The region faces drought every year and about 90 per cent of the area is water stressed. This has resulted in crop loss and shortage of food and fodder. The sources of drinking water, small ponds and bowlies dry-up during summer season resulting in scarcity of drinking water. Una district receives rainfall during monsoons from June to September and also during non-monsoon period winter.
The annual average rainfall in the area is about mm with 55 average rainy days. But due to heavy surface run-off the farmers not able to cultivate the crops more than once in a year. Past research indicate that the geomorphology of the Una district might be responsible for such droughts as it controls the surface as well as ground water resources. The research proposes to develop a water stress model for Una district using the geomorphic parameters, water resource and land use land cover data of the study area.
Using Survey of India topographical maps 1: The spatial layers of these parameters i. A time series of normalized remotely sensed data of the study area is used for land use land cover classification and analyses.
The results of this research will help the general population in resolving the drinking water problem to a certain extent and also the. Teniendo en cuenta que: Estudio retrospectivo de 63 pacientes operados entre el periodo Se analizaron 63 pacientes: Se buscaron los siguientes datos: Por el contrario, La preparacion en ciencia de los candidatos a maestros del nivel elemental primario segun la reforma de la educacion cientifica en Puerto Rico: Una propuesta de secuencia curricular. El proposito de esta investigacion fue identificar los componentes de la preparacion en ciencia que deben recibir los estudiantes del Bachillerato en Artes en Educacion Elemental, Nivel Primario, de acuerdo a los documentos que dirigen la reforma de la educacion cientifica en Puerto Rico.
Tambien, se identificaron los componentes de los cursos que forman parte de la preparacion en ciencia de estos estudiantes. Se compararon los componentes de la preparacion en ciencia y los componentes de los cursos para determinar congruencias y discrepancias. Con los datos recopilados se identificaron los componentes de los cursos de una secuencia curricular para la preparacion en ciencia de los candidatos a maestros del nivel elemental primario. La secuencia curricular que se propone en esta investigacion incluye cursos de contenido cientifico y de metodologia en la ensenanza de la ciencia disenados para satisfacer las necesidades de los candidatos.
Se recomienda que en los procesos para el diseno, la implantacion y la evaluacion de estos cursos participen profesores de ciencia, profesores de educacion y maestros del nivel elemental primario. Todos los cursos de la secuencia curricular deben tener un enfoque constructivista. Las experiencias educativas que se incluyan en los cursos deben aspirar a desarrollar en los candidatos los atributos de la cultura cientifica y actitudes positivas hacia la ciencia y hacia la ensenanza de esta disciplina.
El modelaje por parte de los profesores que ensenen los cursos de la secuencia curricular es fundamental en el desarrollo profesional de los candidatos. Se recomienda que en los cursos de contenido cientifico se estudien los conceptos y los conocimientos cientificos que forman parte del curriculo de Kindergarten a tercer grado de forma integrada y con una profundidad universitaria. Estos cursos deben tener un enfoque interdisciplinario e incluir el estudio de la naturaleza de la ciencia y un componente de laboratorio para desarrollar los. Existe estigma relacionado al VIH. A' Una "Let's Go!
- Ive Never Said I Love You.
- La casa de Bernarda Alba. (Texto completo). Annotated. (Spanish Edition).
- Phonics from A to Z (2nd Edition) (Scholastic Teaching Strategies).
- perfectamente - Wiktionary;
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- American Bouquet, No. 5: Last Rose of Summer - Piano Score.
The guide, intended to aid students grades four and above in making their bodies a good home for their spirit, provides a variety of athletic activities and traditional Indian recipes for use in the classroom or in cultural programs. Apart from running the major American Indian means of maintaining physical fitness , instructions are given for….
Los espinogramas se hicieron en un equipo Kodak Elite CR. A screen of chemical modifications identifies position-specific modification by UNA to most potently reduce siRNA off-target effects. Small interfering RNAs siRNAs are now established as the preferred tool to inhibit gene function in mammalian cells yet trigger unintended gene silencing due to their inherent miRNA-like behavior. It was previously shown that chemical modification of siRNAs can reduce off-targeting but only very few modifications have been tested leaving more to be identified.
Here we developed a luciferase reporter-based assay suitable to monitor siRNA off-targeting in a high throughput manner using stable cell lines.
- Bye Bye Birdie - Deluxe Souvenir Edition Songbook.
- "Eres simplemente brillante.".
- Product details;
- Meditations for Pain Recovery;
- Jobs Over 50.
We investigated the impact of chemically modifying single nucleotide positions within the siRNA seed on siRNA function and off-targeting using 10 different types of chemical modifications, three different target sequences and three siRNA concentrations. We found several differently modified siRNAs to exercise reduced off-targeting yet incorporation of the strongly destabilizing unlocked nucleic acid UNA modification into position 7 of the siRNA most potently reduced off-targeting for all tested sequences. Notably, such position-specific destabilization of siRNA—target interactions did not significantly reduce siRNA potency and is therefore well suited for future siRNA designs especially for applications in vivo where siRNA concentrations, expectedly, will be low.
