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We are displaced persons. But God is at work in displacement. Joseph Iregbu: Books, Biography, Blogs, Audiobooks, Kindle

This book is about a journey of understanding how we are to navigate a life of faith amid a world of such uncertainty, and oftentimes, of great darkness. Dave Arnold is an author, blogger, speaker, and minister. Originally from the D. Dave currently works with immigrants and refugees, which he's done for the last ten years, both in Chicago and Detroit. Dave married his best friend, Angie, and they have two children.

He loves to read, write, play hockey, and enjoys time with family and friends. Dave and his family live in Dearborn, MI, just outside of Detroit. Pilgrims of the Alley will surprise, console, and encourage those already on the journey, and also those who choose to slip on pilgrim shoes to strengthen their own faith. I highly recommend it.

Dave writes with a profound purpose and reflects the light of a loving God calling his people home. Dave Arnold has done an exceptional job of merging personal experience, story, and biblical guidance into the message of this book. It is a message easy to read and hard to forget.

Experiencing the Joy of Personal Revival and editor. Sundi Jo Graham on March 5, at 6: Honored to have you, Joseph. Lincoln Parks on March 7, at 8: Great story and devotional book. Sundi, nice to meet you also.

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Sundi Jo Graham on March 8, at Nice to meet you too, Lincoln. A Few Songs I Wrote. I promise to never sell your information to the spam elves. But why is that? This chapter is the calling of Isaiah. Isaiah finds himself in a vision where seraphs read winged creatures but not angels are around the Lord who is sitting on a throne and his presence, the hem of his robe, fills the entire temple, which would be his home. Isaiah states that he is not worthy to be in the presence of the Lord because his lips are unclean.

So having unclean lips as a prophet, or as a pastor, is a terrible situation in which to find oneself. But God has an answer for that: This hot coal will clean his lips. The lips are cleansed and now God has a question for the general public: Who will go for us?

  • Pilgrims of the Alley: Living out Faith in Displacement.
  • Dave Arnold : Pilgrims of the Alley: Living out Faith in Displacement | Free eBook Download.
  • Gottsched und Lessing: Zwei Größen der Literaturkritik im 18. Jahrhundert (German Edition);
  • See a Problem?.
  • Blazing Bedtime Stories, Volume VII: The Steadfast Hot Soldier / Wild Thing (Mills & Boon Blaze) (Bedtime Stories, Book 17)?
  • Allens First Haircut (I am a STAR Personalized Book Series 1).

Whom shall I send? Here I am, send me. Whenever we hear a song that commands us to go serve the Lord without pretense and without our ability being what dictates our actions, it moves us.

The Power of a Dream

Now, the whole vss. Isaiah gives us a simile with the image of a vineyard. He tells us about his vineyard and how he cared for it and planted it and did everything he needed to do in order for it to grow, but it only produced wild, bitter grapes. He then says in vs. He warns the people that when wine overcomes them, then they are overcome by others in defeat. It is a simple message, but one that is also good for the ages. It makes the Lord angry, we read, when people do not follow him. God is always paying attention and wants to be in relationship with us, even when we disregard him.

This chapter states that there might come a day when God has to simply tear down and replant. A short little chapter in Isaiah here, but one that has so much meaning and nuance. The first verse is an indication that there are no longer men left in the town because they have either all been deported, sent to war, or ran away because of the incessant conflict in that area. All that are left are the women who are looking for someone who would give them a last name otherwise they would be left abandoned for the rest of their lives.

That is the way that it was back then. The man provided the safety, security, and respect that was needed for the woman. There are exceptions, of course, such as Deborah, but this tended to be the norm. I find it fascinating that they say that they do not need to be provided for materially, they will provide their own bread and their own clothes, just remover their disgrace by being alone.

The prophet says that the only ones left in Jerusalem will be called holy.

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God will revamp the city and those who are in it and cleanse the city and those who are in it by the power of His hand. It is a beautiful picture of a rebirth after a time where only desolation is present. I remember in seminary I took a class and we had to translate in Hebrew Isaiah chapters It was a chore, but I remember specifically chapter 3 because of the many vocabulary words that I had to look up in order to finish the translation.

In so much of the Old Testament Hebrew you find words that are repeated and used over and over again. It is a very descriptive chapter that lets us know that God is taking away support from Judah because Israel betrayed God. It is in essence a chapter which speaks about the judgment of the Lord on those who do not follow His ways. It is also very specifically addressed to a nation state.

We do not live in a theocracy, thank God, no really, thank God, but I do often hear people talk about how God has blessed the US in a very unique way. But keep in mind how we have said that prosperity is not a direct sign of obedience or blessing. But this chapter speaks about how God is going to remove from the nation: Instead children will rule the nation, which assumes a maturity that would be wanting.

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Everyone will be oppressed by each other and by all of their neighbors. The young will be totally disrespectful to their elders. As you follow along I hope you understand the type of society that it is depicting.