Another point that has been brought to the attention In order to answer these questions, the transfer of in- of historiographical analysis was the importance of Ger- formation between the southern Atlantic and southern man publications concerning the Americas, which were Germany which led to the dissemination of the deeds of rather numerous, especially during the first decades of the Amerigo Vespucci will be analysed. A reconstruction of 16th century Hirsch, The same applied the networks of printed media will be crucial to our under- to the naming of the New World, which happened within standing of why Vespucci received such enormous atten- the sphere of the German humanists, but it is rather unclear tion in contrast to other contemporary explorers.
Comparison of the distribution by comparing the dissemination of news about the of information about the first voyages of Columbus and Columbus and Vespucci voyages. The networks of the Vespucci thus forms the basis of the following analysis. This compar- the printing press in Europe. Although ultimately the ison of the networks for printed broadsheets needs to naming of the New World was a long process, its initial be preceded by a few general considerations regarding years will be the focus of the present study.
The naming was the work cially as a means to further capitalism in the information of two German humanists from the University of business Eisenstein, In contrast, printers needed large work. Furthermore, Ringmann attached a geographical preliminary investments in paper, manpower and ma- commentary in which he suggested calling the recently chinery. America, an alliteration with formation, or in some cases, like manuscripts, by sub- Asia and Africa. The cartographer, Martin Wald- scribers. On the map and globe, the public sphere. Because this was one objective of print- territories in the southwestern Atlantic were named ing, it is crucial to determine the parties interested in America.
This published sample from — the world inancing the broadsheets discussing the new continent map, the globe, the account of the voyages and the hu- and its naming. And although this information voyage of exploration to the western Atlantic in Feb- is widely known, it remains unclear why Ringmann and ruary of This is the irst map to include the name "America" and the irst to depict the Americas as separate from Asia. Based on the handwritten The structure of the network implies that the public- correspondence, the first printed Columbus letters and ations were intended to serve as propaganda for the the various editions were published first in Spain and Catholic Monarchs.
At least one of the publications from then in Italy, primarily in Rome Alden and Landis, Barcelona was ordered, published and paid for by the , vol. In contrast to the network for the lacking, but many of the titles suggest that the propa- handwritten letters of Columbus, the network of ganda in Rome would have supported the position of printers was centred in Rome Diagram 1. Nine edi- the Catholic Monarchs in the Roman and Vatican public tions and references were issued in Rome, and Rome spheres.
After ters were published in Barcelona. The French to authorize further expeditions in the southwestern At- participated in the publishing business as well. The use of these publications as propaganda Paris, one single printing house issued three editions proved to be effective, as the Spanish Monarchs obtained of the Columbus letters in Reprints or transla- favourable papal bulls and were able to sign a new treaty tions, in some cases even with illustrations, appeared with Portugal after just one year of negotiations, in Thus, The new Treaty of Tordesillas allowed the Castilians to in contrast to the general belief in the prevalence of explore territories in the western Atlantic even if they German printing centres, this was not the case for were located in the south.
In , most, i. Up to , only three or references to his endeavours in the southwestern editions with an increasing number of engravings were Atlantic were published in Italy, three on the Iberian issued by printing houses in northwestern Europe. Thus Peninsula, three in France and only two in German- the irst publications on the Columbian voyages must speaking regions and one in Flanders.
Network of cities where references of the irst Columbian expedition were published in Source: John Alden and Dennis C. Landis editors , European Americana. European Views of the Americas: Numbers in brackets refer to the number of editions. The dissemin- the opinion circulated in Lisbon that the territories found ation of information about the irst Columbian expedi- in the northwestern and southwestern Atlantic were tion by means of the printing press sharply contrasts probably linked to each other but were certainly different with the current historiographical hypothesis: In the case from Asia Berchet, , vol.
The publications from German- northern one, and would open up a passage to India. Instead, La Cosa painted the igure been successful in But between and , of Saint Christopher in its place. Thus, the crucial after two subsequent Columbian voyages, quite a num- question remained open for Portugal and Castile. Due ber of other explorers and the irst expedition of Vasco to the uncertain situation in the western Atlantic, the da Gama to India — , the Mediterranean African territories became essential for access to India powers realized that a new landmass, an island or con- in the commercial and political struggle between Por- tinent, had been found in the southern Atlantic.
Since tugal and Castile. Therefore, La Cosa depicted the reaching the Orinoco in , Columbus himself be- western coast of African recently explored by the Por- lieved that the northern territories in the western Atlantic tuguese as the most valuable territories in the southern were connected to Asia in the northwest, whereas the Atlantic and a sort of grey landmass blocked the direct landmass he had seen in the southwestern Atlantic was route to India in the west. Another map reached Augsburg. The Welser the route of their spice trade to the south Lunardi, Ma- family, a former German merchant house, still holds a gioncalda and Mazzacane, In , fragment of a mappa mundi on parchment which shows the Portuguese dispatched their own transatlantic exped- the European image of East Asia between and itions: After the return of these voyages of exploration, for Duke Hercules of Ferrara in The two major cities depicted are women are reported to be especially lascivious.
De- Venice and Jerusalem. Portuguese explorations along scriptions of the constellations of stars south of the the Brazilian coast are highlighted as well. Thus, on this equator are sprinkled throughout the text. Nonetheless, manuscript map designed in Lisbon, the Portuguese the geographical references in the broadsheet are so promoted their own achievements in the southern At- vague that even today the regions explored by this lantic.
Unlike the manuscript map made by La Cosa, expedition remain unclear. Thus, they disseminated the geograph- an erroneous allusion to Polycleitus, who is considered ical conception of Columbus from that there was the master of antique sculpture and not painting. Anthropophagy and lasciviousness southern island was certainly distinct from Asia. Nakedness and large the results of the fourth Columbian voyage could prove personal adornments in the ears, lips and nose with which idea was valid: The connection between the newly Finally, the constellations of stars in the Southern found lands and Asia in the northwest would remain an Hemisphere had already been familiar to Europeans for enigma for centuries Milanesi, Nor did the One year later, in , the European balance of Vespucci letter stress the Portuguese endeavours or the power would change.
Castile and Aragon had dynastic accomplishments of the leader of the expedition. The heiress of Castile, Joanna, was married it described the adventures of an Italian member of the to the duke of Burgundy and heir to the Holy Roman crew. In contrast to other travel accounts, which de- Emperor Aram, Thus a foreign king would in- scribed their points of arrival as precisely as possible in herit Castile in the near future.
In the irst half of , order to secure new territories, the broadsheet attributed Aragon was not very successful in its struggles with to Amerigo Vespucci offered only uncertain geograph- France in Italy. Milan, Florence and a larger part of ical data. In , the broadsheet was not issued in Naples were under French control Tewes, And in , Aragonese pope Alexander VI, who though the deceased addressee of the printed letter had had issued the bulls in , died.
After the short inter- lived in that city. And even worse the expedition. It was reprinted time and again, especially in Under these circumstances, in , a Latin Upper German merchant towns, irst in Augsburg and broadsheet was published in Paris describing a minor later in Nuremberg and many other cities. In Basel and Portuguese voyage of exploration to the Brazilian Strasbourg, illustrations were added, and recopied in coast. The small fleet had returned to Lisbon in The success of the broadsheet The supposed author of the travel account, written in was astonishing, in so far as it was reprinted only twice the form of a letter, was a member of the crew, in Italy, in Venice and Rome, and was not printed at all Florentine merchant and mariner Amerigo Vespucci.
At that time, Vespucci lived alternatively in Lisbon The dissemination of manuscript information on the and Seville. The addressee of the published letter was Vespucci expedition is less well documented. The only the recently deceased, renowned member of the references to the voyage are the letters attributed to Florentine Republic, Pier Francesco de Medici, who Vespucci. The authenticity of surviving manuscript had initially been supported by France.
The broadsheet attributed to the compilation of the Paris broadsheet. Vespucci published five years later in Paris stressed Due to this uncertain situation, the parties interested the anthropophagy and the nakedness of the inhabitants in printing the broadsheets concerning the Portuguese of these new territories. Following the words details for the Mundus Novus offer some hints. In , French troops were in between the Columbus and Vespucci letters might be Italy and on their way to Naples. Florence once again approached by further analysing the timeline and relating came under French inluence.
This may have extended it to the geography of the Mundus Novus publications. In addition, the centres being from Paris, Rome and Munich. Therefore, French crown tried to join the group of Atlantic ex- in contrast to the irst Columbus letter, the publishers plorers.
Also in , French nobleman Paulmier de of the irst Vespucci letter must have had a strong mer- Gounville set sail from Honleur and probably reached cantile background, as well as political interests. He returned in , without any inancial proits two publications appeared in Augsburg. Nuremberg 2 and Strasbourg 2. Moreover, in that same no second edition of the Mundus Novus is known from year, printers from Leipzig, who had reprinted an edition However, between and , the enormous of the Mundus Novus from Strasbourg in , published igure of 28 editions of the Mundus Novus were pub- two more editions based on the same publication.
Fi- lished in Europe. These even outnumbered the success nally, with three re-editions of the original issue, public- of the irst Columbus letter, which had been issued 22 ation returned to Paris in Thus most editions ap- times between and From a geo- years, quite the opposite happened with the irst graphical perspective, the printings between and Vespucci letter.
Only 1 edition was published in were clearly an issue of the commercial centres of and 4 editions were issued in , but most appeared the Rhine Valley, from Basel and Strasbourg to Cologne, later: Thereafter, and the mercantile and manufacturing centres of Upper publication of the irst Vespucci letter virtually ceased Germany, Augsburg and Nuremberg, as well as Leipzig. All of them had connections to the port of Antwerp. The centre of the network of public- In , one Strasbourg edition of the Mundus Novus ations was Augsburg, where the most ive editions of was published by young humanist Matthias Ringmann.
