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Based on research funded by the National Science Foundation, this book brings together some of the most engaging and successful approaches from the digital arts and computer science classrooms. Teaches you how to program using a fun and creative approach.

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Covers the latest release of the Processing 2. Presents a research based approach to learning computing.

  • Processing: Creative Coding and Generative Art in Processing 2.
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Creative Coding and Generative Art in Processing 2 is for anyone who wants to learn how to program, really anyone! Creative Coding and Generative Art in Processing 2 is also a great, research-based companion text for an introductory computing class. She received her B. These basics will then open up Creative Coding and Generative Art in Processing 2. Learn the latest features of Processing 2. Code 2D and 3D interactive animations. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. For me, the level is perfect, and I really appreciate the content Specifically, I appreciate the careful description of the underlying trigonometry.

In addition, I thought there was a pretty good description of the code for each example.

Processing: Creative Coding and Generative Art in Processing 2 [Book]

However, the proofreading for this book was terrible. I kept the Apress errata page open for days and submitted numerous reports: In the end, I don't think it is my job to submit errata per day Apress needs a good proofreader to review it. My son decided he wanted to move up from Logo so we introduced him to processing. This book was purchased along with Getting Started with Processing and Processing: At this point this book as become dogeared and I think the cover will fall of soon.

We've only owned it for 3 months.. Thats how interesting it is! He continually goes back and finds inspiration and ideas in what he is working on.

When it eventually falls apart I'm sure he'll make me buy it again.. It's off-putting to find so many errors in the text, and there are also errors in the accompanying code examples. Additionally, the text sometimes jumps rapidly between beginner concepts and advanced concepts, making it a less-than-optimal first text for someone learning Processing. This is a complete rewrite of Greenberg's earlier tome, Processing. The first edition was huge, dense, and often lost its focus, although it remains high on my bookshelf today. The second edition is so much better: Processing was developed to bridge the gap between computer science and the graphic arts; here, finally, is a book that does just that.

Ultimately I found forums and the processing.

Looking back, I could have honestly gone without it. But it might be useful to some people, especially since I was also taking a class at the same time.

Frequently bought together

Processing is a great program language to use to create programs that will run both as stand alone programs and web based programs. It creates both2Dand 3D Objects. The compiler is free. This books is a good tutorial on how to do this. This intro to Processing reflects the latest version 2. The book I received was in black and white! It is not the same book as the one that's advertised! I find the book helpful but without the color illustrations, a lot of the information is missing.

I will be returning it. Not difficult but not aimed at dummies either. This is where the key programming ideas of flow of control are introduced - the if and the loop. All through the chapter the examples used are graphical rather than the more usual text or numeric based examples in other books - this is Processing after all. It is worth noting that all of the illustrations are in black and white in the print version of the book and color in the ebook form.

Chapter 4 introduces more Processing drawing facilities including curves. At this point you start to notice how many times a triangle has been drawn and how much trigonometry is involved in graphics. At the end of the chapter you have learned about Bezier curves and some aspects of animation. From here we have a crash sources in objects and if you are expecting the usually encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism route then you will be surprised to discover that the chapter explains objects by implementing simulated physics via two balls and a stick!

Chapter 7 introduces text processing in a similarly creative way by making word clouds. Chapter 8 introduces recursion, which is usually a tough topic but somehow in a book on creative graphics it seems to fit right in. You learn how to use recursion, not to do a quicksort, but to draw fractal curves.

Processing: Creative Coding and Generative Art in Processing 2

Chapters 9 and 10 introduces the complex topic of bitmap graphics and here we meet bit manipulation in the form of pixels - lots of pixels. This is complex and technical stuff but there is still time for an excursion into complex systems and cellular automata. The coverage reaches some quite advanced techniques such as convolution and filtering - but this is what you need if you are going to do creative imaging. The final chapter introduces 3D which is of course a whole different book. It also explains that the reader has hardly scratched the surface of the Java language and there is more to learn.

This book isn't for everyone.