And most importantly, make sure that you get along well with each person in the group so that there is no fighting within the group. Keeping yourself clean will help fight off things like flu, the common cold, pink eye, pretty much anything that you could sick from before the zombiepocolypse you can get sick from after the zombiepocolypse. So make sure to brush your teeth, clean your clothes, and wash behind your ears! You never know how long it will be during the zombie outbreak before you can restock supplies such as water, food, ammo, or medicine.
You may need to stock up supplies for as long as months. Running out of food, medicine, ammo, etc… will cripple any chances you have at long term survival in a zombie apocalypse. Well other than the obvious infection the answer is: Depression will lower your immune system, cause stress, and cause you to be tired constantly. I know that it would be hard to not be depressed when your friends and family have been turned into flesh eating zombies, but you need to try your hardest to keep up a light attitude. Those are my tips. So I hope this helps for when the Zombpocolypse hits. I have been preparing for this day for a long time im glad others are taking it seriously lest our entire civilization be wiped out when they rise.
My biggest concern is fresh water, where to find it how to keep it drinkable and how long will the water supply be down if we DO avoid armageddon at the hands of the zombie hordes. What a creatively comical way to address a number of issues — bravo! A little levity does go a long way, and using popular culture to facilitate thinking about preparedness was innovative.
I have had a zombie invasion readiness kit in my vehicle for awhile now. Being stranded without supplies sucks, zombies or not!!! You have made your agency a joke. How could anyone take this seriously? Maybe you should keep your focus on real life disasters and refrain from commenting on science fiction! The best zombie apocalypse survival guide show is the Walking Dead, and in the seasons last episode, we saw how valiantly the CDC kept up the efforts. Thank you CDC, the person in charge of this add was thinking outside the box. It seem as if most government agencies try to avoid this type of thinking.
I know your sight must have had a lot of hits, and more people are now thinking of being prepared for some type of disaster. Even if it is not a Zombie attack they might be more perpared for an earthquake or any other type of disaster. Thanks again, Herman Garcia, Captain,U. I think it wouldnt happen if well humans took care of Earth more often and there was less polution and nucleor weapons out there…Less of the things that shouldnt be here like cars and stuff that arent healthy for the planet we practically poison our own planet every year…People Recycle and start living a Healthy Life Style…Before its too late…I dont want to be Zombie food….
I am surely not too accustomed to this subject matter but I do prefer to check out blogs for layout tips and intriguing topics. You honestly described a matter that I in most cases really do not care a great deal about and manufactured it highly fascinating. I currently bookmarked it for future reference.
It really angers me to see people complaining about there money being a waste as it goes to places such as the CDC. Can you not read between the lines?! This list aids in the survival of any of those things, does it not? Let me be the first to say: I totally agree; until I saw the word Zombie, I was not interested in how to prepare for an emergency. Although we do have plans in place I say this loosely we would have to scramble around looking for all of our stuff!
So once again, I will thank you for having me look at this in a totally different way! And be better prepared…. Obviously you guys are missing the point. So as someone said before its a way to attract peoples attention and awareness of what to do if a natural disaster happens.
The most common ones that CDC mentioned were hurricanes and tornadoes. And about wasting money i dont really know what your talking about any person with any common sense could write this, all it takes is a little of time. It provides some really helpful information which can also be used for natural disasters. One thing that they forgot to mention was a portable generator or portable propane gas oven, this is very helpful for cooking canned food or disinfecting water when your on the move. The Zombies have asked that we all refrain from using the Z word.
It has very negative connotations and feel it hurts there cause. I think this is awesome, using humor to actually teach something. If it can work in the class room why cant it work for a government agency. Is there any scientific or factual evidence that could possibly explain how a zombie apocalypse or why a zombie apocalypse might occur.
While I respect their opinions, as they are entitled believe whatever they may want to, scientifically based or not, it is a bit annoying when the CDC posts something that lacks proper support on a logical and scientific field. Zombies dont just eat brains a true master of zombie know it all would know that. I cant believe there are still folks out there that believe that just because they are zombies they automatically just go for the brain, because really they go for whatever they can sink their teeth into.
Why dont you go and get up to date on your zombie info because god knows you reallly need it. Can you imagine going through life without the ability to discern and enjoy all things funny? What small, sad lives they must lead! I feel sorry for them. They deserve our pity. I loudly applaud your approach! My hat off to you! Is the CDC stupid!? Telling people to worry about having their papers ready to present to the government, but leaving the most important thing out of post-disaster survival? Which would be having a means to defend yourself from looters, government soldiers post martial law, as in hurricane katrina trying to force you to concentrated locations to be under their control, and of course zombies.
