We must be smart, not just right. This policy — a flagrant breach of international law and the biggest obstacle to any peace plan proposed to end the conflict — is advocated and implemented at all levels of the Israeli Government. We have spoken out against this criminal behaviour by the Israeli Government each time it has planned settlements on the Palestinian territories. Between and , more than 24 settlements have been built in the occupied territories, demonstrating that Israel has no desire to end this policy. The association agreement with Israel is, however, contingent upon political cooperation at all levels in upholding international law.
In view of these statements, would she consider suspending the EU-Israel association agreement until such time as Israel complies with international law and demonstrates the political will to do so? The EU continues to monitor this issue very closely. The EU remains firmly opposed to Israeli settlement activities in Palestine and conveys this message to its Israeli counterparts at all levels as well as in various international fora.
This is a crucial step towards achieving a lasting resolution to the conflict. De Organisatie van Islamitische Samenwerking OIC beschouwt zichzelf met haar 57 leden als de op een na grootste intergouvernementele organisatie, na de VN. Zij is verspreid over vier continenten en streeft ernaar de collectieve spreekbuis te zijn van de moslimmeerderheden in de wereld.
De OIC is in het afgelopen decennium aanzienlijk veranderd. Zij heeft zich meer ingezet voor de vrijheid van meningsuiting en de vrijheid van godsdienst en overtuiging en heeft het democratische overgangsproces in de Arabische wereld ondersteund. Voorts heeft de organisatie haar samenwerkingsagenda uitgebreid naar de gebieden van economie, cultuur, wetenschap, ontwikkeling en humanitaire kwesties.
Zij blijft ook ernstig bezorgd over daden van religieuze onverdraagzaamheid en geweld in de wereld.
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De overeenstemming die in de afgelopen twee jaar in opeenvolgende VN-resoluties werd bereikt over hoe religieuze onverdraagzaamheid overeenkomstig de normen op het gebied van de mensenrechten kan worden bestreden, was een belangrijk signaal. Dialoog is essentieel om misvattingen en meningsverschillen te overwinnen. De EU en de OIC kunnen samenwerken en kunnen over talrijke belangrijke kwesties overeenstemming bereiken, ondanks de huidige verschillen die op dit moment tussen hen bestaan.
Het is belangrijk te benadrukken dat betrokkenheid geen goedkeuring inhoudt en dat er ruimte is voor een betere verstandhouding. De nieuwe permanente observatiemissie van de OIC in Brussel kan hier ook toe bijdragen. It spreads over four continents and strives to be the collective voice of the Muslim majority world. The OIC has undergone important changes during the last decade. It has made advances in support of both freedom of speech and freedom of religion or belief, and supported the democratic transition process in the Arab world.
It has also enlarged its cooperation agenda to encompass economic, culture, scientific, development and humanitarian areas. A key signal was the agreement found in the past two years in successive UN resolutions on how to address the fight against religious intolerance, in line with human rights standards. Engagement and vigilance are both required with partner countries and organisations, such as the OIC, in order to maintain and develop this common understanding.
Dialogue is the only way to overcome misperceptions and differences of opinion. The EU and OIC can work together and find common understanding on many important issues, even if there are current prevailing differences. But it is important to stress that engagement is not endorsement, and that there are scope for fostering better understanding. The EU-OIC relations can go beyond the religious, humanitarian and assistance fields, and could be engaged on a number of important issues. O Regulamento CE n. Recent news reports indicate that as a result of the crisis and the attendant austerity measures, some Member States have not been carrying out all the food safety checks required under Community law.
Is the Commission aware of this situation and, if so, what steps does it intend to take? The responsibility for enforcing food chain legislation lies with Member States, which are required to establish a system of official controls to verify compliance by operators with requirements deriving therefrom. The Commission constantly monitors delivery by the Member States of their control duties, including through on-the-spot audits by its Food and Veterinary Office, and is aware of difficulties with the organisation of official controls which may arise as a result of the financial crisis and the growing lack of resources.
