In 25 out of patients who were operated on between and because of a palpable malignant ovarian tumour, ovarian involvement from extragenital cancer was diagnosed. Only one patient had a previously known stomach cancer, operated on 32 months earlier. All our patients with gastrointestinal primary tumour died within 1 year gastric origin of detection of metastases and 2 years colon carcinoma except for one patient with metastasis of colon carcinoma, who is still living after more than 4 years and one patient with gastric carcinoma who survived 34 months after oophorectomy.
Surprisingly, ovarian metastases of breast cancer were detected before the primary tumour in 2 out of 6 cases. The other 4 patients were operated on because of an ovarian tumour but had a known and previously operated breast cancer. None of these patients had symptoms related to the ovaries. Metastases to the ovary may not infrequently mimic primary ovarian tumour and are difficult to diagnose preoperatively. Standardisation of urethral pressure measurement: Report from the standardisation sub-committee of the International Continence Society more.
Urethraldivertikel als Ursache chronischer urogenitaler Schmerzen more. A year-old woman suffering for 20 years from chronic genitourinary pain was seen in our urogynecological unit. Quality of life assessment by Clinical examination revealed a painful and swollen distal urethra, and a small fistula was seen located 12 mm proximal to the meatus externus. Perineal ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging showed multiple cystic formations bilaterally located in the suburethral and paraurethral regions.
A diverticulectomy was performed using the vaginal approach.
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Twelve months after surgery the woman is completely satisfied and only complaining about slight alguria. Label-free, three-dimensional multiphoton microscopy of the connective tissue in the anterior vaginal wall more. Mol , Daniele Perucchini , and Cornelia Betschart. Im Nervus pudendus ver-laufen sowohl motorische wie sensorische Fasern. Pathophysiologische Vorstellungen zur Harninkontinenz more.
Randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trial with Bryophyllum pinnatum versus placebo for the treatment of overactive bladder in postmenopausal women more. Pelvic floor muscle contraction during a cough and decreased vesical neck mobility more. Sonographic tape characteristics and outcome after TVT incontinence surgery more.
The Journal of Urology. Urology , Low Dose , and Clinical Sciences. Patient satisfaction after retropubic and transobturator slings: Updated recommendations on ultrasonography in urogynecology more. Twelve months effect on voiding function of retropubic compared with outside-in and inside-out transobturator midurethral slings more. Uroflow rate was primary; continence rates, quality of life QoL Uroflow rate was primary; continence rates, quality of life QoL and complication pattern were secondary endpoints.
A prospective randomised trial with 2: Patients were followed up at 12 months. At 12 months, there was no difference in Qmax among the groups. We considered this clinically important enough to stop enrolment. Female sexual dysfunction and tape exposure may be higher with a transobturator tape.
Histomorphological analysis of the urogenital diaphragm in elderly women: Recommendations of the german association of urogynecology on functional sonography of the lower female urinary tract more. Conclusion Ultrasound is a complementary evaluation for the study of female urinary incontinence which allows functionalmorphological documentation. A reliable urogynecologic examination is based on the Training in sonography of the female lower urinary tract should be performed within the scope of urogynecological evaluations.
Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology. MLH1-deficient tumor cells are resistant to lipoplatin, but retain sensitivity to lipoxal more. Age effects on urethral striated muscle II. Anatomic location of muscle loss more. The purpose of the study was to measure the thickness and cross-sectional area of urethral muscle layers to identify localized striated muscle loss. Axial and median sagittal histologic sections were prepared. In the midurethral cross-section, the thickness of each layer was measured along radial lines placed every 45 degrees with 0 degrees at the ventral midline and degrees at the dorsal midline.
In the median sagittal sections, striated muscle layers of urethras were thinner at the vesical neck in older women. In the ventral wall, it decreased by a mean of 18 to 23 microm 3. This represents a potential common marker set for ryegrass and fescue researchers which can be linked through to comparative genomic information for the grasses. A F2 perennial ryegrass genetic map was developed consisting of 7 linkage groups defined by markers and deriving a total map length of cM. The marker set included DArT and gene sequence-based markers. A similar comparison with meadow fescue F. DArT markers are likely to be a useful common marker resource for ryegrasses and fescues, though the success in aligning different populations through the mapping of common markers will be influenced by degrees of population interrelatedness.
The detailed mapping of DArT and gene-based markers in this study potentially allows comparative relationships to be derived in future mapping populations characterised using solely DArT markers. Olivine weathering in soil, and its effects on growth and nutrient uptake in Ryegrass Lolium perenne L.: Full Text Available Mineral carbonation of basic silicate minerals regulates atmospheric CO 2 on geological time scales by locking up carbon.
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Mining and spreading onto the earth's surface of fast-weathering silicates, such as olivine, has been proposed to speed up this natural CO 2 sequestration 'enhanced weathering'. While agriculture may offer an existing infrastructure, weathering rate and impacts on soil and plant are largely unknown. Our objectives were to assess weathering of olivine in soil, and its effects on plant growth and nutrient uptake.
In a pot experiment with perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne L. Alternatively, the soluble Mg salt kieserite was applied for reference. At all doses, olivine increased bioavailability of Mg and Ni in soil, as well as uptake of Mg, Si and Ni in plants. Olivine suppressed Ca uptake. Weathering estimated from a Mg balance was equivalent to kg ha -1 This corresponds to gross CO 2 sequestration of to kg ha -1 29 10 3 to 10 3 kg km The Olsen model for olivine carbonation predicted 4.