The Rharb basin is located in northwestern Morocco. It is a part of one of the most important hydrogeological basins of Morocco, and extends over some km 2. The nature of its Plio-Quaternary sedimentary fill and its structural and palaeoenvironmental contexts are reflected by great variations in aerial and temporal facies distribution. This distribution, in turn, is a direct cause of the observed complexity in the geometry of potentially water-bearing beds. In the present work, we present an image of potential new hydrogeological reservoirs and define new structures that partially explain their architecture.
To cite this article: Methods Questionnaires and focus groups were conducted with 54 participants. Conclusion The findings highlight the importance of behavioral communication translational research to effectively engage hard-to-reach populations. According to the Neurodevelopmental hypothesis, the long-lasting cognitive deficit in schizophrenia and other types of neuropathology may occur by injurious factors, such as hypoxia, traumas, infections that take place during pre- and postnatal development, at least at early stages.
These pathological conditions are often associated with the high production of pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1B IL-1B by the cells of immune and nervous systems. We investigated the expression of genes involved in the neuroplastic regulation Fgf2 and Timp2 in medial prefrontal cortex and dorsal and ventral regions of hippocampus of adult rats that were treated with IL-1beta between P15 and P Precipitation phases at different processes and heat treat ments as well as their effects on the mechanical properties of super-austenitic stainless steel.
The microstructures, precipitation phases and mechanical properties of the steel under different deformation processes and heat treatment solution, stabilized treatment were investigated using X-ray Diffraction XRD , scanning electron microscopy SEM , transmission electron microscopy TEM as well as mechanical tests. The precipitate phases were dissolved or transformed to intermetallic phase even at higher elevated temperature, and influenced the mechanical property obviously. Impact absorbed energies of the stabilized specimens were lower than half of that solution status.
Learning Astronomy by Playing in a Park. Some public-square games are presented in this paper, considered as didactic modules to help children imagine astronomical processes, based on the concept that learning in Astronomy should be developed to strengthen the relationship of our body with three-dimensional space and time, much in the same way we experience when observing the actual sky, holding a permanent "dialogue" between the actual world and what is to be learned.
The games presented merry-go-rounds and slides were designed to work on the astronomical concepts related to the translation of the Earth around the Sun, the phases of the Moon and gravity, and on what is perceived by an observer about those phenomena. The description of each game, their physical and astronomical foundations, and a critical comment about their didactical importance are the key parts of the paper.
Finally, a recommendation is given about the role teachers should play to be essential partners in the process of learning Astronomy by means of the interaction with these games. Revision curricular a partir de un analisis comparativo de las discrepancias en los curriculos de una escuela de optometria en Puerto Rico con las competencias requeridas para las agencias de revalida y acreditacion El proposito de esta investigacion, un estudio cualitativo de caso, fue comparar y contrastar el curriculo vigente de la Escuela de Optometria de la UIAPR con las competencias y estandares requeridos por las agencias de acreditacion y de revalida.
Con este proposito, decidimos realizar una revision y un analisis de documentos: Se realizaron entrevistas dirigidas para dar apoyo y complementar la revision y el analisis de estos documentos. Esta investigacion se enmarco en el modelo de evaluacion curricular de discrepancia de Malcolm Provus y en el modelo de desarrollo basado en competencias.
Uno de los hallazgos mas importantes del estudio es que los cambios que se implantaron al curriculo del no han logrado que los estudiantes mejoren su ejecucion en los examenes de revalida. Por otro lado, se encontro que el curriculo vigente atiende completamente los estandares de la practica de Optometria, pero no las competencias. Esta informacion fue validada mediante el uso de una tabla de cotejo para el analisis de los cursos y de la informacion obtenida de las entrevistas. El estudio determina y concluye que existen discrepancias entre los prontuarios de los cursos del curriculo y las competencias requeridas por la agencia de revalida.
Segundo, que el Departamento de Ciencias Basicas es el. In this paper will be introduced a method of astrophotography using a non-reflex photographic camera a low-cost method. It will be revised some photographic processes commonly used nowadays for comparison with the aims of this paper. The Moon Phases in a Paper Box. We present a very simple concrete model to demonstrate the concept of phases of an illuminated body.
The main objective of our model is to help the understanding of the Moon phases as viewed from the perspective of an observer on Earth. The material allows the visualization of two important effects: The use of a closed box allows one to see the contrast among the different phases with no need of a dark room. We also present a text on the Moon phases, emphasizing the dependence of the aspect of the bright part on the angle of sight. El uso de una caja cerrada permite observar el contraste entre las diferentes fases sin necesidad de estar en un recinto oscuro.
