1876 - 1951

Hardcover , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Jeremiah and Lamentations , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Jeremiah and Lamentations. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Devotional, practical, and Christ-centered, the Ironside Expository Commentary series offers insightful and practical comments that bring out the essential truths of God's Word.

David Pierce rated it really liked it Dec 28, Larry Taylor rated it liked it Apr 09, Srjohnson rated it it was amazing Nov 12, Nick Park rated it it was ok Jun 02, Charles Donaldson rated it it was amazing Oct 23, Andy rated it it was amazing Nov 25, Nicholas Carpathia rated it it was amazing Mar 17, Luke Hays rated it really liked it May 06, William marked it as to-read Mar 20, Brenda marked it as to-read Mar 30, It is only thus we show in a practical way that we are one with Him in the heavenly places.

Acts seems like an unfinished book. The work of this evangelistic age will not be completed until all the nations hear the good news of Jesus Christ. Occupy til I come. Hebrews is the wilderness letter for the saints. It is for believers who have left the world of Egypt behind.

Bible Commentaries

It is the pilgrm progressing from the cross to coming glory. Real faith is never separated from a life of piety. In a very blessed way, the Spirit of God first puts before us the blessings that are ours as Christians and the importance of growing in grace. Bibles by the Case.

Visit Us in Fincastle. List Grid Ironside Expository Commentaries: Daniel First delivered in the form of lectures, this volume gives a clear and succinct outline of the teaching of the book of Daniel. Joshua Commentary on Joshua, God divinely appointed leader, consisting of stenographic notes covering messages given at Moody Memorial Church in Chicago.

The Epistles of John and Jude If you are seeking truth as to the Kingdom of God as a member of the family of God, the letters of John are the resource. Revelation Significantly begins and ends with a blessing. Proverbs and Song of Solomon Presses home upon the heart and conscience, with a view to the increase of everyday godliness, a distinctively practical portion of the Word of God. Realizing keenly the immediate connection between their wrongdoing and their woes, they cry in contrition and penitence, "The crown is fallen from our head: Thanks to a merciful God, blessing is not far away when the soul thus bends to the rod and confesses the justness of the punishment.

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Judah had been brought very low; but He who cast them down can lift them up, when the needed lesson has been laid to heart and borne its fruit. Fainting in heart, with tear-dimmed eyes, "because of the mountain of Zion, which is desolate," and a habitation for foxes, they look up to Him from whom all their past blessings had come, and who found it necessary to pass them through all their sorrows: Everything else may have been swept away, but He remains forever.

What unspeakable consolation, dear fellow-saint, is in this precious fact for every tried and suffering child of God! Circumstances may be very hard; blow upon blow may strike; disaster follow disaster; until the stricken heart has not one earthly thing left to cling to. In such an hour Satan would fain lead the soul to that God too is gone: Faith looks up and shouts, "Thou, O Lord, remainest! There is an authentic incident related of a widowed Christian women who lived in Scotland years ago.

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Left with several dependent "bairns," she was at length reduced to great straits, and in order to feed and clothe her little household was obliged to practise the strictest economy. Yet withal, her heart was fixed upon the Lord, and both by precept and practice she taught the lesson of trust and confidence to her children. But there came a day when the purse was flat and the cupboard bare. In the meal-barrel there was only left a handful of flour; and, like the widow of Zarephath, she went to get it to make a morsel of food to satisfy the craving of the hungry little ones, knowing not where the next would come from.

As she bent over the barrel, scraping up the last of the flour, her heart for a moment gave way, and in a paroxysm of doubt the hot tears began to fall, and she felt as one utterly forsaken.

  1. Endocrine Disruptors and Puberty (Contemporary Endocrinology).
  2. Ironside Expository Commentaries.
  3. Jeremiah and Lamentations by H. A. Ironside () | Best Commentaries Reviews.
  4. Hearing her sobs, her little boy Robbie drew near to comfort. Plucking at her dress till he attracted her attention, he looked up into her face with wonder, and asked, in his quaint Scotch dialect, " Mither, what are ye greetin' weeping aboot?

    • Wohnmobil Reisebuch Deutschland, Ostfriesland: 7. überarbeitete Auflage, 2017 (German Edition)!
    • Jeremiah and Lamentations (Ironside Expository Commentary Series).
    • Jeremiah and Lamentations.
    • Lamentations 5 Commentary - Ironside's Notes on Selected Books.
    • Jeremiah and Lamentations;

    Doesna God hear ye the scrapin' o' the bottom o' the barrel, mither? Ah, yes, God did hear. All else might be gone, but He remained, and His Word declared her every need should be supplied. And so it was; for help was provided from a most unexpected source, when the last of what she had was gone. It is the time of trial that tests faith; and never more so than when one is aware that the trial has been brought on by one's self. The spared of Judah feeling this, go on to ask, "Wherefore dost Thou forget us forever, and forsake us so long time?

    But in confidence they add, "Turn Thou us unto Thee, O Lord, and we shall be turned; renew our days as of old" v. If He shall turn them, all will be well. They are unable to trust themselves. They had ever been treacherous and false; but He can make them willing in the day of His power. Then they shall be as He would have them.

    Jeremiah and Lamentations by H.A. Ironside

    It would seem that neither in the Authorized nor in the Revised Versions is the last verse adequately rendered. As it stands in both, it would imply that they were hopeless of any recovery, and considered their rejection to be final and their prayer unavailing. But the margin of the R. He was soon to arise, to be their Deliverer once more.