Yet, weathering appears fast enough to support the 'enhanced weathering' concept. In agriculture, olivine doses must remain within limits to avoid imbalances in plant nutrition, notably at low Ca availability; and to avoid Ni accumulation in soil and crop. Comparative sequence analysis of VRN1 alleles of Lolium perenne with the co-linear regions in barley, wheat, and rice. Vernalization, a period of low temperature to induce transition from vegetative to reproductive state, is an important environmental stimulus for many cool season grasses.
A key gene in the vernalization pathway in grasses is the VRN1 gene. The objective of this study was to identify causative Two allelic Bacterial Artificial Chromosome clones of the VRN1 locus from the two genotypes Veyo and Falster with contrasting vernalization requirements were identified, sequenced Immunological cross-reactivity of the major allergen from perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne , Lol p I, and the cysteine proteinase, bromelain. Antibodies prepared in rabbits against the major allergen from ryegrass Lolium perenne , Lol p I, cross-reacted with the cysteine proteinase bromelain from pineapple and vice versa.
Deglycosylation of the proteins showed that the cross-reaction was based on recognition of the carbohydrate moiety of the allergen, but for bromelain the cross-reaction was most likely due to a combination of factors. The results indicate that the carbohydrate residues from these allergens play an important role in cross-reactions found between them and possibly those from other species. Effects of the duration and inorganic nitrogen composition of a nutrient-rich patch on soil exploration by the roots of Lolium perenne in a heterogeneous environment. We investigated the growth of and soil exploration by Lolium perenne under a heterogeneous environment before its roots reached a nutrient-rich patch.
Temporal changes in the distribution of inorganic nitrogen, i. The results showed that roots randomly explored soil, irrespective of the patchy distribution of inorganic nitrogen and differences in the chemical composition of inorganic nitrogen distribution between heterogeneous and homogeneous environments. We have also elucidated the potential effects of patch duration and inorganic nitrogen distribution on soil exploration by roots and thus on plant growth.
Efficiency of Opuntia ficus in the phytoremediation of a soil contaminated with used motor oil and lead, compared to that of Lolium perenne and Aloe barbadensis. Industrial pollutants such as heavy metals and hydrocarbons in soils represent a serious concern due to their persistence and negative effects on the environment, affecting cellular processes in living organisms and even causing mutations and cancer.
The main objectives of this work were to evaluate the efficiency of Opuntia ficus in the phytoremediation of a soil polluted with used motor oil. Two other species, one with different and one with similar characteristics, relatively, were used for comparison purposes: Lolium perenne and Aloe barbadensis. The effect of the plants on lead solubility and bioaccumulation, the biomass production of each specie and the microbial counts and bacterial identification for each experiment was studied.
Total petroleum hydrocarbons TPH were measured every 5 weeks throughout the week phytoremediation experiment. At the end of the experiment soluble Pb, Pb extracted by the plant species, microbiological counts, total biomass and bacterial species in soil were analyzed. En general, el valor nutricional del pasto Ryegrass perenne producido a altitudes superiores a los msnm en Costa Rica es similar, al producido en zonas de clima templado de donde es originario.
The complete amino acid sequence of a Lolium perenne rye grass pollen allergen, Lol p III, determined by the automated Edman degradation of the protein and its selected fragments, is reported in this paper. In addition, both allergens share a similar structure with an antibody-binding fragment of a third L. Genetic diversity and structure of Lolium perenne ssp. Management of agroecosystems with herbicides imposes strong selection pressures on weedy plants leading to the evolution of resistance against those herbicides. Resistance to glyphosate in populations of Lolium perenne L.
To gain insights into the recent evolution of glyphosate resistance in L. Analyses of neutral genetic variation using microsatellite markers indicated very high genetic diversity within all populations regardless of resistance frequency. Genetic variation was distributed predominantly among individuals within populations rather than among populations or sampled counties, as would be expected for a wide-ranging outcrossing weed species. Bayesian clustering analysis provided evidence of population structuring with extensive admixture between two genetic clusters or gene pools.
High genetic diversity and admixture, and low differentiation between populations, strongly suggest the potential for spread of resistance through gene flow and the need for management that limits seed and pollen dispersal in L. Nanoscale zero-valent iron assisted phytoremediation of Pb in sediment: Impacts on metal accumulation and antioxidative system of Lolium perenne. Lead Pb is a highly toxic environmental pollutant, and could result in toxic effects on living organisms. Results showed that the total Pb contents in L.
However, the total Pb contents in L. This might be resulted from the decrease of photosynthetic chlorophyll content and the aggravated oxidative stress induced by the high concentration of nZVI, which caused the decrease of plant biomass and metal accumulation capacity in plant. To conclude, these findings provide a promising method to remediate Pb-polluted sediment by nZVI assisted phytoremediation.
Los costos anuales de mano de obra, insumos y tierra promedio fueron de Los costos del kg de MS producido y consumido, para los 3 pastos evaluados, fueron de 16,6 y 44,4 colones respectivamente, siendo el aprovechamiento que los animales hacen de las pasturas el determinante del costo del material consumido.
Effect of pre-grazing herbage mass on dairy cow performance, grass dry matter production and output from perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne L. A grazing study was undertaken to examine the effect of maintaining three levels of pre-grazing herbage mass HM on dairy cow performance, grass dry matter DM production and output from perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne L. Cows were randomly assigned to one of three pre-grazing HM treatments: Eriophorum angustifolium and Lolium perenne metabolic adaptations to metals- and metalloids-induced anomalies in the vicinity of a chemical industrial complex.
As plants constitute the foundation of the food chain, concerns have been raised about the possibility of toxic concentrations of metals and metalloids being transported from plants to the higher food chain strata. In this perspective, the use of important phytotoxicity endpoints may be of utmost significance in assessing the hazardous nature of metals and metalloids and also in developing ecological soil screening levels. The current study aimed to investigate the role of glutathione GSH and its associated enzymes in the metabolic adaptation of two grass species namely Eriophorum angustifolium Honck.
