuente profusa. Pero el fantasma no duraba. Four times more it struck remorselessly. With the superstition of a lover, Orlando had made out that it was on the sixth stroke that she would come.
But the sixth stroke echoed away, and the seventh came and the eighth, and to his apprehensive mind they seemed notes first heralding and then proclaiming death and disaster. When the twelfth struck he knew that his doom was sealed. It was useless for the rational part of him to reason; she might be late; she might be prevented; she might have missed her way. The passionate and feeling heart of Orlando knew the truth. Other clocks struck, jangling one after another.
The old suspicions subterraneously [29] at work in him rushed forth from concealment openly. He was bitten by a swarm of snakes, each more poisonous than the last. He stood in the doorway in the tremendous rain without moving. As the minutes passed, he sagged a little at the knees. The downpour rushed on. In the thick of it, great guns seemed to boom. Huge noises as of the tearing and rending of oak trees could be heard.
There were also wild cries and terrible inhuman groanings. Al pasar los minutos, se le aflojaron un poco las rodillas. Some blind instinct, for he was past reasoning, must have driven him to take the river bank in the direction of the sea. For when the dawn broke, which it did with unusual suddenness, the sky turning a pale yellow and the rain almost ceasing, he found himself on the banks of the Thames off Wapping.
Now a sight of the most extraordinary nature met his eyes. Where, for three months and more, there had been solid ice of such thickness that it seemed permanent as stone, and a whole gay city had been stood on its pavement, was now a race of turbulent yellow waters. The river had gained its freedom in the night.
The mere look of the water was enough to turn one giddy. All was riot and confusion. The river was strewn with icebergs. Now would come down a whole convoy of ice blocks sinking everything that stood in their way. Butwhatwasthemostawfulandinspiring ofterrorwasthesightofthehumancreatures who had been trapped in the night and now paced their twisting and precarious islands in the utmost agony of spirit. Whether they jumped into the flood or stayed on the ice their doom was certain. Sometimes quite a cluster of these poor creatures would come down together, some on their knees, others suckling their babies.
One old man seemed to be reading aloud from a holy book.
At other times, and his fate, perhaps was the most dreadful, a solitary wretch would stride his narrow tenement alone. As they swept out to sea, some could be heard crying vainly for help, making wild promises to amend their ways, confessing their sins and vowing altars and wealth if God would hear their prayers. Others were so dazed with [30] terror that they sat immovable and silent looking steadfastly before them. An old nobleman — for such his furred gown and golden chain proclaimed him — went down not far from where Orlando stood, calling vengeance upon the Irish rebels, who, he cried with his last breath, had plotted this devilry.
Que se arrojaran al torrente o se quedaran en el hielo, su destino era inevitable. Borges 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 their eyes the disappearance of some furred gown. For furniture, valuables, possessions of all sorts were carried away on the icebergs. Among other strange sights was to be seen a cat suckling its young; a table laid sumptuously for a supper of twenty; a couple in bed; together with an extraordinary number of cooking utensils.
Dazed and astounded, Orlando could do nothing for some time but watch the appalling race of waters as it hurled itself past him. At last, seeming to recollect himself, he clapped spurs to his horse and galloped hard along the river bank in the direction of the sea. Rounding a bend of the river, he came opposite that reach where, not two days ago, the ships of the Ambassadors had seemed immovably frozen.
Hastily, he made count of them all; the French; the Spanish; the Austrian; the Turk. All still floated, though the French had broken loose from her moorings, and the Turkish vessel had taken a great rent in her side and was fast filling with water. But the Russian ship was nowhere to be seen. The black eagles were flying from the mast head.
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The ship of the Muscovite Embassy was standing out to sea. Flinging himself from his horse, he made, in his rage, as if he would breast the flood. Borges 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 at the faithless woman all the insults that have ever been the lot of her sex. Faithless, mutable, fickle, he called her; devil, adulteress, deceiver; and the swirling waters took his words, and tossed at his feet a broken pot and a little straw.
But now we come to an episode which lies right across our path, so that there is no ignoring it. Yet it is dark, mysterious, and undocumented; so that there is no explaining it. Volumesmightbewrittenininterpretation of it; whole religious systems founded upon the signification of it. Our simple duty is to state the facts as far as they are known, and so let the reader make of them what he may. Pero ahora llegamos a un episodio que se atraviesa en nuestro camino, de suerte que no hay manera de eludirlo.
Es oscuro, misterioso, indocumentado; de suerte que tampoco hay manera de justificarlo. To disgrace traduce deshonrar, avergonzar, desacreditar, mientras que desgraciar es to damage, spoil, cripple [lisiarse]. Borges 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 country and there lived in complete solitude. One June morning — it was Saturday the 8th — he failed to rise at his usual hour, and when his groom went to call him he was found fast asleep.
Nor could he be awakened. He lay as if in a trance, without perceptible breathing; and though dogs were set to bark under his window; cymbals, drums, bones beaten perpetually in his room; a gorse bush put under his pillow; and mustard plasters applied to his feet, still he did not wake, take food, or show any sign of life for seven whole days. Yet some change, it was suspected, must have taken place in the chambers of his brain, for though he was perfectly rational and seemed graver and more sedate in his ways than before, he appeared to have an imperfect recollection of his past life.
He would [32] listen when people spoke of the great frost or the skating or the carnival, but he never gave any sign, except by passing his hand across his brow as if to wipe away some cloud, of having witnessed them himself. When the events of the past six months were discussed, he seemed not so much distressed as puzzled, as if he were troubled by confused memories of some time long gone or were trying to recall stories told him by another.
It was observed that if Russia was mentioned or Princesses or ships, he would fall into a gloom of an uneasy kind and get up and look out of the window or call one of the dogs to him, or take a knife and carve a piece of cedar wood. No lo pudieron despertar. But if sleep it was, of what nature, we can scarcely refrain from asking, are such sleeps as these?