Se observaron decrementos de publicidad en exteriores Unas opciones para muestras de la naturaleza. Las muestras de la naturaleza de Puerto Rico: Describir y comprender la Tierra;? Minimizar la perdida de vidas y propiedades por desastres naturales;? Manejar los recursos hidrologicos, biologicos, energeticos y minerales; y? Mejorar y proteger nuestra calidad de vida. Basic Concepts of Astronomy: In this report, the development of a methodological proposal which approaches basic concepts of astronomy-grounded pedagogically on Meaningful Learning is described.
The proposal, which consists of four meetings, was developed by teachers and academics of the course of Professor in Physics of the University of Passo Fundo UPF , through an extension course to a group of highschool students of a public school of the town of Passo Fundo, RS. The work was focused into basic concepts of astronomy. The signs of Meaningful Learning have been obtained by means of research and evaluation tools that were applied at the end of each meeting. The evaluation of the proposal has been conducted by means of a final questionnaire which was answered by the participants at the end ofthe development of activities.
By means of the results obtained from the different instruments, and the comments made by the participants during the activities and by means of the high rates of approval obtained in the final questionnaire, we think that the proposal reached the established goals and it may be repeated with the certainty of success. The representation of experimental results in an approximated complex diagram revealed a secondary viscoelastic process occurring at lower temperature. A multiparabolic model was used for the analysis. For convenience, each parabolic element was replaced by a generalised Maxwell model with a modified-Gaussian relaxation spectrum.
This model fitted correctly the observed behaviour of wood in the time range of 0. Mecanique Results of a Feasibility Randomised Controlled Trial: Background Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor G-CSF mobilises endogenous haematopoietic stem cells and enhances recovery in experimental stroke. Recovery may also be dependent on an enriched environment and physical activity. G-CSF may have the potential to enhance recovery when used in combination with physiotherapy, in patients with disability late after stroke.
Methods A pilot 2 x 2 factorial randomised 1: Primary outcome was feasibility, acceptability and tolerability. Secondary outcomes included death, dependency, motor function and quality of life measured 90 and days after enrolment. Results Recruitment to the trial was feasible and acceptable; of screened patients, 92 were eligible and 32 declined to participate. All participants received some allocated treatment. On average, patients received 14 out of 18 planned therapy sessions, interquartile range [12, 17].
No significant differences in functional outcomes were detected in either the G-CSF or physiotherapy group at day 90 or However, the study failed to demonstrate feasibility for delivering additional physiotherapy sessions late after stroke therefore a definitive study using this trial design is not supported. Future work should occur earlier after stroke, alongside on-going clinical rehabilitation. Los genomas de Leishmania panamensis, L. Many cultivars of lettuce Lactuca sativa L. We previously determined that Batavia type cultivar La Brillante has a high level of field resistance to the disease in California.
Testing of a mapping popu The inheritance of resistance to bacterial leaf spot of lettuce caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. Lettuce yields can be reduced by the disease bacterial leaf spot BLS caused by the pathogen Xanthomonas campestris pv. The cultivars La Brillante , Pavane and Little Gem express an incompatible host—pathogen interaction as a hypersensitive response HR to California strains of Xcv resulting in resistance. Little was known about the inheritance of resistance; however, resistance to other lettuce pathogens is often determined by resistance gene candidates RGCs encoding nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat NB-LRR proteins.
The HR in La Brillante , Pavane and Little Gem is conditioned by single dominant genes, which are either allelic or closely linked genes. The resistance gene in La Brillante was designated Xanthomonas resistance 1 Xar1 and mapped to lettuce linkage group 2. The Xar1 gene confers a high level of BLS resistance in the greenhouse and field that can be introgressed into commercial lettuce cultivars to reduce BLS losses using molecular markers. Post-harvest decay in fresh-cut lettuce. Shelf-life of fresh-cut lettuce was assessed in two mapping population Salinas 88 x La Brillante , and Pavane x Parade.
The most significant QTL was detected in both populations on linkage group 4. This QTL was detected in seven experiments grown in different environments. Molecular markers are bein Genetics of resistance in lettuce to races 1 and 2 of Verticillium dahliae from different host species. Race 1 resistance against Verticillium dahliae in lettuce was originally shown in the cultivar La Brillante to be conditioned by a single dominant gene Verticillium resistance 1, Vr1. Multiple, morphologically diverse sources of germplasm have been identified as resistant to race 1. The history of the journal "Esercitazioni Matematiche" edited by the "Circolo Matematico di Catania" for university students is described.
A selection of proposed problems with some of their solutions is reported. Recuerdos de una revolucion cultural Memories of a Cultural Revolution. Describes elements of the modernism movement in Brazil; paper read at a symposium commemorating the fiftieth anniversay of the Week of Modern Art of Sao Paulo'' held February , , at the University of California, Los Angeles, California. Una Perspectiva de Mexico: Its People, Places and History. Evolving from a general commitment to the goals of cultural pluralism and bicultural education, this portfolio of 24 full color and halftone photographs aims to reinforce those curricular objectives which emphasize a respect for the value and individuality of different cultures and groups, affirm the right of an individual to maintain a bicultural….