The printings started in Paris and therefore there Vespucci text. At the end of the Vespucci account, were connections to six different places that reprinted Ringmann added conirmation by the Papal notary, who the Vespucci story. This certainly referred to a embassy, to the dissemination of the Mundus Novus. The Stras- in which the ongoing Portuguese voyages to Africa and bourg and Basel publications relied directly on the irst India were recommended to papal tutelage. The event Paris edition, whereas in Nuremberg, printers used of the Portuguese embassy was published in a Roman publications from either Basel or Rome.
Only two editions appeared in Italy, in Venice Matthias Ringmann closely associated the voyage of and Rome. In , readers in Pilsen received a copy Amerigo Vespucci with Portuguese expeditions to Africa of Vespucci as well. In assessing the geographic distri- and India. Most of the printings southwestern Atlantic, might be connected to the increas- occurred in German-speaking areas. Thus, the irst ing commercial importance of the southern Atlantic re- Vespucci letter is like a model for a scientiic view of gion after In that same year, the Catholic Mon- early publications on the Americas: Network of cities where the Mundus Novus was published, Source: Frenchmen Gouneville departed for publications were issued mainly in commercial and in- Brazil as well.
But most importantly, in , work dustrial cities in Upper Germany, the Rhine Valley and began in Lisbon on organizing the Seventh Portuguese Antwerp between and Therefore, it might India Armada. A very large leet of 22 ships would sail be safely assumed that these propagandistic endeavours under the command of Francisco de Almeida, the irst were related to the huge investments by the Upper Ger- Portuguese viceroy to Goa.
For the irst time, leading man merchant houses in the seventh Portuguese leet to houses of business from southern Germany, which had India. These wholesale traders and inanciers needed to formed a consortium, succeeded in participating in a raise funds for their ventures in Asia. In , the renowned Wesler merchant printing and fundraising were necessary. The contents family sent Lucas Rem to act as the common agent for of the Novus Mundus letter were suficiently vague, and the consortium in Lisbon.
At the same time, the Welsers so could refer equally to America or Africa and could obtained a Genoese copy of the large Portuguese world easily be associated by its readers with the leet of map mentioned earlier.
On the 1st of August , the Francisco de Almeida. Illustrations and the references Portuguese crown inally agreed that the German con- to anthropophagy and extreme sexual behaviour secured sortium could equip three ships in the leet. One of the attention for the broadsheet. Springer originally came from Tyrol, where the be expected from investment in this trade. From January on, several merchants in the Portuguese-Asian spice trade.
None of the spices traded for the German investments. The irst three Paris editions which appeared at the end of the German ships arrived at Lisbon in May , and lood of publications can be attributed to commercial Springer returned to Lisbon with considerable proits interests, but must be explained by political reasons and in November The following year, , the lood the growing antagonism between the Habsburg and of Mundus Novus editions ceased. The young poet and Latinist Matthias Ring- deceased duchess of Burgundy and father of the heir to mann, who had already published a Vespucci letter, was those territories.
Maximilian had married his two chil- also a former student of Reisch. On the other side, the house de Sandaucourt Digot, An ambivalent in Florence in The broadsheet maintained that the Florentine of his inheritance. Furthermore, the the Mad and two young sons, Charles and Ferdinand, Florentine publication claimed that Vespucci had made in Flanders under the custody of their aunt Margaret. In order to inance his planned expedition to masses in the western Atlantic.
Whereas the shape of Rome, Maximilian called the German estates to a diet the Atlantic coasts of Africa and the new island or con- on the 27th of October The estates assembled in tinent in the southwestern Atlantic reproduced the in- Konstanz from the 30th of April to the 26th of July Before opening the India and Indonesia reproduced outdated knowledge diet, Maximilian had issued broadsheets explaining the that had been made current before the irst voyage of international political situation and the need to prevent Vasco da Gama. This edition of the Cosmography XII. Thus, on the forts, Maximilian obtained only scant inancial promises 27th of April, just before Maximilian formally entered from the estates, and only a small part of the inancial Konstanz to open the diet on the 30th of April, in Saint- support actually reached the Habsburg treasury.
This title was later conirmed by Pope to inance his coronation in Italy. Obviously, Maximilian Julius II. European trade with Asia determined the invention of In spite of the fantastic descriptions in the Quatuor America. For intensive discussions of this paper and for supplying me with sent it to their colleagues. This new promotion was very important information concerning European politics around furthered by three additional editions of the Ringmann I would like to thank Horst Pietschmann.
But in the following years, pub- Johnson, On his future maps, he omitted the 3. For the cartography between and see: Raccolta di documenti e studi, part III, vol. Duke November of Petri Francisci de Medicis Salutem plurimam, Paris: This edition of the Vespucci letter is preserved at the John Carter able, America survived on many printed maps and in Brown Library: H V ds F. John Carter Brown Library: I would like to thank Ingeborg Wieslecker-Friedhuber for her To offer a hypothesis in the debate about the naming advice. See the cartographic study of Lehmann, Cosmographiae with the voyages of Amerigo Vespucci than with those introductio.
This was due to the enormous Two editions were published on 25 of April and three editions th propaganda efforts of merchant houses from Upper Ger- on 28 of August in Both in quarto, pages and many that needed to finance their participation in the fleet illustrations by the same printer G. Insuper quatuor than twenty editions of the Mundus Novus were issued in Americi Vespucij navigationes.
Universales cosmographiae just three years. Like his patronage of the arts and printing descriptio. For the text see the the imperial crown and title, in opposition to Louis XII of digitalization of the Library of Congress: A Chronological Guide to Works Printed in Europe globe and explained them in a geographical treatise pub- Relating to the Americas, , vol.
From available online: A Chronological Guide to and the deep impression made by the globe and world Works Printed in Europe Relating to the Americas, Aram, Bethany Juana the Mad. Sovereignty and Dynasty in new name even when its inventor had dropped it. German mercantile interests in Asia. Thus, the struggle for Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
In Early Images of the Americas. Wie Amerika zu seinem impusieron. Libreria General Namen kam. Susanne and Gall, Wolfgang M. The Visual Ideology of Offenburg, Offenburg: Anuario de Estudios Americanos Die Medici im Exil. The Power of , European Views of the Americas: Welser und ihrer Gesellschafter. In First Images of America. Past and Present, For the text see the digitalization of the Library of Congress: Wieslecker, Hermann Kaiser Maximilian I.: The irst globalization is a concept which should be interpreted as the period during which a system of exchanges of every kind human, economic, cultural was established between the different continents, unknown to th each other until the last decade of the 15 century.
After being conquered by Spain in , the Philippine Islands represented a vital crossroads in this process. Firstly, the islands acted as a major distributor of Mexican silver in the Paciic sphere.
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News, learning and exotic products were taken from the islands to Mexico and other parts of Spanish America. Lastly, the Philippine Islands were connected directly to the mother country following the opening of the Cape of Good Hope route by various ships, dispatched irst by the Navy, then by private trading com- panies and lastly, by the Royal Company of the Philippines.
This institution would run the system of trade 30 years: The most important were Veracruz, de Balboa and the circumnavigation of the world which supplied the Viceroyalty of Mexico, or New by the fleet which set off under the command of Ferdinand Spain; those that supplied the Viceroyalty of Peru: The first of these events made it possible Cartagena de Indias on the Atlantic, as well as Panama to forge a connection between Europe and an unknown and El Callao on the Paciic, which were reached via continent, which the Europeans explored and colonized the isthmus; and lastly Havana, on the island of Cuba, over the course of the 16th century and beyond.
Malaysia, China and Japan. The third Seville reached Mexico City where the Merchant Guild event presented the possibility of crossing America and Consulado founded in the city organized their redistri- from its western coast, embarking on journeys of explora- bution to every corner of the viceroyalty and Lima with tion both northward and southward.
However, the discovery of would reveal the existence of a far-flung world of islands the South Sea marked the beginning of a series of explor- and would also ultimately lead to the Asian Far East from ations of the Paciic Ocean, in pursuit of various aims. Thevoyagearoundtheworldestablished The irst of these was access to the Moluccas, the le- interconnections among all of the previous pieces: The second was a permanent presence returning to Europe, the starting point.
And so the most on the Philippine Islands, which time and again had been immediate consequences of the explorations undertaken situated on the route of expeditions to the Moluccas and during this thirty-year period would be the creation of a which could serve as a solid base between the Americas network of intercontinental exchanges, the discovery of and Asia. This was achieved in The third and inal the existence of many worlds, the paradoxical emergence aim of less interest to us here , was the attempt to dis- of a single world for the first time and the possibility, also cover the mythical Terra Australis, the southern land for the first time, of conceiving of a universal history.
The Spanish route successive islands in the archipelago he visited: From there, it contin- the irst Spanish settlement, Villa de San Miguel. They also carried the eagerly awaited royal deeds Philippine Islands, where it converged with the Por- for the expedition leader, granting him the title of ad- tuguese route. It was now time to occupy the islands of Panay, eignty over the archipelago.
In the dir- before preparing to disembark in the village called ection of the Asian continent, the Philippine port bene- Maynila. Taking advantage of dissension among the itted from a pre-existing low of trade which connected three Muslim rulers Sulayman, Matanda and Lakan- the archipelago with its neighbouring territories. Con- dula , he obtained concessions for land in the area of versely, its connection with the American continent the Pasig River, around a magniicent natural port.