Are they remedial measures — trances in which the most galling memories, events that seem likely to cripple —life for ever, are brushed with a dark wing which rubs their harshness off and gilds them, even the ugliest and basest, with a lustre, an incandescence? Has the finger of death to be laid on the tumult of life from time to time lest it rend us asunder? Are we so made that we have to take death in small doses daily or we could not go on with the business of living?
And then what strange powers are these that penetrate our most secret ways and change our most treasured possessions without our willing it? Had Orlando, worn out by the extremity of his suffering, died for a week, and then come to life again? And if so, of what nature is death and of what nature life? Having waited well over half an hour for an answer to these questions, and none coming, let us get on with the story. Now Orlando gave himself up to a life of extreme solitude. His disgrace at Court and the violence of his grief were partly the reason of it, but as he made no effort to defend himself and seldom invited anyone to visit him though he had many friends who would willingly have done so it appeared as if to be alone in the great house of his fathers suited his temper.
Solitude was his choice. How he spent his time, nobody quite knew. Borges 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 coverlets of beds that were never slept in, watched, in the dark of the evening, as they sat over their cakes and ale, a light passing along [33] the galleries, through the; banqueting-halls, up the staircases, into the bedrooms, and knew that their master was perambulating the house alone. Then the light would be lost altogether, and Mrs Grimsditch, the housekeeper, would say to Mr Dupper, the chaplain, how she hoped his Lordship had not met with some bad accident.
Mr Dupper would opine that his Lordship was on his knees, no doubt, among the tombs of his ancestors in the Chapel, which was in the Billiard Table Court, half a mile away on the south side. Grimsditch, le manifestaba a Mr. Dupper; a lo que contestaba Mrs. To be gloomy or dejected. To brood or sulk. See synonyms at brood. To move in a leisurely or aimless manner; dawdle. Aperson given to gloomy or dejected moods. Often used with the. Borges 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 cursed the foreign Princess but they called her by a coarser name than that who had brought him to this pass.
But though it was probably cowardice, or love of hot ale, that led Mr Dupper to imagine his Lordship safe among the tombs so that he need not go in search of him, it may well have been that Mr Dupper was right. Even this was not enough for him, but he must descend into the crypt where his [34] ancestors lay, coffin piled upon coffin, for ten generations together. The place was so seldom visited that the rats had made free with the lead work, and now a thigh bone would catch at his cloak as he passed, or he would crack the skull of some old Sir Malise as it rolled beneath his foot. It was a ghastly sepulchre; dug deep beneath the foundations of the house as if the first Lord of the family, who had come from France with the Conqueror, had wished to testify how all pomp is built upon corruption; how the skeleton lies beneath the flesh; how we that dance and sing above must lie below; how the crimson velvet turns to dust; how the ring here Orlando, stooping his lantern, would pick up a gold circle lacking a stone, that had rolled into a corner loses its ruby and the eye which was so lustrous shines no more.
Borges 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 man or woman, of age or youth? Had it urged the war-horse, or plied the needle? Had it plucked the rose, or grasped cold steel? So, taking his lantern and seeing that the bones were in order, for though romantic, he was singularly methodical and detested nothing so much as a ball of string on the floor, let alone the skull of an ancestor, he returned to that curious, moody pacing down the galleries, looking for something among the pictures, which was interrupted at length by a veritable spasm of sobbing, at the sight —of a Dutch snow scene by an unknown artist.
Then it seemed to him that life was not worth living any more. Forgetting the bones of his ancestors and how life is founded on a grave, he stood there shaken with sobs, all for the desire of a woman in Russian trousers, with slanting eyes, a pouting mouth, and pearls about her neck. She had left him. He was never to see her again.
And so he sobbed. And so he found his way back to his own rooms; and Mrs Grimsditch, seeing the light in the window, put the tankard from her lips and said Praise be to God, his Lordship was safe in his room again; for she had been thinking all this while that he was foully murdered. For though these are not matters on which a biographer can profitably odeunhombre,delavejezodelajuventud?
Ir y venir 1 tr. The taste for books was an early one. As a child he was sometimes found at midnight by a page still reading. They took his taper away, and he bred glow-worms to serve his purpose. They took the glow-worms away, and he almost burnt the house down with a tinder. To put it in a nutshell, leaving the novelist to smooth out the crumpled silk and all its implications, he was a nobleman afflicted with a love of literature.
Many people of his time, still more of his rank, escaped the infection and were thus free to run or ride or make love at their own sweet will. But some were early infected by a germ said to be bred of the pollen of the asphodel andtobeblownoutofGreeceandItaly,which was of so deadly a nature that it would shake the hand as it was raised to strike, cloud the eye as it sought its prey, and make the tongue stammer as it declared its love.
It was the fatal nature of this disease to substitute a phantom for reality, so that Orlando, to whom fortune had given every gift — plate, linen, houses, men-servants, carpets, beds in profusion — had only to open a book for the whole vast accumulation to turn to mist. Borges 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 The nine acres of stone which were his house vanished; one hundred and fifty indoor servants disappeared; his eighty riding horses became invisible; it would take too long to count the carpets, sofas, trappings, china, plate, cruets, chafing dishes and other movables often of beaten gold, which evaporated like so much sea mist under the miasma.
So it was, and Orlando would sit by himself, reading, a naked man. The disease gained rapidly upon him now in his solitude. He would read often six hours into the night; and when they came to him for orders about the slaughtering of cattle or the harvesting of wheat, he would push away his folio and look as if he did not understand what [36] was said to him. Thiswasbadenoughandwrungthehearts of Hall, the falconer, of Giles, the groom, of Mrs Grimsditch, the housekeeper, of Mr Dapper, the chaplain. A fine gentleman like that, they said, had no need of books.
Let him leave books, they said, to the palsied or the dying. But worse was to come. For once the disease of reading has laid hold upon the system it weakens it so that it falls an easy prey to that other scourge which dwells in the inkpot and festers in the quill. The wretch takes to writing. And while this is bad enough in a poor man, whose only property is a chair and a table set beneath a leaky roof — for he has not much to lose, after all — the plight of a rich man, who has houses and cattle, maid-servants, asses and linen, and yet writes books, is pitiable in the extreme.