Etimologia in una lingua pianificata Etymology in a Planned Language. The dictionary provides not only the etynom of each Esperanto term, but also the etymology of the ethnic language words from which the editor derived the terms in question. La Ciencia de los Antiguos Mexicanos: Fifty-five citations pertaining to the scientific and mathematic development of ancient Mexicans, particularly the Mayas, are given in this select bibliography.
The introduction and descriptions of resource libraries in 8 States are in Spanish. A test with 20 multiple-choice questions was applied to indentify the most common conceptions expressed by the students. This test was elaborated based on the literature about misconceptions and covered the following topics: Though a small progress was verified in the proportion of scientifically acceptable answers when comparing the eighth grade of middle school to the fifth, and the third grade of high school to the first, there was an overall predominance of alternative conceptions regarding most of the explored subjects, which persisted up to the last year of secondary school.
The comparison to data found in this research made in other socio-cultural contexts revealed, in many aspects, similar notions and difficulties revealed by the students. The Universe in a Box: El Universo Representado en Una Caja: O Universo Representado em Uma Caixa: This is a report of an activity of introduction to the study of Astronomy developed with a group of future Physics teachers at a Brazilian public university.
Such activity had the goal of giving privileged emphasis to notions of spatiality, alternative conceptions of the participants and the process of interaction among peers, and consisted of the representation, in a three dimensional space, of the models of the universe that the participants had. The results, which were categorized as miscellaneous, geocentric, heliocentric and acentric models of the universe, were qualitatively analyzed.
Analyses of the activity in the perspective of the participants are indicated and additional considerations are made regarding its use as a resource for teaching Astronomy and for teacher training. A Diagnostic Assessment for the Teaching of Astronomy. This article aims to present the results of a diagnostic evaluation, used as a tool for collecting data on prior knowledge of scientific concepts needed to understand the topic "Earth and Universe", from a group comprised of 47 students of 6th grade.
The educational method of diagnosing the student's prior knowledge before teaching them is founded on the Meaningful Learning theory, proposed by David Ausubel. The diagnostic evaluation consisted of 25 questions; the answers were analyzed and categorized, making possible their interpretation, which allows us to understand the meanings assigned by the student to these concepts.
It follows from the diagnostic evaluation, that the majority of students surveyed had difficulties in exposing scientific concepts on the topic "Earth and Universe" when starting the 6th grade. However, we identified relevant ideas and representations that contributed to the re-signification of scientific concepts proposed for the teaching of the subject in this grade.
The results of diagnostic evaluation served as reference to the organization of the syllabus, making possible the learning process by matching the sequence of teaching to the students" characteristics and context of the classroom. It is expected that other researchers in this topic can also use the instrument presented in this paper. Learning about the Sky from the Environment: It was a continuous work from February to December , which led the students to participate in activities of observation of the environment, specifically the sky, analyzing the changes occurred.
We focused on the study of variations in temperature, rainfall, day length, variations in the size of the shadows and changes in the aspect of the Moon. Our focus of analysis targeted the discussion of the knowledge that these students had about the topics indicated and as they entered the stage during the implementation of the proposal.
The results showed a limited perception that students have of their environment, however, lately expanded due to the undertaken activities, especially in relation to the Moon. Working with systematic measure procedures reveals the careful handling of data so that they become understandable to students, and working with the shadows points towards the students first understand how shadows are formed, and then apply this knowledge to Astronomy.
Finally, we conclude that the lived process consisted of an initial step of a work that should be encouraged for the subsequent years of training of these students. Los resultados mostraron una. Etude physico-chimique de germa-2 azolidines, digerma-2,5 azolidines et de cyclodi- et tri-germazanes.
A physicochemical study i. Infrared and Raman spectra were examined and led to the following conclusions: The influence of the dimension and the substitution of each cycle upon those vibrations is discussed. Guardo, important figur of the School of Dentistry of Buenos Aires, was the first professor who achieved in this school such a hierarchy being a dentist; for at that time it was demande for the Professorship the title of physician. The alternatives of this designation as professor are here described and at the same time some of the circumstances of his brillant teaching carreer, with references to his beginings and the family he formed.
This article, also available in Spanish, describes what happened when a bilingual kindergarten class in West Liberty, Iowa, investigated a combine. The dual-language Kindergarten program supports content area instruction in both Spanish and English. The first part of the article tells the story of the Combine Project, this class's first project….
Una Colonia de Obreros: A Colony of Workmen: The article gives a brief overview of the Mexicano experience in East Chicago, Indiana during the s and characterizes it within the context of the Mexicano unskilled laborer experience in a region where productive increases were of tantamount importance. Historia de vidas de profesoras de ciencias: Hacia una ensenanza cientifica de calidad. The purpose of this research was to capture the memories, practices, thoughts and philosophies of education that four experienced Science teachers have accumulated through the years.
The life story qualitative research design was used in order to collect more meaningful information from the participants amenable to in depth analysis and interpretation. The life stories interviews were conducted using an interview protocol especially designed for the study. The interviews were recorded and transcribed.