He made it possible for the irst time to incorporate this re- oficially founded the city of Manila there on July 24th, gional trafic into the wider scope of international , enacting the by-laws of its council and making it maritime trade, within a new planet-wide system. In the the capital of the Philippines. He then immediately un- opposite direction, part of the merchandise brought to dertook the conquest of the rest of the island. This con- the Mexican coast was distributed within the Viceroyalty quest was extended to other island groups by his suc- of New Spain or sent on to other parts of Spanish cessors to the governorship.

The only areas that would America. It made taincy general, with a sovereign government and their port in Acapulco, which from then on would serve as own audiencia royal court. As stated in the deed, the American end of the Manila Galleon route. However, in port of Realejo and the port at Huatulco on the Mexican reality, the Spanish held actual control first over the coast, just as Peruvian ships travelled to Acapulco to island of Luzon and the Visayas island group Panay, stock up on the most sought-after Chinese products Cebu, Leyte, Samar.
However, the Spanish crown soon began to to the enclave of Zamboanga.
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As a result, in , trafic between itself and in the Sulu Archipelago. Merchandise valued at , pesos was loaded in Thus, the Philippine capital of Manila became on Manila, with double that amount in pesos fuertes being one hand, the setting-off point for making a number of loaded in Acapulco. These amounts would be increased contacts with neighbouring countries. These would be over the years by successive decrees, oficially updating alternatively commercial, missionary, diplomatic and the size of the transactions.
When it reached the latitude This map was published in the "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum. It was not only the irst printed map of the Paciic, but it also showed the Americas for the irst time. They either Diego, built in In the month of March, or April travelled with the goods they had purchased or entrus- at the latest, the galleon departed from Acapulco and ted stewards with their care and sale once the ship had after stopping at the Mariana Islands, it reached Manila reached New Spain. Over the course of the 18th century, junks brought foodstuffs to the Philippine capital wheat these were joined by the ships of European countries and barley, sugar and fresh and dried fruit, especially that had established themselves in the region.
While grapes and oranges , but especially manufactured goods Spanish silver from Acapulco was primarily sent on to from throughout the Eastern world. However, they also of the Philippines came to negotiate prices and quotas carried Japanese lacquered goods, furniture and ivory for goods to be sent to Acapulco. This was conducted from Portuguese India, cotton textiles from Bengal and by means of a complicated oficially regulated system spices pepper and cloves from the Moluccas, cinnamon known as the pancada.
In the other direction, the cargo menian and Spanish merchants interested in this trade. Thus, use of authorities and the missions. The latter included merchants from the different European companies in anything from paintings and religious images to wine the East Indies found themselves with the need to ac- to be consecrated Yuste, ; To this end, the practice of enga- cornerstone of the Manila Galleon.
In Manila, Spanish ging in multiple exchanges in various local markets in currency especially the peso fuerte, the eight-real peso, Asia developed, according to the formula known as also commonly known as the piece of eight was used country trade Reid, There was another route cially in the form of coins to pay for Chinese goods. As which brought American silver into the hands of other a result, Spanish pesos circulated widely in the Celestial intermediaries, Portuguese merchants in Macau. When Empire, to such an extent that present-day historian they could not get it directly from Portugal through Dennis Flynn has even stated — undoubtedly with some trade with Seville or smuggling via Brazil , they ob- degree of exaggeration — that the decisions of the tained it through trade with the Spanish Philippines, Spanish sovereigns depended to a great extent on the which may have been legal or illegal, but was always situation in Ming China.
In any event, what is certain is active. In both cases, the metal might then travel on to that Spain had a negative balance of trade with the other destinations, particularly to India, the countries of Philippines, which had to be compensated for with sil- Southeast Asia or the Spice Islands.
This was a precious China attracted Spanish American silver for various metal for China, which needed it for both transactions reasons related to its economic and inancial policy. Consequently, as we there was a gradual trend in the Middle Kingdom to- have already mentioned, it had to turn to Japanese mines wards using silver for commercial exchanges. As a result, the decentralized treas- Asian products also reached the mother country via ury of the Ming Dynasty also began demanding silver Mexico.
Indeed, Spain received the same silk pieces, as payment for taxes. However, as China did not oficials, aristocrats and even the royal house as evid- have its own silver deposits, its need for the metal had enced by the splendid china with the coat of arms of to be met by other countries, particularly by Japan, East Philip V. In fact, the country was a regular books, maps and views of those distant lands, including source of supply for the Mings before and after Spanish the map of China held in the General Archive of American silver reached the Far East Kobata, ; the Indies in Seville.
And then there were the oriental Kamiki and Yamamura, ; Flynn, Indeed, the European mer- In conclusion, the essential fact is that the trade chants who operated in the region essentially sought silk which took place via Manila, between Spain on the one goods, as well as porcelain and other high quality, high hand and China and other Asian countries on the other, cost objects, but were hardly able to ship goods from was based on exporting silver from Spanish American their countries of origin that would arouse the interest mines.
Spanish eight-real pesos the so-called pieces of of the court or individuals in the Middle Kingdom. Thus, Spanish Mexican and Peruvian silver was ation would be used as documentation in successive one of the major catalysts of the irst globalization. However, the Council coast of the Americas and the east coast of Asia, a of the Indies Consejo de Indias showed itself to be springboard to stimulate contacts with neighbouring much more prudent than the imaginative governor. In Asian states and conversely, to begin the colonization , it ordered the suspension of all military intentions of Micronesia.
Even at the late date of suits settled there These initiatives laid the , it was still possible to discuss such an ambitious foundations for the creation of Spanish Micronesia. Malaysia, Indonesia especially the Moluccas and, very However, in this case, the Christianizing aims of the tangentially, Korea, Laos and Burma. Contacts took the Spanish missionaries came up against the rivalry with form of trade, evangelization, diplomacy and war. This led Philip II to ban such initiatives in began with an early expansion phase initiated by Spanish in order to avoid a conlict in the heart of his own settlement and ended with withdrawal from the most empire in the Far East.
Nonetheless, experts have poin- forward positions occupied at the time of the union with ted to the numerous successions of attempts before and Portugal. In , the Augustini- centre at the city of Manila: However, roundabout process of selling themselves to Chinese the operation was never carried out. It continued with merchants as slaves. The plan was overridden by the plan — not only for exploration, but now openly for Legazpi.
Signiicantly, it included the above-mentioned bringing the Christian faith to that land. He would map preserved in the General Archive of the In- however leave an account of the undertaking that would dies. The Augustinians again landed in China in the sultan, retaking the island and imposing compliance , in the city of Canton, where they remained until with Spanish sovereignty on the Sultan of Tidore.
These , when they became convinced of the impossibility events marked the beginning of a policy of systematic of gaining access to the inland Celestial Empire. In , occupation, maintaining a resident governor on Ternate it was the turn of the Dominicans. They founded a and constructing a network of fortiications to prevent monastery in Macau before being expelled by order of a Dutch counteroffensive.
The Augustinians made other at- famous work Conquista de las Islas Malucas The Dis- tempts, with some successes, unfortunately always covery and Conquest of the Molucco and Philippine Is- leeting. These included their settlement on the lands , written at the behest of the Count of Lemos — at Fujian coast from where they were forced to return to the time chairman of the Council of the Indies — and Manila, accused of espionage , Macau in , Canton published in Madrid in Argensola, ; Israel, in and Formosa in It was not until well into ; Centenero de Arce and Terrasa Lozano, This period also saw ans the irst to make the attempt and the last to succeed the irst trade and diplomatic contacts established by the in However, the true protagonists of the evangel- Spanish with the Kingdom of Siam.
The irst embassy ization of China were always the Jesuits from Goa, who, to the Siamese kingdom was the result of the personal beginning in , would set up their many missions initiative of governor Santiago de Vera Let a ship be sent with some gift and present, of- possible between the two empires in the Far East. He obtained a trade agreement with King bon. In contrast, Portuguese Pedro Teixeira would travel Naresuan of Ayutthaya which, according to the letter in the opposite direction. According to Antonio Teixeira, While Spain always year after founding their East India Company in , attempted to conduct its relations with Siam along on Goa, capital of Portuguese India.
This was two years friendly lines, mainly by signing trade agreements, the before Admiral Cornelis Maatalief would occupy the Spanish presence in the Kingdom of Cambodia was entire Moluccas archipelago, expelling the Portuguese dominated by war. In fact, relations were initiated by a from the islands of Ambon, Ternate and Tidore.
According to Antonio de Philippines. Tratado de las relaciones verdaderas de las regiones He believed that the expedition to Cambodia would have de China, Cochinchina y Champan Treatise on True given Philip II not only the friendship of that kingdom, Relations in the Regions of China, Cochinchina and but also the crown of Siam: He made the traditional voyage, following After that, However, despite this trend of Spaniards travelling the successive governors of the Philippines opted to to Southeast Asia, the main ield of action for the Phil- support the Cambodian sovereigns in their efforts to ippine governors was the Japanese empire Hall, They declared themselves in Here, the Spanish presence made quite a late appearance favour of direct intervention, which took the form of a in comparison with the Portuguese.
This was despite series of military expeditions. It concluded without of Christianity was a Spanish Jesuit, St Francis Xavier, achieving its aims with an extraordinary withdrawal to whose preaching produced the spectacular result of one the lands of present-day Vietnam Champa and Tonkin. Despite his extensive experience in irst persecution of the Christians. The third and last, less noteworthy missionaries.
It was led by Harada Valladares, Magoshichiro, and was reciprocated in the form of the The ultimate failure of the Cambodia enterprise did mission of Dominican Juan Cobo, who disappeared at not prevent some of its most noteworthy events from sea while returning to Manila that same year. There was having a signiicant impact on Spanish public opinion.
