I am maybe come morning but need to be lbs in two weeks. Last night I added up my nutrition intake day for the past weeks and landed on Calories, g protein, fat 11g, sat fat 6g, carb g, sodium mg. I tried to eat small meals throughout the day, breakfast am; eggbeaters, powerbar; grapefruit or green juice, plain oatmeal. Dinner pm typically a protein shake or power bar or both and jerky. This became not fun at all and rather depressing. Going to eat an assload of chicken right now. How much time exercising is recommended during the losing weight process?
And when returning my diet to normal, how much exercise is recommended? I followed this for my final week in a weight loss competition. I think a common misconception in the comments is that this is a diet. This is temporary water manipulation to reduce weight that you should expect to gain back. I lost over 21 lbs in the 5 days. I did start drinking an increased amount of water a few days prior. Twice a day I filled my tub using the shower on the hottest setting with the curtain open and no fan.
This filled the bathroom with steam. I then laid in the tub as described for minutes and got out. I then sat in the bathroom until I stopped sweating or ran out of hot water. If the steam started to go, I would run the shower longer. I mainly ate egg yolks with some whites , fish and chicken. The description of this being hell is VERY accurate. The final day I would suck on small ice chips for some relief from the severe dehydration.
Please be very cautious and informed before trying. I am a 31 yo woman in moderate physical condition. Hey, great write up! I have a fight this Saturday, with this diet, I have lost 2lb everyday for 4 days straight. I am right on track! I find my fat content almost twice as high with this diet. I walk around Can i do this extreme weight loss if i have diabeties, hbp, heart aritmia, asmatic, and hiv positive.
Okay so I want to lose 20 pounds.. I will be working out too. Berardi I would like the Doctor to take a look at this water to see if I can accomplish the same goals. So is this just water weight loss, or do you actually lose fat at all? And does the weight come back quickly? This type of water and diet manipulation must wreak havoc on the bowels.
My question is regarding sodium.
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So many foods have sodium built in. Even an egg, a staple breakfast for many who cut weight, has 60 mg. Egg substitutes have even more. Chicken, fish, beef — they all have some sodium, too. So what number of milligrams of total sodium is a good goal? My plan is a few eggs for breakfast with mushrooms and peppers, then boiled chicken and asparagus for lunch, then boiled fish and broccoli for dinner.
I have been using this diet for the past year for Olympuc Judo at 66kg. I walk around at Psychologically it takes so much from you. Support from loved ones and coaches is vital. Boil your meat, eggs etc. Any CVS, Walgreens etc carries them. Those things pack some serious calories! They do have some carbs as well. I read your books and I absolutely adore all the work you do to educate the rest of us! I had a question though. How can I maintain the weight while being able to build carbs and salt back into my diet?
We both know that this diet is not something you can sustain on a daily basis, nor would you want to. Any advice on what I can do? Wow, thank you for a detailed version of how to make a cut the right way. I need to save this for future reference. Hey i am about to do a trial cut to to see if I should fight there or continue at weight class I am at I was also wondering if I can still train during cut if I feel up to it or will that alter the over hydrating thx again!!!
I have a question about the salt part. There is sodium in the proteins like chicken breast and fish do we cut that as well? Hey guys im fighting in a K-1 event in 9 days and im currently I have a quick question. For just normal people like 5ft4 thatweighs lbs, will this work for me too? And is thetr a way i wont gain everything bavk if i reslly tried? For what you want, Carb and water cycling will work. Basically you follow the protocol above and deplete water and lose weight.
Carb cycling means you eat more carbs for 2 days and less carbs for 5 days. For high carb days eat g. Have one big massive cheat meal on second high carb day. This is really cool to learn of the inside tips and tricks these guys use to manipulate weight. I am trying to lose some 10 pounds of stubborn fat so how can I do this protocol safely without putting myself at risk.
Hey I have a 14 yr old step son who is trying to lose 30 pounds for football and I was reading this article and was wondering if this would be a good way for him to lose weight in a week. What a brilliant post! Cheers, great post and especially loving the details about glycogen depletion, which I can see how it may be tweaked along side create for mass gains.
This also explain why lot of quick-fix diets work — they make people lose lbs of water they are walking around with. The reason they put all their weight back is they stop using diuretics and go bak to eating carbs that makes them retain water. Use your restroom as one. Turn hot water on… Should act like a sana. Hi john and nate. Im not a fighter but i have a weigh in for the armed forces and failed medical because of bmi which i disagree on because im not obese my goal weight is lbs Im on my 4th day of this plan and all was going well.