If there is any such disaster similar to the one described above, my first thing in the list of my survival kit is my AK. The survival kit above looks like something some girl-scout or gay feminist would have, not a true survivalist. Guns are good in all disasters not only for defense from looters and other enemies, but good for hunting and putting food on the table. I think the reason they left out guns, is because it is typical of the U.
The heroes are epidemiologists from the CDC—woot! Give yourselves a hand! What about animals I have five horses and five dogs to think about and I aint never leaving them even if I had to die in the process! For all of you people complaining about the government spending money on zombies, you are missing the point. Unlike a single event, being a natural disaster, widespread illness, chemical or biological weapons atack, a zombie apocalypse forces people to see emergency preparedness from a more global standpoint. Kudos to the CDC! Bush did plenty of that way before this article was written.
As a mom with 2 teens that love the zombie culture, have just attended their first zombie walk in Boston and are both playing left for dead right now……. Ive never visited until now and its because my sister told me that someone told her this article was here…and im gonna tell. Others and my kids have already texted their friends…so how can it be a bed thing?? Look at how many people will take being prepared more seriously. And to think this is the same organization that banned prairie dogs as pets back in Bravo to the creators of a disaster preparedness guide that will not only be read with enthusiasm, it will be forwarded and shared in the social networks.
You guys do realize the cdc only did this to raise natural disaster awareness. They discovered that after after the word zombie appeared on twitter the audience spiked. Unfortunately, for sometime, they were so successful that the page crashed and were rendered ineffective. Even thou you joke about this subject be aware of the problems around us. Study your history my friends. A warning of a Zombie Apocalypse!!!!
- My Love for Naples: The Food, the History, the Life (Hippocrene Cookbook Library)!
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- 11 DAYS OF RAGE!..
I will end you as fast as any other zombie! Thanks for the question Sissy. Pets are an important part of your emergency plan. Make sure to include food and water for your animals when putting together your emergency kit and any additional supplies like medicine or toys. When planning your evacuation route, you should make alternate housing arrangements for your pets in advance, since pet-friendly shelters may not be available during the emergency period. Identifying pet boarding facilities that are located along your evacuation route and outside of the danger zone are important steps to ensuring your pets will have a safe place to go.
When evacuation orders are issued, you should call the boarder to ensure that they have availability. Ill wear a hat or something. Use your common sences. If someone walks up to you, looks like death warmed over, your not going to stick around and find out if they are dead, your going to kill it and run.
Just like a flood. If there is warnings that your house is going to float away, you better get your stuff and leave. CDC is going to find out about any diseases that is going on and help the population. This whole thing is to let people know to be prepared. So just do it. This is the Most outrageous thing i have ever heard…. I am saying this as i am sucking in air and rolling my eyes around…. I absolutely loved this post! Cause we all know to get away you might have to take some zombies out! Thanks to CDC for this useful article, although some stupid ppl would just laugh and make fun of it ….
What a genius way to get people interested! Other government agencies need to take note that this is exactly how you get potentially boring but extremely important information out to the masses. Got your attention, no? But please, while the rest of us are being vigilant and preparing for any number of possible emergency situations, you go on and keep complaining about where your tax dollars are going. I think this is a great idea. Although I see tax dollars being spent like Bo said in his post, I however see it being spent in a good way.
And to be honest, I did see a bunch on Ninjas hanging out at our local mall last week. Every one the CDC will try so will other agencies. But no use all would be over run, they would have to leave lavatories and camps, we have hope. But we have no hope on other but are selfs and the people who r with us. I wasent sure about zumbies but yes I allways prepare with food in cans watter, medicine and tools like lamps radios cell phones, and not just me but allway try to tell my family to be in case of an emergency for any kind of dessaster. Was the site hacked? And, if it were a disease, it would be immediately quarantined upon notice by paramedics.
I hope whoever wrote this was fired! Even though you had to do it in what others call a silly scenario or a waste of taxpayer money. I thought it was brilliant using a Hollywood Zombie scenario since so many are brainwashed with Hollywood these days. Just another sad truth about our world today. I should have been a fiction writer huh? I wonder if I could get a job on the scifi network? This creates panic because the tsunamis shut off all electrical power in the world. They cause further devastation because crops die and people start starving.