Soil and plant samples were collected from contaminated C and non-contaminated reference, R sites, respectively, near and away from the Estarreja Chemical Complex, Portugal. Soils from 0 to 10 and 10 to 20 cm depths were analyzed for pH, organic carbon, and metals and metalloids concentrations. Plant samples were processed fresh for physiological and biochemical estimations, while oven-dried plant samples were used for metals and metalloids determinations following standard methodologies. Both soils and plants from the industrial area exhibited differential concentrations of major metals and metalloids including As, Cu, Hg, Pb, and Zn.
Irrespective of sites, L. Additionally, severe damages to photosynthetic pigments, proteins, cellular membrane integrity in terms of electrolyte leakage , and lipid peroxidation were also perceptible in L. Full Text Available Through the cultivation of tall fescue Festuca arundinacea and of perennial ryegrass for two years on a chernozem type of soil, in the Banat's plain area we investigated the phyto-extraction potential of Zn, Cd and Pb.
In the experimental plot it has been incorporated a quantity of 20 kg of mine-waste per square meter, in a mass ratio of 1: The metals content in the soil was determined at the two moments of biomass harvesting, and through balance calculations we could establish the phyto-extraction efficiency of the two foragegrasses species. The yield values for Cd si Pb are lower, but comparable with the control plot. Unlike Festuca arundinacea, the Lollium perenne species tolerates better the Cd and Pb ionic excess. Perenne swards had been grown at two nitrogen treatments, with six cuts per year, for 4 years.
The study revealed a significant decrease in Rubisco activity Vcmax in the low nitrogen FACE plots; this is consistent with the theories of source-sink imbalance resulting in feedback inhibition and down-regulation. Such negative acclimation was not wholly supported by diurnal investigations which revealed an average stimulation of However, light response curves and AI investigations also suggested down-regulation, especially in the low nitrogen.
This was indeed observed in the high nitrogen plots but for the low nitrogen a significant increase was found. Conclusions drawn from this project center around the implications of negative acclimation to future crop productivity. However, real predictions cannot be made from leaf level studies alone as these may not represent the overall changes at the whole plant level. Elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration: Perennial ryegrass plants L. The effects of growth-promoting hormone diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate DA-6 and EDTA, either alone or in combination applied to original soil or lead Pb spiked soil on Pb phytoextraction, subcellular distribution and chemical forms in Lolium perenne were studied.
Effect of in situ soil amendments on arsenic uptake in successive harvests of ryegrass Lolium perenne cv Elka grown in amended As-polluted soils. Several iron-bearing additives, selected for their potential ability to adsorb anions, were evaluated for their effectiveness in attenuation of arsenic As in three soils with different sources of contamination. Sequential extraction schemes conducted on amended soils determined As, Cu, Zn and Ni fractionation. Plant growth trials using perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne var. Elka assessed shoot As uptake.
This was grown in the contaminated soils for 4 months, during which time grass shoots were successively harvested every 3 weeks. Goethite increased biomass yields, but clear differences were observed in As transfer rates with the various iron oxides. In conclusion, whilst Fe-oxides may be effective in situ amendments, reducing As bioavailability, their effects on plant growth require careful consideration.
Soil-plant transfer of As was not completely halted by any amendment. Effect of ryegrass Lolium perenne L. Phytoremediation is a promising tool in stabilization and remediation of Fe-CN affected soils, however, it can be a challenging task due to extreme adverse and toxic conditions. Phytoremediation may be enhanced via rhizosphere microbial activity, which can cooperate on the degradation, transformation and uptake of the contaminants.
Recently, increasing number of scientist reports improved plants performance in the removal of toxic compounds with the support of arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi AMF. Series of batch experiments using potassium hexacyanoferrate II solutions, in varying concentrations, were used to study the effect of ryegrass roots Lolium perenne L. Results indicated significantly higher colonization of R. Sorption experiments revealed significantly higher reduction of total CN and free CN content in the mycorrhizal roots, indicating greater cyanide decrease in the treatment inoculated with R.
Arbuscular mycorrhiza enhanced arsenic resistance of both white clover Trifolium repens Linn. In a compartmented cultivation system, white clover Trifolium repens Linn. The influence of AM inoculation on plant growth, As uptake, phosphorus P nutrition, and plant competitions were investigated. Results showed that both plant species highly depended on mycorrhizas for surviving the As contamination. Mycorrhizal inoculation substantially improved plant P nutrition, and in contrast markedly decreased root to shoot As translocation and shoot As concentrations.
It also showed that mycorrhizas affected the competition between the two co-existing plant species, preferentially benefiting the clover plants in term of nutrient acquisition and biomass production. Based on the present study, the role of AM fungi in plant adaptation to As contamination, and their potential use for ecological restoration of As contaminated soils are discussed.
A well-characterized allergen of Lolium perenne perennial rye grass pollen, Lol p III, has been used as a model antigen to study the genetic control of the human immune response. Our observations are consistent with the possibility that immune responsiveness to the allergen Lol p III is associated with this amino acid sequence in the first hypervariable region of the DR beta 1 polypeptide chain. Influence of fly ash aided phytostabilisation of Pb, Cd and Zn highly contaminated soils on Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens metal transfer and physiological stress. Aided phytostabilisation aims to establish a vegetation cover in order to promote in situ immobilisation of trace elements by combining the use of metal-tolerant plants and inexpensive mineral or organic soil amendments.
Eight years after Coal Fly Ash CFA soil amendment, MTE bioavailability and uptake by two plants, Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens, were evaluated, as some biological markers reflecting physiological stress. Results showed that the two plant species under study were suitable to reduce the mobility and the availability of these elements.