I just ate till i was full. Any insight into this would be extremely helpfull and appreciated. Mainly focusing on the water and sweating levels and reduction of salts. I am a 16 year old girl who needs to lose 20 pounds. I want it gone fast. Is this too dangerous for me? I am trying to lose wight for wrestling and we wight in on friday what can I do. I need to loose 20 pounds. I just have a quick question how is this any better been cutting all the water weight the day of the way inn? I am a 22 year old female 4 11 lbs trying to cut weight quickly. I do exercise a few times a week. It is the week for a big competition for me and I started this manipulation on Sunday.
Does anyone have any suggestions? My weigh in is Friday at 6 PM. I cant believe that people at this level of sport perfgormance are not talking about the benefits of drinking Kangen Ionise water that is Antioxidant, Microclustered and Alkaline. The benifits of drinking Kangen water are well known. Take a look at my website and ask me for more information. My body fat percentage is already really low, so yeah. Running in a trash bag does illicit strange looks. My worst weight drop experience was when I was cutting weight and sick.
I wonder how well this works for females. I can imagine the results may not be as drastic though I have no scientific backing to say why. Have you all considered having a woman try this same process? If anything I always assumed fighters would add weight to make a weight class with all the hard training they do, but in-fact it seems the opposite. Having recently watched a few seasons of Ultimate Fighter my awareness to this has increased dramatically. So taking myself as an example.. Which is light heavy class.
So realistically I could drop to the category and could be classed as a middleweight even though I look like a heavyweight day-in day-out.. Someone weighing in naturally at lbs can fight a lb monster? Will there ever be a true fighting sport with proper natural weight categories void of all drugs? Thank you for sharing your experience. The most valuable part is the experimental data you have shared. You helped me a lot. Due to some some circumstances we planned late for the wight cut just a week before competition. And really your article helped us a lot. No starch is okay but No dairy , no fruits and no salt at all in cooking this gives me a hard time , I ran out of ideas!!
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Thanks for this post! I am on now on Day 3 of The regime. My concern is, after The program, then what? Do I go back to eating The way I was? But how can one go through life without eating fruits? What I am really asking is how can I keep from adding weight without losing the benefits of fruits? Thanks again for the great post! After losing weight, what can a person do to maintain his new weight or lose more weight following your regime?
High school wrestlers typically only have a few hours between weigh-ins and competition. As Berardi put it: You can also use a cheese grater, spice grinder, or heavy mortar and pestle. Store in a sealed container in your refrigerator. Now that you have this nutritious powder, what do you do with it? Since it is bitter due to the tannins it contains, using it with other ingredients, such as a banana, pineapple and spinach, to make a smoothie may be the best way.
However, you can sprinkle it on your morning eggs or put it in soup or on a salad. Another option is to put the powder into capsules, which can be found at health food stores, and consume as a supplement. The avocado tree originated in southern Mexico and Columbia around 7, years ago.
The Aztecs and Incas presented it to the Spanish conquistadors in the 16th century, and by the early s, the avocado tree had spread throughout southern Europe, the Hawaiian Islands, Africa and Southeast Asia. The California avocado industry was founded in the early s when trees in Santa Barbara, which had been imported from Mexico, began to bear fruit. Hass is probably the most familiar name of the avocado and for good reason. It was Rudolph Hass who developed the Hass variety in By grafting seedlings onto existing trees that had previously produced the Lyon variety, he was able to create a new variety.
According to Purdue University, when the seed is cut in pieces, roasted and pulverized, it can be consumed to help overcome diarrhea and dysentery. The powdered form of the seed may help relieve dandruff , and a piece of the seed placed into a tooth cavity could eliminate a toothache. And because the milk of the avocado seed turns a bit red when exposed to air, it can be used as a topical ointment or rubefacient — to redden the cheeks by causing dilation of the capillaries and an increase in blood circulation.
It turns red once exposed to air due to its tannin content; however, some say the liquid is not edible. The ink of the avocado seed has also been used to mark cotton and linen textiles. Is it safe to eat the avocado seed? The California Avocado Commission says eating the flesh is great, but the seed — not so much. It claims that there simply is not enough research as noted in a research study by Pennsylvania State University. A good rule of thumb is to avoid anything new or lacking research, especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or have any health conditions.