The subject would ulti- with the Jesuits arriving from Goa , and good relations mately be taken up by the Spanish literature of the between the two countries. It appears that the irst expedition departed in interrupted by the resumption of persecution by Hidey- , led by Augustinian friars Diego de Oropesa and oshi, who took irm action. The tale of the cruel torture of the Christians ing one ship a year between a Japanese port the port at six Franciscans, three Jesuits and seventeen Japanese Usuki on Kyushu Island had previously been used and lay people, cruciied in Nagasaki in February Manila, negotiating a ship that would sail from Japan would be recounted by Franciscan missionary Marcelo directly to New Spain and the possibility of the free Ribadeneyra in the penultimate section of a book inten- settlement of religious brothers in Tokugawa domains.
This journey brought him into contact Barcelona in Ribadeneyra, ; Berry, The second phase of rapprochement The embassy, oficially initiated by the daimyo of between Japan and Spain took place during the period Sendai, with the knowledge and approval of the Edo when the Tokugawa shogunate was taking shape spe- court, was led by Tsunenaga Hasekura Rokuyemon and ciically, under the shoguns Ieyasu and Hidetada.
The Fray Luis Sotelo, reaching Seville in Negotiations requesting that a regular trade route be set up between were again undertaken based on the offering of perpetual Manila and Edo. He asked that pilots and wooden boat peace between Japan and Spain, in exchange for an an- builders be sent to train the Japanese in navigation and nual ship to New Spain.
However, they now also reques- boat building, as well as miners to improve operations ted that pilots, sailors and Spanish religious brothers be in the silver mines. In in the city of Seville, the embassy travelled to Madrid it, he insisted on two crucial proposals: They re- Manila Galleon and the opening of a permanent direct turned to Seville, from where they departed after a stay trade route between Japan and New Spain. From there, atives over the next twelve years. Firstly, a conclusive Spanish response proposal in a positive light, but he also had occasion to was precluded by the reluctance on the part of those engage in a series of direct conversations with the Japan- who beneitted from the Manila Galleon to allow the ese leaders when the galleon San Francisco, which was opening of another route they considered a rival.
His requests for friendship the context of a radical shift in Japanese policy, which between the two countries and Franciscan evangelizing in little more than two decades would immerse the were well received by the courts at Edo headquarters country in complete isolation. It spread a religious who was kept captive and possibly tortured. He landed of the Persecution Balmis remained in Despite everything, the presence of missionaries in Japan China until at least the end of January He per- had another unique outcome: There of locals of every sex, age and position.
Upon returning he witnessed the invasion of the country by the troops to Macau, the Spanish physician completed his stay, of Toyotomi Hideyoshi. That is to of some of the circumstances of the conlict, as well as say, he behaved like a perfect Enlightenment scientist the subsequent peace negotiations. However, they also during this new chapter in the transmission of knowledge have unquestionable historiographical value, as they between Spain and the Far East which had been made include the irst reports on Korea given by a European possible by the route between Seville and Manila eyewitness.
While Portuguese inde- its economy was essentially founded on trans-Paciic pendence in marked a turning point for the Spanish trade. This was based on exchanging Mexican silver for presence on the Asian continent, contact was reinitiated products from China mainly silk goods and other in the 18th century. This revitalization of political and Asian countries by means of a route that linked it with diplomatic action in the area is borne out by the resump- the port of Acapulco in New Spain.
During the period tion of previous relations with the Kingdom of Siam, of Bourbon reforms, the fact that Spain only participated on the initiative of governor Fernando Manuel de in trade with the Far East indirectly, with Mexico acting Bustamante. He managed to sign a new trade agreement as an intermediary, led Spanish authorities to consider with the government of Ayutthaya by sending an em- a direct route to the Philippines from the mother country. Their stay in Macau al- tury that there was any real reaction in Spain. The expeditions sailed aboard the no counterpart in local goods, resulting in currency following ships some of which made more than one light.
The second was strengthening regional trade as voyage: Some ing the dependence on Chinese suppliers, achieving a of these voyages included two stops at commercial ports more balanced low of imports and exports and reducing of call in India: Tranquebar a Danish colony on the the drain of silver.
In but also between Spain and other Asian markets. This this context, it is interesting to make special note of the brought an end to the monopoly of the Spanish colonists preparations for the irst Navy ship to make the voyage on the archipelago, abolished the exclusive rights of the to Asia, El Buen Consejo 60 cannons, 2 decks, launched Mexican merchants on the other side of the Paciic, in For the process is indicative of all the problems promoted multilateral commercial exchange and allowed involved in itting a ship out and providing it with a Spanish interests access to the area of Asia from which crew, provisions and food, as well as the diplomatic Spanish trade had been excluded and which was being problems resulting from implementing this government exploited by other European powers Alfonso Mola and initiative.
This served as a wake- ility of crew members men , the existence of pilots up call for the Spanish authorities, who then grasped the capable of carrying out such a complex voyage, the structural fragility at the outer reaches of its imperial possibility of obtaining the food supplies and medicines system and the need to introduce an extensive pro- for the long voyage, the necessary ports of call and the gramme of reforms to ensure its continued existence. The inquiries were conducted in secret, control to Spain would inluence the stages and forms reaching the conclusion that it was possible to ind of trade liberalization in the Paciic sphere.
However, the sole exception was the pilots. In urgent military requirements. In other words, they bene- fact, as it was a new route, there were no Spanish pilots itted from the need to signiicantly improve the defence capable of taking on the enterprise. This forced the au- of the islands and guarantee a direct route to send any thorities to seek advice on the practices used by the ships aid from the peninsula that might be necessary in the of the French and Swedish East India companies.
They event any threat from foreign powers, particularly Eng- ultimately opted for the French possibly because of the land, reappeared Tracy, After a lengthy outward voyage, El Buen Con- the Philippines. The irst involved sending a number of Navy a number of interesting lessons. In the second, li- call and loaded a small amount of products bound for cences for direct trade with Manila were granted to dif- the Philippines a little wine, spirits and oil and a few ferent private irms: The ficial licence for this traffic was issued in to the termination of the exclusive rights of the Manila Galleon Five Major Guilds of Madrid Company.
The company route and promotion of an alternate route made the was granted the authority to register goods on the Navy hostility of the Philippine merchants perfectly justiied. It was authorized lished in the capital of the archipelago. When it landed in Manila, it was sur- for change which had been expressed for some decades prised by the declaration of war by the Thirteen generated more than logical uncertainty regarding the Colonies.
As a result, it opted to forgo returning to future among those who beneitted from the Manila Spain and dedicate its energies to another type of trade, Galleon Cosano Moya, ; They were an excellent test run for exploring well as Guayaquil and El Callao to sell them, thus a route denied to the Spanish Navy for more than two disrupting the monopoly of the Manila Galleon on and a half centuries, and for learning about the econom- trade between Asia and the Americas. In , the ic, and especially the mercantile, situation of the Philip- ship departed again, this time for Macau.
It left there pine Islands. Rather, its primary value months. The Philippine Islands, and with them all the lies in representing a preview of the system of trade trade of the Far East, were now closer Bernabeu Albert, which would gradually be established by the Royal After the new route was established, as was to Company of the Philippines beginning in al- be expected, there was complete opposition by other though it was carried out on an exceptional basis by European powers with commercial interests in the East, obtaining individual authorization from the governor as well as those who beneitted from the Manila Galleon of the archipelago after being rejected by the Manila trade.
This required the company to invest four percent before the dispute was resolved. This is demonstrated of its annual proits in the archipelago, in speciically by the fact that the States-General of the United developing these two areas. While the Navy ships fulfilled The Company spared no effort in attempting to military, scientific and commercial functions, trade expand its concessions.
That is to say, it obtained the nila along the Cape of Good Hope route. In , the Magallanes set sail to Of these two new lines, the irst was effectively complete its inal voyage from the New Spain port to opened in , with an eventful voyage which carried the Philippine capital. It continued to beneit from the Madras. He then permanently settled in Calcutta as an inertia of past centuries, taking advantage of the altern- agent of the Royal Company. There were numerous Acapulco, San Blas and Sonsonate. It recorded a total of seven ships present became one of the most travelled and among the most in the Mexican port: The Royal Company Paz and the covette Espina.
What is more, we have re- of the Philippines soon established a permanent trading ports that in there were still Spanish ships from post in Canton. Therefore, the route did not shut down from , they made up the framework of permanent until it was absolutely impossible the keep it active. In , this long history came China. In addition to these functions, the trading post to its inal conclusion: However, with activity in both directions, which had served as a although royal orders issued in and also en- permanent route for the movement of men and women, visaged the opening up of China together with India, for the exchange of precious metals and exotic products, the route never worked, regardless of how much Canton and as an avenue for cultural transfers of all kinds among might provide excellent services for direct relations Spain, Spanish America and Spanish Asia throughout between Asia and the America, again excluding the the early modern period.
And as such, it had made the Manila Galleon Ugartemendia, In short, in the Philippine Islands one of the major crossroads of the late 18th century, the dispute between Spanish interests irst globalization. And so the port of Manila experienced a gradual recovery after beginning to allow Asian ships 2. Some examples of the literature on Spanish silver: Chaunu ; in And in , it began allowing ships ; Fradera For the commercial relations between and goods of any origin, especially during periods of Manila and Macao see: Gremios Mayores de Madrid. In Homenaje a Juan Luis Castellano.