Moreover, the proposal calls for adequate financial resources to be made available to the competent authorities performing official controls and requires mandatory fees to be charged on a wider array of operators to recover the costs incurred by the said authorities as a result of the performance of official control activities.
Figures produced by the World Health Organisation WHO show that, in Europe, one child in three between the ages of six and nine is overweight or obese. Various different studies have confirmed the correlation between exposure to advertising for unhealthy food products and child obesity, and it is on overweight children that such advertising has the greatest impact.
What action will the Commission take to monitor these developments and guarantee that children are not exposed to advertising for unhealthy foods? The risks associated with aquaculture stem mainly from the use of chemicals, particularly antibiotics and disinfectants. What action is the Commission taking to guarantee checks on and the safety of farmed fish produced in Europe, and farmed fish imported from other parts of the world? Those rules are a set of specific hygienic requirements for the safe production of fishery products including health standards to be ensured.
Such requirements and standards are also to be applied to fishery products imported from third countries. On this aspect, the regulation lays down detailed import conditions including the obligation to import fishery products only from approved establishments in authorised third countries. The verification of compliance of the operators with the requirements is a competence of the Member States through the appropriate official controls. That includes the verification and assessment that the objectives of the legislation are achieved.
In the same letter, you stated that the large differences in youth unemployment between the various Member States demonstrate that national situations and policies matter. As regards participation in parliamentary debates, established practice, as agreed with the Parliament, is that the President of the European Council reports to Parliament after each meeting of the European Council and after Eurozone summits , whereas the President of the Council, and the Commission, participate in any debates ahead of the meeting of the European Council.
This illegal clampdown by the Colombian Government is totally unacceptable and disproportionate, striking at the most fundamental democratic principles and human rights. The introduction of marshal law will undoubtedly make it very difficult to establish the identity of the perpetrators or those bearing criminal responsibility for the violent actions of the police and military.
The circumstances of the clashes and possible responsibilities are now being investigated by the General Prosecutor office. Transatlantische Expertengruppe zum Datenschutz. Juni im Innenausschuss eine solide Datenschutzreform. Welche konkreten Themenbereiche werden von der Expertengruppe behandelt? Wo sieht die Kommission die besonders kritischen Punkte, die Frau Kommissarin Reding angesprochen hat?
Wenn Letzteres der Fall ist: It is not acceptable that US authorities should spy on EU citizens. Commissioner Reding announced that a transatlantic group of experts on data protection was to be set up to address the critical issues. What specific areas will the group of experts discuss? What does the Commission see as the critical issues here? Will the transatlantic group of experts announced by Commissioner Reding play a part in negotiating the transatlantic free trade area or will its deliberations following the PRISM scandal be separate from that?
Two years later, the Commission had noted that many Member States had not yet done so. Have all Member States complied with the provisions of the framework Decision?
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Can the Commission state whether Greece has done so? The Commission intends to adopt it by the end of The vast majority of these workers are EU nationals, 3 of them Spanish. Every day these workers are subjected to delays and checks at the borders that last for hours when returning home from work in Gibraltar, which as a British Overseas Territory lies outside of the Schengen area and the customs union.
Spain of course has every right to conduct checks on persons and goods passing through this border. However, such checks must not be so disproportionate as to undermine the fundamental right of EU nationals to freedom of movement through an EU border. Currently there are many days where the delays still last an average of two hours. Can the Commission commit to monitoring the situation at this border, report on whether the delays are disproportionate, and advise on any appropriate action it will take if it finds the delays to be inconsistent with the right of the Spanish Government to conduct checks or with the right to freedom of movement?
Gibraltar is not part of the area without internal border controls. Checks on persons are therefore carried out at its border with Spain. Under the Schengen Borders Code, all people entering and exiting the Schengen area, including those enjoying the Union right of free movement, should undergo a minimum check to establish their identities on the basis of the production or presentation of their travel documents. Third-country nationals should be subject to thorough checks, involving a detailed examination verifying that they fulfil all entry conditions.