Consult with a doctor for further information. The good news is the research is coming, and early indications are it has benefits and could be promising if further studies confirm this. Is the avocado seed the new super-seed? Maybe, but since there is not enough substantial evidence to prove this, I recommend having small amounts or avoiding altogether. Be aware of how you feel upon consumption, and check with a doctor if you have any concerns. From the sound of it, you might think leaky gut only affects the digestive system, but in reality it can affect more. Click here to learn more about the webinar.
Josh Axe is on a mission to provide you and your family with the highest quality nutrition tips and healthy recipes in the world Great Antioxidant Source Did you know that the avocado seed is a great antioxidant? Can Help Balance Cholesterol Levels The avocado seed is one of the top high-fiber foods on the planet, and we know fiber can help balance cholesterol levels.
Works as a Natural Food Dye Since conventional food coloring and food dyes contain chemical-based ingredients, it is best to go with natural options. You may have heard of beets being used to create a reddish color, for example. May Help Eliminate Microbial Growth The residue of the seed of the avocado is rich in polyphenols, making the seeds powerful antioxidants and antimicrobials.
Other Seeds While the debate is still out about whether eating ground avocado seed is a good choice, it has been compared to the extraction process of the phenolic compounds from strawberries, apple pulp and the residues of chestnuts. Add contents into a high-powered blender, and blend until well-combined. Final Thoughts on Avocado Seed Is the avocado seed the new super-seed? The export season starts in August, and the first shipments are likely to be in mid to late September, reports Alistair Petrie, Chair of the Avocado Export Council. He acknowledges the growers and packer involved in the trial who he says put in significant time and resource on behalf of the industry to ensure this last step was successful.
New Zealand is a significant step closer towards supplying fresh avocados to Chinese consumers and opening up access to a brand new market for our growers, the Ministry for Primary Industries MPI and New Zealand Avocado announced Friday 17 November China is expected to be a significant market for New Zealand avocados. Martyn Dunne says the progress towards avocado access into China is a good demonstration of the strength of collaboration and positive, respectful relationships. At this time of year, life is getting busy for avocado businesses.
Unfortunately, when workplaces get busy, the likelihood of someone being harmed while working increases. Read more about how you can be healthy and safe in horticulture. Under the Health and Safety at Work Act all businesses have a responsibility to keep workers healthy and safe. It needs a conscious decision to make a healthy and safe workplace. Pests and diseases from offshore can cause serious harm to New Zealand's unique environment and primary industries; and the Port of Tauranga is one of many potential gateways.
Port staff, transitional facilities, associated industries such as transporters and other logistical operators , and biosecurity experts will be meeting at several events over the next six days to raise awareness and understanding of the importance of managing biosecurity risk. Special guest Ruud 'The Bug Man' Kleinpaste will also be attending several industry and community school group presentations during the week to discuss the vital role of everyone who works and lives in and around the Port and local community in keeping unwanted pests and diseases out of New Zealand.
Throughout the week there will also be discussions with post-harvest facilities and transitional facilities to learn more about the frontline biosecurity systems they have in place. The award-winning partnership aims to build a port community committed to biosecurity excellence, with an ambitious goal of no biosecurity incursions coming through the Port of Tauranga. It is a successful regional example of the Ministry for Primary Industries, local industries and regional government, partnering to build a biosecurity team of 4.
Port of Tauranga Chief Executive Mark Cairns said the week provides a good opportunity to strengthen the significance of biosecurity within the Port community. Tony and his wife Nicky have an 11 hectare avocado orchard investment in the Coromandel district, and more recently have purchased a hectare property in Tauranga with existing avocado, berry and kiwifruit.
Tony is a director of several related collaborations and joint venture entities associated with avocado trading and investment. Linda was elected to the Board in and is the At Large region grower representative. Linda is an avocado grower on the Kauri Point Peninsular in Bay of Plenty and has been in and around avocados her whole life. Linda, along with her family, run their avocado and kiwifruit orchard businesses in Katikati.
New Zealand Avocado says the facts are: New Zealand does not import any fresh avocados. All our fruit is grown here, and consumed by Kiwis as well as exported, and our industry business model is environmentally sustainable. All of the fresh avocados that are sold in New Zealand supermarkets must comply with food safety protocols that ensure they are free of unsafe chemical residues and are safe for consumption. Furthermore, New Zealand researchers have discovered that New Zealand-grown avocados have unique nutritional qualities, with double the amount of Vitamin B6 and 20 percent more folate than those grown in other countries.
