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Depictions of dress from northern China thus show a predominance of styles suitable for horse-riding peoples. Elite men are sometimes shown wearing thigh-length wrapped jackets over skirts or voluminous skirtlike trousers , e. Likewise, the garment industry is required to make necessary preparations before the new situation in global trading emerges after Neighboring garment exporting countries prepared their strategies and action plan immediately after the Multi Fiber Agreement MFA was concluded in Its linen ground bears a silk decorative band of rather ungainly birds, perhaps ducks, each enclosed by a medallion , cited: Fashion Icons with Fern Mallis pdf, azw kindle , epub, doc, mobi.
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If you're looking for clothing that effortlessly blends comfort and protection, look no further. By TE Online on March 9, 5: A new, confidential European assessment says that China ia making rapid progress both in the nuclear weapons snd their means of delivery. To those who fear that China may be aggressive and dangerous, however, the report Is rcatsuring.
It is difficult to believe that Mao Tie-tung will transform himself into a destroying angel. Among Peking's objectives, priority goes fo the determination to maintain, at any price, the frontiers that were established by the Imperial Chinese regime. They are also faced with problems of colonizing the outlying provinces and the development of essential infrastructures. China, a thermonuclear power, poses the problem o the shifting balance of power in these last years of Ihe 'JOih century.
He not only is at ease with politicians he has never met before, but he pumps them in Ihe best Nixon Address Phone In 15 minutes a jet can take you miles. Why spend the next 15 minutes renting a car? He also is said to desire greater ciforls towards a European security conference os wall as a better deal for isolated Berlin and reaaser- tton of the rights of the Western powers there. Hertz introduces 'Scramble' Service. The fastest way out of an airport yet. Before hjs resignation as French chief of iiaie last year. Ihe general had re- For One Thins. Another sore point with Lluyd's people Is the rvpiiiation foisted upon them by movie industey publicity agents as insurers of various stars' bosoms, legs, noses, fingers and vocal cords.
Uoyds' can and does accept this kind of risk, but Mahce notea that "it's only a tiny, tiny part of our premium volume," the vast bulk ol the holiness being in mure ordinary casualty Insurance. The offbeat itollclcs do serve s uaeful function, he admits, in that thejt demonstrate the flexibility Lloyd's can offer. Both are terribly British and traditional, and both are woefully misunderstood by outalders. Oicket will have in muddle along fur a while by Itielf. Mance is stumping scroll the United SUtes to acquaint American business and insurance executives with Lloyd's and to get thsir views of the Umdoh Insurance market.
It is a society of private individuals, grouped In syndicates, who write insurance. Hertz has taken the waiting and paperwork out of renting a car. Our new 'Scramble' Service is designed to get you out of an airport the way you arrived, fast! It's our latest time saving innovation and it's available now for all major airports in Canada. The secret of this riew service is a simple Hertz 'Scramble' ticket. Just fill it out before you -leave. Then phone Hertz for a 'Scramble' reservation or hand the ticket in at your departure airport.
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Your Hertz Foid or other line car is ready. We'll see to it that you start spending less time with us. Any insurance agent, anywhere in the world, can funnel a requeit for coverage through one of LJoyd'a appointed broken, who win carry It to the underwriters tn their market TOwn on Lime Street In Lemdon. From that mesnent, Ihe insurance is in force, even before the formal papers are prepared by tiie policy signing nffire, which draws up and seals alt LJoyti's poiieiei and provides s central accounting office. The merchants who sold this Iniuranee, known ss underwriters because they signed their name under the policy, simply backed the policy with their personal fortune That'sTitlll the policy today, although there may be as many as personal fortunes in a syndicate, each scrupulously audited each year lo make sure aL risks are covered.
For complete details, mill this coupon to: Jnfornwnta say negotialinu have been diicnntinued for a pocketbook abridgment of the report to have been produced by McQelland and Stewart. C Medical Service's T'ommisslun was "mischievous" the B. Evelyn WilsonI artd we wandered. Although the actiool popoia- tion has been growing about 11 per cent a year, only a few buses have bMn added.
