Although these deficits usually dissipate with time, a dose of nicotine will rapidly ameliorate them Davis et al. Thus, chronic substance abuse can lead to cognitive deficits that are particularly pronounced during early periods of abstinence. While the cognitive deficits associated with withdrawal from drugs are often temporary, long-term use can also lead to lasting cognitive decline. In general, however, they impair the ability to learn new patterns of thought and behavior that are conducive to successful response to treatment and recovery. For example, long-term cannabis users have impaired learning, retention, and retrieval of dictated words, and both long-term and short-term users show deficits in - time estimation Solowij et al.
As another example, chronic amphetamine and heroin users show a deficits in a range of cognitive skills, including verbal fluency, pattern recognition, planning, and the ability to shift attention from one frame of reference to another Ornstein et al. The decisionmaking deficits resembled those observed in individuals with damage - to the prefrontal cortex, suggesting that both drugs alter function in that brain area Rogers et al.
A pair of recent studies suggests that some meth- amphetamine-induced cognitive losses may be partially recouped with extended abstinence Volkow et al. Evaluated when abstinent for less than 6 months, chronic methamphetamine abusers scored lower than unexposed controls on tests of motor function, memory for spoken words, and other neuropsychological tasks. The deficits were associated with a comparative scarcity of dopamine transporters proteins that regulate dopamine and reduced cellular activity metabolism in the thalamus and NAc.
In another study, abusers of 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine MDMA, ecstasy continued to score relatively poorly in tests of immediate and delayed recall of spoken words even after 2. In some studies with animals, chronic nicotine administration improved cognitive capacities such as attention, but other studies found that initial improvements waned with chronic treatment Kenney and Gould, Furthermore, several recent studies have shown that smoking and a past smoking history are associated with cognitive decline.
Laboratory studies have demonstrated nicotine-related alterations in neuronal functioning that could underlie cognitive decline that persists even after prolonged abstinence. Such changes could result in long-lasting cognitive changes that contribute to poor decisionmaking and addiction.
The real reason some people become addicted to drugs
The human brain continues to develop and consolidate important neural pathways from the prenatal period through adolescence. Throughout these years, the brain is highly malleable, and drug-induced alterations of neural plasticity may deflect the normal course of brain maturation. The consequences of prenatal alcohol exposure are well-known: Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders are the leading cause of mental retardation in the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, In addition, fetal alcohol exposure increases susceptibility to later substance abuse problems Yates et al.
Prenatal exposures to a number of other drugs have significant deleterious effects on cognition and behavior that may not rise to the level of mental retardation. Another study documented memory deficits in year-old children who had been exposed prenatally to alcohol or marijuana Richardson et al. Clinical and laboratory research has implicated pre-natal exposure to methamphetamine in both cognitive deficits and altered brain structure.
Another study documented structural changes in the frontal and parietal cortex of 3- and 4-year-old children who had been exposed prenatally to methamphetamine Cloak et al. In laboratory studies, rats that were treated with methamphetamine during pregnancy gave birth to pups that, when they reached adulthood, were slow to learn spatial relationships and exhibited spatial memory impairment Acuff-Smith et al.
The effects of prenatal tobacco exposure are particularly concerning because so many expectant mothers smoke—by one estimate, over 10 percent in the United States Hamilton et al. In utero exposure to tobacco byproducts has been linked to cognitive deficits in laboratory animals and human adolescents Dwyer, Broide, and Leslie, Some studies suggest that such exposure can lower general intelligence; for example, one found a point gap in full-scale IQ between exposed and unexposed middle-class adolescents e. In another study, the odds of having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD were more than three times as great for adolescents whose mothers smoked during pregnancy compared with children of nonsmoking mothers Pauly and Slotkin, Cognitive deficits following prenatal exposure to smoking may reflect structural brain changes.
In one study, prenatally exposed adolescent smokers had greater visuospatial memory deficits in conjunction with changes in parahippocampal and hippocampal function compared with adolescent smokers not prenatally exposed Jacobsen et al. Brain imaging of adolescent smokers and nonsmokers who were prenatally exposed to smoking has revealed reduced cortical thickness Toro et al. Furthermore, in rats, prenatal exposure to nicotine decreased memory-related neural activity in the hippocampus and resulted in deficits in active avoidance learning, with male and female prenatally exposed rats showing significantly fewer correct responses as young adults Vaglenova et al.
These deficits persisted into later adulthood among the male rats, but not the females. Among the adverse consequences of prenatal drug exposure is a heightened risk of becoming a drug abuser in later life Fergusson, Woodward, and Horwood, This is troubling, as it may lead to a downward spiral that manifests across generations and destroys family structures. Multiple factors could contribute to the increased risk of future substance abuse, including the effects of prenatal drug exposure on cognition.