The flavour of it all goes out of him; he is riddled by hot irons; gnawed by vermin. Grimsditch, el ama de llaves, a Mr. El miserable se dedica a escribir. Y si eso ya es bastante malo en un pobre, sin otra propiedad que una silla y una mesa debajo de una gotera —pues al fin de cuentas no tiene mucho que perder—, el trance de un hombre rico, que tiene casas y ganado, doncellas, burros y ropa blanca, y sin embargo escribe libros, es penoso en extremo.
Se le escapa el sabor de todo; lo torturan hierros candentes: Borges 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 such is the malignity of the germ to write one little book and become famous; yet all the gold in Peru will not buy him the treasure of a well-turned line. So he falls into consumption and sickness, blows his brains out, turns his face to the wall.
It matters not in what attitude they find him. He has passed through the gates of Death and known the flames of Hell. Happily, Orlando was of a strong constitution and the disease for reasons presently to be given never broke him down as it has broken many of his peers. But he was deeply smitten with it, as the sequel shows. For when he had read for an hour or so in Sir Thomas Browne, and the bark of the stag and the call of the night watchman showed that it was the dead of night and all safe asleep, he crossed the room, took a silver key from his pocket and unlocked the doors of a great inlaid cabinet which stood in the corner.
He paused, as if hesitating which to open. The truth was that Orlando had been afflicted thus for many years. Ha atravesado las puertas de la Muerte y conocido las llamas del Infierno. Thus had been written, before he was turned twenty-five, some forty [37] seven plays, histories, romances, poems; some in prose, some in verse; some in French, some in Italian; all romantic, and all long. As this pause was of extreme significance in his history, more so, indeed, than many acts which bring men to their knees and make rivers run with blood, it behoves us to ask why he paused; and to reply, after due reflection, that it was for some such reason as this.
Borges 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 sailors at the mast-head ask, pointing their glasses to the horizon; Is there land or is there none? Memory runs her needle in and out, u p and down, hither and thither. We know not what comes next, or what follows after. Thus, the most ordinary movement in the world, such as sitting down at a table and pulling the inkstand towards one, may agitate a thousand odd, disconnected fragments, now bright, now dim, hanging and bobbing and dipping and flaunting, like the underlinen of a family of fourteen on a line in a gale of wind.
Instead of being a single, downright, bluff piece of work of which no man need feel ashamed, our commonest deeds are set about with a fluttering and flickering of [38] wings, a rising and falling of lights. Thus it was that Orlando, dipping his pen in the ink, saw the mocking face of the lost Princess and asked himself a million questions instantly which were as arrows dipped in gall. Where was she; and why had she left him? Was the Ambassador her uncle or her lover?
Vacilar, oscilar, titilar, centellear, flamear, 1 of light shine unsteadily or fitfully. Borges 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 But whose was it, he asked himself? For we — can, if we have the resolution, turn the hussy, Memory, and all her ragtag and bobtail out of the house. Memory still held before him the image of a shabby man with big, bright eyes. Still he looked, still he paused. It is these pauses that are our undoing. It is then that sedition enters the fortress and our troops rise in insurrection. Once before he had paused, and love with its horrid rout, its shawms, its cymbals, and its heads with gory locks torn from the shoulders had burst in.
Pero Orlando se detuvo. Esas pausas son nuestra ruina. Borges 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 of the damned. Now, again, he paused, and into the breach thus made, leapt Ambition, the harridan, and Poetry, the witch, and Desire of Fame, the strumpet; all joined hands and made of his heart their [39] dancing ground. Standing upright in the solitude of his room, he vowed that he would be the first poet of his race and bring immortal lustre upon his name. But of all that killing and campaigning, that drinking and lovemaking, that spending and hunting and riding and eating, what remained?
A skull; a finger. Whereas, he said, turning to the page of Sir Thomas Browne, which lay open upon the table — and again he paused. Like an incantation rising from all parts of the room, from the night wind and the moonlight, rolled the divine melody of those words which, lest they should outstare this page, we will leave where they lie entombed, not dead, embalmed rather, so fresh is their colour, so sound their breathing — and Orlando, comparing that achievement with those of his ancestors, cried out that they and their deeds were dust and ashes, but this man and his words were immortal.
He soon perceived, however, that the battles which Sir Miles and the rest had waged against armed knights to win a kingdom, were not half so arduous as this which he now undertook to win immortality against the English language. It was to settle this last question that he decided, after many months of such feverish labour, to break the solitude of years and communicate with the outer world.
He had a friend in London, one Giles Isham of Norfolk, who, though of gentle birth, was acquainted with writers and could doubtless put him in touch with some member, of that blessed, indeed sacred, fraternity. For, to Orlando in the state he was now in, there was a glory about a man who had written a book and had it printed, which outshone all the glories of blood and state.
To his imagination it seemed as if even the bodies of those instinct with such divine thoughts must be transfigured. They must have aureoles for hair, incense for breath, and roses must grow between their lips [40] which was certainly not true either of himself or Mr Dupper. He could think of no greater happiness than to be allowed to sit behind a curtain and hear them talk. Even the imagination of that bold arid various discourse made the memory of what he and his courtier friends used to talk about — a dog, a horse, a woman, a game of cards — seem brutish in the extreme.
He bethought him with pride that he had always been called a scholar, and sneered at for his love of solitude and books. He had never been apt at pretty phrases. La sola idea de ese variado y atrevido coloquio humillaba el recuerdo de sus charlas con sus amigos cortesanos: Se quedaba tieso, se sonrojaba, o tenia X. He had twice fallen, in sheer abstraction, from his horse. Eagerly recalling these and other instances of his unfitness for the life of society, an ineffable hope, that all the turbulence of his youth, his clumsiness, his blushes, his long walks, and his love of the country proved that he himself belonged to the sacred race rather than to the noble — was by birth a writer, rather than an aristocrat — possessed him.
For the first time since the night of the great flood he was happy. Many Kings, Queens, and Ambassadors had been received there; Judges had stood there in their ermine. The loveliest ladies of the land had come there; and the sternest warriors. Banners hung there which had been at Flodden and at Agincourt. There were displayed the painted coats of arms with their lions and their leopards torpezas de granadero en el estrado de las damas.