All life in the oceans is wiped out from the poison that was growing on the broken planet and that starts stinking all over the world big time. Causing disease and pestilence. People start looking at each other as food. Thus the Zombie scenario again. Not as elaborate as my first scenario but another good example of what could happen to make a zombie scenario a reality. Way to go guys.
Great PR to restore your tarnished credibility. Other disasters you can, but not zombies. Hollywood is getting ready to start filming World War Z now. I am sure that movie will be a welath of information! I have a 19 year old son. I could not get him- or his friends- interested in the Earthquake kit until now.
I beleive for starters, everyone should watch Zombieland. It puts out some good useful pointers. Next, the outcome of there actually being a zombie apocalypse is unprobable, sadly i do say so. I wish there could be one…. All of this is just basic emergency survival know-how that the average American can use to protect themselves against REAL emergencies. The use of Zombies is a way to garner attention from the public who would probably ignore this if it were a typical hurricane or earthquake survival guide and it is going to save lives, and taxpayer money, in the end when more people read this and follow these basic steps.
Please stop being so ignorant and just be happy that someone in the government has at least a sense of humor. I have been practicing for a zombie apocolypse, as in routes, safe havens, safety packs, weapons, and advantage points. This might be the only way to get lazy, media-crazed teenagers such as myself to think about being prepared for a disaster. Should we be part of a co-op farm outside the city in order to afford food??
I felt my intellect declining the more I read. Whats next, a vampire apocolypse?! As if the CDC has nothing better to address than impossible and fictional events. Glad my fellow Americans have their priorities straight, no wonder we are going down the tubes!!!! I am so ready for a zombie attack. I think it is cool other than all your friends and family and possibly even you dying.
Most people think it will never happen, but guess what people it may not happen in your life time but it will happen sometime. What a wonderful application of social marketing to encourage preparedness among individuals who might not have actually considered it prior to the article. Public Health discussions are now taking place among entirely new populations, including youth, gamers, and others.
By framing the discussion in a manner that appeals to this group, important information is delivered, understood and acted upon. Now think it throu all those people that are just doing this because its the only thing they know, i mean come on a zombie apocolypse?? HA mabey in your dreams but if its true then all i can say is dont be foolish cause they are people with souls so every one that you kill spends all eternity in HELL.
Great Job CDC and all the people that actually read the article and gave it this much thought. The last thing anyone wants to do when they are on the run from zombies or a tornado, is leave the furry ones behind. The family survived in the basement, and by the grace of God the pup was back without a scratch the next day. But how aweful is that to know your dog is out there by himself during a tornado? So I will be stocking on the Beneful and along with the ramen noodles, and figuring out a backup plan for where they can stay if the zombie stuff really hits the fan.
I am proud of the CDC for their creativeness in getting out some very useful information in a format which draws people in and keeps their attention… Bravo!!! I love zombie movies and all that stuf, but when it realy happens no one wil be ready becous we neva faced anything like that before. I have been planning my own course of action since I saw Night of the Living Dead years ago and it scared the beejezus out of me. Your list missed good running shoes, cell phone, lighter, keep your vehicle in good working order never less than half a tank of gas ever and make sure to bring the pets!
Last thing we need is zombie Fido or Kitty…. Sorry to say this but all you guys are either gonna die or be completely unprepared when the apocalypse comes. None of you have any idea what you are talking about. Do something more productive with your time and our tax dallors. Anything creative enough to get people thinking about disaster planning is money well spent. Congratuations CDC for thinking outside the box. Time to dust off the crowbar and stock up on Spam. This is a fun and inventive way to get a new group involved in emergency preparedness. Congratulations on a unique and attention getting campaign.
This is NOT a waste of money!!! Way to get the word out on being prepared for a disaster. Thanks, my zombie plan and kit is in place and will forward this as well. I am retired from the Army and Current Army Civilian Employee and we have been preparing for the worst since I can remember. You got to be ready for anything, Zombies, Anthrax, terrorist. As for the the kit that CDC listed, too basic.
Spend the money on quality flashlights, radios, medical kits. Get ready now, tomorrow might be too late. I also have bets on the Aliens will get you before the zombies do! I would suggest chain mail. I could go on as I have thought quite a bit about zombie apocalypses happening but.