The questions that guided this research are: What are the meanings that science teachers give to their educational practices? How did the life experiences of the participants contribute to their success as science teachers? How did the participants' educational practices change and evolve over time? What does teaching science mean in the life of the participants? Which reflections arise from the work of the participants that impact the teaching of science? What are the participants' conceptions about teachers' professional development?
What are the participants' contributions to the field of scientific education? Wolcott's DAI analytical model was used for the analysis of the information and the narratives were written following the three dimensions of the model: According to the life stories of the participants, being a teacher requires more than teaching the content. To be a successful and an exemplary science teacher, they have to live the teaching vocation, with dedication, passion, commitment and love for teaching, for students and science; teachers have to give their best for the students, even if it means making personal sacrifices; they should keep updated in knowledge content and in educational innovations strategies ; emphasizing both the theoretical and the practical aspects in the field of science, and being an inspirational guide for students.
Reviews the history of La Cabana kindergarten, which provides preschool education and meals for children and sewing classes for mothers in a working class neighborhood in Bogota, Colombia. Describes the implementation of a new curriculum which develops child creativity through free choice of activities around a common project. Una experiencia europea de innovacion pedagogica basada en la escritura de un ibro. Describes a European project based on writing a book from an educational perspective. Participants included 18 schools from 13 countries. The study originated in a Spanish Comenius 3.
Sistemas Eolicos Pequenos para Generacion de Electricidad: Una guia para consumidores en Nuevo Mexico in Spanish. A New Mexico Consumer's Guide provides consumers with information to help them determine whether a small wind electric system can provide all or a portion of the energy they need for their home or business based on their wind resource, energy needs, and economics.
In addition, the cover of the guide contains a list of contacts for more information. So-called predatory publishing is a new and rising phenomenon presenting as an intellectual fraud that jeopardises the quality of scientific contribution, compromises the activity of authors, reviewers and editors of legitimate journals, damages the image of open access publications and is a very profitable business. In this paper, we review the concept and relevance of predatory journals and the characteristics that differentiate them from legitimate publications.
Neurosurgical and general neuroscience journals are not immune to this problem. Academic institutions and ethics committees have a duty to raise awareness of this phenomenon and provide information and support to authors and the whole scientific community to avoid its propagation and potential control of biomedical publishing. We present a critical review on the paper "Densities, Potentials and related functions for a spherical reduced galaxy" by A.
The recording of the interaction between pupil and computer is one of the data sources frequently used in research on the use of computers in teaching. Describes the analysis methodology of these recordings to determine the use of computers in statistics and its adaptation to other research work on the use of computers in education. I am an assistant professor at New Mexico State University; however, the path to getting to this position has been about crossing borders, about learning in and from the borderlands.
The borderlands that my body has had to cross, physically and figuratively, have left many "heridas abiertas" open wounds but have also provided me with…. Perspectiva sobre una Personalidad Senera: Traces the career of Carmen Fischer Ramirez, focusing on her work in improving early childhood education in Chile. Reviews her university career, work with the World Organization for Early Childhood Education, and major publications.
Areas Nacionales de Estudio Ambiental: National Environmental Study Area: It outlines the characteristics and procedures of the program; the nature,…. Per una pedagogia della comprensione interculturale A Method for Teaching Intercultural Understanding. Defines true bilingualism as biculturalism, explains what "understanding" another culture means, and describes how to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching methods for students from different cultures.

Ideally, individuals learning a second language will acquire a "metacultural" consciousness that permits them to be comfortable in any cultural…. Diseno y desarrollo de una base de datos bibliograficos Design and Development of a Bibliographic Database. Puerto Rican roots stem from the ethnic mixture of Indians, Europeans, and Africans. This article describes the advent of each of the groups on the island, the historical and cultural impact each made, and the retention of heritage among Puerto Rican migrants to the U. This book, the Spanish version of "My Neighbor is a Battered Woman," is intended as a general introduction to the problems of battered women.
The format for part 1 consists of the presentation of facts about wife beating, i. Outlines history of Spanish colonial policies toward Southern Peruvian Quechua and points out those issues under debate concerning the indigenous languages. The central issue of the "Andean language debate" continues to be whether or not the Quechua have a right to exist as a separate community. This article offers a linguistic and paralinguistic explication of the oral practice of chismeando gossiping as engaged in by a group of women from the Dominican Republic.
The latest terrorist attacks in Europe and in the rest of the world, and the military experience in the most recent conflicts leave us with several lessons learned. The most important is that the fate of the wounded rests in the hands of the one who applies the first dressing, because the victims usually die within the first 10 minutes, before professional care providers or police personnel arrive at the scene. A second lesson is that the primary cause of preventable death in these types of incidents involving explosives and firearms is massive hemorraghe. There is a need to develop a training oriented to citizens so they can identify and use available resources to avoid preventable deaths that occur in this kind of incidents, especially massive hemorrhage.