Neveilheless, i i became evident Tuesday that pressure 4- building up withtn the profession for more money. One metbod of control used is to have the buses stop on the roadway rather than on the shoulder. Plan , Section 2. Coldstream District shown coloured "blue" on ihe plan for the purpose of mobile home park use. Coldstream District shown coloured "red" on the plan for the purpose nf general commercial use. Lot 3, Section Lm 10, Sectim Section I, R 3 W, Plan Highland District and Lola 2 and. Plan , except the Easterly leet thereof, Highland District, for mobile home park use.
He said the busea are cleaned thoroughly every day. Intricate mapping of the routes to take tlie students lu the 14 district schoola is done by Ramsfield and technical clerk Stewart Armstrong long before school opens. The Millstream bus is one of eight operated by the board and takes students dowm Mlllatream Road to. It then makes a second trip to pick up youngsters at Thetis Heights subdivision who attend the same schools A budget of is needed annually to keep the buses on the road and to Iransporl the 1. John Higgina and Dr. Lane of Victoria reiterated "Our resolution asks you to long-standing Victoria Med- set up ya Committee and do icat Society complaints Itial something that doesn't look the WCB should only assume like a snow job to doctors Ihe role of a payment agency, that have wailed ten years ' Peet pointed out that there already had been one collision this year between Canadian and Soviet fishing vessels and he suggested that Ihe doctors should be involved because the health and livelihoods of Canadians were issues.
The buses between them travel miles a day 21 0 days a year, for a total of They are also used for taking students on other trips — tn the swimming pool, band concerts or to an annual hootenanny. To say that the livelihood of fishermen is not a medical inatler is pulling our heads in the sand. But the proiiosai was defeated after several delegates said it was beyond the comijeierlie of the medical profession.
Ramsfield said discipline on the buses is probably the drivers' major problem. See your travel agent or call us at Vtctoria to Calgary Dep. I Lltterine Lozingii S. Tablets used daily, keeps denturea clean and odor free. Cleans dental plates thoroughly and easily without bnithing. For children or adults. A toothpaste and mouthwash ta arte tube. Your mouth feels clean all day.
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Dress warmly and avoid exposure to drafU. Woodward's brand saccharin talv lets. Evening shopping Thursdays and Fridays 'til 9 p. Uia deitruetioR tn an actual an- In a ceeonS taat high avar tha anaouneamanl caM. Nalthar miialla carried a was eonduotsd on Aug. Si and Tha KSM. Alt wvinw — adoetlii pr. NMatteBi k aouthani Pnnea "Tha prneaaa haa tha dia. Mda Inland was oaught In a Rninbard spoka aflar a vlalous otrata.
Tha Ineraaaing outhaaabg of forest ires aaeh year that dMtroy Ihouagndi of aorrs a brest land In the south ed Pranca ugset the haiaree of nshira and saute mora dryneaa and higher temparaturat whleh tn turn toads tn Dwre rnmal firee. It can improve over-all engine performance. Preaident, Chevrwi Rmeardi, and Dr.
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Most cars spend a lot of time in traffic, so you can see how important this saving is. As can accumulate mileage, deposits can build up around the intake valves and porta. F can remove these deposits and restore the lost power. F can keep oil rings andoilacreens clean. This helps lubricate certain engine parts better, and adds to their life. Dirt and deposits are damaging to uigine metal. F helps eliminate this problem to hrip mgines last longer. Visible smoke is indicative of extreme cmidi- tions. Black smoke can be temporarily cumd hy mechanical adjustment.
Maepheraon; Blue smoke means oil is burning, usually as a result of piston ring wear wdiich allows ml to get into the combustion chamber. This is a severe engine performance pnhlem and a job for a mechanic, not for F Sometiines you may also see white exhaust. It doesn't mean anything is wrong with your car. In its ability to clean dirty engine parts and keep clean engines dean, F is more effective than any other additive in any gasoline that we know of.
We have produced independent scientific proof of our claims for F Others have made similar claims for other additives, but no one has come forward with independent proof that we have seen. F is patented, and we have offered to make it available to other oil cmnpanies. This is an important contribution to cleaner air. But we also believe that cars should be a pleasure to drive, and not a constant source of expense. A big plus for motorists who use Chevron with F Top Quality, Government Inspected Beef. Properly aged to the Peak of Perfection. Vac SI Pack Halves. Canada Choice, Canada Good..
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All replies will be treated in confidence. Dyiiama 19 19 Rvarop B Eazla R 32 S Mlnaa 7 18 Kalr. Please mall applications to R. P r Rrxarar rnow. Van Stolk, who la alao myth Airwaya when It waa founded In IStl after being a buch pilot flying hla own aircraft for aeven yeara.