How about some make-up so you can look like a zombie? We are all going to die anyway. May as well go out happy. When there is no more room in hell, the dead shell walk the earth. Terminator, minus the time travel is way more possible than a Zombie attack, so tell me what the CDC is going to do about that. I am about to forward the url to all my friends but I think that it great that a government body somewhere on earth is finally starting to take the threat of a zombie invasion seriously because I seriously hate scary movies and a zombie invasion would be the most terrifying thing on the planet!
Nice to see that a government organization that has one of the most serious of jobs, can show that their people and have some fun once in a while. And the preparedness kit they describe really is a good emergency preparedness kit in general. Some scenes involved the CDC. It will happen hopefully not in our life time though. It even says in the bible that the dead will rise from there graves. So if the CDC is backing it up along with bible it has to be true.
The best place to start you preperation is the nearest army surplus store,they will have every thing you need. But if push comes to shove you and your own come first. Your supply list is very good and has helped me with my plan. My plan is to round up about 20 people head to Wal-mart baricade evry entrance with shelfs and anything else heavy. If anyone else has any ideas how do make my plan better pleas let me know.
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What a great way to get younger generations to pay attention to the importance of emergency preparedness! Federal funding well spent. Cudos to all involved. This is genius, if you want to educate the under 30 crowd about emergency preparedness this will do it! I was pretty entertained by this, until I wondered how many tax dollars were wasted in the preparation of this article. I envision a project manager, a task force, dry-erase boards, spreadsheets… awesome use of government time and taxpayer funds! We hope you enjoyed the article and understand the importance of being prepared for any emergency, especially real ones like hurricanes, floods, or tornados.
We used existing staff, resources, and communication channels. We are really proud of the number of people we reached on a shoestring budget. Wow, i love how the CDC trys to down play the fact that tere are Zombies. I am sure they are a bi product of some government testing gone wrong. This is a 48 hour survival kit listed in this article, and contains everything you MUST have to survive 48 hours on foot. Make one in a large backpacking bag and keep it in your garage.
This is absolutely an EPIC post! Thinking I am totally insane for even considering a Zombie Apocalypse as a possibility. I would rather be prepared. And guess who will be calling me once zombies are knocking down their door. Even the CDC thinks so. Thanks so much CDC! For showing the judgemental unbelievers, it is possible for a Zombie Infestation. For all of you morons who are complaining that the government is wasting money on this, please read it.
This is about natural disasters. They are using the zombie angle to get people reading. Just substitute bird flu for zombie apocalypse and this is a very good article. I for one have never gone to a CDC page and read anything except travel advisories until this, so it captured my interest. The bird flu of aka Spanish flu killed more people than WWI, so it is still a real danger.
Thank you CDC for still looking out for us. Nice little posting, however: Most likely if there was a Zombie outbreak you are looking more towards Night of the living dead, Shaun of the Dead and Last of the living Zombies, they would be slow moving because of muscle deterioration and loss of a lot of mental capacity including movement.
What if there were to be a virus spread genetically that activated in the 10th year or any year of life, so nobody could prepare for it? When was the last time you got so many hits on your blog? You have got to be kidding me. No one knows when the end of time will be. An all powerful being would never let the little guy know when the final day is coming. Why would He let you prepare. You might as well sit and suffer thinking you are going to be tortured by zombies and waste you money in the resession on your zombie kit because your zombies will be your family, friends and neighbors coming to kill, steal and distroy what you do have after the rapture does come and the anti-christ is the one controlling everything left in the world.
What you eat, do, say, buy. I am sure you people just suck! Amazing, just before finding this post I had made a game out of making a survival kit with the family. The one we had need to be updated and refreshed.
Sausagelover 99's Zombie Apocalypse - How many do you want?
The kids loved the post. Thanx for the humor but for the real world common sense. Evacuation in any bio-hazard situation should be immediate. O this is so awesome. My friend wants to be a proffesional zombie killer when she grows up. If a zombie bite a polar bear and it becomes a zombpolbear then i guess your …. Anyone who wants a great training course for themselves and their family shoot us an email.
Ask yourself why they would need an vaccine if there was no virus? And why was the vaccine not mentioned in this article? Well they made the zombie virus and they are working on the vaccine in a top secret lab but the scientists have not been successful yet. So there will not be a zombie outbreak until they have the vaccine. For all you people out there talking about how we are wasting our tax money on talking about zombies- live a little! And for all you idiots out there freaking out about how there really will be an apocolypse- get a life.
Seriously lay off, if you wanna be prepared then cool but stop stuffing your opinions down the throat of others. This is coming from a 16 year old girl, and I make more sense than all of you paranoid people. Definitely reaching a segment of the population that would otherwise not EVER care to read anything like this.