In addition, Gibraltar is not part of the customs territory of the European Union and is thus treated as a third country for customs purposes. Customs controls are performed by the national customs authorities in order to ensure the correct application of customs legislation.

The modalities for these controls are determined by the Member States and may include inspecting means of transport, luggage and other goods carried by or on persons. Their reply is now being assessed. Can the Commission confirm that the assistance has reached its intended destination?
Assistance has been targeted to improve sectorial competitiveness and, in some instances, to diversify operations. Activities, focus for example on. Improvements in competitiveness and export capacity in Belize, Fiji, Guyana and Mauritius. To withdraw from sugar production and aim at diversification of the economy in Barbados, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis and Trinidad and Tobago. Monitoraggio del fisco sui conti correnti delle famiglie italiane. Saranno sottoposti a controllo i depositi di titoli azionari, le gestioni patrimoniali, le carte di credito, le operazioni sul mercato dei metalli preziosi, le cassette di sicurezza, le movimentazioni e i saldi di inizio e fine anno.
I dati permetteranno di ricostruire le spese effettuate dal contribuente e, nel caso di incongruenze tra quanto dichiarato al fisco e quanto speso, saranno avviati i controlli. Il Garante per la privacy ha assicurato che il Sid Sistema Interscambio Dati tra gli intermediari e l'Agenzia delle Entrate previsto dal provvedimento per la raccolta e l'invio delle informazioni garantisce adeguate misure di sicurezza di natura tecnica e organizzativa a tutela dei dati dei cittadini. Italy is the only EU Member State to have such a law.
The monitoring will cover share portfolios, asset management, credit cards, operations on the precious metals market, the contents of safety deposit boxes, account movements and account balances at the beginning and end of each year. The Italian Data Protection Supervisor has given assurances that appropriate technical and organisational security measures have been incorporated into the SID, the system for the exchange of data between intermediaries and the Revenue Office, which will be used to collect and forward information.
Each Member State is free to establish its own policy for gathering information from its financial institutions and other intermediaries for tax purposes. Without prejudice to the powers of the Commission as guardian of the Treaties, the compliance with these provisions is supervised by the national data protection supervisory authority. The Commission is therefore not in a position to comment on questions regarding the possible volume of sensitive data concerned and the potential risks of interception of private data.
The Commission would like to stress that it considers the fight against tax fraud and tax evasion as one of its key priorities. One of the initiatives included in the action plan is the promotion of the automatic exchange of information AEOI as the future European and international standard of transparency in tax matters. Costi eccessivi dei servizi bancari a carico dei cittadini italiani. A tale sproporzione si aggiunge la mancanza di chiarezza di informazione sulle tariffe, che in molti casi sono incomplete o di difficile comprensione.
La Commissione ritiene che l'incremento delle commissioni applicate dalle banche per i servizi di pagamento collegati ai conti possa avere un impatto rilevante sui costi complessivi sostenuti dalle famiglie, specialmente da quelle con minori risorse economiche. Alla luce di quanto precede, le misure adottate nella proposta della Commissione di direttiva sui conti di pagamento mirano ad accrescere il livello di concorrenza sul mercato dei prodotti finanziari al dettaglio in tutta l'Unione europea, migliorando la trasparenza delle condizioni offerte dai prestatori di servizi di pagamento e semplificando il processo di trasferimento del conto.
Inoltre, la proposta introduce il diritto per tutti i consumatori di accedere a un conto di pagamento con caratteristiche di base, gratuitamente o a un costo ragionevole. The disparity between the interest rate paid by banks and that which they charge on loans has risen to In addition to this disproportion, the information provided concerning rates is unclear, in many cases being incomplete or hard to understand.