C hreame PWA in 19S3, l. If valuation day had been the only criterion, he aald, many people would find themaelvea paying capital gains on deals in which they had been Iceeri. Coastal MariiM Beenrta Ltd. Noel Pierce replaces Mr. Workers here dredge near Port Hedland. H Dick Laidman has resigned his poeltlon as president cd Pacific Weatsm Alrllnei for personal rcaaona. Although only 41 years of age, Laidman hai baen in the flying bualncis for nearly 30 yeari, first aa a bush dlat snd then as flying mechanic for the late Ruia Baker.
Vive La A Difference! V The differences are many —better quality, V lower prices, and now— on-the-spot typesetting, EH for falter delivery of that rather special job. Warner, has been sold to Warner Investments Ltd. Nowtheshortart distance betwBen two points is a Philips Intercom. System or office changes. Btnry and take this opportunity to welcomo Hwry Fooler and Us Real Csttte Setoi 8tUt, who ere all looking lorward to conMnnod asrvleo to their eiicnto Uirouah their now asaoclallon Nov. Marm m tU Xn't Ml'. Mi menIMy aeoeos- neet oaly Sto.
You're assured of continuity and Too ofien we've seco the problems of having objeclivily. We have be special knowledge and relatives, frieodii and business staociates act as expertise in investment manigement and taxation e. For example, being brutal but realistic. And we have offices right acroii Canada chancee-gre one or two of hem are your own age and ovarsaas, so your wife and other bcneHciiries 10 you can't count on Gontiniiiiy of the executorship can etiablith ihsmscivei comfortably and without lai ycM could with a corporals executor.
Piitally, estate taxation ii a very complkited impcraonal, remember, we at Royal Trait have wives subject for aomeoae not completely familiar with and children, too. C, Wcdnctdoy, October 7. People he kicked the itufRng out of like him. We don't want another Jack Ruby! The camera is hard to fool. It the eyes glitter or the eameraderie Is forced, or the good nsture leigned, the piihMr shivers snd siwtehee channels or leaves by tiie nearest exit.
In the esse M Roosevelt Grier, dtey accept it. He has fdayed the hospital — and the dole, they lelt. The feeling was that Rosey had at last solved his weight problem, that he would go from aocking i uarterbacka bi sacking potatoes. He would go frcun reading keys to reading want-ads. You can't play a little one-on- one with the bou. Ilie jobs he would fill out forms for would all say, "no experience neces- saiy. The phone everybody aatd would stop ringing had to havp "hold" buttons pul on It. Rooeevelt Grier's cgent was bualer than Doris Day's. Bronko, UU ua about the time you ran over Hiorpe.
They could becema ftird-baae coaches In beaebsU or go into aeouUng. Hockey League game at Me- failed to make the playoffs last t.. Orr Makes It Up S"'y3. Hrst draft choice in Saltzberg wrote an angry letter even an acknowledgement of amateurs last June tote editor OCL He studied for a year for "Othello" the modern musical version. Mike Garrett had caught a pass for the Kaniajs aty Chfefa that fafr- ful night. Roaey still breaks out in a cold sweat when he thinks what might have ha V pened had he caught him.
Why, it could have ruined hit life. He admitted this over a bow] of borscht at the Bat Rack restaurant the other day. He could have coat me a fortune. I might not have gotten my big break. The letter said yeairold "He was very, very nice, very Sehvood. Liddirtgtnn and Mar- Derek, who has muscular dys- charming," Mr. Draftad from New Ywk Rangen, Kurtenbaek scored two picture goals and played outstanding defensive hockey to win te acclaim at fans. Already in training for his bout with former heavyweight-champion Cassius Clay, Quarry presents a broad view of proceedings.
The exercise is designed to strengthen stomach and neck muscles and Quarry has only until Oct. Minor Mafor Minor Major The former Victoria 3olf Club junior and assistant pro was pasting through on his way from Jasper to Grand 'Bahama when I met Mm last week. Ifi enough to make anyone envious, particularly those who would sooner be on a golf course than anywhere else. Just about time things around Jasper start to indicate that skiing la about to take over. Jay heads fns- the lub-tropical climate of tte Bahamas.