Isham de Norfolk para Mr. Borges 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 and their coronets. There were the long tables where the gold and silver plate was stood; and there the vast fireplaces of wrought Italian marble where nightly a whole oak tree, with its million leaves and its nests of rook and wren, was burnt to ashes.
Nicholas Greene, the poet stood there now, plainly dressed in his slouched hat and black doublet, carrying in one hand a small bag. That Orlando as he hastened to greet him was slightly disappointed [41] was inevitable. The poet was not above middle height; was of a mean figure; was lean and stooped somewhat, and, stumbling over the mastiff on entering, the dog bit him.
Moreover, Orlando for all his knowledge of mankind was puzzled where to place him. There was something about him which belonged neither to servant, squire, or noble. The head with its rounded forehead and beaked nose was fine, but the chin receded. The eyes were brilliant, but the lips hung loose and slobbered.
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- The Sacred In-Between: The Mediating Roles of Architecture.
- Lapps and Labyrinths: Saami Prehistory, Colonization, and Cultural Resilience!
- Maximal Variety.
- Woolf, Virginia "Orlando".
It was the expression of the face as a whole, however, that was disquieting. Poet though he was, it seemed as if he were more used to scold than to flatter; to quarrel than to coo; to scramble than to ride; to struggle than to rest; to hate than to love. This, too, was shown by the quickness of his movements; and by something fiery and suspicious in his glance. Orlando was somewhat taken aback. Los ojos eran brillantes, pero los gruesos labios babeaban. L e f a l t a b a e s e m a j e s t u o s o equilibrio que hace tan agradables a la vista las caras de la nobleza; le faltaba el solemne servilismo de una cara de sirviente bien educado: Arreglo de una cosa descompuesta, maltratada o rota.
Borges 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 But they went to dinner. Here, Orlando, who usually took such things for granted, was, for the first time, unaccountably ashamed of the number of his servants and of the splendour of his table. Stranger still, he bethought him with pride — for the thought was generally distasteful — of that great grandmother Moll who had milked the cows. He was about somehow to allude to this humble woman and her milk-pails, when the poet forestalled him by saying that it was odd, seeing how common the name of Greene was, that the family had come over with the Conqueror and was of the highest nobility in France.
Unfortunately, they had come down in the world and done little more than leave their name to the royal borough of Greenwich. Further talk of the same sort, about lost castles, coats of arms, cousins who were baronets in the north, intermarriage with noble families in the west, how some Greens spelt the name with an a at the end, and others without, lasted till the venison was on the table.
Then Orlando contrived to say something of Grandmother Moll and her cows, and had eased his heart a little of its burden by the time the wild fowl were before them. But it was not until the Malmsey was passing freely that Orlando dared mention what he could not help thinking a more important matter than the Greens or the cows; that is to say the sacred subject of poetry. Of the nature of poetry itself, [42] Orlando only gathered that it was Pero entraron al comedor. Adelantarse, prevenir jilt v. Desaire o rechazo amoroso a alguien requerido de amores.
Borges 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 harder to sell than prose, and though the lines were shorter took longer in the writing. S o t h e t a l k w e n t o n w i t h ramifications interminable, until Orlando ventured to hint that he had himself been so rash as to write — but here the poet leapt from his chair. A mouse had squeaked in the wainscot, he said. Doubtless the house was full of vermin, but Orlando had not heard them. The poet then gave Orlando the full story of his health for the past ten years or so. It had been so bad that one could only marvel that he still lived.
He had had the palsy, the gout, the ague, the dropsy, and the three sorts of fever in succession; added to which he had an enlarged heart, a great spleen, and a diseased liver. But, above all, he had, he told Orlando, sensations in his spine which defied description. There was one knob about the third from the top which burnt like fire; another about the second from the bottom which was cold as ice.
S o m e t i m e s h e w o k e w i t h a brain like lead; at others it was as if a thousand wax tapers were alight and people were throwing fireworks inside him. He could feel a rose leaf through his mattress, he said; and knew his way almost about London by the feel of the cobbles. Borges 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 only sold five hundred copies of his poem, but that of course was largely due to the conspiracy against him. All he could say, he concluded, banging his fist upon the table, was that the art of poetry was dead in England.
How that could be with Shakespeare, Marlowe, Ben Jonson, Browne, Donne, all now writing or just having written, Orlando, reeling off the names of his favourite heroes, could not think. Shakespeare, he admitted, had written some scenes that were well enough; but he had taken them chiefly from Marlowe. Marlowe was a likely boy, but what could you say of a lad who died before he was thirty?
As for Browne, he was for writing poetry in prose, and people soon got tired of such conceits as that. Donne was a mountebank who wrapped up his lack of meaning in hard words. The gulls were taken in; but the style would be out of fashion twelve months hence. As for Ben Jonson — Ben Jonson was a friend of his and he never spoke ill of his friends. No, he concluded, the great age of literature is past; the great age of literature was the Greek; the Elizabethan age was inferior in every respect to the Greek.
In such ages men cherished a divine ambition which he might call La Gloire he pronounced it Glawr, so that Orlando [43] did not at first catch his meaning. Now all young writers were in the pay of the booksellers and poured out any trash that would sell. Shakespeare was the chief offender in this way and Shakespeare was already paying the penalty. Shakespeare era el culpable principal en ese sentido y ya estaba sufriendo las consecuencias. Borges 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 by precious conceits and wild experiments — neitherofwhichtheGreeks would have tolerated for a moment.
Much though it hurt him to say it for he loved literature as he loved his life — he could see no good in the present and had no hope of the future. Here he poured himself out another glass of wine. Orlando was shocked by these doctrines; yet could not help observing that the critic himself seemed by no means downcast. On the contrary, the more he denounced his own time, the more complacent he became.