And it is wonderful the new research has uncovered that New Zealand avocados are especially healthy. All horticulture groups were asked to undertake research to determine if they will be impacted by the arrival of BMSB into New Zealand. NZ Avocado has now completed this assessment and believes that we would be a minor beneficiary for the collective readiness and response activities that industries and MPI will undertake.
Although the threat to avocados is believed to be minimal there remains a number of unknowns as BMSB has not yet invaded some of the major avocado producing areas of California so the investigation into the bugs potential to impact avocados continues. However, as the impact to avocados is minimal we have negotiated a very lowimpact rating and proportionate cost share 0.
With over BMSB interception events in the risk period September to April , this invasive bug has a high potential of invading NZ in the coming years. Through the GIA partnership we would want to help mitigate the impact of BMSB as they will also be a significant household nuisance for growers.
Volume too was a record 7. New Zealanders too are finding more and tastier ways to use avocados, and starting to add them regularly to their shopping basket. NZ Avocados Go Global, has provided a major boost to the sector. The Go Global programme gave us the platform as an industry to develop a strategy with audacious goals of quadrupling sales and trebling productivity in ten years.
Versatility, health benefits and the amazing taste of avocados are the key drivers for that demand. Demand for new trees has resulted in a near trebling of production at nurseries, large commercial investors in Northland are converting dairy farms to avocado orchards and smaller orchards are maximising the productivity of their orchards. Growers will be very happy with their returns and are looking at further investment. Spores of this fungal rust are easily spread by wind and, although not a pest of avocado trees, attacks plants of the myrtaceae family which includes many New Zealand natives pohutukawa, rata, kanuka, manuka and ramarama as well as some exotic fruit trees like Feijoa.
Growers can help by looking out for symptoms on their native myrtaceae trees for powdery, bright yellow or orange-yellow pustules on leaves, tips and stems. For more information, please see the MPI update. In a response, these wasps would be released to seek out and parasitize BMSB eggs.
To enable the legal import of this wasp it is important to first understand its potential impact on our native shield bug populations. The plastic bag prevents everything from drying out and the paper absorbs excess condensation. They can then be boxed for protection and couriered to: Please include a note with collection data where collected, name of collector etc. Dave has a background in sales and marketing and made the move into horticulture five years ago when he and his wife, Julie, purchased an avocado orchard in the Bay of Plenty.
Library Tray data from the analysis of library trays taken between July to September is now available for growers who have submitted fruit during that period. To access this information, please visit www. Details to log into the Eurofins website: Although there has been a company name change, the website is still www. If you have not registered with Eurofins before, please email support eurofinsbop.
If you have forgotten your password there is a "Forgotten your password? This will prompt you to type the email that you initially registered with, and an email will be sent enabling you to reset your password. The Water Quantity plan will affect growers who take water from rivers, streams and aquifers as it will set the rules around the allocation, take and use of surface and ground water. You can find the proposed plan changes and other supporting documents on the Regional Council website.
The Council are also maintaining a list of frequently asked questions. Some of the important changes for growers include: The registration of all permitted water takes. Enhanced water metering and reporting requirements. For properties less than 5 ha the amount of groundwater able to be taken without resource consent permitted take reduces from 35 cubic metres per day per property to 15 cubic metres per day per property NZ Avocado and NZKGI are supporting Horticulture NZ in the development of a submission to the proposed changes and would like to hear from affected growers.
Submissions will be open for 40 days closing 14 December Shoppers are offered samples of avocado, prosciutto and tomato which are the key flavours in Nadia Lim's avocado pizza recipe. Over the next two weeks shoppers in selected stores will also be encouraged to take a "selfie" with Ollie Avocado to enter a competition on the New Zealand Avocado Facebook page. The competition has been running for three days and has already reached an online audience of over 23, New Zealanders! The activity is creating great engagement with NZ shoppers both in store and online.
Up until now monitoring scale has been optional under the AvoGreen Programme. As we have begun sending our avocados to a greater range of markets, scale has been identified as a phytosanitary pest for many of our markets and when found during fruit inspection excludes fruit from being exported to those markets. What can you do? Proactively respond to any reports from your packhouse indicating they have found scale on your fruit during packing.
When you are undertaking pest monitoring on your property make sure you are looking for scale on leaves and fruit particularly during the peak crawler stage. If scale is reported to you by your packhouse you can apply one free spray under the AvoGreen programme. Diazinon can be used to kill crawlers but is highly toxic to bees so must not be used when bees are in the orchard. If you have thrip as well as scale you can apply Calypso which has a label claim for scale in other crops.
