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Es handelt sich um Quecksilber-Vergiftung durch Verzehr von kontaminiertem Fisch. Bei Vorliegen von ca. Dazu fehlen jedoch experimentelle Befunde. Mercury in your brain from amalgam fillings in your mouth.


Chemische Experimente mit Quecksilber Dr. Aloys Ring, Sylvia Schall und Dr. Hier erfahren Sie auch: Dagegen gibt es Protest: Jimmy Wales, Founder of Wikipedia: Create and enforce new policies that allow for true scientific discourse about holistic approaches to healing. Valdes Jr, David W. Powers, Emmanuel Hernandez, Jones S. Es gibt 2 Versionen: Nevertheless, in vitro studies have indicated that mercury can affect the biochemical processes believed to be involved in Alzheimer's disease. Allerdings haben Laborstudien gezeigt, dass Quecksilber die biochemischen Prozesse beeinflusst, von denen mam annimmt, dass sie die Alzheimer-Krankheit beeinflussen.

Diese Studie wurde von der EU-Kommission finanziert. Jedes Jahr werden 1,8 Mio Babies mit bedenklichen Quecksilberbelastungen geboren. Daraus folgt ein volkswirtschaftlicher Schaden von 9 Mrd. Anorganisches Quecksilber wird von 5 Arten von Astrozyten im Gehirn aufgenommen sowie von kortikalen Oligodendrozyten, kortikalen Motoneuronen und den Neuronen am Locus Ceruleus. Hier werden Studien genannt, die Quecksilber bzw. Warum kommen viele Studien zum Ergebnis, Amalgam sei harmlos bzw.

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Blood and urine mercury levels in adult amalgam patients of a randomized controlled trial: Interaction of Hg species in erythrocytes. These latest releases from OUR Recordings, the label Michala Petri founded a decade ago, reaffirm the breadth of the contemporary recorder repertoire.

Pelle Gudmundsen-Holmgreen's Music for 13 Strings is appreciably more integrated as an overall entity, its trenchant contrapuntal writing redolent of Danish music from the s. That the other pieces feature recorder is about their only connection. The other disc focuses on Danish and Faroese recorder concertos, this latter country again represented by Rasmussen — his Territorial Songs inspired by competing bird colonies in a sequence of five movements whose expressive central "anti-cadenca" is framed by musical landscapes of mesmeric stillness and, in turn, by bell-permeated studies of surging impetus.

Eine Märchen- und Sagenreise Island Benteli Publishing

Vastly different is Moonchilds Dream, Thomas Koppels's concerto, whose four movements outline a trajectory of hopes envisaged though ultimately denied in music that ranges from overt brutality to radiant pathos. In between is Chacun Son Son , Pelle Gudmundsen-Holmgreen's typically ingenious sequence of canonic exchanges in which various recorders are deployed according to the orchestral context — thus resulting in music that is ominous and sardonic by turns. Both discs complement Petri's tellingly understated virtuosity with committed playing from the Lapland Chamber Orchestra and Aalborg Symphony orchestras respectively.

Spacious sound and copious notes further enhance recordings that are provocative and diverting in equal measure. In between is Chacun Son Son, Pelle Gudmundsen-Holmgreen's typically ingenious sequence of canonic exchanges in which various recorders are deployed according to the orchestral context — thus resulting in music that is ominous and sardonic by turns. Lapplands kammarorkester under Clemens Schuldt. Aalborgs symfoniorkester under Henrik Vagn Christensen.

Mats Liljeroos, Hufvudstadsbladet, Helsinke, Finlan. Een haarscherpe uitvoering onder leiding van Marcus Creed. Frits van der Waa, Volkskrant read on publisher's website.

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Petri is an honest, fabulously talented musician. However, Michala Petri is a horse of a different color, and her presence on any project practically ensures a worthwhile musical experience. That expectation is not frustrated here. That was its premiere recording.

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She recorded it a second time, a decade ago, for Dacapo, joined by the Copenhagen Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Bo Holten. Thus, Petri seems to be recording this work every ten years, and perhaps the iteration is already being planned! And why not, because Koppel composed it specifically for Petri. It's a terrific work, and Petri owns it, in more ways than one.

