Acceptance is perceiving an experience and acknowledging it, without judgement or resistance. It will simply cause you suffering. Instead, what matters is what we choose to tell ourselves about what happened. This is important because the story you tell yourself can either empower you, or disempower you. Make sure that the story you tell yourself is in line with the facts, and that it does the following:.

Success Learned

The story can still have a happy ending, depending on what you choose to do next. I wrote in the previous point that when something unexpected happens, you should be careful with the story that you choose to tell yourself about what happened. Then, choose that attitude. Take control of your life by always choosing the attitude that is most likely to help you create the kind of life that you want. Start generating alternatives, evaluate those alternatives, pick one, and get to work on carrying it out. A lot of the time things feel out of control because of other people.

They act in ways you disagree with, or they fail to do the things you feel should be done. But you can always control yourself. To take control of your life, take back the decision-making power when the action or inaction of others is making you feel helpless, angry, or frustrated. As an illustration, suppose that you want to move up the ladder at work.

You do everything you can to turn yourself into the ideal employee:. Here are some more examples of how you can take control by taking the decision out of the hands of others:.

Focusing on what is within your control will help to restore a sense of order in your life. Place your attention on those things that are within your control by making a list of those things. Here are some examples of things that you can put on your list:. Focusing on things you can control will allow you to restore a sense of your own self-efficacy , which is often eroded when you feel as if you have little say in what happens to you.

One of the feelings that often accompany an event that makes you feel as if things are out of your control is anxiety. Apply the 10 tips above and take control of your life. Live your best life by dealing effectively with a world filled with uncertainty. Marelisa Fabrega is a lawyer and entrepreneur. Tune out the drama around you and tune in to your own intuition. Smile and be grateful. Life is too short to waste on negativity and those who create it.

  1. Everyday Simplicity - Take Control of your life - Success Learned.
  2. 8 Ways to Free Your Mind and Take Back Control of Your Life.
  3. 8 Ways to Free Your Mind and Take Back Control of Your Life?
  4. 2. Practice Prevention.
  5. Witches in Red: A Novel of the Mist-Torn Witches (The Mist-Torn Witches series).
  6. Birthday Boy.

What clutters your mind and holds you back? What ideas, people and circumstances do you need to free yourself from in order to move forward? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts. I have learned and practiced to follow my heart and not care to be exactly what other people expect. This has made my life great and taken away all the self-doubt that once stifled me.

What is currently holding me back as a new entrepreneur is fear of not getting things right the first time. I realize now that this goes back to expectations. Something I need to work on more I suppose. Definitely the one thing holding me back is fear. To be happy and content, I need to make a decision which will totally change my life — to stop giving in to empty fears that are seeded by what others have said over the years. Keeping the this fear alive is only keeping me stuck in a very negative situation.

For a short time there, it seemed like some of your posts were a bit repetitive, but this one is back on the track I have come to appreciate from you both. I need to keep working on helping the people I view as a negative influence on my life, instead of just ignoring them. I want to help her, just not at the expense of my inner happy.

Still looking for that path. Thanks for the list today. Your words are resonating once again. Excellent bits of advice.

We Teach You Success

Thanks for the reminder. Thanks for another great reminder. Every time I read one of your posts it is as if you are reading my mind or speaking directly to me directly in others. It is always so fascinating how hearing and reading the truth can either get you all excited about the future or make you become angry, frustrated and ready to give up.

When I read your posts I am energized and ready to take on the day. I feel like I can do all things. I no longer become sad, depressed, frustrated or feel lost as there is always information for me to work with and on. What do I need to learn first? I think this article will help you out: I need to free myself from the expectations of others, especially during the Christmas holidays. Do any other wives and mothers know what I mean?

My plans to create the perfect family Christmas get me so stressed out. Christmas is about Christ and those we love. Thanks for reminding me we need to let go. I love the first tip in particular!

30 Inspirational Quotes On Taking Control Of Your Life | AwakenTheGreatnessWithin

I feel like I need to watch the nightly news to stay informed, but sometimes, like Dr. Weil suggests, I need to take a vacation from the news. You are spot on in terms of the media we consume. I started watching inspirational movies and consuming personal development podcast instead and brought a big change into my life in terms of perspective and mindset.

Your posts are really impressive — we need to work for the things we wish to have in our life, and be willing to change when things are going as planned.

Draw your future - Patti Dobrowolski - TEDxRainier

This is your best post ever! It flew into my box this morning on angel wings just when I needed the lift! We are changing our TV service to lower the price tag, but the educational channels my son and I want are only available on the priciest package. But I am tired of murder, violence and sex laden channels I seem to default to so it may be worth the expense. It dawned on me that I am still holding onto the reigns of the past, and I cannot grasp my future until I let them go.

  1. Quo vadis Landschaftsarchitektur? (German Edition);
  2. 3 Ways to Take Control of Your Life - wikiHow.
  3. Doing Justice to Justice: Competing Frameworks of Interpretation in Christian Social Ethics!

I have gotten way to comfortable at work, in health, and in my relationships and its time to change, so I have built a library for me to learn and challenge myself. I can relate to each of these tips, but I especially like the last one. And one of the best ways to do this, I think, is to start taking action and creating the future that you want for yourself. The only one who could stop you from doing this is yourself. One way to take back control of our minds is to choose who we spend the most time with on a daily basis.

We are the average of the five people we spend the most time with during the day. And because the past is standing still, you can unravel it…and give yourself a clear space for a beautiful present. Hello, I am such a mess… lol.. After years of addiction and now 1. Everything is new and scary.. Existence is one entity , we are part of existence , we are part of that entity! The more human beings live in denial of that , the more suffering there is!

I was just talking to a friend this morning about this very issue. He gave up TV several years ago, and I did about 2. Two of these points really hit home for me. The first one, particularly — but the media that drags me down tends to be stories people share on Facebook. We tend to believe what we read instead of what we observe around us everyday — or at least I do.

I get caught up in all the terrible things happening, and forget that when I pay attention to my family, to the helpful strangers around me, the world looks much better. The last point also really hit home. As a full-time student of life, I have learned an abundance of valuable lessons that have improved my quality of life. For example, after reading this post, and reflecting on taking back control of my life, the most liberating experience amplifies the liberating effect of my personal affirmation, related to number 8.

The PAST serves as our fundamental lessons learned in life. Moving forward is often the challenge. FEAR of failure — or the the unknown — becomes a mountain-like obstacle. When we are afraid, we must bravely and confidently advance forward, and reflect on these words of inspiration:. A great post to end the year and start a new one.

30 Inspirational Quotes On Taking Control Of Your Life

Has anyone heard of the Happy days Challenge? Lifehack has a good post on this challenge. I thought it would be a great way to start a new year. Although I cannot take one pic a day, I can carry a small notebook or mini calendar with me to commemorate one happy moment a day.

  • 10 Tips to Take Control of Your Life In An Uncertain World.
  • How To Actively Take Control of Your Time and Your Life?
  • Step 1. Set Goals?
  • It is a great way to give thanks instead of complaining, of focusing on the positive instead of the negative. It is eye-opening and thought provoking to a lot of of people who are carried away by constant bombardments from the media. Start embracing the fact that you are a work in progress. It means you want a better tomorrow, and you wish to love yourself completely, so you can live your life fully. Marc and Angel, your words do really cheer up and give one a meaningful direction in life.

    Focus on one thing or one person at a time. Especially when they really matter. Thank you for your words of wisdom!