Servicio de cabeza y una isla de las especias. Las relaciones luso-hispanas Publicaciones de la Universidad de Granada, Granada: Journal of the Institute de Huelva, Huelva: La Cushner, Nicholas P. Ateneo de Manila, Quezon City. Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos, Sevilla. In The Cambridge History of China, vol 8: Una embajada japonesa a comienzos del siglo Ming Dynasty, , part 2, eds. In Precious Cipango en Europa. Carolina Academic Press, Durham, N. State Power Revista de Indias, No.
Berry, Elizabeth Hideyoshi. El legado Cambridge Mass. Instituto Mexicano de comercio exterior. University of California Press, Berkeley. Journal of Asian History, vol. Marianas, edited by Coello de la Rosa, Alexandre Polifemo, Madrid original edition, Medieval and Early Modern Worlds, ed. Percepciones y Academic Press, Durham, N. Spanish Exploration of Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden. Illes i Imperis, No. De la Armada Invencible Review, t. Illes i Imperis, Nos. Miraguano, Madrid original verdaderas de las regiones de China, Cochinchina y Champan.
Spanish Aims and Filipino Responses, De of Wisconsin Press, Madison. University of the Philippines Press, Quezon City. Instituto de Monbeig, Juliette Rodrigo de Vivero Historia dende la India Oriental hasta Italia por tierra, edited by Barajas 16, Madrid original edition, Fondo de Cultura Manila, Presencia in the Seven Years War.
University of Exeter Press, Exeter. Ediciones de hombre moderno. Ayuntamiento de Ordizia, Ordizia. Fondo de Cultura del gobernador Bustamante Filipinas, Valladares, Rafael Castilla y Portugal en Asia Sola, Emilio Historia de un desencuentro. Leuven University Press, Leuven. In Oriente en Palacio. Entre la quiebra Spate, Oskar H. Monopolists and Freebooters, III. Instituto Mora, Mexico Found and Lost. Lincoyan Ainol Moncada: Books, Biography, Blogs, Audiobooks, Kindle
Spanish translation of vol. CCV, cuaderno I restricciones de la permission. La andadura de los comerciantes January-April: Effects of austerity policies on health. Income tax on employed and self-employed persons in Ireland. Major reduction in the funding of science in Spain. Potential for a serious negative impact on medical and scientific research of the Data Protection Regulation.
Graph Search and intrusions into private life. Sony must be the subject of an investigation. Facebook searches through personal messages. Extent of firearm possession in the EU. Humanitarian crisis in Mali: Additional information on Task Force for Greece expenses. Hidden charges for mobile applications. Obstacles to obtaining residence visas for European citizens in Brazil. Ensure the reopening of the Canfranc-Pau international railway line in Co-financed major works and bridge works in Greece. Rural development — involvement of local communities.
Destruction of nature area in Commune of Livera-Kormakiti in Cyprus. Environmental destruction in the community of Livera. Socially fair development of Renewable Energy Policy in the internal energy market. European budgetary rules and the establishment of national budgetary mechanisms in the Member States. Impact of neonicotinoids on bee health. The effects of pesticide use on the bee population. Concerns regarding the Barbosa e Almeida Vidro Company.
IMF error regarding the effects of austerity in Europe. Provisions concerning the qualitative status of water courses in the Water Framework Directive. The EU's strategy for the Horn of Africa. Intellectual property rights to genetic resources and biopiracy.
Information and consultation for workers in the event of restructuring. Promotion of public transport in Poland. Status of accredited assistants at the European Parliament. Welsh Government's proposal to purchase Cardiff Airport. Son Reus incineration plant on the island of Majorca Spain. Role of territorial development in cohesion policy. Bulgarian and Romanian citizens entering the UK. Cypriot banks and systemic risks in the eurozone. New credit lines from the European Investment Bank.
Contempt for court judgments in Greece. Recent capital increase for the European Investment Bank. European Union-Republic of South Africa relations. International Business Centre of Madeira: Procedures for potentially contaminated milk powder. Aviation carbon tax — windfall profits for certain airlines. Situation of language teachers in Italian universities. Improved under-run protective device for lorries. Connection between the ports of Burgas and Alexandroupolis and linking the latter to the road and rail network. Swedish proposal for an EU tax on meat — a threat to livestock farming in Italy and the Veneto Region.
Estimation of the sums of money involved in the alleged rigging of Libor and Euribor rates. Limiting financial losses resulting from leakages of drinking water through public water mains. Approval of restructuring and capitalisation plans of Spanish banking groups and information for holders of preference shares.
Determination of intellectual property right status. Criteria for including trademark rights in list of intellectual property rights. Criteria for including rights related to copyright in list of IPRs. Criteria for including sui generis rights of database makers in list of intellectual property rights. Criteria for including the rights of the creator of the topographies of a semiconductor product in list of IPRs.
Criteria for including trademark rights in list of IPRs. Criteria for including design rights in list of IPRs. Criteria for including patent rights, including rights derived from supplementary protection certificates, in list of IPRs. Criteria for including geographical indications in list of IPRs. Criteria for including utility model rights in list of intellectual property rights. Criteria for including trade names, in so far as these are protected as exclusive property rights in the national law concerned, in lists of intellectual property rights IPRs.
Criteria for including plant variety rights in lists of intellectual property rights IPRs. Criteria for including copyright in lists of intellectual property rights IPRs. IP tracking, a practice which is contrary to consumers' interests. Selective negotiating efforts for qualifying industrial zones in Ukraine. Review of current arrangements with Iran in light of humanitarian concerns. Pan-EU rail market and steps to encourage stakeholders to embrace potential changes. Improving the state of groundwater bodies across Europe. Promotion and expansion of European Heritage Days. EU emissions trading scheme and the USA.
EU efforts to address global match-fixing. Cross-border university study programmes. Continuation of Erasmus and its potential expansion. Commission strategies for better management of urban waste water treatment. Commission proposals aimed at offering guarantees to young people.
Commission monitoring methods for goods and services paid in cash. Have any Member States negotiated derogations on the inclusion of nappies in the reduced VAT rate band, i. If so, which Member States? The Commission confirms that in an infringement procedure was launched against the Czech Republic on account of its applying a reduced VAT rate to infants' diapers. By contrast, infants' diapers do not fall within that Category because they are worn by all infants, sick or healthy, and are as a general rule unrelated to any health disorder or illness of the child.
If the serious crisis affecting Guinea-Bissau is to be resolved, it is important to return to constitutional order and hold legislative and presidential elections. According to the United Nations Secretary-General's special representative, all the signs are that it will not be possible to hold elections in line with the schedule previously announced, and many steps still need to be taken on the ground, in addition to the technical and administrative aspects, in order to ensure that elections can be conducted transparently and in accordance with the rules.
If so, does the Commission have any plans to address this issue? If it is not the case, will the Commission consider giving guidance to retailers and manufacturers as to their obligations? The cost of the return may however need to be borne by the customer. European Consumer Centres, co-financed by the European Commission, can advise customers who have an issue with a trader located in another EU country, Norway or Iceland on how to proceed in such cases.
The list of ECCs can be founded at http: Furthermore, the Commission will soon launch a European awareness-raising campaign to inform not only consumers, but also traders also about their rights and duties under EU consumer law, including on the legal guarantee. Uso indebido de poder corporativo por parte del Estado. The information currently in the possession of the Commission does not indicate the existence of an infringement. Based on this information provided, there appears to be no grounds to pursue this matter.
The specific timing and sequence of this divestment process involves commercially sensitive business secrets of the BFA Group. Disclosure of the information requested would undermine the protection of the company's commercial interests, as putting this information in the public domain would affect its competitive and negotiating position on the market. Altro scandalo di fondi europei percepiti dalla mafia. Di conseguenza, la Commissione rinvia alle risposte fornite alle richiamate interrogazioni scritte, e non ha niente di nuovo da aggiungere.
This would not have been possible without the disgraceful and disgusting support of politicians and bureaucrats. The Commission therefore refers to its respective answers given to the questions quoted, and has nothing new to add. A lack of physical activity has detrimental effects not only on the health of individuals, but also on health systems and the economy at large, because of the significant direct and indirect economic costs of physical inactivity. Education plays a crucial role in preparing children for a healthy lifestyle, which has benefits for society as a whole.
Can the Commission provide some information on the state of play and best practices with regard to physical education PE in the Member States, particularly as regards the regularity and mandatory nature of PE lessons throughout the schooling system, i. The EU Physical Activity Guidelines, which encourage Member States to develop cross-sectoral policies to promote health-enhancing physical activity, also call for action in the field of education. Following the Council conclusions on the promotion of health-enhancing physical activity, the Commission is preparing a proposal for a Council Recommendation in this field.
Key Data on Education in Europe Through the Lifelong Learning Programme, several transnational projects have received support to modernise curricula including for example on how to include students with a disability in mainstream physical education. The negotiations on the EU budget revealed the divergence in positions between the European Parliament and the Council. Could the Commission specify the actual amount of payment requests received but not paid in and provide a detailed breakdown of these requests per policy area and per fund?
The negotiations on the EU budget revealed the extent of the divergence between the positions of Parliament and the Council. Could the Commission provide information on the real total of payment requests received but not paid in , together with a detailed breakdown of those requests by Member State? Could the Commission provide a detailed breakdown of the level of RALs from the beginning of the current multiannual financial framework until the end of ?
Could the Commission provide a detailed breakdown of the composition of RALs, from the beginning of the current multiannual financial framework up to the end of ? The detailed breakdown of the level of RALs from the beginning of the current multiannual financial framework until the end of is shown in the annex sent directly to the Honourable Member and to Parliament's Secretariat.