A 7-hour training intervention program was developed and conducted between January and May Data were collected from participants' answers on a multiple-choice test before and after undertaking the training. They were classified into three groups: The Argentinian Mesopotamia is the core of fast-growing tree species plantations of the country.
Based on previous studies on structural and functional features, a comprehensive model is here proposed on emergence of new properties linked to matter and ecosystem Nutriment habits and oral hygiene in a preschool population in Madrid were studied by stratification in public or private schools.
Significant differences were found only with regard to consumption of fish. Vegetable and fruit consumption was low in both groups, but not statistically significant. Mediacion en educacion especial: Una guia para los padres Special Education Mediation: A Guide for Parents. Designed for Spanish-speaking parents of students with disabilities living in Oregon, this brochure describes the general mediation process that parents can use to resolve special education services disputes with schools.
It begins by discussing what mediation is and the characteristics of a trained mediator. It addresses the requirement for…. Historia Verdadera de Una Gota de Miel. The True Story of a Drop of Honey. Part of the series "Coleccion Mini-Libros" Mini-Book Collection , the booklet is a factual account of the life of a bee. Designed to provide a tool for education of the Spanish-speaking child, as well as to stimulate an interest in Spanish among the youth of our country, the publication is a compilation of photographs with a description of bees….
A Political, Economic, and Social View. This address seeks to explain in brief the historical background and political, economic, and social conditions leading to the democratic election of a Marxist president in Chile.
El trueno, la mente perfecta () : libro infinido : V (Book, ) []
A historical sketch of Chilean government from independence in is provided with a description of the situation just before Salvador Allende's election in The purpose of this paper is to obtain the motion of the Earth's axis of rotation in an Earth's fixed frame. The authors consider only the effect of the perturbations due to the external torque and also the elastic deformations produced by the lunisolar tidal force.
Una Guia para Maestros. The materials in this resource guide include a four-part video, a poster-size cultural map with additional exercises, and the five sections of this guide. The unit, presented in English and Spanish, intends to introduce students to the peoples and cultures of the U.
This collection of 83 clip sheets, or classroom handouts, was created to help U. They are written in both English and Spanish and are presented in an easily understandable format. Health clip-sheet topics include the following: A Guide to Delegate Preparation: Written by students for students, the purpose of the book, one of four components of the Model UN Survival kit, is to help prepare secondary and college student delegates for participation in Model United Nations UN Conferences. Model UN programs help students discover the difficulties of world political processes and understand other nations….
A guide for Spanish-speaking parents of elementary and secondary school students in Nebraska provides in Spanish, and then in English, information concerning education in the state. Una guia para los padres a la educacion preescolar A Parent's Guide to Preschool. This booklet, in Spanish- and Japanese-language versions, offers parents guidance on how to partner with teachers to help their children acquire the skills, attitudes, and habits to do well in school and throughout life.
The booklet begins with a description of how preschool children learn, and continues with a discussion of the goals of the…. This booklet was designed to help parents in Oregon in finding and financing child care for their children. Confessions of a popularizer: This paper presents some author's thoughts about scientific outreach, developed along her professional path, an unfinished way from intuition to trade.
First, identity signs of outreach are revised; then, ideas, experiences and resources, sifted by practice and further critical analysis, are reviewed.
Activities related to Astronomy, being one of the most spectacular and rewarding, are remarked 1. Estrellas Wolf-Rayet y el medio interestelar: Written in Spanish, this black and white illustrated booklet provides a tour of Old San Juan, Puerto Rico's oldest and most historic city. Brief historical information is provided on the Perro de San Jeronimo, a statue of a barking dog found in front of the Castillo; Plaza de Colon, a small plaza dedicated to Christopher Columbus; the Catedral de…. Luchando por una educacion: Through the data obtained from the four qualitative open-ended survey questions, a content analysis revealed specific codes, themes, and subthemes addressing the factors and resources that motivate….
Designed to orient Hispanic refugees to the services that are available in Central Florida, this bilingual guide consists of a section of general information on living and working in the United States and a section devoted to various public and private agencies. Provided first are addresses and phone numbers of various government agencies: The astronomy education community has tacitly assumed that learning astronomy is a conceptual domain resting upon spatial thinking skills.
As a first step to formally identify an empirical relationship, undergraduate students in a non-major introductory astronomy survey class at a mediumsized, Ph. Students' normalized gains for astronomy surveys were low at. Students' spatial thinking was measured using an instrument designed specifically for this study.
Synthetic Environments at the Enterprise Level: Sin embargo existen algunos objetos cuyo seguimiento debe continuar ya que no nos es posible efectuar conclusiones definitivas con el presente material. Elemental analyses of goundwater: Comparison of measured and predicted displace- ments for the cratering shot Test 8. This pedagogical innovation aims at discovering new ways of interaction that go beyond the unidirectional relationship that is presented in the classrooms most of the times. The innovation considers peers to be active agents in the construction of knowledge and proposes new ways to arrange groups in the classroom so that the arrangement can….