I would love to know how many people have actually read this post that would not have bothered with a normal post… Finally the CDC is providing to the level of a missed audience…. Do you know how many times I have had to explain and interpret emergency warnings to functionally illiterate individuals? Ignorance will be the leveler of the playing field. Or are you going to deny me this comment also? It is complete protection from the living dead. Slick PR campaign to catch peoples attention! For all you people who think this is a waste of money….. You never know what will happen and it did not cost a lot of money to put this page up.
And if there is a zombie outbreak you will probably get eaten first. Learn something from them and use it in case of this happens… P. Not joking u should rlly check tht out. Where is the proof of this virus. Extremely pleased with this post. What an awesome idea for informing the public what to do in case of an emergency, in such a fun and delightful manner. A spoonful of sugar always helps the medicine go down.
I will be posting this on facebook, I think alot of my friends will get a kick out of it. You should really make a printable. This was a brilliant idea. Do I remember the article about Zombie Apocalypse? Brilliant and entertaining way to bring attention to such an important issue. And a shoutout to my fellow Zombie Response Team members!
Is this a joke? Do you Americans really beleave in this? If a zombir bites you on the arm, can you cut off your limb and thus be saved from the infection? But wonderful report IF it ever happened. For those that are upset that preparedness is being address this way… GET OVER IT… this is a great way to get to people, especially young people, to really look at what they need.
If you look around you see Zombies all over the place… at least talk about the impending zombie apocalypse. This was a very well thought out idea.
Sausagelover 99's Zombie Apocalypse
What a fun way to get people thinking about real disaster preparation. I can see by some of the comments that are negative — some people did not read it before replying. First of all, the CDC is not funded by your tax dollars people but if it was you should be proud. With what is going on in DC these days, it appears that there are already a bunch of Zombies in Congress and the White House….
Please put a disclaimer on this article that this is not true. My son suffers from paranoia and is extremely disturbed that what is written is actually real. You have got to be kidding me…. The CDC has been watching way too many cheesy old horror flicks. All the advice in this article can be applied to ANY diasater situation. Now back to zombies, I would also include some kevlar gloves and even sleeves if you can afford them so you dont have to worry about getting bit on the hand.
Now if only we could find a fun and innovative way to stress the importance of reading comprehension, so that the poor souls who have been upset by this blog post will have some hope of someday getting this joke. Or any joke for that matter. For the negative complainers, the CDC really got their bang for the buck on this twist. It is the same basic disaster preparedness information that the CDC has been making available to the public, but with some tongue in cheek humor added to make it a little more enjoyable and get the public attention.
In trying to get people to read the information available, this zombie twist hit the jackpot. In all seriousness, the preparedness information contained is valid useful information. You will not be sorry. The emergency preparedness kits should also be useful during the next Rapture scheduled for this October and the cataclysm associated with the end of the Mayan calendar in December C does act fast to something so critical and crazy as something like this i would survive to the fullest.
Sanitation is an important factor to keep in mind since public water supplies might not be operational during an extended power outage. Thousands are suffering and this really does not humor me. You may also want to stop asking people for their psychiatric problem in the Oils spill also. I wrote to Joe Biden and your head of the CDC sent a tepid response to me that there is no danger in the spill and no danger in the dispersants. I think you might want to have a chat with the people because we are slammed with blood levels of people with hexane, benzine, mercury, 2 and 3 Methylpentane above the 95 Quintile, Issocatane and now Cesium 99 this is nothing to be ignored.
People are very ill all over the coast of the Gulf and this is not National News. I guess these workers and humans are delusional like Morgellons patients. This is a horrific lack of oversight and compassion on the part of the CDC and yes while the world is awash in Environmental Armegeddon you put out an article that you think is cute. Bicycles would be essential for getting around fossil fuels would definitely run out in an Apocalypse situation. Motorcycle jump suits would provide decent armor as they can stay intact after an accident it would be hard for teeth or nails to get through.
Brick walls would make a decent defense. Definitely invest in solar panels for electricity main power grids would probably go down. This is an old article. I read it a couple months ago. I have seen this apocalypse coming. They will be here soon. I do not know at all. I agree with Dylan. This was a well thought out way to get people prepared for natural disasters. I know many people walk around care free thinking nothing can happen and everything will be provided by the government, well we seen how that worked out after a few hurricanes.