Remember to refer to the label and follow best practice and bee safety when applying all agrichemicals. For reference, there is an article on scale in the November Avoscene issue due out shortly. If you have any questions please contact glenys. Consistent recent rainfall has resulted in many orchards experiencing very wet, waterlogged soils.
Try to encourage any surface water off your orchard as quickly as possible. Ensure your drainage is maintained to a standard that allows water to move away swiftly, i. Revaluate your orchard management in light of the effect of waterlogging has had on the soil and trees especially with regard to Fertiliser, Phosphonate injecting, Pruning Excess soil moisture can cause problems such as: Reduction in tree vigour through reduced soil aeration reducing root and shoot growth.
Increases the impact of Phytophthora infection. High rainfall may cause an increase in nutrient leaching from soils Increased risk of nutrient imbalances. Many growers will be experiencing waterlogged soils throughout the country following what feels like unprecedented rain over the past month. For the full article, click here. There s only one fruit with enough star power to attract a high profile crowd and shine at its own official season launch party New Zealand s amazing avocado.
A "green carpet event was held at Ostro s Screening Room in Auckland on 17 August to celebrate the beginning of the avocado season. Attending guests include New Zealand celebrities, influential social media bloggers, high-profile chefs and New Zealand magazine editors - all of whom are influential New Zealanders who love avocados. Avocados are set to return to our lives in a big way. Avocado trees bear fruit biennially, meaning they can produce a small crop one year which is often followed by a large crop the next. Thankfully this summer is set to deliver a whopping 7.
It s also perfect timing for the All Black s test this weekend, as we all know they are big avocado fans and the country can enjoy avocado dips and goodies while supporting our men in black. NZ Avocado hosted the launch party to celebrate the fruit s enormous popularity and showcase its great flavour, versatility and health benefits.
Guests were served five different avocado dishes to help whet their appetite and inspire new ideas about how to serve and enjoy this delicious fruit. Popular author and Healthy Food Guide nutritionist Claire Turnbull spoke at the event about the incredible health benefits avocados have to offer. Avocados can legitimately be called a "superfood. They re full of healthy monounsaturated fats which are great for your heart and cholesterol levels, and help keep your appetite under control.
They re also packed with a wide range of essential vitamins and minerals, are low in sugar and sodium, and are a good source of dietary fibre. Thanks to a growing body of scientific and nutritional research, avocados have never been more popular.
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They re now the star attraction on breakfast menus worldwide, and have been called the "Oprah of Instagram thanks to the number of snaps people post of their favourite avocado creations. New Zealand restaurants and cafes are being encouraged to follow global health and food trends with the inclusion of avocados on their menu, as a way of attracting more customers through the door. Diners love to see the healthy avocado being used in different ways and what makes New Zealand avocados even better is that all fresh avocados sold in New Zealand are grown in New Zealand. Avocado sushi, smoothies, avocado fries, hummus, pasta sauce and salad dressings are all trending, while classic combinations such as smashed avocado on toast, with eggs, in salads and sandwiches are reaching new culinary heights.
Many of my customers say that dishes that utilise avocado are clean, light and easy to eat and something they could eat everyday rather than leaving them feeling heavy or overfed. Avocados and Mexican food are strongly linked and there has been a visible rise in the popularity of Mexican restaurants in New Zealand including franchises Mad Mex and Mexicali Fresh. Whether added to burritos, tacos or as a side served with tortilla chips, guacamole is a key component to Mexican cuisine and is served all year round.
New Zealanders are obsessed with this delicious healthy fruit, following a world-wide foodie trend to enjoy avocados at any time of the day or night and international chefs are now going to great lengths to showcase this super fruit on their latest menus, using their expert knife skills to prepare delicate avocado roses and shaved avocado ribbons. These visually-stunning tricks are re-inventing the way diners can eat avocado on toast or enjoy avocado as a salad, sandwich or pizza topping. Die-hard avocado lovers are always looking for inventive new ways to enjoy their favourite fruit, and almost all cuisines can now incorporate avocados into their menus in one form or another.
Sweet avocado dishes are also growing in popularity including brownies, cheesecake, ice-cream, chocolate mud cakes and a range of other desserts and baked goods. One of the reasons avocados have become so immensely popular is their amazing health benefits. Diners know that choosing an avocado dish off the menu is a guilt-free way of treating themselves to a delicious meal. Avocados are packed full of healthy monounsaturated fats which are great for cardiovascular health and help keep you fuller for longer.