Bahamas for some time, and 1 first met him in Nassau when he waa pro and host for tte nine-hole Montagu Beach course there. He tten moved to tte Grand Baham coune, where he Is head pro, course superintendent and golf promoter for the hotel. Jay goes on Rogera' itaS during te winter months when tta tourist season is at Its peak.
Jay laya he la kept quite busy. The same applies to Murray ins home to Niagara Falls, Ont. Hall and Duke Harris. DI singles and seven touchdowns. Monday afternoon in Penticton. Harden SwoHard'a penalty Robinson, who missed thC; goal with 10 minutes remaining first game In hla career In the gave Univeralty School a S first league contest this season win over Claremont Tuesday in against Winnipeg Blue Bombers, an exhibition rugby match.
BIB won the Royal Colwood championship eight times before joining the Vietceia club and will be seeking his third title since he moved. He reached the Inal with a 4 and 3 win over Jim Barry. Winning the Gorge Vale championship for he second year In succession makes year-old Dave Mick one of tte winnlngeit youngaters the district has ever had. He has wwi tte city junior chsunplonship, been medalist in tta B.
Invitational and the first holder of the Victoria Intermediate championiMp.
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In addition, ha has had a lot of near mlsaea, ineluding tte Canadian Junior championship at Kelowna, where he linlshed Iduftt to Dale Tailon. Irene Brett registered her third shutout and Brenda Hoult acored in the second half tor te winners. Tlte eclectic competition at tte Victoria Golf Qub, held through tte months of July, August and September, produced alx holes in one and tte sxceptionally-lcw score of 45, which is 24 under par.
Only tour ot the aeei counted, two being made cm the aecond and eighth holea. The otter holn seed were the seventh and 14tt. There weren't too many eagles on the longer holes, none at all OR par fours. Tlirees were scored on the par-five llth, 12tt and 17tt Miles to cut six more strokes off par, No one could do better than a birdie four on the first hole and tte ninth and 13tt were par thraes whiett yielded no jnorS than blrdlrs.
The ninth, however, tell last Saturday whm George Laird scored hia flrat hole In one. He used a No.
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The new rrgulalinne also include restriclions on hunting The B. The new regulation was announced by the B. Parade to the Post S its p. Wedneaday, Final Day, l: Oontliiercble evidence of old mine working! When finished It will make another pleasant park walk in an area a little different from that through which the other two trail! It eaturca more open areas under Ihe trees and a little gfSerent growth eondiriona to other areas of Goldslreain Park.
Work parties have been tentatively called or Nov. Both the trails make loope by using the TYans-Canada Highway and. They tan be hiked individually or as one long hike. Better still, during summer take in ore of Park Naturalist FVeeman King's nature walks along Arbutus Trail, or the parks branch trail that follows the Qolditream below the campsites. New takeoff point Is just about as difficult to find a. Take the next logging road to the left after passing Mile This road goes off at a licnd at almost right angles lo Ihe main road.
Just follow the red tapes dow-n the very steep, sometimes muddy, hut much shatter, trail to the beach. It takes about 10 minutes down and 30 minutes hark up for a good hiker. Parking area or the new trail is much better than at the old and longer trail where there was only room or two or three cars. If you can't find parking space at the slart of he new trail there are some pullout spoia along the kiggine road. The boreensB bad bees aaaoyed by the delay In raclDg cauaod when a grader, achednled lo cleau water off the track, tvaa delayed. Bat aelthar rala, aw mtmm.

And Miniraaota Tha kijit uv I mor-hina in Pin who duplicated hla eiice was too mudi or Minne- pitchers were raked or 31 Mta. Mur- Now lYa When he had heart problenu. The long as he wants If. MstUMwa cRcvi opening start against the Na-,for the umoires todav in an ef-: Ij g- ,Rm x. D DuMm rOW, ne laid. ERguimsit st 10 4s pny Fridey. Pridey hSvi on Ihls ball club. GWM si Recqait it. Derek gelling married Friday: Carnes Reimer, Reg Hooie. Both apent tlie year iii Gundrum, who has been prac- Derapaey.
Greerard Poles on the StKlay Europe. Coach Dave Eioeherly's new,action this season hecauae of I'. In fourth place in additions Include Gaither Injuries. Carnes end Beck are last year with Saskatchewan' and tried out this year with liiC' Angeles Rams of the —. Schodvtao may be obtained at tarry IsrtnloBls, auto clubs, flouts, inolals srtd tourist buioaui. And the Diamond Aing makes it even more forever.