Having worked in law enforcement for over 16 years I can tell you most people are not prepared for even a small disaster and rely on the police and fire to take care of everything. Each citizen should take a little self responsibility and put a kit together with all the items listed by the CDC and Ready. That way if a family should have to shelter in place until help arrives they can be prepared and sustain some safety and health and not tax the system should help be slow to get there.
Zombies are a good example to get everyone prepared for a disaster, it makes the idea of being prepared fun and get your entire family involved. Thanks CDC for a wonderful way to get people ready for any emergency. But it surely got their attention and likely may save their life one day for making them read something they probably never would have. Thanks for reading and for your blog comment. As we have mentioned previously this blog incurred no additional costs to the government. We used existing staff and resources and feel that it has completed our mission of informing the public about important public health preparedness messages.
What a fun, creative way to teach kids and Adults about emergency response kits! My boys now have taken interest in our 72 hr kit, where it is, and what is in it. Government money well spent!
Most important is to teach them how to survive without you and the importance of proper mindset. If you are the Alpha male of your house hold, then most likely you have shielded them, provided for them, and protected them their whole lives. Its time to teach them to protect and provide for themselves. You are going to have a horrible job of holding society together and preventing anarchy, the least that you can do for yourself is make sure you KNOW that your family is going to be OK, so you can focus on your job and your responsibilities to the greater good.
You people that commet on things such as this with negative comments are just pathetic. Amusing angle that worked as intended! Did our tax dollars go to this tripe? This all comes from the organization that for years has been at the forefront of taking our 2d amendment rights from us. Zombie defense can only be accomplished through application of accurately directed objects via kinetic energy as a function of the ejection of lead from a metal tube caused by a gaseous explosion.
I agree with the saferooms, preferably having air vents, plants, heavy doors and no windows. However, there needs to be a service that allows areas to coordinate saferooms so that there is always a saferoom within a hour walking distance of another saferoom. Also, large, strategic bridges should be destroyed and ferries be offered in place so that zombies would be better isolated to land masses.
This blog article must have been read by thousands of people after it went viral. Kudos to the genius who dreamed this up! As someone who has been preparing prepping for a long time and has CERT training I think this is great! Its a wonderful way of getting kids and adults to think about how to protect life and property. They have helped me be ready for all eventualities. And thanks to my Dad who raised me with a survival mindset. Ive been reading a lot about this subject lately and i learned a little more from reading this, thanks for the post.
I never made that mistake again, and have quite the emergency preparedness kit, though it does lack a few things mentioned in the article thx, CDC! Put it this way — no one ever died from too much good information! Keep up the fabulous work, CDC!! Therefore, they are often caught unawares when a disaster natural or worse, man-made strikes. We take so much for granted. What if law and order completely collapsed?
What if those societal buttresses were suddenly maybe permanently? So thank you, CDC, you did a marvelous job of shocking the conscience of quite a few people, myself included. Keep up the fabulous work. You forgot to include an axe. For hacking through the attic to get up to the roof. I must say Resident Evil was one of my best. It has a better plot than most and it more futuristic. We are sitting here in the store and wonder what in the hell was wrong with these slobber, sloth like fellow.
He gave us this site address and told us to read up on the zombie possibility and what to do if they are here. The zombie are here and are now populating the planet. If that happens i plan on staying in my summer house with all my supplies. I hope the president is aware of this situation and is forming a committee to look into a possible vaccine to prevent this from happening. But just incase I got my kit already made. And if this were to happen, most government officials would treat this as someone causing a violent riot for odds reasons or even for terrorism before openly accepting that zombies are attacking.
I love this article and mean no offense but this is how I would see us reacting. In a zombie apocalypse, a widespread rise of zombies hostile to human life engages in a general assault on civilization. In short great post…really amazing…Thank you so much for sharing this amazing info…. Then again, that goes without saying when talking about such idiots. How much money did this page actually cost to produce?
How much is that? Cause an increase in violence and lawlessness? No, none of the above. But if the public are reading it, then that was the point: At the price it cost, it was a bargain. I have always been a woman who is not scared of anything.. I will cower in the corner while they eat me alive terrified.. Im terrified where if i see you have been bit..