Kit was in high feather, rather drunk, which he easily became, and in a mood to say silly things. Happily for himself, he was killed two nights later in a drunken brawl, and so did not live to see how this prediction turned out. A great age, forsooth — the Elizabethan a great age! Como si lo viera, blandiendo su copa y tartamudeando: Had I a pension of three hundred pounds a year paid quarterly, I would live for Glawr alone. Orlando had never laughed so much in his life. These, then, were his gods! Half were drunken and all were amorous.
Most of them quarrelled with [44] their wives; not one of them was above a lie or an intrigue of the most paltry kind. Thus Hamlet went to press; thus Lear; thus Othello. No wonder, as Greene said, that these plays show the faults they do. The rest of the time was spent in carousings and junketings in taverns and in beer gardens, when things were said that passed belief for wit, and things were done that made the utmost frolic of the courtiers seem pale in comparison. All this Greene told with a spirit that roused Orlando to the highest pitch of delight.
Eso es lo que yo llamo literatura, eso es lo que yo llamo la Glor. La mitad eran borrachos y todos calaveras. Todo esto lo contaba Greene con un entusiasmo que deleitaba a Orlando. Dulce de leche cuajada 2 a feast. Fiesta 3 a pleasure outing. Jolgorio, fiesta, 1 full of pranks, sportive. Jaranear, estar de parranda o juerga amorous relating sexual love, apasionado, sensual, amatorio, enamoradizo, mujeriego, philandering womanizing, having amorous affair X X.
Borges 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 He had a power of mimicry that brought thedeadtolife,andcouldsaythefinestthings of books provided they were written three hundred years ago. So time passed, and Orlando felt for his guest a strange mixture of liking and contempt, of admiration and pity, as well as something too indefinite to be called by any one name, but had something of fear in it and something of fascination.
A pesar de la nieve, los galos eran perfectamente capaces de mantenerse en contacto los unos con los otros. Ahora ese logro amenazaba con destruirle. Los galos empezaron a pasar hambre. Ola tras ola de guerreros se estrellaron gritando y blandiendo sus espadas contra esas defensas. Los legionarios, atrapados en esta pinza, se defendieron con desesperada ferocidad. Incluso cuando los galos, que trataban de derribar la empalizada con garfios, gritaban de placer al derribar una torre de vigilancia, los legionarios se apresuraban a cubrir la brecha lanzando gritos de guerra no menos estremecedores.
Los legionarios, espada en mano, avanzaron desde las murallas para recibirlos. Ahora eran los galos los que se encontraban atrapados en una pinza. La matanza fue terrible, el triunfo romano, total. Y sin embargo, Alesia fue una sola batalla. En el 51 a. Algunos trataron desesperadamente de que abriera los ojos. En el 55 a. Pompeyo no le hizo caso. Coronando el complejo, estaba el templo de Venus, la excusa con la que. No se trataba tampoco de que Pompeyo deseara abandonar el mando de las legiones que iban con la provincia.
Se acabaron los viajes a los confines del mundo para Pompeyo Magno. Pero sus suspicacias respecto a su grandeza y a su generosidad permanecieron. Los juegos de Pompeyo se celebraron en septiembre del 55 a. Plinio el Viejo, 8. Es posible que las catorce naciones cautivas fueran reunidas alrededor de la estatua de Pompeyo, en lugar de en su teatro. Los consulados de Apio y Domicio, ambos famosos por su arrogancia, eran una burla a sus inseguridades de arribista.
En agosto del 54 a. Tanto su marido como su padre quedaron destrozados. Su elegibilidad era un atributo muy valioso, demasiado valioso como para no utilizarlo.

Y eso, por supuesto, era lo que preocupaba a su socio. El miedo, no la afinidad, era lo que cimentaba el triunvirato. Que el pueblo de Roma se estremeciera: La sordidez comenzaba a corroer la autoridad moral del Senado. Se presentaban cuatro candidatos, y todos ellos fueron procesados. Se necesitaba a un hombre fuerte.
Fue la estrategia perfecta. Al acabar el 53 a. Pero entonces, el 18 de enero del 52 a. Pero los amigos de Clodio no se conformaron con esa especie de justicia divina. Los barrios bajos comenzaron a temblar con aullidos de pena. La masa aullaba de miseria y rabia. Le acercaron una antorcha y dejaron que las llamas prendieran. Alumbrados por el resplandor del incendio, las batallas entre los partidarios de Clodio y los de su asesino alcanzaron una cima de embriagador salvajismo desconocida hasta entonces. Por primera vez desde la guerra civil, tropas armadas marcharon dentro de Roma. Esperaba, en un caso tan importante, dar el mejor discurso de su vida.
Todas las tiendas estaban cerradas. Las gracias de Cornelia eran un incentivo adicional. La vida de casado le gustaba. Era una pregunta cuya respuesta apenas empezaba a dibujarse. En el 53 a. Pero si alguno de los espectadores que se jugaba el cuello subiendo las gradas era consciente de la portentosa naturaleza de lo que estaba haciendo, no ha llegado hasta nosotros.
Plinio el Viejo, Hubo muchos que trataron de reconciliar lo irreconciliable. Luego alguien se levanta y se queja de lo acordado. El honor y la vanidad le obligaban a mantenerse firme. Sobre todo, iba a necesitar a un tribuno, un peso pesado con el coraje y el nervio adecuados para oponerse a propuestas que ahora contaban con el apoyo total de Pompeyo. Pero cuando se anunciaron los resultados de las elecciones del 50 a. Fue una emboscada sensacional. Su joven rival no estaba de acuerdo. Y lo hizo de nuevo. Las facciones rivales estaban dispuestas a abrazar su destino. En diciembre del 50 a. En ese momento, el 1 de enero del 49 a.
Las noticias de los poderes de emergencia de Pompeyo le llegaron cuando estaba en su tienda. Los viejos odios resucitaron y condenaron al fracaso la resistencia de Domicio. Pocos ciudadanos eran tan orgullosos como Domicio. La flota de Pompeyo regresaba de Grecia. La fiesta de la victoria de Pompeyo Oriente, a diferencia de Roma, estaba acostumbrado a los reyes.