Moreover, the plant growth was better on CFA amended MTE-contaminated soils, and the plant sensitivity to MTE-induced physiological stress, as studied through photosynthetic pigment contents and oxidative damage was lower or similar. In conclusion, these results supported the usefulness of aided phytostabilisation of MTE-highly contaminated soils. Nitrogen deficiency inhibits leaf blade growth in Lolium perenne by increasing cell cycle duration and decreasing mitotic and post-mitotic growth rates.
Nitrogen deficiency severely inhibits leaf growth. This response was analysed at the cellular level by growing Lolium perenne L. The former was entirely because of a decreased average cell division rate 0. Nitrogen status did not affect the number of division cycles of the initial cell's progeny 5.
Meristematic cell length was unaffected by nitrogen deficiency, implying that the division and mitotic growth rates were equally impaired.
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The shorter mature cell length arose from a considerably reduced post-mitotic growth rate 0. But, nitrogen stress did not affect the position where elongation stopped, and increased cell elongation duration. In conclusion, nitrogen deficiency limited leaf growth by increasing the cell cycle duration and decreasing mitotic and post-mitotic elongation rates, delaying cell maturation. Phytoextraction of metals and rhizoremediation of PAHs in co-contaminated soil by co-planting of Sedum alfredii with ryegrass Lolium perenne or castor Ricinus communis.
Co-planting with castor decreased the shoot biomass of S. Cadmium concentration in S. However, no reduction of Zn or Pb concentration in S. Total removal of either Cd, Zn, or Pb by plants was similar across S. This appears to be due to the increased soil microbial population and activities in both co-planting treatments. Seasonal and annual variations of metal uptake, bioaccumulation, and toxicity in Trifolium repens and Lolium perenne growing in a heavy metal-contaminated field. The reclamation of nonferrous metal-polluted soil by phytoremediation requires an overall and permanent plant cover.
To select the most suitable plant species, it is necessary to study metal effects on plants over the time, thereby checking that metals remain stored in root systems and not transferred to aerial parts. In this purpose, the seasonal and annual variations of metal bioaccumulation, transfer, and phytotoxicity in Trifolium repens and Lolium perenne grown in a Cd-, Pb-, and Zn-contaminated soil were also studied. The experimental site was located near a closed smelter. In spring , two areas were sown with T. Thereafter, the samplings of plant roots and shoots and surrounding soils were realized in autumn and spring and autumn The soil agronomic characteristics, the Cd, Pb, and Zn concentrations in the surrounded soils and plant organs, as well as the oxidative alterations superoxide dismutase [SOD], malondialdehyde [MDA], and 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine [8-OHdG] in plant organs were carried out.
Whatever the sampling period, metal concentrations in soils and plants were higher than background values. Contrary to the soils, the fluctuations of metal concentrations were observed in plant organs over the time. Bioaccumulation and transfer factors confirmed that metals were preferentially accumulated in the roots as follows: Foliar metal deposition was also observed. The results showed that there were seasonal and annual variations of metal accumulation in the two studied plant species. These variations differed according to the organs and followed nearly the same pattern for the two species.
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These alterations vary according to the temporal variations of metal concentrations. Metal concentrations in surrounded soils and plant. Full Text Available The study aims to monitor the capacity of certain organic fertilizers volcanic tuff and municipal sludge, applied as such and mixed with volcanic rocks with a high content in clinoptilolite, to determine the covering with vegetation of fly ash deposits resulted from the combustion of lignite in thermal plants. The objectives of this study were to examine long-term effects of feeding forage rape Brassica napus L. The lambs were fed fresh winter forage rape or ryegrass as their sole diet for 15 weeks.
The difference therefore persisted consistently for at least 3 months. The smaller methane yields from forage rape were not related to nitrate or sulfate in the feed, which might act as alternative electron acceptors, or to the levels of the potential inhibitors glucosinolates and S-methyl L-cysteine sulfoxide.
Ruminal microbial communities in forage rape-fed lambs were different from those in ryegrass-fed lambs, with greater proportions of potentially propionate-forming bacteria, and were consistent with less hydrogen and hence less methane being produced during fermentation. The molar proportions of ruminal acetate were smaller and those of propionate were greater in forage rape-fed lambs, consistent with the larger propionate-forming populations and less hydrogen production.
Forage rape contained more readily fermentable carbohydrates and less structural carbohydrates than ryegrass, and was more rapidly degraded in the rumen, which might favour this fermentation profile. The ruminal pH was lower in forage rape-fed lambs, which might inhibit methanogenic activity, shifting the rumen fermentation to more propionate and less hydrogen and methane.
The significance of these two mechanisms remains to be investigated. The results suggest that forage rape is a potential methane mitigation tool in pastoral-based sheep production systems. Study of the epitope structure of purified Dac G I and Lol p I, the major allergens of Dactylis glomerata and Lolium perenne pollens, using monoclonal antibodies. The use of mAb allowed us to further analyze the cross-reactivity between purified Dac g I and Lol p I, the major allergens of Dactylis glomerata cocksfoot and Lolium perenne Rye grass , respectively.
Epitope specificity of the mAb was determined by competitive binding inhibition of a given labeled mAb to solid phase fixed Dac g I or Lol p I by the mAb. The results indicated that the four mAb are directed against four different and non-overlapping epitopes present on both allergens. Using double-binding RIA, our data strongly suggest that the common epitopes are not repetitive on both molecules.
In addition to their similar physicochemical characteristics, such as isolectric points and m. The results indicated that each mAb was able to inhibit such reactions to variable degree but no additive inhibition was observed when two mAb of different specificities were used in combination, suggesting that the human IgE binding site is partially shared by each epitope recognized by the four mAb.