This literature review aims to analyze previous studies that address the incidental learning of vocabulary in second language acquisition. The articles included in this literature review look into the understanding of vocabulary learning through incidental means, the relationship of reading and incidental vocabulary learning, and the strategies…. This guide for teachers, in English and Spanish, examines the stereotyped work roles assigned to men and women. The guide examines educational materials that perpetuate these roles and presents teaching alternatives which reinforce students' self esteem and confidence.
A pre-test and post-test are included to measure the user's awareness of…. Una Interpretacion Organismico Evolutiva. Migration as a Critical Person-in-Environment Transition: In order to explore some of the changes and stresses connected with migration and return migration, a study was conducted among migrants returning from the United States mainland to Puerto Rico. The sample consisted of 75 adolescents participating in a Bilingual Education program in Puerto Rico. Data were collected using Psychological Distance….
This guide for parents, in Spanish, explains the changes in the federal special education law resulting from the amendments to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act IDEA. Changes related to the parent's role in decisions about the child's education and in how schools can discipline special education students are highlighted. This guide for teachers, in English and Spanish, examines the role parents play in the socialization of sex roles. A pre-test and post test are included to measure the user's awareness of sexual stereotyping.
Five object lessons cover the following topics: Books in Spanish for Children and Young Adults: Intended to aid teachers, librarians, and others in the selection of Spanish-language books for children in grades K, the annotated guide includes books by Hispanic authors which highlight the lifestyle, folklore, heroes, history, fiction, poetry, theatre, and classical literature of Hispanic cultures.
Most books included in the guide have been….
- Kids Can Write Too?
- A Theory of Narrative?
- Find a copy in the library?
- Pour bien entrer dans la danse: Etat des lieux de lart chorégraphique au début du XXIe siècle (Univers de la danse) (French Edition).
Eating disorders affect all ethnic and socioeconomic groups. However, evidence based treatments for eating disorders have been developed and tested exclusively on Caucasian populations. Providing culturally sensitive treatments for Latinos with psychiatric disorders is essential to reverse public health disparities.
Compartiendo la Ciencia con los Ninos: This guide offers Spanish-speaking parents ways in which they can help their children learn about science at home and in the community. Science is a way of looking at the world. It uses everyday techniques such as observation and classification to give us information about things and how they work. Advice to parents that want to support their…. Bienvenido a los Estados Unidos. A Guide for Refugees. This guidebook provides Spanish-speaking refugees being resettled in the United States with general information about what they will encounter and the services they can receive in their first months in the country.
This is the Spanish version, and is available in several other languages. The book is distributed to overseas processing agencies,…. This study explored choice factors in four specialties in Mexico. With this information a web-based cross-sectional questionnaire was applied to residents registered in the 1st year of Postgraduate Studies Division, UNAM. The specialty choice decision was done during the last years of the medical career. The majority of the resident choice was a subspecialty after the general residency. The type of patient was more crucial to choose pediatrics while a good academic program was for internal medicine.
Negative models and bullying were decisive to rule out surgery as well as a not well-known hospital was to rule out pediatrics. The specialty choice is done during undergraduate training, with the intention of doing a subspecialty. Demographic and personality traits were identified. Una celebracion de la herencia mexicana de Nebraska. This publication is intended as a resource guide for teachers, students, and librarians interested in Mexican American culture, and for groups wishing to conduct local community research using oral histories.
The Mexican American Traditions in Nebraska project was designed to document and preserve the richness of Nebraska's Mexican culture. Una vision holistica de la educacion superior en contextos posmodernos The Integrative Conception of Postmodern Higher Education. This paper argues that current "postmodern" conditions demand a rethinking of higher education, especially in countries like Mexico. This would involve the rapprochement of science, technology, and the humanities, based on the belief that the chasm separating them, apart from being artificial, is no longer socially viable.
Una Nacion En Peligro: A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Educational Reform. The five major recommendations arrived at appear, respectively, under the…. However, standards for its implementation in undergraduate nursing education together with a nursing theoretical model are not available. A narrative literature review was conducted searching main health scientific databases and including monographs, statements from international associations, and published conference papers.
Further studies focusing on these issues are strongly needed. Astronomy education at all levels has been an issue addressed by the International Astronomical Union as part of its plan. The content on astronomical topics are in the curriculum at primary and secondary levels worldwide. Being a cross-discipline, astronomy is also a science that allows to introduce students to the study of the nature in a non-confrontational way: The International Astronomical Union, through its Commission on Education and Development of Astronomy, has implemented, sponsored and carried out over the past five years two special programs, one about didactics of astronomy for teachers of middle level and another one for the transmission of astronomical topics for the disabled.
In this presentation, achievements and impact of these programs are shared. Una Mejor Opportunidad para Aprender: The effectiveness of bilingual bicultural education as a means of increasing the opportunities of language minority students is examined in this report, which is addressed to educators and the general public. First, an introduction defines key terms, briefly outlines controversies which surround bilingual education, and describes the contents of….