Los romanos, naturalmente, despreciaban ese tipo de supersticiones. Ahora esos mismos enemigos eran sus aliados en el exilio. Pero el insulto conectaba con el sentir general. Era una estrategia terrible. Pero el miedo a un caudillo no significaba que se tuviera mejor imagen del otro. Entonces, un tribuno, Cecilio Metelo, tuvo la desfachatez de vetar la medida. Como siempre, estaba ansioso por emprender la marcha.
Era un oficial digno de los hombres que comandaba. En privado, Pompeyo estaba seguro de su victoria. Sus esperanzas no se vieron completamente defraudadas. Con ello, quedaba garantizado que la guerra iba a continuar. Y luego, por supuesto, quedaba Pompeyo. Pompeyo, un experto en 11 Suetonio, El divino Julio, Puede que incluso se lo creyera.
O, al menos, eso esperaba Pompeyo. Cornelia, impotente en la cubierta del trirreme, lo vio todo. Baja y sin referencias 12 Plutarco, Pompeyo, Pero no un rey cualquiera. Sus bancos lubricaban el comercio de todo el mundo. No es que fuera dada a acostarse con todos, ni mucho menos. Al quemar la flota egipcia en 15 Plutarco, Antonio, En marzo del 47 a. Muy alto, al parecer. Norte, este, sur, oeste: Puede que sea calvo, pero se tira a todo lo que se mueve. La suciedad siempre resaltaba en una toga.
Con su biblioteca y sus templos era muy griega; de hecho, era la capital del mundo griego. El interior egipcio era demasiado grande y demasiado antiguo como para ser ignorado. Esta cita procede de su tratado Sobre la costumbre, citado por Macrobio, 3. Nuevos idiomas, nuevas costumbres, nuevas religiones: No en vano todos los caminos llevaban a Roma. A finales de la primavera del 47 a.
Fue un viaje de un mundo a otro. Sus ciudadanos, como los propios romanos, estaban orgullosos de sus libertades. Era la primera reina griega que hablaba egipcio. Era un rumor insidioso, pero apuntaba a una verdad peligrosa y plausible. No era su estilo. Sangre, honor y libertad: Al volver a Roma a fines de julio del 46 a. Los constitucionalistas sufrieron mucho para hacer encajar las cosas.
En invierno del 46 a. Mejor morir libre que vivir como un esclavo: Ya ni le preocupaba lo que dijeran los tradicionalistas. Ni tampoco le interesaban demasiado las tradiciones. En septiembre del 46 a. A finales del 45 a. A principios del 44 a. La gente estaba adormecida con juegos, bienestar y paz. Y cuando sus informadores le contaban rumores de un complot para asesinarlo y le apremiaban a que persiguiera a los conspiradores, desestimaba sus inquietudes de plano.
Una 23 Suetonio, El divino Julio, Pero fue un comentario malicioso e injusto. Unos sesenta hombres le rodeaban formando un muro. Suetonio, El divino julio, Ya se elevaban hacia el cielo columnas de humo; los saqueadores destrozaban las tiendas. En lugar de correr al Foro para aclamar a los liberadores, los ciudadanos se precipitaron a sus casas y atrancaron las puertas. De modo que estoy ausente del Foro y de mi hogar.
Y luego llegaron los idus de marzo. Hacia el verano del 44 a. Incluso Bruto y Casio trataron de apuntarse a ese carro. Aulo Hircio y Vibio Pansa. El esclavo no goza de una verdadera vida. En abril del 43 a. En dos batallas sucesivas, Antonio fue derrotado y obligado a retirarse cruzando los Alpes.
Entonces nuevos mensajeros llegaron a Roma llevando amargas y crueles noticias. En verdad, la estaban ejecutando. Hasta sus enemigos lo reconocieron. Cuando los cazarrecompensas entregaron su cabeza y sus manos cortadas, Fulvia, la viuda de Clodio y 16 Plinio el Viejo, En cambio, optaron por luchar.
En Roma, la virtuosa y austera Porcia esperaba noticias de Filipos. Las tiendas cerraban, los templos se descuidaban, y se arrancaba el oro de los monumentos.
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Incluso Baiae, la brillante y resplandeciente Baiae, retumbaba al martilleo de los ingenieros de Octaviano. En septiembre del 40 a. En septiembre del 36 a. En el 41 a. Empezaron a contarse historias ultrajantes: Hacia el 36 a. El reto era el mismo para ambos: Octaviano contaba en ese aspecto con una ventaja esencial, como gobernante de Occidente. Le ofrecieron al conquistador un privilegio sagrado: Progresivamente se restauraron las responsabilidades de los magistrados anuales.
Desde luego, era todo un regreso al futuro. Y, de nuevo, Afrodita fue llamada ante el nuevo Dionisio. Sus ofensas no se limitaban al campo del sexo. En el 34 a. Eso fue en parte porque, en cierto sentido, no estaba siendo generoso en absoluto. Su cabeza estaba estampada por un lado, la de Cleopatra por el otro; un romano y una griega, un triunviro y una reina. La toga blanca y reluciente del constitucionalismo ya estaba ocupada. En el 32 a. El despliegue de fuerza obtuvo el efecto deseado: En verano del 32 a. Durante todo el verano del 31 a. En julio del 30 a.
Por todos los templos de Egipto, los artesanos empezaron a esculpir la imagen de su nuevo rey, el propio Octaviano. En lugar de masacrar, perdonar; en lugar de luchar, garantizar la paz, y en lugar de destruir, restaurar. Las gestas del divino Augusto, 3. De repente, los murmullos empezaron a disiparse. Sus palabras eran tranquilas y medidas, y estaban cargadas de trascendencia. Todas las cosas sagradas y honorables se describen como "augustas".
El reto -y la gran oportunidad- de Augusto era convencerlos de lo contrario. Y en eso estribaba el genio y la grandeza de su estrategia. Tocaba una fibra muy profunda, pues era la materia prima del mito romano: En el principio de los romanos radicaba su fin.