Full Text Available Contamination of soil and atmosphere by heavy metals negatively affects physiological and biochemical processes in plants. Decrease in the area of plant leaves on the background of the impact of pollutants has been determined. By the degree of increase of negative impact on this index, variants of the experience can be arranged as follows: Salinization of growing substrate significantly reduces the number of stomata on the underside of the leaf epidermis. The length of guard cells of the stomata in the variants with metals in NaCl remains practically unchanged compared with the control, but at joint action it is reduced.
The width of stomatal pore in the variants differs insignificantly. The same is applied to the length, except for variants where the plants were exposed. The systemic movement of glyphosate is determined by the transport of photoassimilates. In turn, the capacity of a destination to consume assimilates is conditioned by their metabolic activity.
Despite its importance, the relationship between the glyphosate and the sugar synthesis from source leaves has been little studied. The aim of this work was to determine the effect of. T cell epitopes of the major fraction of rye grass Lolium perenne Lol p I defined using overlapping peptides in vitro and in vivo. One hundred and fifteen overlapping synthetic peptides spanning the entire sequence of the iso-allergen clone1A of Lol p I from rye grass Lolium perenne were synthesized by the multi-pin technique. The peptides were overlapping 12mers, offset by two residues and overlapping by 10 residues.
Sets of six adjacent overlapping peptides except pool-1, 15, 20 were pooled and were used in vitro and in vivo to map the T cell epitopes on Lol p I. Five out of six showed T cell responses in vitro to peptide pool, while five non-atopics did not respond to any of the peptide pools. By testing the individual peptides of pool, we have located the T cell epitope on Lol p I. Interestingly, when we tested pool and its single peptides in vivo by intradermal skin testing we found in one patient a typical DTH after h to pool and its peptides peptides 3 and 4 which exactly matched the in vitro responses.
By defining the T cell epitopes in this way a greater understanding of the allergic response to pollen will be obtained, and a more effective and less dangerous vaccine may be possible for treating patients with hay fever. Several aspects of variation within the genus Lolium , and more in detail within Lolium perenne perennial ryegrass have been highlighted.
As the results are extensively discussed in each chapter, the general discussion is focused on two aspects of. As the results are extensively discussed in each chapter, the general discussion is focused on two aspects of the research. Speciation It is clear that the genus Lolium is a very variable genus. The variation within the species reduces the clarity o Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi enhance both absorption and stabilization of Cd by Alfred stonecrop Sedum alfredii Hance and perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne L.
A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted to compare the phytoextraction efficiencies of Cd by hyper-accumulating Alfred stonecrop Sedum alfredii Hance and fast-growing perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne L. Ryegrass and stonecrop were harvested after growing for 9 and 27 wk, respectively.
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Without AM fungal inoculation, the weekly Cd extraction by stonecrop 8. Both Gc and Gm significantly increased P soil acid phosphatase activities, and available P concentrations, and thereby plant P absorptions except for Gm-inoculated ryegrass , shoot biomasses, and Cd absorptions except for Gm-inoculated stonecrop , while only Gc-inoculated stonecrop significantly accelerated P soil pH.
The results suggested the potential application of hyper-accumulating Alfred stonecrop associated with AM fungi notably Gc for both extraction and stabilization of Cd in the in situ treatment of Cd-contaminated acidic soil. Cell-cell fusion in fungi is required for colony formation, nutrient transfer and signal transduction. They examined whether symB and symC, the E. Deletion mutants of these genes were defective in hyphal cell fusion, formed intra-hyphal hyphae, and had enhanced conidiation.
Hyphae of the mutants colonized vascular bundles, were more abundant than wild type in the intercellular spaces and formed intra-hyphal hyphae. Although these phenotypes are identical to those previously observed for cell wall integrity MAP kinase mutants no difference was observed in the basal level of MpkA phosphorylation or its cellular localization in the mutant backgrounds. Both genes contain binding sites for the transcription factor ProA. Collectively these results show that SymB and SymC are key components of a conserved signaling network for E.
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Mapping of T cell epitopes of the major fraction of rye grass using peripheral blood mononuclear cells from atopics and non-atopics. Lolium perenne group I Lol p I is a glycoprotein of amino acid residues, representing the main allergen of rye grass. We have used peripheral blood mononuclear cells PBMC from controls and subjects allergic to rye grass and cultured them with L. Patients were further studied against the overlapping peptides of the iso-allergen clone 5A of Lol p I to see whether the 4 amino acid residue differences between clone 1A and clone 5A affect the T cell epitope and thus, lymphocyte activation.
There are 24 peptide differences between isoallergen clone 1A and clone 5A occurring in pools 4, 13, 16 and 19 each one of which could be an immunodominant epitope. Five immunogenic peptide pools, pool 6, 15, 16, 17 and 19 of the isoallergen clone 5A were also identified. Most of these pools are in the C-terminal region of Lol p I. However, three out of the six subjects responded to various other peptide pools in addition to the immunodominant pool. In spite of the amino acid differences between the two clones, pool 17 still remains the immunodominant T cell epitope.
Control subjects showed only weak responses to LPE and no detectable response to either Lol p I or peptide pools. From within the most active pool we have defined two peptides of the isoallergen clone 5A identical in sequence with clone 1A which stimulate lymphocytes from rye grass-sensitive patients in vitro. Exogenous melatonin suppresses dark-induced leaf senescence by activating the superoxide dismutase-catalase antioxidant pathway and down-regulating chlorophyll degradation in excised leaves of perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne L.