Given the significant accrual of RALs from previous years, could the Commission provide an estimated projection of the level and composition of RALs in each Member State for the first quarter of ? Total outstanding commitments RAL at the end of a given financial year are the result of the implementation of a series of annual budgets in commitments and payments. Within each financial year the monthly rhythm of budget commitment and payment execution may however vary considerably.
RAL figures during the year therefore cannot be compared in a meaningful way to end of year RAL figures. A projection up to the end of the first quarter would in addition have to be based on a series of assumptions. Such a breakdown by Member State is only possible for structural actions funds under shared management in Headings 1b and 2 of the Financial Framework.
Karabus hat von der Anzeige jahrelang nichts gewusst. August bei der Passkontrolle einfach festgenommen. Karabus bekannt; er kann allerdings zu diesem Fall nicht Stellung nehmen, da es sich bei Dr. In Cyril Karabus worked for four weeks in Abu Dhabi as a child oncology locum. During this time a child died on his ward. He had a stopover in Dubai where he was arrested and has been in prison ever since. Media reports say that there have been 13 hearings so far. This story is very similar to the case of the Austrian Eugen Adelsmayr; once again, medical files suddenly cannot be found. According to media reports, his lawyer does not have access to all the important documents, which makes defending him nearly impossible.
His wife, daughter and son-in-law have had to leave the country because they only had short stay visas. Many hospitals in the UAE are run by foreign doctors from around the world. Adelsmayr in the United Arab Emirates throughout, in close cooperation with the Austrian authorities. The object and purpose of the right to a fair trial is enshrined in the principle of the rule of law and essential to safeguard human rights. Therefore, the EEAS will continue to promote observance of international humanitarian law, of fair and impartial administration of justice and of equality before the law.
Furthermore, the majority of them have not received any pay for four months. When will the Commission be able to provide financial assistance to those laid off? What influence is the unrestricted importation of machines from China having on themachine market? In the future programming period the Commission will encourage the regional authorities of Podkarpackie to strengthen support for areas suffering from severe structural deficiencies. Besides, the adaptation to change of workers, enterprises and entrepreneurs is one of the investment priorities proposed in the future ESF regulation. When, as a result of her opposition activities, she was expelled from university and started to receive threats, she decided to leave Minsk, travelling first to Poland, where she was granted political asylum, and then to Sweden.
In order to escape constant harassment by law enforcement agencies, she left Belarus in the summer of The Commission is not aware of the circumstances behind the case referred to by the Honourable Member. Likewise individual return procedures are managed at national level and national authorities are obliged to check that all relevant requirements provided for in EU legislation, including respect of the principle of non-refoulement, are fulfilled. The Commission is not an appeals body on asylum or return issues.
This task is in the first place performed by national courts. As Guardian of Union law, the Commission may, however, intervene if it can be clearly demonstrated that a Member State has infringed rights accorded to individuals under Union law. The facts referred to by the Honourable Member do not contain sufficient indication that this is the case.
The Commission is therefore not in a position to take further action or to address a recommendation to the Swedish authorities. Die langfristigen Gesundheitsfolgen durch Verzehr dieses Mutanten sind bislang noch unbekannt. Der Mutantenfisch ist zudem angeblich kaum von echtem Lachs zu unterscheiden. Teilt die Kommission die Bedenken gegen mutierten Lachs?
Wie kann sichergestellt werden, dass nicht alleine die Finanzkraft der Biotech-Unternehmen bestimmt, was wir in Zukunft essen werden? Soll Fisch auch in Zukunft noch den gesunden bzw. Media reports have revealed that the USA is on the verge of presenting the world for the first time with a genetically modified fish. This is a mutated salmon, which has the potential not only to devastate wild salmon stocks, but also to endanger human health.
This biotech industry mutant is particularly dangerous because it would smooth the way for other transgenic fish and meat varieties.
Insomnio. Etapas de un camino personal para su superación. (Spanish Edition)
The biotech industry has already invested a huge amount in lobbying governments to approve their genetically modified breeding schemes. The long-term repercussions on our health of eating these mutants are still not known. What is more, these super-salmon could wipe out whole stocks of their wild cousins if one of them or their eggs were to escape into the wild.
Furthermore it seems there is practically no difference in appearance between the mutant fish and a real salmon. Does the Commission share the misgivings regarding mutated salmon? Will fish continue in the future to be regarded as a healthy foodstuff, or at least one which is safe to eat? What does the Commission think and how, should this be necessary, does it propose to ensure that this is so?
It is now proposed that the aforementioned fish be declared safe to eat — on the basis of studies funded by the very firms that developed the genetically modified animal in the first place. In the light of this conflict of interest, does the Commission consider that any trust at all can be placed in these studies? The European Union has set in law its own strict safety criteria for risk assessment and authorisation of GMOs, which are fully independent of third countries' authorisation procedures.
Furthermore, the GMO legislation ensures that consumers are comprehensively informed on the presence of GMOs in feed and food, allowing them to make an informed purchasing choice. It is Commission policy not to comment on the internal affairs of third countries. Could the Commission please provide details of all the mission costs of the Commissioners and Commission staff who attended the meeting in Davos? Can the Commission also please confirm the means of transport by which the Commissioners travelled to Davos, and if it was by chartered aircraft what was the justification for choosing this method over a scheduled flight?
In addition, some missions were not only to Davos and back more destinations combined resulting in a higher cost. De Europese Commissie heeft aangegeven het aantal emissierechten te willen verminderen om zo kunstmatig de prijs van de emissierechten te verhogen.
De EU wil bepalen hoeveel CO 2 bedrijven in de toekomst mogen uitstoten. Wat waren de redenen van de Commissie om af te wijken van haar oorspronkelijke positie ten opzichte van handel in emissierechten? Er is geen reden waarom het niet mogelijk zou zijn het ETS in de toekomst beter te laten werken, als de politieke wil daartoe er is. The Commission has stated that it wishes to reduce the number of emission certificates in order to artificially raise their price. The EU wishes to determine how much CO 2 businesses may emit in future.
Why has the Commission decided to abandon its original position on emissions trading? It is not expected to have dramatic effects on the carbon price, but rather to have a stabilising effect in the short term;. To this debate belongs the discussion about potential automatic stabilisation mechanisms for taking into account uncertainties such as those referred to in the question. There is no reason why it should not be possible to make the ETS work better in the future if there is political will to do so.
An economic impact assessment? Zo ja, hoe reageert de Commissie op de bevindingen van dit wetenschappelijk onderzoek? Is de Commissie het met de PVV eens dat deze methodes in acht moeten worden genomen alvorens over te gaan op dure en onrendabele investeringen in wind- en zonne-energie? Zo neen, waarom niet? De Commissie is bekend met het rapport dat in de vraag wordt vermeld.
Het gaat dan met name om bepaalde nationale steunregelingen voor hernieuwbare energie. The article indicates that greenhouse gas emissions can also be reduced by using fossil fuels more efficiently and switching from coal to gas. Does the Commission agree with the PVV that these methods should be taken into account before resorting to costly and unviable investments in wind power and solar energy?
If not, why not? The Commission is familiar with the report mentioned in the question. The key point in this debate is that EU Renewable energy policy contributes to climate policy but also diversifies and improves the security of EU energy supplies. As such, it does not contradict energy efficiency policy and targets. There are instances where the instruments used to achieve the renewable energy targets have not been efficient, in particular certain national renewable energy support schemes.
It is for this reason that the Commission is preparing guidance on such schemes, to ensure that renewable energy targets are reached as cost effectively as possible. Politica di rigore finanziario e approccio americano. In Europa, al contrario, si prosegue nell'attuare una severa politica di rigore finanziario e di tagli alla spesa che sembra peggiorare le condizioni dell'economia, far perdere PIL ed aumentare la disoccupazione. Non ritiene il Consiglio che il perseguimento di una tale politica di rigore possa produrre effetti deleteri per l'economia europea?
Come si spiega il Consiglio che il medesimo problema venga affrontato dal sistema americano in modo diametralmente opposto rispetto a quello europeo? Con quali motivazioni si esclude che una maggiore spesa ed un innalzamento del tetto del debito possano avere conseguenze positive sull'economia europea? Non ritiene il Consiglio che il semplice vantaggio di alcuni Stati membri non sia una motivazione sufficiente per perseverare in una politica di rigore dimostratasi sinora fallimentare?
L'aggiustamento di bilancio deve continuare sulla via di una strategia di risanamento differenziato favorevole alla crescita, anche in considerazione di elevati livelli di debito e di sfide a medio e lungo termine per le finanze pubbliche. Il Consiglio non ha discusso le altre questioni sollevate dall'onorevole parlamentare.
To cope with the crisis and boost its economy and employment, political agreement has been reached in the USA to raise the debt ceiling without reference to spending cuts. More funds will be available therefore to finance works, projects and purchasing which, it is assumed, will help ward off the effects of the crisis and kick-start consumption and the American economy.
The European Union, on the other hand, is pursuing a rigorous policy of financial austerity and spending cuts, which appears to be producing even worse economic conditions, falling GDP and rising unemployment. How does the Council explain the fact that the USA is tackling the very same problem in a diametrically opposed way to the EU? While some Member States may benefit from the financial austerity policy surely this alone does not constitute sufficient grounds for persevering with this policy which has thus far proved to be disastrous.
Does the Council agree? The Council also underlined that a prerequisite for growth and adjustment was to continue on the path of fiscal consolidation and structural reforms and to reverse financial fragmentation, to improve financing conditions for investors, especially in the vulnerable countries, and to encourage the inflow and efficient allocation of capital to support adjustment.