Although, reviews and outcome research supports empirical evidence for Early Intensive Behavior Intervention in pre-scholars, intensive behavioral service provision for school-aged children with autism spectrum disorders ASD are less subject to research studies. In order to provide effective behavioral interventions for school-aged children it…. El Desarrollo Social de los Ninos: Una Lista de Cotejo. Young Children's Social Development: The best childhood predictor of later adult adaptation is the adequacy with which a child gets along with other children.
Because social development begins in the early years, it is appropriate that early childhood programs include regular formal and informal assessment of children's acquisition of social competence. This digest presents the…. Il volto della Luna da Plutarco a Newton. In his dialogue "De Facie quae in Orbe Lunae apparet", Plutarch includes a discussion on a non-Aristotelian theory of gravity. I describe how this theory could be developed during the Hellenistic period and its influence on the cosmological debate along the centuries until the beginning of modern science.
Una formalizacion tentativa del problema de la barrera linguistica A Tentative Formalization of the Problem of Linguistic Barriers. The formulas presented in this paper provide the means for showing the ease with which scientific information can be passed from one language into another. The formulas are based on several factors. The linguistic barrier can be measured to illustrate the relative degree of difference between two languages based on a comparison of vocabulary,….
Educacion Ambiental en las Escuelas: Creando una Programa que Funcione! Environmental Education in the Schools: Creating a Program That Works! This book is a manual that enables teachers to formulate an effective program of environmental education across multiple grade levels and cultural settings. A section provides tips for using the book, followed by nine chapters dealing with different aspects of developing and implementing an environmental education program.
Chapter 1 presents a…. A description of the foreign language curriculum at the university level in which courses in simultaneous translation are required. The size and composition of the groups are described as well as methods used to develop skill in translating and interpreting. Text is in Spanish.
A Proposal for Change. In order to raise the quality of teaching and teacher education in Uruguay, a program of innovation and change was considered at a educational conference. Conference goals included identifying ways to: HIV preventive efforts with heterosexual couples are almost nonexistent.
We designed a group intervention based on the Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills model with the aim of increasing male condom use and promoting the practice of mutual masturbation as a safer sex alternative. We carried out a pilot study with four couples to evaluate the feasibility of the intervention and the aspects of content and format that needed to be modified. Findings reflect that participants were very satisfied with the intervention and they found it entertaining and innovative. They were very comfortable with its format, as well as with the activities.
The findings confirm the feasibility of this intervention and the need to direct preventive efforts to this population. Personal Safety for Children: Noting that parents and teachers have the responsibility of safeguarding children and teaching them the skills they need to be safe, this pamphlet, in Spanish and English versions, is designed to help parents talk to their children about how to protect themselves against abduction and exploitation.
The pamphlet is organized into six sections. A perspective on their conservation Los pastizales del norte de Mexico: Una perspectiva para su conservacion. Grasslands are areas dominated by grasses and herbs with few or no trees. Grasslands receive too much rain for a desert environment and too little for a forest. Temperate North American grasslands, especially, have undergone changes on a continental level. Their high productivity and fertility, added to their level topography and lack of trees, make them ideal sites Assuming that LTE prevails, the ionization stage was analyzed in the atmosphere of a hydrogen defficient carbon HdC star: It is shown that in the shallower atmospheric layers, electron density in HdC is similar to that found in normal stars as a consequence of assuming a quite similar metal abundance ; in intermediate layers, C is the principal electron-donor, resembling H in normal composition stars, but similarity is not complete, as C is not so abundant in these stars as H is in normal stars 0.
The No Child Left Behind program changes the federal role in education by asking America's schools to describe their success in terms of what each student accomplishes.
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The information in this reading guide, presented in Spanish, was developed by the United States Department of Education to assist parents, caregivers, and teachers in understanding…. This listing of unusual Spanish proverbs contains words of wisdom on money, doctors, agriculture, students, procrastination, pessimism, war, good and evil, religion, God, and a host of other topics.
The topic of each proverb is given in English. Being a family day care provider is work that requires professional responsibilities and attention to the physical, emotional, and educational well-being of children; listening and responding to parents; and running a business. This videotape, in English- and Spanish-language versions, explores the elements involved in starting up a family day….
Una Guia para Padres y Materias de Capacitacion. This guide was developed to provide professional development and parent education on Schoolwide implementation in California. Linguistica applicata e glottodidattica: Una collana per insegnanti Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching: A Series for Teachers.
A series on language teaching and learning for teachers includes books on the following topics: By means of Circular Restricted Three Body Problem Saturn--Iapetus, we analize potential impact distributions on the surface of Iapetus, originated from considering a low-energy population generated as remnants of a collisional event occurred in the past on the surface of this satellite. Available for download now. Available to ship in days. Provide feedback about this page. There's a problem loading this menu right now. Get fast, free shipping with Amazon Prime. Get to Know Us.
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