Full Text Available Leaf senescence is a typical symptom in plants exposed to dark and may be regulated by plant growth regulators. The objective of this study was to determine whether exogenous application of melatonin N-acetylmethoxytryptamine suppresses dark-induced leaf senescence and the effects of melatonin on reactive oxygen species ROS scavenging system and chlorophyll degradation pathway in perennial grass species.
Mature perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne L. Leaves treated with melatonin maintained significantly higher endogenous melatonin level, chlorophyll content, photochemical efficiency, and cell membrane stability expressed by lower electrolyte leakage and malondialdehyde MDA content compared to the control. Exogenous melatonin treatment also reduced the transcript level of chlorophyll degradation-associated genes and senescence marker genes LpSAG The endogenous O2- production rate and H2O2 content were significantly lower in these excised leaves treated with melatonin compared to the water control.
Exogenous melatonin treatment caused increases in enzymatic activity and transcript levels of superoxide dismutase and catalase but had no significant effects on ascorbate peroxidase, glutathione reductase, dehydroascorbate reductase, and monohydroascorbate reductase. The content of non-enzymatic antioxidants, such as ascorbate and dehydroascorbate, were decreased by melatonin treatment, while the content of glutathione and oxidized glutathione was not affected by melatonin. These results suggest that the suppression of dark-induced leaf senescence by exogenous melatonin may be associated with its roles in regulating ROS scavenging through activating the superoxide dismutase-catalase enzymatic antioxidant.
In this study we have sequenced and assembled the low copy fraction of the genomes of Lolium westerwoldicum, Lolium multiflorum, Festuca pratensis and Lolium temulentum. We have also generated de-novo transcriptome assemblies for each species Using this data we were able to generate annotated assemblies of the gene rich regions of the four species to complement the already sequenced Lolium perenne genome. Using these gene models we have identified orthologous genes between the species Longitudinal variation of antibody levels in relation to symptomatology and pollen exposure and correction of seasonally elevated antibody levels to basal values.
This study used a standardized, dialyzed, Lolium perenne ryegrass pollen extract and two of its well-characterized components, Lol p I Rye I and Lol p II Rye II , to characterize the longitudinal variation of both IgE and IgG antibody Ab levels, as well as total serum IgE levels, in 20 grass-allergic subjects followed for 13 months. Ab levels declined toward a basal level just before, and increased just after, the grass-pollination season, returning to the same basal level just before the next grass-pollination season.
Total serum IgE levels demonstrated the least regular pattern of variation. Skin test results were correlated with initial IgE Ab levels for L. Finally, a procedure for correcting IgE Ab levels to basal values was proposed and tested. The correction procedure, for each IgE Ab, was based on the average rise during the grass-pollination season or average decline after the grass-pollination season observed for all subjects with that IgE Ab.
Towards Molecular Breeding In L. To advance the application of molecular breeding in Lolium perenne , we have generated a sequence resource to facilitate gene discovery and SNP marker development. Illumina GAII transcriptome sequencing was performed on meristem-enriched samples of 14 Lolium genotypes. De novo assemblies for indiv In parallel, a germplasm collection of Lolium genotypes was established and is being phenotyped for plant architecture, reproductive characteristics, flowering time, and forage quality traits.
We will test through association genetics whether phenotypic Prevalence of reactivity to the allergens and correlations among skin test, IgE antibody, and IgG antibody data. These data and similar results obtained in an allergy-enriched group of subjects are consistent with previous studies that Lol I is a major allergen and Lol II is a minor allergen of LPE. Whether we studied LPE, Lol I, or Lol II, responder subjects were younger than nonresponder subjects and more male than female subjects were responders. A transcriptome map of perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne L.
Full Text Available Abstract Background Single nucleotide polymorphisms SNPs are increasingly becoming the DNA marker system of choice due to their prevalence in the genome and their ability to be used in highly multiplexed genotyping assays. Although needed in high numbers for genome-wide marker profiles and genomics-assisted breeding, a surprisingly low number of validated SNPs are currently available for perennial ryegrass. Results A perennial ryegrass unigene set representing 9, genes was used as a reference for the assembly of , high quality reads generated by transcriptome sequencing and for in silico SNP discovery.
Out of more than 15, SNPs in 1, unigenes fulfilling highly stringent assembly and detection parameters, a total of SNP markers were selected for GoldenGate genotyping in individuals of the perennial ryegrass mapping population VrnA, a population being previously evaluated for important agronomic traits. The genetic linkage map presented here comprises a total of DNA markers gene-derived markers and spans centi Mogan cM with an average marker interval distance of less than 0.
Moreover, it locates expressed genes involved in a broad range of molecular functions of different biological processes in the perennial ryegrass genome. Conclusions Here, we present an efficient approach of using next generation sequencing NGS data for SNP discovery, and the successful design of a plex Illumina GoldenGate genotyping assay in a complex genome.
The ryegrass SNPs along with the corresponding transcribed sequences represent a milestone in the establishment of genetic and genomics resources available for this species and constitute a further step towards molecular breeding strategies. Moreover, the high density genetic linkage map predominantly based on gene-associated DNA markers provides an important tool for the assignment of candidate genes to quantitative trait loci QTL, functional genomics and the integration of genetic and physical maps in perennial ryegrass, one of the most important temperate grassland species.
Effect of grazing frequency and intensity on Lolium perenne L Low frequency, low intensity grazing produced lower CDMD and herbage N levels than higher grazing frequencies and intensities. These differences were, however, generally small. Overall, levels of herbage digestibility estimated Assessing genetic diversity of perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne L In this study, inter-simple sequence repeat ISSR markers were used to compare genetic diversity between commercial cultivars and natural germplasm which were obtained from Europe, Africa, Asia, and North America.