Some were even too avant ganJe for me So he was determined to go where he could get real answers and a straight deal. That had to be BtrkL too. MI ttw uM up. Mora alina, laaa btaky fat aad hofp rogata i yMuhfu appMfiM aad aaeva. BaMM Baa rpr Mwa. Ron rfeBy, Mfai E. Bid Oantw Tliaa 1: He 'mlihed with IS for U holea, three under par.
R 11 y 1 n g with the om- hindicappar waa Pat Baauefie- min. Silverplate and Rogers Bros. Christmas and wedding season gift-giving. Guaranteed by International not to wear through In a lifetime. S — Save 7. President Nixon ftill pi'esent to the nation at 9 p. Knjoy this popular real estate , game. His speech will follow A mantha long review of die Vietnam negotiations, capped by a personal report to Nixon In Ireland Sunday by his repre- senatfves in Paris. Tols" Key Portable Organ Reg.
Battery is not m Included. Davis, commenting on the sale, said he would "e. Hie iweeident, who returned to IVaahuigton Monday night from his U. Stainless Steel Teapot Reg. So now shoes are more important than ever! But to really take advantage of our good selection, we suggest you come in as soon as possible. Our better quality shoes are from two sources: Choose from an assort- ment of styles in broken lines including pumps, strap and sling jM back styles.
Broken sizes 5 to Sizes S to 8. It was suggested that the prisoners might be beaten by Oiards if they were removed from the jail by any route that was not m full public view. Three otheb Jaila were aeriously affected. Oearance of belter quality cardigans in acrylic, wools and wool blends. Civet dstiitt, looser leu- ins Hr. TuKO- Iciti odotleti, harnilef, re pletit.
Discontinued and short line. Green, blur, grey and hlark; all valh with rayon lining. Assoried colours, sizes S,M,L. Rtial red, turnuoise, hrown. Gold, brown, green, blue, led. Sizes 4 to 6x. White, navy, aqua, whisky, green. Attractive bi-aid trim on hem. Sizes 32 to One size fits alL Sale, each. Long sleeves, lapel collars. Sizes 36 to Brown, black, navy, purple and green; elasli- cized waist for extra smooth fit. Sizes 12 to Sizes ,10 in Blue, gi-een, goldtone or tan.
Blue, green or tan. C 40 , 0 All rugs have foam harks and serged edges. Conrad Schwartz, chairman of the section of pisrchlatry, B. The amateur team asked for the grant to help finance its participation In the world amateur baseball chsmplnn- ihips in Cartegaoa, Colombia next month. In letter to the committee, the club said that 7S per cent of he total cost would he.
The letter didn't specify what the total coet would be. In the notes the ship's position at 12;03 p. Wet snow and temperstures SO degrees bekrw normal put h i ghwayi in loutiiMitem Saskatchewan in hazardous cortdition. Up to a foot of snow WBi reported around Yorkton. Alberta also had snow in the northern portioni. Plano — key tiy that reaily plays. Hattie Bali — Wood balls tumble in clear Plastic globe. Sole, each liSS 3. Fit in baloney slires. Animal Puppets — I.
Up to 12" sizes Di the lot. SS Sale, eucri l. Animal Puppets — 1. Banket Working Mt —Basket. Bale, Mch 1-SS If. Charley My Phone— Crank it and bell rings, eyes roll, noae squeaks. Paahloo EnMinliles —Smart wardrobes for ''Barbie'' and her friends. Milk Carrier — Has handle. Holds 6 plastic butties. PIrk-I'p — All steel Jeep. Mod Beach Boccy IS" Pull Wagon — Steel.
SS Kale, aet l. Checkers Folding board with 32 men, 24 inter-lock checkers. Crfh Board — llvee tracks. Six pegF-in built-in container. Stands about 12" high. Mualral Roly Poly Clown Unbreakable, uubliable. Creative Blocks — Squares, wedges, cir- r I e s. Itlnao Red — Pull- t. Khoke-A-nord — 10 cubes, plastie playing cup. Kale, 2 for l.