They are also low in sugar and sodium, are a good source of dietary fibre, and contain vital nutrients such as vitamin B6, folate, niacin, vitamin E, vitamin C and potassium. We have had three nominees for the Mid-North positions and four nominees for the At Large position.
To find out more about each candidate, please see the resource listed below. You can complete this registration online at the NZ Avocado website. Please see instructions below. If you are unable to register for export online then please contact the NZ Avocado office if you need to register manually and we will arrange a paper registration form for you.
In your internet browser window, type www. Login using the "Industry Member Sign-In your username will be in the format of firstname. You will now be in the Industry Tools section of the New Zealand avocado website. In the list of login types, click Grower AvoTools. Select your 5-digit PPIN e. P that you wish to register for export. Click the Grower Export Registration link. AvoGreen compliance - You must be AvoGreen compliant to be eligible to register for export. Click the two tick boxes at the bottom of the screen to verify your compliance then click Proceed to next step. If you are not compliant, a message will show on screen asking you to contact us for assistance.
Click on the tick box at the bottom of the screen to accept then click Proceed to next step. Your details - check that the details held on file for you or your company are correct and amend any incorrect details. Please ensure that your email address is up-to-date as it will be used to send your registration confirmation, yield estimate and intended packer choices. Yield estimate This section has automatically populated your yields from the previous season.
You must type in your crop estimate for export and local market for the current season, if you are unsure please check your packer agreement or talk to your packer. Orchard hectares This section has automatically populated your orchard hectares, please check this information and amend if it is incorrect.
If you are a new grower, please add this information - there are calculation instructions on the right hand side of the screen. Intended packer choices - select your intended packer. If you select a packer, your registration will automatically be emailed to that packer once your registration is completed.
If you do not select a packer during registration then it is your responsibility to provide your later chosen packer s with a copy of your registration. Payment choose your payment method credit card, direct credit or cheque. Your registration will not be confirmed and verified until AIC receives your payment in full. If paying by direct credit please use your PPIN number as the reference. A credit card transaction will incur an additional 2. If paying by cheque, please include your PPIN number on the back and post it to: Avocado Industry Council, PO Box , Tauranga, Confirmation- Once details are checked and the payment has been received then you will be sent a confirmation email with an attached copy of your registration form which acts as a tax receipt.
An updated tool-kit designed to help farmers better manage risks on their farms will be distributed at National Fieldays at Mystery Creek.

The tool-kit, which provides practical advice and resources to help farmers improve health and safety on their farms, has been developed by Safer Farms, ACC and WorkSafe New Zealand s health and safety programme designed with farmers and the wider agricultural sector. Beef Lamb New Zealand and Federated Farmers were among the groups which provided input to the tool-kit. Beef Lamb New Zealand, in addition to working with WorkSafe on the new tool-kit, is working with sheep and beef farmers to help them meet their obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act.
Beef Lamb New Zealand Chief Executive, Sam McIvor, says that by the end of June, the organisation will have run over 70 health and safety workshops for more than 2, attendees around the country. Tools, like those promoted on the WorkSafe website, give farmers good practical information to make their farms safe places to operate, McIvor says. Al McCone, WorkSafe s Agriculture Programme Manager says that while many farmers recognise that proactive planning is needed to make sure they can keep healthy and safe, they find it difficult to know where to start with changing their approach.
He reassures farmers that this doesn t need to be hard. The easy-to-use tool-kit concentrates on those things that make a difference on farm, which are also at the heart of the new Health and Safety at Work Act - involving everyone on farm, recognising health as well as injury risks, and working with other businesses to make sure overlapping risks are managed. Some of those injuries will keep costing for several years. Keeping everyone on your farm safe and healthy helps ensure a farm is productive and profitable.
Strong global demand also delivered outstanding returns from the Australian market and strong returns from the Asian export markets. Scoular credits strong collaboration across the industry, good communication, information sharing and jointly implemented promotional activities. Avocados are becoming a highly valued fruit due to their amazing health benefits, says Scoular. Avocado production has irregular swings in volume. The industry has added significant resource to the New Zealand market through the Primary Growth Partnership programme NZ Avocado Go Global , working alongside marketers and retailers to provide supply chain education and consumer education through PR and social media.
Efforts by the industry are raising the visibility of the amazing health benefits and versatility of this New Zealand-grown fruit. Andrew Darling, Chair of the Exporter Council, says the Australian market performed very strongly, with increased demand for the healthy avocado. He stressed the importance of strong relationships across the industry in New Zealand as well as with partners in export markets. Grower returns are very good this year. As growers we are very happy with the success of our industry.