As already reviewed, the risk of developing ADHD is greatly increased in adolescents whose mothers smoked during pregnancy Pauly and Slotkin, ADHD is often comorbid with substance abuse Biederman et al. Further work is needed to understand the mechanisms that underlie the increased risk of drug abuse associated with prenatal exposure.
Adolescence is a high-risk period for substance abuse. Most addicted smokers first formed the habit during adolescence Khuder, Dayal, and Mutgi, Adolescent smoking strongly affects cognition. Adolescent smokers scored worse than age-matched nonsmokers on tests of working memory, verbal comprehension, oral arithmetic, and auditory memory Fried, Watkinson, and Gray, ; Jacobsen et al.
These deficits resolved upon cessation of smoking with the exceptions of working memory and arithmetic performance, which remained at comparatively low levels. In rats, nicotine exposure during adolescence was associated with visuospatial attention deficits, increased impulsivity, and increased sensitivity of medial prefrontal cortical dopamine terminals in adulthood Counotte et al. In addition, adolescent rats treated with nicotine had long-lasting changes in the sensitivity of the adenylyl cyclase cell signaling cascade see Figure 1 , a second messenger pathway involved in many processes, including learning and memory Slotkin et al.
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These findings fit well with studies demonstrating that nicotine initially can enhance some cognitive processes, but with continued use adaptation can occur, leading to dissipation of these effects and even deficits for review, see Kenney and Gould, Adolescent smoking can foster cognitive decline indirectly, through the promotion of other disorders.
For example, adolescent cigarette use is associated with later episodes of depression Choi et al. A laboratory investigation shed light on this relationship: Adolescent exposures to other substances of abuse, such as alcohol, cannabis, and MDMA, also cause persistent disruptions of cognition Brown et al. These findings indicate that the adolescent brain, which is still developing, is susceptible to insult from drug use and abuse, and such insult can result in long-lasting changes in affect and cognition.
Drug-related cognitive deficits may be particularly detrimental to the well-being of individuals whose cognitive performance is already compromised by a mental disorder. Moreover, individuals who suffer from mental disorders abuse drugs at higher rates than the general population. Substance abuse is almost twice as prevalent among adults with serious psychological distress or major depressive episodes as among age-matched controls SAMHSA, , p.
In a study, smoking rates approximated 30 percent in population-based controls, 47 percent in patients with anxiety disorder or major depressive disorder, 78 percent in patients with mania, and 88 percent in patients with schizophrenia Hughes et al. The case of smoking and schizophrenia provides one example of a mental disorder that features cognitive deficits in combination with abuse of a drug that causes cognitive decline.
As with many comorbidities, effective treatment will likely require untangling the reasons why the two conditions so frequently co-occur:. Another cognitive disorder that is strongly associated with smoking is ADHD. Interestingly, the cognitive symptoms associated with ADHD are similar to those displayed during nicotine withdrawal, and both have been attributed to alterations in the acetylcholinergic system Beane and Marrocco, ; Kenney and Gould, The desire to avoid withdrawal may be a particularly strong motivation for continued smoking in this population, as individuals with ADHD suffer more severe withdrawal symptoms than age-matched controls without the disorder Pomerleau et al.
As noted above, however, continued smoking in itself can lead to cognitive decline Nooyens, van Gelder, and Verschuren, ; Richards et al.
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Such abuse may also represent attempts at self-medication, as stimulants are used to treat ADHD symptoms Dopheide and Pliszka, ; Kollins, such as deficits in attention and working memory Beane and Marrocco, The literature reviewed here highlights the importance of considering past and present cognitive function when treating patients for addiction, as drug-related cognitive changes may bias patients toward responses and actions that contribute to the cycle of addiction. Clinicians face the challenge of helping patients master adaptive strategies to overcome the strong associations that contribute to relapse when patients return to environments associated with their prior substance use.
Research into the changes in cognition that accompany addiction and the neural substrates of learning and addiction is still in its infancy but has potential to reshape views on addiction. For example, a recent discovery that has generated excitement in the addiction field is that smokers who suffered damage to the insula often lost their desire to smoke Naqvi et al.
The authors of this finding proposed that the insula is involved in the conscious urge to smoke and that therapies that modulate insula function may facilitate smoking cessation. It may also be that damage to the insula will have a similar effect on the desire to use other drugs of abuse for a review see Goldstein et al. A better understanding of how substances of abuse change cognitive processes is needed to develop new therapeutic agents to treat addiction and ameliorate cognitive deficits.