En el 29 a. Sin embargo, el logro excepcional de Augusto fue la brillantez con la que supo colonizar ambos territorios. Por ejemplo, animaba a los veteranos a permanecer en sus granjas y no emigrar interminablemente hacia Roma; los ayudaba a estar satisfechos con su suerte, mientras sus herrumbrosas espadas reposaban en la buhardilla de sus graneros. Escapar de la carrera de ratas, como las antiguas estirpes de los hombres, labrando campos ancestrales con tu cuadrilla de bueyes, evitar el horror de las deudas, sin ser soldado, cuya sangre salta con la feroz trompeta, ni temblar frente al mar airado.
Lo que contaba no era el cargo, sino la autoridad: Los romanos estaban acostumbrados a los ciudadanos que se jactaban del poder, que se regodeaban en el resplandor y el glamour de su grandeza, pero Augusto era distinto. Pero raramente se utilizaba para votar. La guerra ya no molestaba sus reflexiones, ni tampoco la moralidad, ni el deber, ni el pasado. Ni siquiera las advertencias de los cielos. Sila marcha sobre Roma. Muere asesinado por los amotinados. Craso se une a Sila en Grecia. Sila cruza hasta Italia, don de se le suma Pompeyo. Antonio recibe el mando de la lucha contra los piratas.
Estallido de la revuelta de los esclavos, dirigida por Espartaco. Craso es designado para conducir la guerra contra Espartaco. Antonio es derrotado por los piratas frente a Creta. Derrota y muerte de Espartaco. Retorno de Pompeyo a Italia. Se restauran plenos poderes para el tribunado, que fueron abolidos por Sila. Batalla y saqueo de Tigranocerta. Pompeyo limpia el mar de piratas.
Pompeyo establece Siria como nueva provincia romana. Derrota y muerte de Catilina. Pompeyo regresa a Italia. Clodio profana los ritos de la Buena Diosa. Tercer triunfo de Pompeyo. Clodio se convierte en plebeyo y es elegido tribuno. Pompeyo inaugura su teatro de piedra. Craso parte hacia Siria.
Muerte de Julia, esposa de Pompeyo. Batalla de Carras y muerte de Craso. El Senado evacua Roma. Pompeyo abandona Italia hacia Grecia. Cleopatra llega a Roma. Publica su Anti Cato. Octavio llega a Roma. Bruto y Casio parten hacia Oriente. Fallecen en una batalla contra Antonio. Primer consulado de Octaviano. Confiscaciones de tierra en Italia. Guerra entre 40 37 36 35 34 32 31 30 29 27 19 14 Octaviano y Fulvia. Fulvia huye de Italia y muere. Antonio y Octaviano firman la paz, y Antonio se casa con la hermana de Octaviano, Octavia.
Cleopatra da a luz a gemelos. Antonio se casa con Cleopatra. Sexto Pompeyo es derrotado y huye a Oriente. Muerte de Sexto Pompeyo. Antonio se divorcia de Octavia. Octaviano se apropia de su testamento y lo muestra al Senado. Suicidio de Antonio y Cleopatra. Se termina el reinado de los Ptolomeo en Egipto. Virgilio comienza a trabajar en la Eneida. Dionisio de Halicarnaso, Historia antigua de Roma,3. Salustio, Historias, 4, fragmento Suerte, tienes nombres de mujer 1. El regreso del nativo 1. Fama a toda costa 1. Publilio Siro, Plutarco, Tiberio Graco, 8.
Plinio el Viejo, 7. La deuda con el placer 1. Celio, hablando en su propia defensa en su juicio en el 56 a. Salustio, Guerra de Catilina, Suetonio, El divino Augusto, Las gestas del divino Augusto, Ennio, Anales, fragmento Ovidio, El arte de amar, 3. Para los acontecimientos desde el tribunado de Tiberio Graco hasta el 70 a. Para los acontecimientos del 69 a. A Political Biography, , Nueva York. The Gladiator and the Monster, , Princeton. Problems and Interpretations, , Londres.
A History, , Cambridge. Chauveau, Michel, Egypt in the Age of Cleopatra, trad. David Lorton, , Ithaca. An Archaeological Guide, , Oxford. Marcus Brutus and His Reputation, , Londres. Dalby Andrew, Empire of Pleasures: Es tiempo de renovarse. Arcuate viene pegando fuerte.
Esta gente sabe lo que se hace. Me gustan en especial sus largas transiciones, cuyo breakdown y posterior drop lo convierten en un rompepistas. Temazo muy apto para los grandes sets. Solo puedo deciros que esta pista entrara con vaselina en cualquier set moderno, o sea que a comprarla se ha dicho. El drop tiene una fuerza impresionante y como antes he citado con otros artistas me molan mucho los sonidos nuevos y este los tiene. Ya mismo a la venta en DSR, el hijo prodigo de Enhanced. Como nos gusta todo lo que sale por este sello, no hay referencia mala y esta no va a ser la primera.
Los coros de Aylin le dan la puntilla principalmente en el breakdown. Trance movidito a la par que relajante. Algunas personas aprecian la voz mientras otros sienten que no encaja. Uno de los hombres de moda nos vuelve a demostrar por que es clave en la escena underground. La joven canadiense formaba parte desde hace tiempo del lable de Jonny White, pero es ahora cuando debuta con un single lleno de sonidos exquisitos en el que se nota que ha desarrollado un estilo y sonido propios.
The Religion of Fear potencia. Neurofunk agresivo y macarra pero a la vez con mucho flow, que hacen de esta referencia una absoluta bomba, y como ya hemos podido comprobar, con gran respuesta en la pista de baile. Siempre es un placer recibir noticias sobre el master del liquid funk mexicano Mukiyare; este mes son varias las referencias que salen a la luz de este superclase.
Se agradecen estos soplos de aire fresco aportando variedad musical a la escena. El sello griego V. Un potente trabajo entre nu skool breaks y electro muy bien producido. Atmosferas y efectos envolventes junto a un ritmo contundente y unos bajos arrolladores. Un incunable de gran valor. Nicola Cruz Prender el alma son canciones que dan mucho juego en manos de un buen productor, en este caso son tres: Yukicito, Glenn Red y Degruvme. El resultado es perfecto, por lo novedoso de su propuesta. No solo hay que mirar fuera desde dentro, primero hay que ver y conocer lo que tenemos dentro, y usarlo.