Consumers in New Zealand can look forward to a much greater supply of avocados when the export season begins in August. The first crop estimate for the new season is 7. The industry is pursuing exciting opportunities in both export and the New Zealand markets, supported by innovation and collaboration with stakeholders and with new partnerships with the Crown and Crown Research Institutes. There are over 4, hectares of avocado trees planted in New Zealand, primarily in the Bay of Plenty and Northland.
For more information visit www. The AIC early season New Zealand market maturity testing initiative is open for and will apply to all new season avocados collected and tested from now until 31 July As a result of a recommendation from this review, a sample size of 20 fruit will be required in order to qualify for payment of collection and testing under the AIC New Zealand market maturity testing initiative in AIC will pay the cost of Agfirst collection and testing for new season New Zealand market avocados that: To order an early season maturity test, you should contact you pack house or Agfirst.
It is important that consumers who are purchasing new season avocados early in the season have a positive experience with the ripening and taste of their fruit. This initiative has been developed to make it easier for all avocado growers to assess the maturity of their fruit prior to harvest and help ensure a positive consumer experience. To submit a remit to be presented at the AGM, please download the form below.
Please note, we will call for items of general business in the AGM pack being posted to members the week of 27 July. For more information on remits, click here. NZ Avocado is encouraging growers to be mindful that the kiwifruit harvest season is underway. Growers should be talking to neighbours before spraying to identify if any neighbours have kiwifruit that are scheduled for harvest.
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Please ensure you are implementing smart spraying decisions and practices. Caution is advised with regards to the use of products such as Carbaryl and Calypso at this time especially if there is any potential for drift onto neighbouring kiwifruit. Consultants are advising if you have kiwifruit on the boundary to use pyrethrum and oil until harvest is completed. If you have any concerns or questions please contact your consultant. The weather is currently severe over much of the North Island with wind, rain and hail over the past hours causing some major damage and disruption.
Reports show this starting to clear across all regions of the upper North Island from this evening into Friday. Once it is safe to do so it is important for growers to get out into your orchards and assess the damage. There is a step-by-step guide with short videos available for growers on our website https: The two main factors that you will need to address are waterlogging of the soil and damage from the strong winds. Some key things to consider are: Is your orchard safe? Are there fruit and branches on the ground that may present hazards? Aim to reduce the amount of soil moisture as quickly as possible.
Any young trees that have been blown over will want to be attended to asap. The longer they are left before they are straightened, the more damage will have been done to the root systems. If it s not possible to straighten them quickly, consider leaving them to grow as they are. Damage to large trees needs to be assessed, this includes exposed roots. Debris from larger trees will ideally be removed, although this is not urgent but is good orchard hygiene.
Remember to consider your irrigation at this time you may need to turn it off for a little while. If any significant damage has occurred remember to continue to reassess the situation over the coming months. Most importantly make sure it is safe to go back into your orchard before you venture out there to do anything. We are aware that many orchards are experiencing very large crop loads, placing extra demand on the trees.
This increases the importance of proactively managing stress on the trees to not only support the current crop but to encourage a good return crop for the following season. The specific measures that growers should be implementing will vary between orchards however the crop load should be factored in to your orchard management decisions.
Things to keep an eye on: Soil moisture in your orchard, including surface moisture. Excessive soil moisture can suffocate root systems and promote Phytophthora infection. Pest and pathogen pressure. Monitor regularly to keep on top of pests. Nutrient availability, fertiliser programmes should be reviewed now that the majority of fruit drop has occurred and there is a clearer indication of crop load. Consideration should be given to minerals as well as nitrogen. Soil testing is an important tool for identifying needs, leading to cost-effective application of nutrients.
In light of the big season that we are expecting, maintaining the quality of fruit will be important while ensuring the trees have enough resources to set a good amount of fruit next season. These things need to be considered and actioned before we head into winter. We recommend working closely with your technical advisers to ensure your trees are properly supported to achieve good quality fruit this season as well as next. Regional Council would like to thank the land owners who have already registered their properties as potentially having unconsented water takes.
As part of the registration process you will be asked to supply contact details, location of orchard, type of crop and water source. This information will be supplied to the Regional Council. Following this, all properties will be grouped into water catchment areas. By establishing these water catchment areas growers can be brought together to discuss; the allocation status of the water source, the information required to apply for consent and the consenting process.