This is a complex issue, however, as different drugs of abuse appear to alter different cognitive processes and cell signaling pathways. Even among users of the same drug, cognitive impacts will differ depending on variations in environmental factors and genetics. It captures and stores information and impressions and discovers relationships between them. For the mind to learn, events must occur in the brain.
Among the most compelling pieces of evidence for this idea are many cases of individuals who suffered drastic reductions of their ability to learn after incurring brain injuries. The most famous, perhaps, is Henry Molaison, who, after surgical removal of extensive brain tissue at age 27 to control his epilepsy, entirely lost his long-term declarative memory Penfield and Milner, so that for the remaining 55 years of his life he could not call to mind anything that happened to him more than a few minutes earlier. Neuroscience research has correlated learning with the elaboration of neural networks in the brain.
Drugs, Brains, and Behavior: The Science of Addiction
Many experiments have established that, as learning takes place, selected neurons increase their levels of activity and form new connections, or strengthen established connections, with networks of other neurons. Moreover, experimental techniques that prevent neuronal activity and networking inhibit learning. Neuroscience research with animals is elucidating how the brain constructs and maintains the neural networks that support learning.
One process identified, long-term potentiation LTP , has features that parallel key aspects of learning. Although LTP has not been observed in every brain region, it has been demonstrated in the nucleus accumbens, prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala—all regions involved in both addiction and learning Kenney and Gould, ; Kombian and Malenka, ; Maren, ; Otani et al. This gene encodes a protein that metabolizes dopamine and norepinephrine, among other molecules. A person inherits two copies of the gene, one from each parent, and each copy has either a valine or a methionine DNA triplet at codon These results are important not only because they demonstrate a link between the effects of drugs of abuse on cognition and behavioral traits associated with addiction, but also because they provide examples of how genotype contributes to the addictive phenotype.
The author would like to thank Dr. National Center for Biotechnology Information , U. Addict Sci Clin Pract. Author information Copyright and License information Disclaimer. This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Abstract The brain regions and neural processes that underlie addiction overlap extensively with those that support cognitive functions, including learning, memory, and reasoning. The Persistence of Drug-Stimulus Associations Recent research has sought to account for the strikingly long-lasting ability of maladaptive drug-stimulus associations to influence behavior and provoke relapse.
Open in a separate window. Prenatal Exposures The consequences of prenatal alcohol exposure are well-known: Adolescent Exposure Adolescence is a high-risk period for substance abuse. As with many comorbidities, effective treatment will likely require untangling the reasons why the two conditions so frequently co-occur: Some evidence suggests that patients with schizophrenia smoke to self-medicate.
Consistent with this viewpoint is an observation that patients smoke less when given the antipsychotic clozapine, which independently alleviates this deficit, than when given haloperidol, which does not McEvoy, Freudenreich, and Wilson, It has also been proposed that patients with schizophrenia smoke to alleviate side effects of antipsychotic medication Goff, Henderson, and Amico, An observation that supports this idea is that patients with schizophrenia smoke more after receiving the antipsychotic haloperidol than when unmedicated McEvoy et al.
Another suggested explanation for the link between smoking and schizophrenia is that smoking itself may precipitate schizophrenia in people predisposed to develop the disease. Among schizophrenics, smokers have an earlier onset of illness, require hospital admissions more frequently, and receive higher doses of antipsychotic medications Goff, Henderson, and Amico, ; Kelly and McCreadie, ; Ziedonis et al.
Once we learn to associate two ideas or sensations, the occurrence of one is likely to invoke remembrance of the other. Similarly, in LTP, a neuron that receives strong, or high-frequency, stimulation from another neuron responds by becoming more sensitive to future stimulation from the same source;. Newly learned material enters our short-term memory and may or may not subsequently become established in our long-term memory. Similarly, LTP has an early phase during which short-term physiological processes support the above-mentioned increase in neuronal sensitivity and a late phase involving more long-lasting physiological processes;.
Animal studies have implicated some of the same sequences of biochemical changes cell signaling cascades in LTP and learning. Molecular mechanisms of memory acquisition, consolidation and retrieval. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. Nicotine self-administration impairs hippocampal plasticity. Stage-specific effects of prenatal d-methamphetamine exposure on behavioral and eye development in rats. Dose-dependent impairing effects of morphine on avoidance acquisition and performance in male mice.
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. Mechanism and time course of cocaine-induced long-term potentiation in the ventral tegmental area. What does it add to our preclinical understanding of drug reward? Psychopharmacology Berl ; 1: Norepinephrine and acetylcholine mediation of the components of reflexive attention: Implications for attention deficit disorders.