This de facto concerto is not programmatic, although it "focuses on the hopes and fears and dreams of a little girl living in the South Harbor area of Copenhagen, one of the poorest neighborhood in the city. Like many film composers, he makes modern music palatable to even non-specialist listeners by using it to convey mood, emotion, and atmosphere. At the same time, the music is not simple-minded. The listener, like Petri herself, can return to it many times and find something new to enjoy. This is a gentle, wistful, and even hopeful masterwork, and it deserves to be widely known. I have not heard the Dacapo disc which includes two other works that Koppel composed for Petri , but I know the RCA Victor release, and I can say that Petri's ideas about Moonchild's Dream have not changed in any fundamental way in the last twenty years, nor are Kamu and the English Chamber Orchestra notably superior to Christensen and the Aalborg Symphony Orchestra.


This time around, I'd say that Petri plays the music a little bit more intimately, and the music's textures are made to seem a little more refined. She no longer has to convince that this is a fine work; over the course of twenty years we have found that out for ourselves. The excellent engineering, which can be appreciated even without an SACD player, probably helps to put it across as well. The other two works, also written for Petri, are receiving their premiere recordings here. Pelle Gudmundsen-Holmgreen's name will not be new to those who are interested in modern classical music, however.

Initially a serialist, this composer moved into new territory in s with neo-Dadaist works that "single-mindedly set out to rid music of its affects and affectations. Gudmundsen-Holmgreen's music, even though it can seem more like meta-music, smiles mischievously, and it is difficult not to smile back at it.

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Petri is a good sport about a solo part that really isn't a solo part, and all of the musicians play out their roles with skill and mild-mannered objectivity. Sunleif Rasmussen was born in on the Faroe Islands. Coming from such a tiny and remote place, he can hardly help being keenly aware of the natural world, and this awareness seems to color his music. The title Territorial Songs is an allusion to birdsong, which birds use not only to attract a mate, but also to establish their personal territory.

Eine Märchen- und Sagenreise Island

In this work, the composer "extends this idea of 'territorial space' to the orchestra, letting some sections play independent of the conductor, marking their own territory in the orchestral landscape. The recorder certainly can sound like birdsong, and at many times it does in this work, but Rasmussen has more up his sleeve than imitation. In this work he has created a sound-world whose interest derives, in large part, from unexpected instrumental sonorities and juxtapositions. There's nothing cliched about it. Petri and her partners are finely attuned to its shapes and shades.

Early in her career, Petri's youth and physical beauty opened doors for her, and for her recorder. In the world of classical music, as elsewhere, young artists sometimes are forgotten as the novelty fades and new pretty young things appear. Petri no longer records for Philips or RCA Victor, it's true, but now she is more free to follow her artistic inclinations than ever before, and that gives her a loveliness that no skin cream or shampoo could ever hope to lend! Petri is an honest, fabulously talented musician who is doing as much for her instrument, if not more, than any recorder virtuoso has ever done.

Raymond Tuttle, Fanfare Magazine. Elsewhere in this issue look under "Koppel" I review a disc of "Danish and Faroese Recorder Concertos" written for, and played by, Michala Petri, the ongoing wonder of the recorder world. Much as I like that disc, I like this one even better, because the music is an order of magnitude more gritty. The two composers common to both discs are Pelle Gudmundsen-Holmgreen and Sunleif Rasmussen, and here, both of them have created provocative, unusual works that should hold up to repeated listening very nicely. The answer is that, when he died in , Denmark lost an elder statesman among composers—he was born in —and the recorder lost a great advocate.

Michala Petri was like a "second daughter" to him, and his actual daughter, Elisabet Selin, was the only private student that Petri ever had taken on. The new works were premiered at a concert in , and the concert was transmitted all over Europe. This recording, however, is a studio affair from late and early One might expect it to be pastoral in nature, but it is surprisingly tense.

This is not strictly a recorder disc.