The Commission considers that increases in the fees charged by banks for services offered on payment accounts are likely to have a relevant impact on the overall costs borne by families, especially those with fewer economic resources at their disposal. This is all the more the case in the current economic situation. In this light, the measures adopted in the Commission proposal for a directive on payment accounts aim to enhance the level of competition in the market for retail financial products EU-wide by increasing the transparency of the conditions offered by payment service providers and simplifying the process for account switching.
This will allow consumers to make a more informed choice and be more aware of the most convenient products on the market. Moreover, the proposal introduces the right for every consumer to access a payment account with basic features, which will have to be offered either free of charge or at a reasonable fee. The Commission believes that measures contained in its proposal will substantially improve the competitive process in the market for payment accounts therefore lowering the prices of the products on offer to the benefit of consumers.
Secondo la prassi abituale, la Commissione non si esprime in merito a situazioni ipotetiche. Can the Commission say what the implications would be if the treaty were declared unlawful by a Constitutional Court in one of the Member States? It has not been declared unconsititional by any national constitutional court. The question about the possible implications of a national constitutional court declaring the TSCG unconstitutional is therefore of a purely hypothetical nature. In line with established practice, the Commission does not express itself on hypothetical scenarios.
Above this threshold, support programmes for disabled persons would be subject to compulsory notification. This regulation is an attack on the interests of disabled persons and deepens the divergences between Member States.
In effect, it will mean a significant reduction in access to support for people from countries with lower GDP. A limit formulated in such a way is not a good means of avoiding distortions of competition, since it is not the value of the programme, but the amount of support paid to the beneficiaries or projects which reflects its impact on the market. This restriction is therefore in violation of the principle of equal treatment for all Member States in the internal market, as it discriminates against countries with lower GDP.
The threshold proposed in the draft General block exemption Regulation GBER for notification of very large schemes might trigger the need to notify certain Polish schemes for employment aid for disabled persons. However, the draft GBER constitutes a document on which the Commission services are collecting views during the public consultation and in discussions with Member States. The Commission has received feedback on it from many citizens and disabled people's organisations as well as from the Polish authorities.
It will now analyse this feedback and consider how best to address the concerns expressed to the benefit of disabled persons. The Commission certainly does not intend to make the compatibility conditions in the GBER relating to the support of disabled workers stricter than the existing rules. Job creation for disabled people, special support to promote their entrepreneurship and awareness raising campaigns to combat discrimination are examples of measures aiming at integration of disabled persons in the labour market, which will remain priority also in the programming period Red Europea de Transporte en Alta Velocidad.
Does it not think that the French Government's decision could seriously harm the development of the Mediterranean-Pyrenees Euro-region and damage Spain, which constructed the high-speed rail line with a view to linking it to the French network in order to ensure that the infrastructure is profitable and recoup its investment? Does the Commission not think that the French Government can easily justify these projects? A formal position by the French Government is still awaited on the new line Montpellier-Perpignan and on the interventions to be scheduled on the existing line.
I have been contacted by a constituent who has recently visited Bequia in the Grenadines. The relevant mechanisms include Steering Committees, in which Delegation representatives are present as observers, independent mid-term reviews or evaluations, and expenditure audits. No recently audited SVG projects have unveiled any financial problem. As a consequence, the Commission has no evidence that any EU funds are being utilised for purposes other than those foreseen within its development cooperation. I have been contacted by a number of constituents who are concerned about the current situation in Turkey.
The Commission examines progress made by Turkey towards meeting the Copenhagen criteria — including the safeguard of Human Rights — in its annual Progress Reports. In light of the above, could the Commission kindly answer the following questions:. Could the Commission provide information on the amount of funding that has been absorbed so far at national level?
Could the Commission provide a table with the amount of funding that has been absorbed so far per region? Could the Commission provide a table indicating the number of people that have so far benefited from the youth action plan, at national level and per region? Actions supporting SMEs had reached saturation point and reprogramming was necessary. What has been the overall progress of the programmes that have been reprogrammed in support of SMEs? Could the Commission provide information on the amounts that have been absorbed so far at a national level broken down by programme? Could the Commission provide a table with the amounts that have been absorbed so far by SMEs per region?