Smoking after nicotine deprivation enhances cognitive performance and decreases tobacco craving in drug abusers. Familial risk analyses of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and substance use disorders. American Journal of Psychiatry. Effects of smoking and smoking deprivation on the articulatory loop of working memory. Boettiger CA, et al. Immediate reward bias in humans: Neurocognitive functioning of adolescents: Effects of protracted alcohol use.

Clinical and Experimental Research. Mechanisms of emotional arousal and lasting declarative memory.
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Endocannabinoids facilitate the induction of LTP in the hippocampus. Chang L, et al. Smaller subcortical volumes and cognitive deficits in children with prenatal methamphetamine exposure. Cigarette smoking predicts development of depressive symptoms among U. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. Lower diffusion in white matter of children with prenatal methamphetamine exposure.
Long-lasting cognitive deficits resulting from adolescent nicotine exposure in rats. Cognitive sequelae of intravenous amphetamine self-administration in rats: Evidence for selective effects on attentional performance. Cocaine self-administration improves performance in a highly demanding water maze task. Amphetamine effects on long term potentiation in dentate granule cells. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior.
Cocaine preferentially enhances sensory processing in the upper layers of the primary sensory cortex. Nicotine and brain development. Birth Defects Research Part C: A cortical-hippocampal system for declarative memory. Archives of General Psychiatry. The neurocircuitry of addiction: British Journal of Pharmacology.
Maternal smoking during pregnancy and psychiatric adjustment in late adolescence. Limbic activation to cigarette smoking cues independent of nicotine withdrawal: A perfusion fMRI study. Differential effects on cognitive functioning in to year-olds prenatally exposed to cigarettes and marihuana. Neurocognitive consequences of cigarette smoking in young adults—a comparison with pre-drug performance. Acute effects of opioids on memory functions of healthy men and women.
Psychopharmacology Berl ; 2: Hyperactivity-inattention symptoms in childhood and substance use in adolescence: Although these drugs mimic the brain's own chemicals, they don't activate neurons in the same way as a natural neurotransmitter, and they lead to abnormal messages being sent through the network. Other drugs, such as amphetamine or cocaine, can cause the neurons to release abnormally large amounts of natural neurotransmitters or prevent the normal recycling of these brain chemicals by interfering with transporters.
This too amplifies or disrupts the normal communication between neurons. Drugs can alter important brain areas that are necessary for life-sustaining functions and can drive the compulsive drug use that marks addiction. Brain areas affected by drug use include:. Some drugs like opioids also affect other parts of the brain, such as the brain stem, which controls basic functions critical to life, such as heart rate, breathing, and sleeping explaining why overdoses can cause depressed breathing and death. Pleasure or euphoria—the high from drugs—is still poorly understood, but probably involves surges of chemical signaling compounds including the body's natural opioids endorphins and other neurotransmitters in parts of the basal ganglia the reward circuit.
When some drugs are taken, they can cause surges of these neurotransmitters much greater than the smaller bursts naturally produced in association with healthy rewards like eating, music, creative pursuits, or social interaction. It was once thought that surges of the neurotransmitter dopamine produced by drugs directly caused the euphoria, but scientists now think dopamine has more to do with getting us to repeat pleasurable activities reinforcement than with producing pleasure directly. Our brains are wired to increase the odds that we will repeat pleasurable activities.
The neurotransmitter dopamine is central to this. Whenever the reward circuit is activated by a healthy,. This dopamine signal causes changes in neural connectivity that make it easier to repeat the activity again and again without thinking about it, leading to the formation of habits. Just as drugs produce intense euphoria, they also produce much larger surges of dopamine, powerfully reinforcing the connection between consumption of the drug, the resulting pleasure, and all the external cues linked to the experience.
For example, people who have been drug free for a decade can experience cravings when returning to an old neighborhood or house where they used drugs. Like riding a bike, the brain remembers. For the brain, the difference between normal rewards and drug rewards can be likened to the difference between someone whispering into your ear and someone shouting into a microphone.
Just as we turn down the volume on a radio that is too loud, the brain of someone who misuses drugs adjusts by producing fewer neurotransmitters in the reward circuit, or by reducing the number of receptors that can receive signals. As a result, the person's ability to experience pleasure from naturally rewarding i. Now, the person needs to keep taking drugs to experience even a normal level of reward—which only makes the problem worse, like a vicious cycle. Also, the person will often need to take larger amounts of the drug to produce the familiar high—an effect known as tolerance.
Long-term drug use impairs brain functioning. These items and others are available to the public free of charge. Drugs, Brains, and Behavior: The Science of Addiction. National Institute on Drug Abuse website. Skip to main content. Drugs and the Brain Introducing the Human Brain The human brain is the most complex organ in the body. How does the brain work? How do drugs work in the brain? What parts of the brain are affected by drug use?
Brain areas affected by drug use include: