The book leaned strongly on pathos entering emotion into many pages, especially when Gabe is talking to the war horse about both of his brother's deaths in the war. The illustrations are beautiful in the book. They look like they were taken on a camera and then put on the page. This book could be used to teach children geography. It talks about different geograph Brief Review: The book could also be used in history to discuss a specific point in the Civil War.

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It clearly shows the massive loss off soldiers and how hard it was for both sides. Why was Gabe's friend named Orlee? His dad wanted to name him a fancy name but his mom would always say, "Or Lee" because she was set on Lee being his name. This happened so many times that they called him Orlee. Where was Gettysburg located? Gettysburg was seven miles from the Mason-Dixon line in Pennsylvania. What is hardtack and fatback? What does playing taps on the bugle mean? Did Gabe and Davey make it home at the end of the war?

Mar 28, Gabriella Reeves rated it did not like it. IT was just a history book. May 24, Boatemaa rated it really liked it. Gabriel, an eleven year old boy, joins the Union army during the Civil War after his two brothers were killed in war. Gabe is now trying to protect his last brother Davy. Unlike his brother, Gabe is too young to join as a soldier. Instead, he becomes a bugler. Soon they enter the Battle of Gettysburg. After entering the woods, Gabe meets another bugler named Orlee.

The only problem is Orlee is a bugler for the Confederacy. Still, they quickly become friends. When Gabe is needed for the war, he i Gabriel, an eleven year old boy, joins the Union army during the Civil War after his two brothers were killed in war. When Gabe is needed for the war, he is given the direction to bugle "Attack".

Gabe doesn't want his brother to get hurt though. Gabe does as his commander says, then mimicks Orlee's and bugles "Retreat" to the Confederates, ending the Battle of Gettysburg. He returns to camp and scratches a few words about his brothers. I think the book was very touching and it was very good. Jun 22, KevinL rated it it was amazing Shelves: This is a great story about eleven year old Gabriel who has followed his year-old brother Davy to war after their older brothers were killed fighting.

As a bugler for the Union Army, Gabe has the important job of blowing orders to the troops. When Gabe meets Orlee fishing at the creek he encounters a dilemma. Orlee is the bugler for the confederate army. Gabe is torn between saving his brother from the enemy bullet and respecting his knew friend who he intends to see again.

This story has ful This is a great story about eleven year old Gabriel who has followed his year-old brother Davy to war after their older brothers were killed fighting. This story has full color illustrations which take the readers straight into the war. I would recommend this book for th graders. It is full of opportunities to give mini lessons about the civil war. This was a great book that I highly recommend. Apr 11, Dolly rated it really liked it Recommends it for: This is a tenderly-told tale about the realities of war and how truly young some of the soldiers were during the Civil War.

The story explains how Gabe, an eleven-year-old boy joins the Army as a bugler to stay with his older brother Davy, after two more of his older brothers don't return from the war. The narrative is terrific and explains the devastating effects of war on the land and on families, but I think it humanizes the war and really brings it home to children of Gabe's age.

The illustr This is a tenderly-told tale about the realities of war and how truly young some of the soldiers were during the Civil War. The illustrations are marvelous and really help to tell the story. We really enjoyed reading this book together and I'm glad that our girls were able to see how children as young as they are now were drawn into the terrible war.

Aug 20, Ann Marie rated it really liked it. This is a junior reader book I picked it up for my homeschooled child May 10, Elizabeth Gardner Johnson rated it really liked it Shelves: This book is certainly more appropriate for an older child maybe age as it deals with the Civil War.

The story is a bit idyllic but I had to keep in mind that it was written for children. Apr 01, Alice rated it really liked it. This book would be a 5 if the story was true. It is fictionalized but still has a lot of good information. Boys as young as 11 fought in the civil war. This book is about the boys that were buglers on the North an South Side. The bugle rhymes and tones signaled commands. Still a nice story! Jul 19, Jennifer rated it it was amazing Shelves: Set in the Civil War, the main character is a boy of 11 years old. He is a bugler from Pennsylvania in the Union Army.

His first battle is Gettysburg.