Could the Commission provide a table with the number of SMEs that have so far benefited from the reprogramming, broken down both at the national level and per region? The revision of the Greek national and regional programmes aimed at enhancing business support through measures which would strengthen the liquidity but also through targeted interventions of direct support.
Progress has to be measured while taking into consideration the steady but slow recovery of the country's economy and, particularly, of its banking system. However, regarding direct aid, Gevolgen van het Duitse auteursrecht voor het recht op informatie en het vrije verkeer van diensten. In de wet is voorzien in een uitzondering voor het gebruik van losse woorden en zeer kleine tekstsnippers. Er wordt niet gespecificeerd wat de maximum tekstlengte is waarop de uitzondering van toepassing kan zijn.
In andere lidstaten hoeven uitgevers Google geen voorafgaande toestemming te verlenen om in Google News te worden opgenomen, maar hebben zij de mogelijkheid om niet met de dienst mee te doen. De Commissie is op de hoogte van de discussies over de door het geachte Parlementslid genoemde nieuwe Duitse wet met betrekking tot de rechten van uitgevers wat onlinepublicatie betreft. Allereerst zal de zoekmachine van Google nog steeds verwijzen naar de perswebsites en ten tweede zijn er andere informatiebronnen op grote schaal toegankelijk in Duitsland. Op dit moment zijn er geen aanwijzingen dat de wet invloed zou kunnen hebben op het recht van Duitse burgers om informatie te ontvangen en te verspreiden.
In deze context merkt de Commissie op dat overeenkomstig de rechtspraak van het Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie de bescherming van intellectuele eigendom, waaronder het auteursrecht, een dwingende reden van algemeen belang is, die maatregelen kan rechtvaardigen die leiden tot een beperking van het vrij verrichten van diensten, op voorwaarde dat de betrokken maatregelen niet-discriminerend en evenredig zijn. Overeenkomstig haar bevoegdheden zet de Commissie zich ten volle in om de eerbiediging van de grondrechten te waarborgen en te bevorderen. The law provides for an exception with regard to the use of single words and very small snippets of text.
It does not specify the maximum length of text to which the exception may be applied. In other Member States, publishers do not have to give Google prior consent to be included in Google News, but they do have the possibility of opting out of the service. Does the Commission consider that the German copyright law impinges upon the free movement of services? The Commission is aware of discussions prompted by the new German law on the rights of publishers online mentioned by the Honourable Member. The Commission notes that Google News service provided by Google, however significant, is not the only means by which German citizens have access to information, either online or offline.
First, the press websites are still referenced in the Google search engine and second, other information sources are largely accessible and available in Germany. The Commission notes in this context that according to the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union the protection of intellectual property, which includes copyright, is an overriding reason of general interest, which may justify measures resulting in restrictions to freedom to provide services provided that such measures are non-discriminatory and proportionate.
At the moment the Commission is not planning to propose measures similar to those covered by the new German law at EU level. The Commission is fully committed to ensuring and promoting the respect of fundamental rights within the scope of its competences. Mega trucks are larger and heavier than normal HGVs and this will inevitably create more blind spots and increase the chance of other issues such as snaking, which makes the mega truck even more dangerous than normal trucks to those in and surrounding the vehicle. With this in mind, what measures are being taken by the Commission to ensure that mega trucks are safer to surrounding traffic?
Further, what measures are being taken to improve safety on the trucks themselves? This article allows a longer vehicle to cross one border, where the two Member States allow the circulation of such vehicles on their respective territories. It is a choice for Member States to make, based on local conditions.
The directive does not impose longer trucks. Reports on the trials of longer vehicles in Denmark and the Netherlands point to fewer kilometres driven, reduced emissions, no detrimental impact on road safety and no detrimental impact on infrastructure wear and tear. The Commission will gladly make these reports available to the Honourable Member on request. The Commission proposal also intends to provide manufacturers with the opportunity to improve the design of the cabin, allowing safer and more aerodynamic cabins than today.