Un disco muy elaborado, con muchos detalles llenos de sutil belleza. Para Djs de capa y espada. A sus ordenes mi sargento!!! Para Djs con galones. Pero con una elegancia y un glamur al alcance de pocos. Tolo el disco es un no parar, sorpresas en cada tema. House y cumbia, batucada y breaks, hip-hop y techno. Tropicalismo pistero para el siglo XXI. Si quieres ser un dj de nuestro tiempo tienes que pinchar a Systema Solar. El rey de los sintetizadores y las percusiones. Hoy las cosas son muy distintas por desgracia para la humanidad entera.
El disco es una obra de arte descomunal. El disco contiene momentazos bailables capaces de revolucionar cualquier pista de baile del planeta tierra. Una obra de arte como la catedral de Zamora. Para Djs cultos y sin fronteras. T Records, propiedad de Willie Burns. Apuntadme al siguiente bolo, chicos. Lejos de sumirse en la depre lo que hizo Deadbeat es lo que solo los grandes logran: Tan agradable como prescindible, por otra parte. Nada nuevo bajo el sol, pero En palabras del propio Stephan Bodzin: El remix es realmente una mezcla perfecta de ambos mundos.
Le procuran fijeza, brillo y esplendor. En cierta forma lo es, aunque muy distanciado de la modestia swagger, basada en las elaboradas historias del ilustre y hedonista pasado de la ciudad. Contiene 17 temas, disponibles en formato digital y CD, en los que campa el sonido que define a C. O lo que es lo mismo sintetizadores por un tubo, pero siempre tratados de forma cuidada y meticulosa; oscura, respetuosa y brillante.
Gracias por existir, camaradas. En fin, un gustoso recopilata para gozar de un verano eterno, aunque solo sea en lo sonoro. Pero Gqom, nacido en los poblados de Durban, es algo que de verdad no tiene precedentes. Sobredosis de techno, para todos los gustos y en forma de mix.
No obstante, hay una cosa que nunca hicieron — que empresas como Native Instruments llevaron a cabo desde el principio — y es crear su propio hardware para controlar y manejar sus diferentes softwares. Para otros, programas como Fruity Loops — e incluso Reason en cierto punto — no eran tenidos en cuenta, desde un punto de vista profesional. Ableton ahora ha saltado al mercado de controladoras con el lanzamiento de la Push 2, una pieza de hardware de gran aspecto que tampoco es muy diferente de la Push original. Push 2 se toca de una forma totalmente nueva.
El lanzamiento de la app de la RMX para usuarios de iPad. Soy un firme creyente de que todo estudio de hoy necesita un Moog. Sin importar el tipo de Moog, tan solo conseguid uno. La mayor parte del tiempo no sale nada, pero de vez en cuando sale una joya y vale todo el esfuerzo. Es genial tenerlo configurado para cuando llega el momento oportuno. Realmente adoramos su versatilidad y su facilidad de uso. Estas funciones encajan perfectamente con los sonidos que creamos, que se basan principalmente en grabaciones de campo procesadas, para crear diferentes texturas del sonido.
Al usarlo con Ableton Live, puedes organizar la actuaciones de una forma visual que resulta excelente — como en un juego de memoria, donde los colores son tus propias tarjetas de sonido. Esto nos permite olvidarnos de la pantalla del ordenador y, sobre todo, ver perfectamente en ambientes oscuros o con poca luz, los lugares donde normalmente tocamos. Ambos son fuertes, compactos y ligeros, lo que es muy importante a la hora de viajar. Una forma de rodear este posible bloqueo es publicar en vuestro propio sello.
Este es un camino que ha dado dividendos a muchos DJs en el circuito. Hay cuatro en oferta: Cada paquete ofrece una lista detallada de servicios que incluyen registrar. Tener todos estos productos y servicios de manos de una sola empresa — y en una caja — es un prospecto bastante atractivo para aquellos que tengan el presupuesto para aprovecharse de ello.
Hay diferentes paquetes para cubrir distintas necesidades de una variedad de clientes. He ably mixes up classic recording methods with new production processes, combining both to give a modern but retro feel to his music. DJ Mag spoke to Rodion about his passion for the technology as well as the recording process De cara a tus producciones? Es una gozada de una gran diferencia. Cuando se trata de en cualquier mezcla. Siempre me ha fascinado.
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Definitivamente, no soy un. Que solo tiene un input Aux externo. La S5 no es pesada, ideal para los DJs que viajan mucho y aunque el peso de la unidad es ligero, se siente firme y bien hecha. Al sacar la Kontrol S5 de la caja es demasiado abarrotadas. La S5 tiene cuatro echa en falta el aspecto profesional de su faders de canal para las cuatro decks virtuales de Traktor. Cada canal tiene hermana mayor. No hay realmente nada Se han ido fuera los cuatro faders verticales que adornaban la placa frontal nuevo que reportar, aparte del hecho de las S8 y D2 — que se usaban para STEMS de que, mientras el mixer de la S8 tiene y la Remix Deck.
La acabo de escuchar, no es que siga su estilo musical, la acabo de escuchar en la radio y es casi el reflejo de mi vida — me dice cosas sobre la. He ido a verle y habla con. Fue uno de los primeros discos cortados y eran una mezcla de breakbeats, funk y hip-hop. Head to the site for more info: Fernando Fuentes ffuentes djmag. Sheila Enfedaque sheila djmag. Dentro de la oferta de www. Por aquel en- www. Los dos clavamos los ojos al mismo momento en la Elektron Monomachine y tema www.
Se le puede llamar de muchas formas a www. Por supuesto, es el propio festival el que www. Dig it or die. Entre lo que nos podemos encontrar dentro del disco, lo www. La prueba de esto que decimos solamente puede obtenerse escuchando detalladamente el trabajo de el artista canario, conjugando perfectamente luces y sombras en su sonido, Ashworth Franck Roger 9.