However, you will be required to use water efficiently, have an accurate water meter installed and record your daily use. If requested, you must be able to supply those records to Regional Council. For further information or if you have any questions please get in touch with one of the contacts below. We do not yet have phytosanitary access to China but wish to understand the market and build relationship for the future.
All three industries, avocado, kiwifruit and pipfruit, are committed to delivering the highest quality, premium, safe fruit to the Chinese consumer, says Scoular. The tour began with a visit to John and Cindy Cotterell s avocado orchard in Katikati where the delegation walked around the bountiful trees and were demonstrated the use of a mobile elevating platform used to pick avocados.
The New Zealand avocado industry is currently working towards gaining access to China. There are over avocado growers, with production spread across three main growing regions: GIA Secretariat Manager, Steve Rich, welcomed New Zealand Avocado to the partnership saying the new addition will further strengthen efforts to better deliver biosecurity outcomes. GIA now has the critical mass to begin delivering improved biosecurity readiness and response activities.
About Government Industry Agreement GIA GIA operates as a partnership between industry and government to manage pests and diseases that could badly damage New Zealand's primary industries, our economy, and our environment. It aims to improve biosecurity outcomes and give everyone the confidence that the best decisions are being made. The Food Act came into effect on Tuesday 1st March The aim of the new Food Act is to strengthen food safety in New Zealand. What do avocado growers need to do?
If you are currently in the business of selling avocados, no further action is required at this stage. Existing horticultural food businesses will transition to the new requirements between 1 July and 28 February If you are a new grower that commenced business of selling avocados after 1 March , you need to apply to MPI or your local council immediately to register your National Programme Level 1 business. The requirement to register as a national programme business does not apply to the sale of avocados from a grower directly to consumers.
If you are only selling your own avocados at the gate, personally selling at a Farmer s market or personally selling at a roadside stall, you are not required to operate under a national programme for the sale of these avocados. National programmes Working with a national programme is the way that lower-risk food businesses operate under the Food Act There are three levels of national programmes, which are based on the food safety risk of the activities that a business does. Horticultural food producers and horticultural packing operations packhouses are deemed lower risk and are classified under national programme Level 1.
All national programmes require: Record keeping to show you re selling safe food Registration of business details with your local council One or more visits from a verifier recognised by MPI Existing food safety programmes Existing GAP and food safety schemes are being assessed by MPI for equivalence to the requirements of National Programme Level 1. This process is expected to be completed in time for the beginning of the transition period in July Transition period The Food Act comes into force on 1 March It applies to all new food businesses from that date but existing horticultural food businesses will transition to the new requirements between 1 July and 28 February Further information Further information on the Food Act and National Programme Level 1 registration process can be found at www.
They are a great addition to a salad or smoothie. But for many, the avocado has come to be seen as a guilty pleasure. Though classed as a fruit, it is not typical in the fact that rather than being high in carbohydrate, avocados are high in fat. Fat has long been hailed the dietary enemy number one, but as the tables turn and the scientific spotlight shines more acutely on sugar, so the benefits of the humble avocado are being realised.
A new study has revealed adding the green fruit to your diet can aid weight loss. Furthermore, the fruit reduces a person s risk of heart disease, according to scientists from the Hass Avocado Board, in California. Emiliano Escobedo, executive director, said: This study supports the body of research showing the many benefits that fresh avocados have to offer when consumed in everyday healthy eating plans. The findings fall in line with recent recommendations from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
The guidelines stated that making small shifts in food choices can make a difference including shifting from solid fats to oils, such as the oil in fresh avocados. The new study, published in the Journal of Clinical Lipidology, confirmed that swapping solid fats for avocados can significantly change lipid profiles'. Scientists analyzed 10 unique avocado studies with participants. The researchers assessed the impact of avocado on cholesterol levels.
They found that consuming one to one-and-a-half avocados per day significantly reduced total cholesterol'. Additionally, it also limited the 'bad' low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides when substituted for sources of fat. Corresponding study author Dr Sachin Shah noted that the results showed that even healthy study subjects showed significant reductions. Fresh avocado, as part of a balanced diet, and as a cholesterol-free substitute for solid fats, can help be part of the solution for maintaining normal cholesterol levels.
Beyond their naturally good fats, avocados are also a delicious way to boost fiber and fruit intakes, both of which are under consumed in American diets. Having high levels of bad cholesterol is known to be a major risk factor for heart disease, according to the study.