This measure shall improve the field of vision of the driver, reduce dead angles, and allow implementing crumple zones to reduce the impact of crashes. Controversie transfrontaliere in materia civile: Tuttavia, essa non interviene nei sistemi giudiziari degli Stati membri laddove tale intervento non risulta necessario in considerazione dell'obiettivo della direttiva. The European Parliament Mediator for International Parental Child Abduction has received a number of reports of alleged irregularities in the application in Germany of laws on legal aid in cross-border civil disputes.
It is reported in fact that in Germany, the court that decides whether or not legal aid should be granted for cross-border civil disputes is often the same court as is competent for the dispute. The court competent to hear the dispute may also be the court that decides whether the applicant shall be granted legal aid. It ensures that the complexity of and differences between the legal systems of the Member States and the costs inherent in the cross-border dimension of a dispute do not preclude access to justice.
The directive does however refrain from intervening into the judicial systems of the Member States where such an intervention is not necessary in view of the directive's purpose. Therefore, the directive does not regulate questions of jurisdiction or harmonise the procedure for legal aid applications in the Member States.
As the directive does not regulate which authority in the Member State in which the court is sitting or where a judgment is to be enforced is competent to decide upon the application for legal aid, the fact that in a Member State the court that decides whether the applicant shall be granted legal aid may also be the court competent to hear the dispute does not contravene the Legal Aid Directive.
The Legal Aid Directive does not regulate the question of confidentiality of information concerning the financial resources of the applicant nor circumstances under which this information may be disclosed to the opposing party. Alla luce di quanto sopra esposto e dopo verifica della legislazione tedesca in materia, potrebbe la Commissione rispondere ai seguenti quesiti:.
Secondo le informazioni di cui dispone la Commissione, la Beistandschaft in materia di obbligazioni alimentari designa il potere dello Jugendamt ufficio di assistenza ai minori di agire in veste di consigliere giuridico del minore. La Commissione sottolinea che la determinazione di un credito alimentare o di prestazioni erogate in luogo degli alimenti, l'organizzazione interna di uno Stato membro ai fini dell'erogazione degli alimenti, la definizione dei poteri dello Jugendamt nell'assistenza ai minori relativamente agli alimenti, il diritto di agire per il rimborso di prestazioni erogate in luogo degli alimenti appartengono alla sfera del diritto nazionale.
These consist in the main of bringing a default action against a parent, who is often not a German citizen and not resident in Germany, for maintenance payments for the child living with the other parent in Germany. This can often happen even before a judicial ruling gives it legality. In essence the Jugendamt, having advanced a sum of money that it has itself decided is suitable to the parent that is de facto living with the child, then applies to the other parent for repayment of this amount, relying in so doing on its prerogative and enforceable powers as a public body.
It is decided upon without a hearing and it is often vitiated by a failure to notify the party concerned, who only learns of its existence some considerable time later when the sums involved are deducted under an attachment of earnings. Having duly verified the German laws concerned, could the Commission answer the following:. Minori temporaneamente fuori dalla famiglia di origine.
Allo stato attuale, non si riesce a distinguere gli allontanamenti realmente necessari da quelli che, con un'adeguata politica di sostegno alle famiglie in grado di prevenire e risolvere i disagi, potrebbero essere evitati, soprattutto senza allontanare i bambini dai propri genitori. In base all'articolo 24 della Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell'Unione europea, in tutti gli atti relativi ai minori l'interesse superiore del minore deve essere considerato preminente.
Tuttavia, conformemente all'articolo 51, paragrafo 1, della medesima, le disposizioni della Carta si applicano agli Stati membri esclusivamente nell'attuazione del diritto dell'Unione. Tale principio si applica anche agli articoli 47 e 48 della stessa. Dalle informazioni fornite dall'onorevole deputato non risulta che le questioni sollevate concernano l'applicazione del diritto dell'Unione.