There was a relatively high genetic variation in the whole collection judged by the polymorphism rate Forward selection for multiple resistance across the non-selective glyphosate, glufosinate and oxyfluorfen herbicides in Lolium weed species. In the Mediterranean area, Lolium species have evolved resistance to glyphosate after decades of continual use without other alternative chemicals in perennial crops olive, citrus and vineyards. In recent years, oxyfluorfen alone or mixed with glyphosate and glufosinate has been introduced as a chemical option to control dicot and grass weeds.
Dose-response studies confirmed that three glyphosate-resistant Lolium weed species L. Based on the LD 50 resistance parameter, the resistance factor was similar among Lolium species and ranged from to fold and from ten- to fold for oxyfluorfen and glufosinate respectively. Similarly, about fold resistance to both oxyfluorfen and glufosinate was estimated on average for the three Lolium species when growth reduction GR 50 was assessed. This study identified oxyfluorfen resistance in a grass species for the first time. A major threat to sustainability of perennial crops in the Iberian Peninsula is evident, as multiple resistance to non-selective glyphosate, glufosinate and oxyfluorfen herbicides has evolved in L.
Lolium canariense, the missing link with Festuca? The first group includes self-pollinated taxa L. Here we describe that the autogamous species have two 5S sites and four 35S sites in their genome. Two of the 35S sites are present in the chromosomes containing the 5S regions. The allogamous taxa possess two 5S rDNA sites and 35S sites per genome, depending on the species. Two of these regions 35S may also be present in the chromosomes bearing 5S sites. Our study also demonstrates that Lolium canariense shows a distinctive pattern.
It has two 5S and four 35S sites. In this case, the 35S loci are located in different chromosomes than the 5S. This cytogenetic pattern is consistent with that of Festuca pratensis. Thus, despite being allogamous, Lolium canariense does not entirely fit in either of the groups defined for the genus Lolium. The physical mapping of the nrDNA regions in L. Los dos grupos son: Background Grasses are among the most important and widely cultivated plants on Earth. They provide high quality fodder for livestock, are used for turf and amenity purposes, and play a fundamental role in environment protection.
Among cultivated grasses, species within the Festuca- Lolium complex predominate, especially in temperate regions. To facilitate high-throughput genome profiling and genetic mapping within the complex, we have developed a Diversity Arrays Technology DArT array for five grass species: Results The DArTFest array contains probes derived from methyl-filtered genomic representations. In a first marker discovery experiment performed on 40 genotypes from each species with the exception of F.
The number of DArT markers identified in every single genotype varied from to They will also enable marker-assisted selection for multiple traits or for specific genome regions. Among cultivated grasses, species within the Festuca- Lolium complex Perenne and Mineral Sorbents as Soil Amendments. The present study was designed to assess phytostabilization strategies for the treatment of soil co-contaminated by increasing levels of copper with the application mineral amendments chalcedonite, zeolite, dolomite.
From the results it will be possible to further elucidate the benefits or potential risks derived from the application of different types of mineral amendments in the remediation of a copper contaminated soil. A glasshouse pot experiment was designed to evaluate the potential use of different amendments as immobilizing agents in the aided phytostabilization of Cu-contaminated soil using ryegrass Lolium perenne L.
The content of trace elements in plants and total in soil, were determined using the method of spectrophotometry. All of the investigated element contents in the tested parts of L. The greatest average above-ground biomass was observed for soil amended with chalcedonite. In this experiment, all analyzed metals accumulated predominantly in the roots of the tested plant. In general, applying mineral amendments to soil contributed to decreased levels of copper concentrations. Modeling Lolium perenne L. Plant root models are designed for understanding structural or functional aspects of root systems.
When a process is not thoroughly understood, a black box object is used. However, when a process exists but empirical data do not indicate its existence, you have a black hole. The object of this re Nucleotide diversity and linkage disequilibrium in five Lolium perenne genes with putative role in shoot branching. Knowledge on nucleotide diversity and linkage disequilibrium LD patterns is prerequisite for association analyses. However, little is known about the nucleotide diversity in the evolutionary important ryegrass shoot morphology genes.
Water-soluble carbohydrates WSC are an important factor determining the nutritional value of grass forage and development of genetic markers for selection of WSC traits in perennial ryegrass would benefit future breeding programmes. During his PhD studies, Mohammad Shofiqul Islam studied the feasibility of developing novel hybrid breeding schemes based on cytoplasmic male sterility CMS systems in perennial ryegrass.
He successfully completed the assembly and annotation of a male His findings constitute a good basis for continuing research to produce hybrid grass varieties to address the future needs This does not fully exploit the potential of heterosis, however.
Internal medicine
Hybrid breeding is an alternative strategy and provides opportunities to fully exploit the genetically available heterosis in perennial An Acremonium endophyte of Lolium perenne associated with hyperthermia of cattle in Pacific County, Washington. Clavicipitaceous endophytes are well known for causing maladies of livestock. Recent studies of a new syndrome causing hyperthermia of cattle in Pacific County, Washington, prompted surveys of endophytes in pasture grasses of seven affected paddocks. Cattle removed from affected pastures and fed alfalfa became normothermic within 3 days, suggesting a pyrogenic factor Genomic prediction based on next generation sequencing of F2-families in Lolium perenne L.
The study is performed on F2 families originated from the DLF breeding program. All families were genotyped by reduced representation sequencing. A total of 1,, SNPs were detected and used for genomic prediction. First analyses, used for model testing, have been carried out Ryegrass families where sown in rockwool blocks in four replicates in greenhouse, and allowed to establish over 60 days using standard fertilization and watering.
Three consecutive treatments, with increasing salt NaCl concentrations, were applied. Ten days after initiation Preliminary analysis using GBLUP have identified a significant amount of genetic variance individual heritabilities ranging between 0. Application of molecular markers for variety protection of ryegrass Lolium perenne L. Although DUS testing currently employs mostly visually observable characteristics that are expressions of the phenotype of a variety, there is much interest in the use of molecular markers.