Brother against brother

Before the fighting, he meets another bugler, same age, for the Confederates. This is a touching story without dealing with loss of life. Apr 09, Elijah Clavery rated it it was amazing. The book the Last Brother is the tale of one of the most bloodiest wars ever the Civil War.

  1. The Last Brother: A Civil War Tale by Trinka Hakes Noble?
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  6. The book follows the story of a boy who talks about the times in the Civil War starting with Gettysburg. It talks about how a lot of people died. Sep 29, Paula rated it it was amazing Shelves: This book is a testament about brotherhood, not only familial, but also American.

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    The book is beautifully illustrated and the story is quite powerful. I really liked it. Jan 29, Angie rated it liked it Shelves: Really good mature picture book about a young boy during the Civil War. Mar 28, Darlene Andre rated it really liked it. A moving story about a young boy who fights in the Civil War. The younger boys talk about their fears. They fear being separated from the unit; they fear dying alone; they fear not being identified if they die. A boy sleeping next to me is only I would be glad to see my father come after me now.

    Many young boys joined to escape the boredom of farm life. They expected a good time, an adventure. Not much talk about glory or honor now. We talk about going home. Who would have thought it would last this long, two years. After this is over, I want to go home to Virginia.

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    • Brother Against Brother: The Tragic Civil War.

    I hope you will accept me back. I will finish this letter tomorrow. In mid 19th century, differences about slavery between the North and the South led to a bloody civil war. The South wanted slavery to be extended into new western territories. The South needed slaves for its large-farm economy, and was afraid the North would try to abolish slavery in the South too.

    Brother against brother - Wikipedia

    Abraham Lincoln became president in He wanted to keep the country unified. But eleven southern states seceded from, or left, the United States and formed the Confederate States of America. The Civil War that followed tore the country apart. Sometimes it tore families apart, too.

    The Last Brother: A Civil War Tale

    This story is about two brothers from the southern state of Virginia, fighting on opposite sides at the Battle of Gettysburg. The story is in their letters written during this battle. The Battle of Gettysburg was the turning point of the war. It weakened the Confederate side, but they still fought on for two more years.

    The weapons in this war had 10 times the killing power of those in the Revolutionary War. On November 19, , President Lincoln gave one of his most famous speeches, the Gettysburg Address. After Gettysburg, Joshua Chamberlain was wounded six times and rose to Major General, but went on to be Governor of Maine for four terms, and president of Bowdoin College.

    Today was the worst ever. General Lee has most of our army here. We came so far north to bother Mr. Lincoln and to show those Yankees they must let us go. We have been marching since I started this letter. Before Gettysburg, our men were ready for a fight. Before this battle, those Union Yankees were running away more than they were fighting. Now we are deep in their territory and they are fighting harder. Today we fought on Cemetery Hill.

    We attacked going uphill, with the light in our eyes. They were hiding behind a stone wall and shooting down on us as we came through the trees. It was terrible to see so many men fall on that hill. My group charged , then fell back. For a while, the Yankees quit firing on us, so we thought they had retreated. Half my regiment was killed, wounded or captured.

    We are on Cemetery Ridge, the hill we held yesterday.

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    Tonight I feel the heaviness of this terrible war more than ever. I am so afraid brother Beau is across the field from me, camped in the trees. Instead of sleeping across the room from each other, we sleep across this deadly battlefield. I can see the light of the Rebel campfires.

    The Brotherly Love That Conquers Triathlons

    They must see ours. It was bound to happen, that we would meet in battle. Brother fighting brother is wrong. I know his regiment, the First Virginia, is there. Do you wonder which regiment I joined? We southerners are welcomed. I have a spectacular commander, Colonel Joshua Chamberlain. He is a professor and a graduate of Harvard University, but he is as good a fighting man as any West Point man. During the battle, the Rebels kept coming, even though it was uphill. Men were falling all around me. Finally we ran out of ammunition.

    Most commanders would retreat from the battle at that point, but not Chamberlain. And so we did. When they attacked again, we charged down the hill at them. They were so surprised to see us come charging with our bayonets, most of them ran away or they gave up and we captured them.

    That was a masterly thing for Chamberlain to do. When this cruel war is over, I hope to continue my studies. He gives fine speeches. He sounds like a preacher.