At present, it is hard to distinguish between cases where there is a real need to take children into care and those where taking them away from their parents could be avoided if the latter were given appropriate support. How can parents and social workers be made aware of the fact that, where families experience difficulties, the primary focus must be on providing them with support, with children being taken away from their parents only if all else fails?
On the basis of the information provided by the Honourable Member it does not appear that the matter referred to is related to the implementation of European Union law. In such a case, it is for Member States, including their judicial authorities, to ensure that fundamental rights are effectively respected and protected in accordance with their national legislation and international human rights obligations. The primary responsibility for the care of children lies with their birth family. Member States have the overall responsibility for developing their child protection systems, including the provision of services to allow children to stay in their families, where possible.
There are two cities in Kujawsko-Pomorskie province which perform functions related to the administration of the region: Documents are currently being drafted which will define the terms for cooperation between these two cities as they form one functional area. At a time when there are significant divergences between the two cities that are to form this single functional area, should they be performing management functions on an equal footing?
Should the criteria for support for functional areas be premised upon compulsory institutional cooperation between two completely separate urban areas? Would it be possible to establish two ITI strategies that would have to be approved at provincial level, or — in the event that no agreement can be reached — at the level of the appropriate ministry? According to the draft legistation which is currently being negotiated, the ITI tool can be used to combine priorities from one or more programmes in order to implement territorial strategies in an integrated way.
It is up to Member States to define the areas where these integrated strategies will be developped. The same holds for the urban areas where sustainable urban development will be implemented. In agreement with the managing authority, more management functions may be delegated. ITI is a tool that is well suited to address a challenge, need or potential that is specific to an area and that crosses administrative borders e. One ITI should implement one territorial strategy. In the case of two cities, their strategy should therefore be common, but compulsory institutional cooperation is not required.
ITI is a delivery mechanism. Therefore the choice of if and where to use ITIs should follow from the identified needs, challenges and potential. It is the responsibility of the Member State to decide on the arrangements for the management and approval of ITIs. Neelie Kroes, the Commissioner responsible for the digital agenda, recently announced that the Commission was to bring forward a proposal eliminating tariffs for roaming services in the European Union. If they are, there is a risk that subscribers in Member States where the cost of mobile phone services is higher will benefit less, comparatively, from the elimination of roaming tariffs, outside the possible abolition of charges for calls received.
At the same time, mobile phone operators might increase the tariffs they apply nationally in order to compensate for the elimination of roaming tariffs. Are any other measures being considered to prevent mobile phone operators in the various Member States from increasing their tariffs? In light of the Spring European Council conclusions regarding the need for concrete measures ahead of the October European Council to achieve the single market in ICT as early as possible, the Commission is currently working on a set of legislative measures which should allow operators to provide digital services across the EU and allow citizens and businesses to enjoy such services from anywhere in Europe.
Building on the pro-competitive measures of the Roaming Regulation the Commission is considering further measures to incentivise operators to provide roaming at domestic price levels irrespective of the domestic mobile service package. Although the price levels of domestic services are not regulated as such under EU law, the current regulatory framework already provides National Regulatory Authorities with tools to act in relation to any competition problems that may exist within their national markets and, where appropriate, to impose remedies.
The limited data available at European level shows that the situation is even worse in some Eastern European countries, where the incidence of cancer is even higher. Children are often overlooked in the fight against cancer. Given the lack of European indicators and data on the development of childhood cancers, mortality rates and the treatments available, might the Commission consider conducting an impact assessment?
Given the severity of the situation, does the Commission intend to legislate in this area? If so, what are its priorities? Might the Commission consider creating a specific resource for funding research programmes and actions in the fight against childhood cancer? Might the Commission consider dedicating more funding to childhood-cancer research? Regarding available data on childhood cancer, the Commission would refer to the Eurostat causes of death data.