This process will begin with the completion, strengthening and implementation of the new enhanced economic governance, as well as the adoption of the Single Supervisory Mechanism and of the new rules on recovery and resolution and on deposit guarantees. This will be made possible by the establishment of a single resolution mechanism. Furthermore, the Council emphasised that sound and sustainable public finances were an essential prerequisite for market confidence and macroeconomic stability, and hence for growth.
Non ritiene la Commissione che il perseguimento di una tale politica di rigore possa produrre effetti deleteri per l'economia europea? Come si spiega la Commissione che il medesimo problema venga affrontato dal sistema americano in modo diametralmente opposto rispetto a quello europeo? Non ritiene la Commissione che il semplice vantaggio di alcuni Stati membri non sia una motivazione sufficiente per perseverare in una politica di rigore dimostratasi sinora fallimentare?
In my view, the prime reason for this financial austerity lies in the resolve of certain EU Member States which, owing to their purchase of government bonds from countries with less liquidity, are now heavily exposed and want to withdraw from this position as fast as possible. How does the Commission explain the fact that the USA is tackling the very same problem in a diametrically opposed way to the EU? Does the Commission agree? In its Annual Growth Survey AGS , the Commission is advocating a balanced approach to ensuring fiscal sustainability, macro-financial stability and to engender sustainable growth and jobs.
The Commission supports a differentiated fiscal consolidation to be implemented in such a way that it minimises negative short-term effects on growth. To restore lending to the real economy, macro-financial stability is indispensable and the turbulences in the sovereign debt market have to be contained;. At micro level, financial repair has to continue in particular in the banking sector, but also new sources of funding have to be promoted;.
Structural reforms are necessary to improve framework conditions for growth and to strengthen the adjustment capacity of our economies;. Efficient and effective public administration is necessary to implement the difficult reforms in the current challenging economic conditions.
For countries at risk of losing market access the option of delaying consolidation, let alone increasing their debt levels, does not exist. There is hence no credible alternative to a growth-friendly fiscal consolidation that is differentiated across countries, depending on their circumstances. Quest'ultima disposizione in particolare contraddice l'articolo 5, secondo cui: HRW believes this could allow judges and legislators to disregard those treaties on the pretext that they contradict the new constitution. Other worrying provisions include the following: What support, if any, is it giving to civil society groups and other relevant groups?
In addition to political dialogue, EU financial instruments are also used to support the democratic transition, in different fields, for example the reform of the judicial sector, technical and political support to the work of the National Constituent Assembly through UNDP and in which the European Parliament is also involved , provision of technical assistance and expertise through the Council of Europe. In line with Joint Communications on the new Neighbourhood Policy, support to civil society is a priority of EU engagement with Tunisia; civil society is increasingly involved in our political dialogue and financing to civil society is being reinforced.
The UK Government is undertaking a review to assess whether it should opt out of some EU measures relating to police and judicial cooperation. The Association of Chief Police Officers in the UK has said that only 29 of the measures assist law enforcement in practice. A significant number of the measures are said to be effectively dormant and unused, while others have been overtaken and subsumed into subsequent agreements. What steps are being taken by the Commission to review the measures with the aim of streamlining procedures, reducing unnecessary bureaucracy and ensuring that priority is attached to those shown to be of most value to the tasks of combating terrorism and fighting crime?
Why was the issue of returning the wreckage raised only on the sidelines of the summit? Europees Ontwikkelingsfonds EOF tussenrapportage. In dat kader de volgende vragen:. In Zuid-Afrika ongeveer de helft. Kan de Commissie aangeven waarom dat zo is? De financiering van dit initiatief in de beide regio's en van de resterende activiteiten van het regionale programma in Zuidelijk Afrika werd in vastgelegd. De Commissie heeft de nodige stappen ondernomen om de fondsen te gebruiken of over te hevelen naar landen die daar specifiek behoefte aan hebben in Beide initiatieven sluiten volledig aan bij het beginsel van het bevorderen van duurzame energie.
This leads us to the following questions:. In South Africa, about half of the amount remains. Can the Commission explain why? Can the Commission explain to the taxpayer why too many funds are apparently made available to these countries, while there is an economic crisis raging at home? The financing for this initiative in both regions and the remainder of the Southern Africa regional programme were committed in For West Africa, the identified projects are currently going through the approval process.
So far all these deadlines have been respected. The Commission has taken the necessary steps to absorb the funds or reallocate them to countries with special needs in the course of Both initiatives are fully in line with the principle of promoting of renewable energy. In zijn schriftelijk antwoord op vraag nr. Een van de belangrijkste criteria om in aanmerking te komen voor begrotingssteun is de inachtneming van de subsidiabiliteitscriteria: De Commissie heeft in november besloten dat er onvoldoende vooruitgang is geboekt bij de uitvoering van het tweede strategisch programma voor armoedebestrijding PRSP en dat Guyana om die reden niet langer voldeed aan de subsidiabiliteitscriteria op het gebied van nationaal ontwikkelingsbeleid.
Have appropriate measures been adopted to prevent recurrence, and if so, what are they? The objective of this programme is to support the Guyanese national development plan. The operation is composed of fixed and variable disbursements, related to the achievement of specific targets in the areas of public financial management, health and social housing. One of the cornerstones for the provision of Budget Support is respect for the eligibility criteria: All Commission funding to Guyana and other countries is managed under the Commission's Financial Regulation which provides the necessary framework and safeguards to ensure that European taxpayers' money is properly used.
Vervolgvragen Nederlandse leges voor verblijfsvergunningen. Bij brief van In die brief wordt deze verhoging in verband gebracht met de verlaging van de leges voor gezinshereniging en de verwachting uitgesproken dat de nieuwe legestarieven medio januari van kracht zullen worden. In het arrest van Voor ieder kind moeten bij toelating de volle leges worden betaald, dus voor overkomst van drie kinderen moet EUR worden betaald. De dialoog met de Nederlandse autoriteiten is nog aan de gang.
Uit de informatie die is verstrekt, kan niet worden afgeleid wanneer de nieuwe leges van toepassing zullen worden. Op dit moment kan de Commissie de koppeling tussen de verschillende leges nog niet beoordelen aangezien de Nederlandse autoriteiten haar de nodige informatie daarover nog moeten verstrekken. The Commission has contacted the Dutch authorities to ask some clarifications on the new system of fees and the way these fees would be applied under the national legislation that has transposed the Family Reunification Directive.
The dialogue with the Dutch authorities is ongoing. From the information provided it is not clear when the new fees will be applied. The assessment of the link between different fees cannot be made at the moment, as the Dutch authorities still have to provide the Commission with the necessary information in this regard. Dezember verabschiedete das ungarische Parlament zwei Rechtsakte in diesem Bereich: It appears that in Hungary, national laws have been enacted recently to prevent anyone who is not a Hungarian citizen — and thus citizens of other EU Member States — leasing or purchasing land in Hungary.
If not, what is the Commission proposing to do to ensure Hungary complies with EU legislation? The Commission recalls that national legislation on the acquisition of land has to comply with EC law, in particular the provisions of the TFEU on the free movement of capital as well as the relevant jurisprudence of the CJEU.
As part of its monitoring activities in this field, the Commission is scrutinising the abovementioned Hungarian measures. Based on its assessment, the Commission will take, in due time, all appropriate steps if needed to ensure that Hungary fully respects EC law, including its commitments enshrined in the Accession Treaty.
Researchers at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, have recently published a study, stating that the increasing level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has a negative effect on the protein content of wheat, and, therefore, affects the nutritional quality of the grain, with consequences for human and animal nutrition. Can the Commission present an official point of view on this issue?
The findings of researchers at Gothenburg University are indeed very interesting and deserve to be given special attention in particular in the context of policies and research for food security. The Commission does not undertake assessments of research publications and has therefore no official position on outcomes of independent research. However, sustainability and food security research need to consider the effects and interactions of environmental challenges. One of the core themes of this SRA is adapting seeds and breeds through conventional breeding and biotechnology to new combinations of environment and management: Pesticide mortel pour les abeilles: Les conclusions sont accablantes.
The Network is calling for an immediate ban on the use of all neonicotinoids in agriculture. The three highest-selling seed treatment insecticides have recently been found to be toxic to bees by EFSA. Opinions and counter-opinions have come thick and fast. Beekeepers have seen their bee colonies collapse and have been relentlessly alerting the authorities and taking legal action.
Now the work of EFSA scientists could, once and for all, spell the end for this new generation of seed insecticides, which are highly prized in the agricultural sector. The conclusions are damning. However, there are acute risks when they are used on crops that do attract bees, with rape and sunflower being obvious examples.
Bees are also exposed via the dust produced by seeds or granules during sowing, and especially via exudation from treated crops, which produces tiny water droplets impregnated with pesticide. EFSA concludes that the studies carried out on maize treated with thiamethoxam show an acute effect on bees.
In other words, can it guarantee that no other pesticide on the market endangers the lives of bees and hence the ecosystem on which we all depend? The winning company was registered on the Commercial Register only five days before the tendering date. The company in question has currently stopped supplying food despite already receiving part of the money it was due. Can the Commission specify whether it intends to verify the conditions under which the aforementioned tendering process took place?
In response to the issues raised, the Honourable Member will be aware that, under the general rules of shared management which govern Agricultural Funds, Member States are responsible in the first instance for the implementation of agricultural measures, their audit and control, including the recovery of any unduly paid amounts. In this framework the Member States also have a regulatory obligation to transmit detailed information on detected irregularities to the Commission within a certain time limit. The programme to which the Honourable Member refers falls under the shared management of Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Commission and the competent Romanian authorities.