Sorry but your gonna have to be dealt with, no need to sit and ponder it. I have always had a fear of a zombie Apocalypse.. Religiously and Scientifically it is possible.. I remembered hearing, when there is no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth. Not to mention the end of the world apparently coming October 28, Basically I am saying I am trying to find others in my area who are preparing and who are willing to voyage out together to look for an infection free zone. Which I feel from movies they have hinted us that Alaska might be one of those virus free areas… Anyone who lives in south florida or is willing to make their way down here to help if the event ever should happen please feel free to email me at doordie hotmail.
I just checked this out after the earthquake and hurricane. I love this blog entry. Thanks for making disaster preparedness actually fun to read about! Zombie Apocalypse is coming to Arbutus on Oct 30, We are having carnival games, food, music, raffles and a zombie walk through town. Stock up with big jars of cheap wine. I lived thru Northridge earthquake and afterwards, without power, without gas, without water, for almost a week. Suddenly there is literally nothing to do.
So, just post yourself on a coach, listen to battery operated radio, if you have one, or read a book hey, remember? Just when I thought nothing would surprise me…. We only wish that in Argentina we had something like that…. Well In my conuntry at schoool they always teach us what we should take in an emergency situation, here is what I would take: Thank you so much for such an informative post you have here.
You have certainly put so much efort in making your blogs. Chains, you have got to have chains to grip the pavement. After you run over a few hundred the tires start to get slippery with zombie slop. A good set of chains will solve this problem. For all of you that think this page is nonsense, you are obviously missing the point.
But who knows… Anything is possible…even perhaps zombies: CDC knows that this will be cool and attractive to many young people. It is a clever and cunning way to sell messages. A typical sales trick! I never really thought of this topic till now. I know I would. Cause you believe there is no such thing and believe we are alone in this Universe? I plan on locking all the doors boarding up the windows, then barricading my garage, easy escape in a car: Zombie are coming back for Halloween in few days now. Watch behind your doors. Thanks for the apocalypse zombie subject.
If a zombie apocolypse were to occur just remember to sever the brainstem of the zombie by any means necessary, or just smack the crap out of its head. To add to the kit maybe steel toed boots in case you are out of weapons and there are none in sight. Or just run away because zombies are very slow. Also reading the comments made me realize how stupid society is.
And whoever said zombies are fake better check their research.

We have the capabilities of reanimating the dead and the CDC is the ones with the crap to do so…. The people were dead and they were reanimated and walking around. They were not the stereotypical zombie that we see in the movies but they were documented as zombies. Love or hate this post and think i am a nut job if you want… or look it up and find out for yourself. A face mask is always good to keep the virus from spreading through the blood and landing in your mouth in case of close combat situations,. In a parallel universe this blog would be extremely hempful.
Where there is the posibility of a Zombie outbreak it is unlikely that it will happen in the manner we think it will. Preparedness is a great aspect and in many ways this article brought to light a fun way to get people to prepare for any sort of disaster. I am glad it was written the way it was and I am disgusted with people complaining over tax payers money.
- Zombie apocalypse would wipe out humankind in just days, according to university research.
- Preparedness Zombie Apocalypse | | Blogs | CDC.
- DuMont Reiseabenteuer Leseprobe (DuMont Reiseabenteuer E-Book) (German Edition);
- Parlals de batalles, de reis i delefants (Clàssica) (Catalan Edition).
- Science latest.
- Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse!
- .
I mean seriously, I pay taxes, I support learning even if it is through unorthdox means. We were watching deadliest warrior, and saw the vampires VS zombies and looked up a guide in case of a zombie apocolypse. If you guys could make one for vampires that would be good, start working on it. I understand the Zombie metaphor for emergency preparedness, I think a lot of people posting here do not.
Emergency preparedness is not really a joking matter. What can I say? I would take zombies over influenza any day. Zombies Influenza Where Edward became a Vampire Contagion quarenteen for a more modern approach. I no longer use the van now so I welded on some steel screens over the the windows and added a high power multi frequency radio and television receiver and radio transmitter luckily I have some home made katanas if things go bad.
Also in the van there is a water purification system, a homemade extra large fuel emergency fuel tank. I n the van I used to have big subwoofers, requiring big amps requiring a big power supply, I ripped the subs and other sound gear out, leaving the power supply, 4 high output alternators and 10 deep cycle batteries. Well, call it over kill, but this was more of a fun back yard project than a zombie apocalypse, although if there ever is this kind of crisis, I will be well prepared, but for now imm putting the subwoofers back in.