The overall objective of this project is to examine the potential use of molecular markers Furthermore, number of genotypes per variety can be reduced to 20 compared to the original dataset containing 60 genotypes when using all 18 SSR markers but not when using only six SSR markers. Significant association was found between the molecular Components of the photoperiod pathway showed regulation during vernalization, pointing to possible interactions between elements of the photoperiod and vernalization pathways.
The results provide a global picture of the processes ongoing during Allergenic fragments of ryegrass Lolium perenne pollen allergen Lol p IV. The resulting peptides were then fractionated by high performance liquid chromatography HPLC on a C reverse phase column. Many of these fractions inhibited the binding between the native allergen and IgE antibodies in a dose-dependent manner.
The inhibitions were specific, i. The possibility that the allergenic peptide fractions were contaminated by the native undegraded allergen, which might have accounted for the observed inhibition, was ruled out by the fact that the native allergen could not be detected by SDS-PAGE and the elution profiles of allergenically active peptides did not coincide with that of native allergen. One of the allergenic sites recognized by monoclonal antibody Mab 90, i. Can herbage nitrogen fractionation in Lolium perenne be improved by herbage management?
The high degradability of grass protein is an important factor in the low nitrogen N utilization of grazing bovines in intensive European grassland systems. Full Text Available The contributions of mechanisms by which chelators influence metal translocation to plant shoot tissues are analyzed using a combination of numerical modelling and physical experiments. The model distinguishes between apoplastic and symplastic pathways of water and solute movement.
It also includes the barrier effects of the endodermis and plasma membrane. Simulations are used to assess transport pathways for free and chelated metals, identifying mechanisms involved in chelate-enhanced phytoextraction. Hypothesized transport mechanisms and parameters specific to amendment treatments are estimated, with simulated results compared to experimental data.
Parameter values for each amendment treatment are estimated based on literature and experimental values, and used for model calibration and simulation of amendment influences on solute transport pathways and mechanisms. Modeling indicates that chelation alters the pathways for Cu transport. For free ions, Cu transport to leaf tissue can be described using purely apoplastic or transcellular pathways. For strong chelators ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid EDTA and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid DTPA, transport by the purely apoplastic pathway is insufficient to represent measured Cu transport to leaf tissue.
Increasing the membrane permeability is key to enhancing phytoextraction efficiency. Effects of humic acid and competing cations on metal uptake by Lolium perenne. Within the biotic ligand model, which describes relationships between chemical speciation and metal binding at an organism's surface, multicomponent long-term metal uptake by plants has seldom been studied. In the present work, we exposed perennial ryegrass to nutrient solutions with two levels of.
Path and correlation analysis of perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne L. Similar to wheat, maize and other agriculturally important crops, seed yield is highly dependent on a number of interacting seed This research was performed to apply and describe path analysis of perennial ryegrass seed yield components in relation to harvested seed yields. Utilising extensive yield components which included subdividing reproductive inflorescences into five size categories, path analysis Both spikelets per inflorescence and florets per spikelet had a significant p seed yield; however, total Metal uptake by lolium perenne in contaminated soils using a four-steps approach.
Metal bioavailability and toxicity to aquatic organisms are greatly affected by variables such as pH, hardness, organic matter, and sediment acid-volatile sulfide AVS. Sediment AVS, which reduces metal bioavailability and toxicity by binding and immobilizing metals as insoluble sulfides, has been. Chemical composition of lamina and sheath of Lolium perenne as affected by herbage management. The quality of grass in terms of form and relative amounts of energy and protein affects both animal production per unit of intake and nitrogen N utilization.
Quality can be manipulated by herbage management and choice of cultivar. Cytogenetics of Festulolium Festuca x Lolium hybrids. Grasses are the most important and widely cultivated crops. Among them, ryegrasses Lolium spp. Species from the two genera display complementary agronomic characteristics and are often grown in mixtures.
Breeding efforts to combine desired features in single entities culminated with the production of Festuca x Lolium hybrids. The so called Festuloliums enjoy a considerable commercial success with numerous cultivars registered all over the world. They are also very intriguing from a strictly cytogenetic point of view as the parental chromosomes recombine freely in hybrids. Until a decade ago this phenomenon was only known in general quantitative terms. The introduction of molecular cytogenetic tools such as FISH and GISH permitted detailed studies of intergeneric chromosome recombination and karyotyping of Festulolium cultivars.
These tools were also invaluable in revealing the origin of polyploid fescues, and facilitated the development of chromosome substitution and introgression lines and physical mapping of traits of interest. Further progress in this area will require the development of a larger set of cytogenetic markers and high-resolution cytogenetic maps. It is expected that the Lolium -Festuca complex will continue providing opportunities for breeding superior grass cultivars and the complex will remain an attractive platform for fundamental research of the early steps of hybrid speciation and interaction of parental genomes, as well as the processes of chromosome pairing, elimination and recombination.
Quantitative Trait Locus QTL meta-analysis and comparative genomics for candidate gene prediction in perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne L. Full Text Available Abstract Background In crop species, QTL analysis is commonly used for identification of factors contributing to variation of agronomically important traits. As an important pasture species, a large number of QTLs have been reported for perennial ryegrass based on analysis of biparental mapping populations. Further characterisation of those QTLs is, however, essential for utilisation in varietal improvement programs.
The collected dataset permitted a subsequent meta-QTL study and implementation of a cross-species candidate gene identification approach. A meta-QTL analysis based on use of the BioMercator software was performed to identify two consensus regions for pathogen resistance traits.