However, in this instance, the Commission has been informed by OLAF that the matter described has not been reported to it for examination. The Italian authorities have informed the European Commission that, due to the exceptional epidemiological situation and the high risk of the spread of African Swine Fever from Sardinia Italy to other regions, it would need additional support to ensure the implementation of the stipulated sanitary measures.
Can the Commission specify whether it intends to impose measures to restrict the movement of pigs and pork products originating from Italy? The epidemiological situation is also discussed regularly at the meetings of the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health. According to European Commission officials quoted by the Romanian press, Romania is violating EU rules on import controls of food and animal feed.
The Romanian authorities were apparently recently informed of this through an official letter regarding the initiation of enforcement procedures, but this was not made public. According to sources cited by the press, the Romanian authorities would impose systematic controls and would require radioactivity level analysis reports for each wagon of salt from Ukraine, and only later would conclude the customs import formalities.
Can the Commission specify exactly what Romania is being accused of in this respect? The Commission has started an infringement proceeding as regards Romania. These are currently being applied fully or partially by nine Member States. One Member State has announced that it wishes to find ways to extend the restrictions on Romanian and Bulgarian workers.
Can the Commission specify whether a Member State can introduce unilateral restrictions on the labour market and what recourse does it have in mind to prevent such measures? According to the findings, treatment with amoxicillin does not significantly improve the symptoms of respiratory infections, but can instead cause other health issues as well as resistance to drugs. Is the Commission aware of the findings of this study?
Does it intend to propose legislative measures? The Commission is fully aware of the research results that have been published by researchers of the University of Southampton. Antimicrobial drugs such as amoxicillin are crucial to safeguard the health of European citizens, and the Commission gives high priority to address the problems associated with antimicrobial resistance.
This action plan contains 12 actions including strengthening the promotion of appropriate use of antimicrobials in all Member States, as well as strengthening the regulatory framework on veterinary medicines and on medicated feed. In addition, it contains actions aimed at reinforcing research efforts to combat antimicrobial resistance.
A similar procedure for amoxicillin-only medicinal products is expected to start in The Romanian authorities have launched a wide-ranging television advertising campaign on the use of EU funds in Romania, consisting of paying for TV spots that reflect the hypothetical benefits of structural and cohesion funds. A website has also been set up for this purpose at www. This campaign does not contain pieces of information on the opportunities available to citizens or companies to attract EU funds as it is an advertising campaign for the Romanian Government.
The campaign is running only shortly in advance of parliamentary elections, which raises some questions. Given that the absorption rate of EU funds in Romania is far below the expectations of Romanian citizens, that part of the funds are suspended because of corruption, that access to information regarding the use of EU funds is precarious and some information is even hidden from the beneficiaries:.
Does the Commission know the amount allocated by the Romanian Government to this campaign? Does the Commission consider that this is an appropriate end use of EU funds in line with EU growth targets? The Commission is aware that television advertising campaigns are part of the communication plans of the Romanian government but cannot comment on the appropriateness of the timing of this particular campaign. Information and publicity measures for each programme are an obligation under cohesion policy and have to follow the provisions of cohesion policy regulations. Information activities should observe strict sound financial management and proportionality principles.
Repeatedly, food produced in Poland and exported to other Member States has caused scandals and anxiety among European consumers, and has been accused of being of insufficient quality chicken, fish, meat or of containing hazardous substances, such as technical salt or, just recently, rat poison. Can the Commission confirm that the quality of food originating in Poland does not significantly differ from the food that is produced in other Member States? Is the Commission prepared to publish, on a regular basis, a list of Member States comparing quality of food production based on the findings of the food control authorities RASFF notifications?
There is a comprehensive body of legislation to ensure the safety of food placed on the market in the European Union. Member States are responsible for the enforcement of EU food law and verify, through the organisation of official controls, that the relevant safety requirements are fulfilled by business operators at all stages.
Official controls must be carried out regularly, on a risk basis, with appropriate frequency and appropriate measures must be taken to eliminate risk and ensure enforcement of EU food law. From its side, the European Commission has the responsibility to ensure that EU legislation is properly implemented across the whole EU. The Commission is not in possession of information indicating that the level of safety of food originating from Poland is as a rule significantly different or lower than that of food originating from other EU Member States.
In the recent case referred to by the Honourable Member, the official controls system established by Poland has allowed the competent authorities to identify the problem, to promptly issue information about the possible risks through the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed, and to take immediate action. The Commission does not collect information on the Member States performances in terms of quality of food production.
Unter Bezugnahme auf Frage 5: Der Gesetzentwurf wurde jedoch noch nicht vom Parlament verabschiedet. Sie hat Kroatien jedoch nicht zur Ausarbeitung dieses Gesetzentwurfs aufgefordert. The ministry announced a nine-day public consultation process. Are there any risks associated with the proposed law with regard to the preservation and sustainability of public goods? Have environmental impact assessments been sufficiently taken into account by the Croatian authorities? What risks does this draft law on strategic investments pose with regard to environmental impact assessments?
The Commission maintains a regular dialogue on reform priorities with Croatia and, in this context, also provided comments on the draft law on strategic investment projects. However, the draft law has not yet been adopted by parliament. The Commission will closely monitor that EU obligations, including on environmental impact assessments, are respected by newly introduced legislation.
The Commission has highlighted on several occasions the need for Croatia to further stimulate investments, enhance the business environment, and improve the competitiveness of the Croatian economy. However, the Commission has not asked Croatia to draft such a law. Finally, with regard to the internal study referred to by the Honourable Member, the Commission is not in a position to provide comments or conclusions. However, the Commission has identified a number of shortcomings concerning the quality of environmental impact studies of water regulation and energy projects in Croatia.
These have been the subject of discussion with the Croatian authorities and the Commission is confident that an acceptable solution will be in place for the date of accession. Falta de transparencia en las decisiones sobre el rescate financiero. The text announces that strict conditions will be imposed on the functioning of the bank sector, at least for the banks that have been evaluated, but it leaves many questions unanswered:.
Will the Commission hold executives accountable? The Commission publishes non-confidential versions of its decisions, making public the full reasoning behind them. The Commission must suppress business secrets or other sensitive information in its decisions. The more aid the bank has received, normally measured as a percentage of its risk weighted assets, the bigger the restructuring needed. Investigation of possible malpractice in the management of state aided banks is the responsibility of national authorities, supervisors and courts. Can the Commission state what the conclusions were of this review, or what progress has been made in undertaking it, and what opportunity there remains for individuals and organisations to make representations regarding the issues being considered?
The review of the VAT treatment of public bodies and the exemptions in the public interest has not yet been finalised. Nel dicembre del , la Commissione europea ha lanciato un programma da 2,8 milioni di EUR per sostenere il rispetto dei diritti umani in Marocco. Il Marocco resta un paese impoverito a causa della concentrazione anomala di ricchezza nelle mani del re e del suo entourage.
Sembra inoltre che il governo stia silenziosamente reprimendo l'attivismo politico. Nell'ottobre del , le Nazioni Unite hanno riferito di un recente aumento dei casi di tortura denunciati in Marocco. Intende il SEAE analizzare l'effettivo impatto delle riforme che il governo marocchino afferma di aver messo in atto?
That programme could be viewed as a reward for the reform efforts undertaken by the Moroccan Government over the past two years. Morocco is still an impoverished country because of the abnormal concentration of wealth in the hands of its king and his entourage. Moreover, it seems that the Government is quietly clamping down on political activists. In May, a popular rapper was sentenced to a year in jail for a song about police corruption, while six political activists testified at a hearing in September that they had been physically — and sexually — abused after being arrested for protesting in July.
Is the EEAS planning to analyse the real impact of the reforms that the Morrocan Government claims to have implemented? EU-Morocco relations have made significant progress in recent years and have contributed to a wide process of democratic reform in that country. The strengthening of fundamental freedoms and democratic principles in the new Constitution as well as the establishment and consolidation of the National Council for Human Rights are positive developments in this regard. However, further progress is necessary, as evidenced by the facts described in the Parliamentary Question.
The Universal Service Directive contains the obligation for undertakings providing the call to make caller location available to the authority handling emergency calls. The same paragraph provides that competent regulatory authorities shall lay down criteria for the accuracy and reliability of the caller location information provided. Consequently, it is for Member States to impose caller location criteria. The Commission attaches much importance to the delivery of accurate location information to emergency services. Therefore, the Commission services are currently discussing with Member States in the communications Committee the neccesity of implementing more stringent caller location criteria.
Nevertheless, questions have been raised concerning the use of existing European organisations and their cooperation with the European Commission, particularly in making decisions on research strategy and planning in these fields. How much cooperation is there with the aforementioned European organisations, particularly during the research planning process in their areas of responsibility? Have there been any problems concerning overlaps and shared competence and how were these dealt with?
Are these organisations represented institutionally during the preparatory phase for European Commission proposals on matters concerning their fields of research and operation? Given that funding for these intergovernmental organisations comes mainly from EU Member States, does the Commission intend to propose a different model for enhanced cooperation to avoid expensive overlapping and unnecessary repetition? This cooperation facilitates complementarity and avoidance of overlaps.
It allows the organisations to provide preliminary inputs to Commission proposals and research work programmes in their respective fields of activity. The aforementioned processes coupled with the role of Member States in programme committees and stakeholder consultations underpin, to a large extent, complementarity and synergies. Does the Commission know exactly how these programmes are administered in Greece, i.
Does it believe that the situations described above fall within the jurisdiction of OLAF? The management of the European Structural Funds budget is subject to the rules of shared management. OLAF will examine it and decide if it falls within its mandate for action. If so, how can such a large difference in prices in an alleged single market be justified? Does this price cap comply with EU policies?