Flutter Ball—Rolls, floats, spins. Birds or butterOies witliin. Ilouaekeep Bel — of bntom, carpet sweeper, dust pan. Globe lum Bank — Plastic vending bank, gum balls, lock and key. M'mcker—or cement mixer or grader. Tog'l Btartcr Set- Wheel, ubc. Sal e Hel l. Cake Mix RefllU — Complete w1lh cooking with bake aecesoorles. SS Hale, 2 pkgs.
SS HsiJe, set l. Honia — Ibree-di- mensinn cube puzrJei for one or more. Ages 7 to Play Dob Bet—Pri- Oolour and Activity able, non-toxic, won't Set - includes five stain. Modelling ma- Whitman books to teriaJ. SS Hale, aet l.
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Tbe official aln laid iha but company appiled to the B. It was learned they would he continued until at least tonight. There could be comment cn longer term arrangements within the nest few days, the epokesman added. Saanteh Peninsula three runs , and Campbell River. Tlie cMnpany also operates mspmg sighlseetng buses. Merchants' Assocation held a closed meeting Tuesday night to deal with the proposal that downmwn stares open and close a half hour later each day.
Koaich was not available afterward for comment. Coach Lines president R. The question will say members of the students student council president not Include capital expendl- eouncil at ha Institute Wayne MeSlrauIck told the turn since the oobool board Adult Studies here. McStraulok pdnted out that AAA AAA only those registered on the McStrauick said he and "When people go to rote voters list are eligible fellow students council mem- Frlday mi whether or not they for Friday's plebiscite, while ber Francis LHtlechief were want a college, they will many of Ae Institute students typical of Institute students rertly be voting on whether are on thia year's list only.
Both had been out of school for tome years after failing to graduate from high school. To prove I do I got per cent in my last math exam. At the Institute, which would be Incorporated into a college, they feel there la a close relationship between teaeher and pupil that doesn't apply at university. Ccmptroller-treasurer John Trllie told the committee the recummendation, if passed by council, would increase water rate revenue source by 13 to 17 per cent.
The present charge per. I and For 10, gallons in the same aitne. Scott WaBace agreed that a ccdlege in the city would help cut welfare costs. She laid that after Mrs. Sooke board trustee Mrs. Isabelle Reader said in an interview Tueaday ahe was upset by Victoria'a action, "A citizen should not be which had Resulted in the denied access to Informatlcsi discharge a month ago of cm suspicion he might make Mrs. The health board decided Thursday to rebire Mn. Nordi Saanich, Sidney and school districts 62 Sbdee and Community information M- Acer Bit!
One effect of Ute policy, if adopted, would be committee meetings open to press and public. Brian Smith bad been informed In eomplalnte against the college concept he made at Oak Bay council meeting Monday night. Wallace laldtfie Implication that the plebiscite was being rushed through was an unfair slur on the school board.
The reasim for the quick vole waa to get Btlngi rolling ao that a college could be in operation by September of A unton ipokeiman aaid Tuesday night the next move In the Sandringham Private Hospital strike Is up to the employer or the provtnclsl government. In Including the govero- ment. Alex Markldea was painting to toe poialblllty of lnterventl m under the B. It was decided that the Institute should affiliate with tlw B. Tile atilkere, moetly nursing aides, are seeking a tint contract with the hoepttal.
It provldee emergency tielp to famillea who are victims of disaster. What doea the Red Ooas do with Its money? Others are angling lor takeovera. TWO years ago It didn't axiat. Today It has more than mamberi. Woman with hair pmbims. Today, many women have three or four wigs: The wig box has become as impmiant as the cosmetic box. The boom in synttwtici haa reduced the income of some beauty ahopa by 20 per cent. Convenience Is the big reason women finally decided 10 opt for wiga.
Travel Firm Enters Abortion Business Husbands, freed by todsy's permitsive society, tiie "peacock revolullMi" In male attire and aware what wigs do for wives, recently joined this pursuit of youth and convenience. Some men are buying more than one, so they can have a. New York law is far more liberal. He also has organized six Detroit- area doctors to commute on a rotating basi.
He says the service will begin ne. But, he says, he expects most patients will come from the midwest and if the Detrolt-area program is successful he plans to expand it to Chicago and Cleveiand. B Flounced bra-sllps and half-slips to support long, lull skirls; ilim. All such co-ordination makes for great looks. Underscore a rust outfit with pastel red, or with violet, try amethyst.
