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It falls, then, quite naturally to Marthe de La Taille-Rivero to introduce this series with a first article which shows how a certain concern for the common good took shape in France, mainly after the Second World War—a concern driven by some major employers and often influenced by the Anglo-Saxon countries and goes on to indicate the crucial additional impetus given to this movement from the s onwards by Jacques Rigaud, the chair of Admical Association for the Development of Industrial and Commercial Sponsorship.

She also highlights how business support that was originally targeted towards cultural activities has diversified appreciably to take in social matters and, subsequently, problems of the environment and sustainable development, as well as local development issues.

La Brain tech, eldorado économique et défi éthique

Is all this just part of corporate communications and image creation or does it represent a profound, enforced redistribution of roles, a hybridization of functions pregnant with a future that is quite unlike the past? Transhumanism, first popularized in North America in the s by Ray Kurzweil and more particularly from the s onwards when a significantly large movement formed around these ideas , advocates the use of science and technology to improve the physical and mental characteristics of human beings, and hence to impel humanity beyond the human condition in the strict sense of the term.

Drawing on the convergence of technologies IT, nano- and bio-technologies and the cognitive sciences , that movement has been boosted by the advances we have seen in recent years, particularly in the area of artificial intelligence. But what is transhumanism? What are its philosophical and ideological underpinnings? Might it lead to a posthumanism, relegating the human to the status of historical relic? In a recent work, Gilbert Hottois set about unpicking the ideological impulses behind transhumanism and its extreme version, posthumanism.

If it is essential not to lower our guard at the ethical level, we should probably also engage in a little demystification: We can only hope that this continues to be the case…. We live in a world of data: Companies today need to have a data strategy but also a data ethics.

They need to know what type of data they are processing, for what purpose, with what types of limits because data is not only an asset, it is also a risk hacking, data breach, reputation An increasing number of books and articles have appeared in recent years on the theme of transhumanism, prompted by the extremely rapid scientific and technical progress that seems to bode well for proponents of this school of thought.

Transhumanism, which was popularized in North America in the s by, among others, Ray Kurzweil and particularly in the s when a movement of significant scale formed around these ideas , advocates the use of science and technology to improve the physical and mental characteristics of human beings and hence push humanity beyond the human condition in the narrow sense.

This article looks at the semantic origins of the term and the authors who presided over its emergence, enabling us to put a fashionable concept back into context. With talk of transhumanism and the enhancement of human capacities, ours is an age which seems increasingly to countenance the surpassing or even the total overriding of the limits of the human species, for better or for worse. He shows how, thanks to the advances made in pre-implantation diagnosis, combined with progress in the fields of cell biology and computing, ways are being developed to sort and select embryos which are the most perfect possible by currently prevailing social standards.

Genetically modified organisms GMOs , which are a source of great distrust so far as French citizens are concerned, are also at the heart of important controversies in the scientific world. This special issue which Futuribles is devoting to the GM question attests to this, through articles that are at times highly positive and favourable to the development of GMOs.

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Reminding us what GMOs are, and of the scientific hopes that many have vested in them, Testart and Prat show how the scientific controversies are far from being settled and how slow the promises of the GMO advocates have been in coming to fruition. They criticize the tendency to regard the genome as a Meccano set that can be manipulated without any impact on plant and animal life.

In their view, matters are quite different. From shareholders to stakeholders: Company Law and CSR: New legal and Economic Challenges.

La modernisation responsable

Vers une approche politique de l'entreprise? Les risques sociaux majeurs. La gestion des risques majeurs. Sustainable development through innovation? Strategies for sustainable technologies and innovations p. Alternative approaches to development. Key drivers of the food chain. Green Technologies in Food Production and Processing p.

Notre vision développement durable

La souffrance au travail. Social Economy, Environment, and Sustainable Development: Innovation and The Social Economy: University of Toronto Press. Van den Brande dir. Sustainable Development and Subnational Governments: Policy-making and Multi-level Interactions p. Business, Non-State Regulation and Development. Londres ; New York: Prolegomena to Sustainability Reporting: Social accounting and public management: Nouvelles mobilisations et compromis sociaux en environnement: Finance solidaire et monnaies sociales: Exclusion et liens financiers.

Dans Blanc et al. Consumi e partecipazione politica. Tra azione individuale e mobilitazione collettiva. Social responsibility and regulation of the globalised firm. Dans Murray et al. Multistakeholder collaborative processes, regulation and governance: Corporate Social Responsibility, accountability and Governance.

S'habiller avec des vêtements "éthiques" : à quel prix ?

Faire les meilleurs choix pour l'avenir. Quels sont nos choix? Ecological Modernisation and Business Leaders. Regulation Theory and Sustainable Development. Les Presses internationales Polytechnique. Environnement et sciences sociales. La gestion environnementale et ISO 14 Collectif de recherche sur les innovations sociales dans les entreprises et les syndicats.

Un cas exemplaire de nouvelle gouvernance. Dans Pour un monde responsable et solidaire: Colloque international de l'Alliance pour un monde responsable et solidaire, , Laval. Multinationals and social responsibility. Revue internationale de psychosociologie , XIV Gestion , 31 2. Les cahiers de la Chaire — collection recherche. Les cahiers de la Chaire — collection recherche, No Cahier de recherche conjoint: Corporate social responsibility tools.

Les cahiers de la Chaire — collection recherche no. Les cahiers de la Chaire — collection recherche, no Vers des investissements socialement responsables. Conseil d'administration de l'UQAM. La Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie. Concours des subventions ordinaires de recherche. Sommet de Johannesburg Gendron, C.