What must I do if in zombie I trust, but my parents not. If it does happenlogicly it would be more like 28u days later, not dead ppl coming back noway. An the disease work likely be a form of rabies tht has mutated an took on the appearance of H5N1 avian flu with the way it rapidly spreads in humans. Survival kits will keep u alive if u think practical wen packing.
Always remember noise and light disapline. Use battle buddies buddy system be tactical about everything u do. If u ever use tht Ull understand. U can stop speaking now. This is just a way to make emergency preparation interesting! And I like it! But in the event a real zombie invasion would occur, I highly doubt it has time for government bureaucracy! Most likely during a zombie invasion martial law will be dictated so it would be best to have an abundance of supplies and protection in your home, and I would advise not leaving it until the local authorities escort you to safety!
With Halloween coming soon its time to get ready! But all joking aside I think the comment by voice and reason: Some people need to lighten up!
Zombie apocalypse would wipe out humankind in just 100 days, according to university research
Take a deep breath and relax….. I think this is a great posting. Fun and still informative about what to do in general emergencies. A great way to connect with the younger crowd. This is actually good stuff. Hats off to the CDC for having a sense of humor. I truly enjoyed this — thank you! I love how prople cant see this for what it is: By the way, I disagree with the fact that defensive or offensive… weapons are completely ignored. Maybe the CDC thinks its out of the scope of a minimalist preparednedd article, but I disagree. I think a full body condom is appropriate for bashing zombie skullz with aluminum and cricket bats, thus protecting you from evil zombie bodily fluids.
Finally, a creative way to get us at least me to read about preparing for a disaster. The real zombies are the poor souls who complain that this is a waster of tax money and miss the whole point of the article. I love that the threat of zombies will probably enlighten more people to prepare for dangerous circumstances than the threat of a hurricane or flood.
Seems like there have been a lot of zombie articles from the CDC and News stations lately lol.. Can these products be used in response to rabid teabaggers? I see then wandering through the streets droning on about the end of the world all the time. Food, water, utility knife, radio, flashlight fire starting equipment ect. Still pretty humorous however. All the better if this gets people to prepare for more realistic disasters such has hurricanes and tornadoes. When preparing this, I remembered to plan for my dog.
Dont forget your Iodine pills and masks. Knowing a bit of history about your area is always good, who knows when that abandoned mine will become handy shelter in a bind. The zombies will come!!! Be prepared, have a vehicle with plenty of fuel first off. Keep it near your safety zone which you should go to FIRST thing you learn of the zombies reaching your area.
Have a group of at least 5 people that you trust with your life prefreferably and stay in the safe zone within the area of your safe zone with minimum contact with the outside, only have 1 access point for maximum safety make it hard to get to without help from your group. Those are the basics of what you need to do when the infection hits. If you think im crazy… Good, that just means I will survive longer, and who knows. Hahaha…this is so cool. This place was the best and I don't even like zombies. I went along for the ride with my friends Came here with friends and had a blast.
I went along for the ride with my friends. Lots of fun activities but doesn't scare the pants off you like a haunted house. You work as a team to clear areas, kill zombies The guys who lead you are real Green Berets and awesome. This was an extremely fun experience. These guys were extremely knowledgeable and very fun to work with. It was very cool working with special forces veterans, and it was a really cool set up and very authentic. I would recommend this to everyone! Literally bought the spec ops package and there were only 10 zombies.
No escape room as promised on the website. Very very different from the website. Team is really cool and professional. The entire experience was top-notch, from check in process until the end!! My son and I did it and we thought it was the best thing we had done all week! We will make this a stop each time Nobody was there and the available product are really cheap china beside of the food can.
I went last week and the store is completely empty. Talked to the owner and he says that the day to day store is closed and he will use it for private parties and scheduled events from now on. Don't go,,, not much around there. The store was minimally stocked with anything. The special effects inside and outside were great. Has hoped for more of a "preppers" store instead of a tourist trap. Thanks for your review and more importantly your visit. The zombie apocalypse as we know it is changing business forms and therefore all merchandise is being purged. Sorry we didn't have more. Hope to see you later as we evolve to our new business.
Went here expecting a tourist trap but fun store. The best part of the store was the display outside with the military trucks. Inside, the sold some T-shirts and yeah, thats about it. Other than the Twinkies - which I thought was clever. Flights Vacation Rentals Restaurants Things to do. All of your saved places can be found here in My Trips. Log in to get trip updates and message other travelers. Log in Join Recently viewed Bookings Inbox. Zombie Apocalypse Store, Las Vegas: Sun - Sat Reviewed November 10,