For extra dash, wear blackground prints under black. UPT -- fael as greai as you look! Doctor Advocates Vertical Birth Best decisive role in the rase and speed of birth. Schedule When physicians interfered in this Kerefafore private act about years ago, Perussi claims, they placed the mother on a table as a malter ol convenience and Iheir own pride. And physicians could not be seen in such a humble position, on Brain Drums School Dr. Tucho Perruai, honored by the Argentine Medical Association for hia studies, haa invented a special chair far delivering babies.
Students scheduled for French fouod thamaalvea with a math teacher. The current list of police eligiblea includes no males, and law requiree Hughes to appoim one of every three names sent to him on the eligible liiia. Two roomy, double-pillow styled handbags designed and made in France, each with inside zippeted compartment and adjustableshoulder straps.
In black, brown, bone and navy. S25 each Yates St. Available in carton or tub. For frying and salads, always use Saffsweet Safflower Oil. The Store with the Window Full of Specials! The bride waa an American fii-l niimed Beth. But for more than 40Q JnatlinE, squirming ladiei - and a few men -- crowded on both tidet of the itrecl nutaide Ihe red brick building, that hardly mattered. Or lo it teemed. The demure smile was vintage TayKir.
Huaband Richard Burton, best man lor the day in gray auii. The bride and groom smiled. The ladies of the crowd rheered like Iwbbysuxert of old. Oregon, reminded tome of a younger Taylor except tor. Wilding is Mias Taylor's son by the second of her fiv'8 marriages. Because of the shortage of hods, some women are being hooked as far ahead as next. Did I do the right thing? A former neighbor telephoned this morning and said she had heard my husband and I were giving a parly and the was sure her invitation was lost in the mail because so many mutual friends had already received theirs.
I was so taken by lurpriae I replied, ' Yea. You could and should have said, "No, They're studying the history of North American dating habits and hearing lectures by Women's Liberation militants. Their homework includes asking men for opinions un equality, prc-marital sex and responalMlity for pregnant women. The three -hour-a-waek course is the brainchild of Its teacher. Lesley Hughes, who was asked to design an Knglith department course at Red River community college 1 lor 60 student nurses. The senator is Thurmond and I are very happy. An aide lo Thurmond said the couple had known about the pregnancy -for three months but kept the news quiet.
Thurmond, a natty dresser and physical fitness buff whose looks belie his age. The question I want to ask Is simply this: Why is it that even though the black perSun performs the seme services and is paid the same salary as the white person, he gets asked, sooner or later, if he knows a good maid or a reliable Janitor. This has happened to nie so often I am fed up. The Iasi person who asked me this question was told lo call up an employment agency or place an ad in the paper The wtoman looked shocked whrn f responded to her in this manner.
Will you please explain this? The old time stereotype ol the Negro waa that of a servant. I have also lived more of life and know w'hal 1 want and where I am going. Right nnw I'm in a messy situation and I need yuur advice.
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He told me he was separated from his wife, Says Mrs. I know now "This course isn't anti-men. John Carlsson's new car was back in the garage for repairs only a few days after they bought it. Take the hint and leave him alone. Call for an appointment. C Supreme Court rulini tbst part d a downtown building owned bjr the Unlver- alty d Victoria li tax-exempt. HaU d the building was part d the eetatc of the lata 'nramas Mepheraon and waa vaiied In the unIvarsIty. Ha then wdered a two- month jail term -for he man. Johnson told eourt Sept. Jolmacsi sild the methadone was used In a so far succeuful altampi to beat rhe heroin habit.
But tharc must be some sentence. I propose to be lenleitt in die circum- stanees and hops tiere will be no repetition. I've done the best I can for you. Two other drivers who pleaded guilty to separate cbaigea of impaired driving wen fined each. Ronald David Gray, 35, of Adaitoc, waa stopped Sept. Tuesday, he reported ha had found "tlM wltoeaa ao- tualjy Invidved. Tban, taking the poor service into conaideralion in aentcnciog.
He also asked for deduction of time already spent in Jail and the judge said; "It's an extrernely lenient sentence. Skiimer You may not rMlize It, but It is. A Viettwia doctor told the B. Dfdaon gave medical testimony at the trial of Carl Jens Hansen, 24, of HiUstde Avenue, wtio la being tried Ol a two-count charge oi attempted murder and rape.