This holds in particular for clinical trials which are often rolled out in several Member States such as clinical trials with pediatric populations. Both Crete and other olive oil producing regions in Greece have seen unusually high temperatures this year, coupled with strong southerly winds during the period when olive trees were in flower. As all the relevant scientific bodies and services have confirmed, the result of these extremely adverse conditions has been that fruit formation in most regions this year has been very low to non-existent.
It is worth pointing out that this phenomenon is unprecedented, and the weather conditions that caused it could not have been foreseen by producers. Given the enormous economic damage this will mean for the thousands of olive producers in Greece and the immediate need to provide them with aid and support, will the Commission say:. What action has the Greek Government taken so far to compensate the olive oil producers who have been affected? Has the Commission received any application for emergency funding in this connection through the PSEA civil emergency planning?
What other actions can the Greek Government take directly in order to give financial relief to the affected olive oil producers? The Commission did not receive any application for emergency aid for Crete nor for other olive oil producing areas in Greece so far. Such aids are not considered as state aids and must not be notified nor exempted from notification. Moreover the abovementioned loss threshold and aid intensities do not have to be complied with. Last month, vast areas of farmland from Macedonia and Thessaly to Mainland Greece and the Peloponnese were hit by heavy rainfall, accompanied by unprecedentedly violent hailstorms.
Thousands of producers have suffered huge financial losses, and national support, either from ELGA or the PSEA, will most probably not be enough to fully cover the losses incurred;. There is an immediate need for financial support for the producers affected, since they have already spent huge amounts on labour and agricultural supplies; and.
While the productive potential has been affected, preventive actions are certainly needed;. What action has the Greek Government taken so far to compensate them? Has it received any application for emergency funding in this connection? If so, what should the Greek Government do?
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What other actions can be taken by the Greek Government, in collaboration with the Commission, in order to provide financial relief to the affected farmers? The Greek authorities have not submitted any application for emergency funding for the areas affected by hail so far to the Commission. No funds are available under Measure , Axis 1, of the Rural Development Programme RDP as this measure was removed from this programme in upon request of the Member State.
Does it know whether the judicial investigation states in respect of which specific projects in Greece the bribes were given? Are these projects co-funded by the EU? If so, will it investigate the case with all the means at its disposal?
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How does the Commission view this position? What recommendations has it made to Member States regarding the ratification and implementation of the relevant conventions? Regarding the investigation to which the Honourable Member refers, under EU legislation, the Commission has no competence to intervene in individual cases, and has no information about particular details of an investigation run by national authorities.
The Council of Europe's Criminal Law Convention on Corruption has not been ratified by Austria and Germany, although ratification in Austria is imminent due to the legislative process already launched. The Commission monitors and evaluates the impact of the fight against corruption in all EU Member States, whether or not they have ratified these conventions. The Commission pays attention to the detrimental effects of corruption and is fully aware of the link between diversion of public funds and economic problems. The report will assess the Member States efforts against corruption, exposing systemic problems, and will be published in autumn for the first time.
The reporting mechanism is an instrument which aims at boosting political will where the fight against corruption is lagging, and encouraging Member States to maintain internationally-agreed standards. The Commission aims to highlight systemic problems and to provide incentives to solve corruption-related problems in Member States. The deepening economic crisis in the eurozone, in particular in countries that have adopted a Memorandum Economic Adjustment Programme , has led to an explosive growth in levels of non-performing loans and has significantly reduced the value of mortgage assets.
In this economic environment, distressed funds have flourished: They buy distressed securitised bank loans at low rates, and either pressurize borrowers to repay these loans or resort to selling off the mortgaged assets. This phenomenon has become widespread in Spain, where evictions of residents unable to repay their mortgage loans are virtually a daily occurrence. Now there is talk of such funds entering the Greek market in distressed companies and loans, a prospect Greek borrowers find extremely worrying. Does EU legislative contain a framework for the protection of the dwellings of mortgage holders, in particular first-time home buyers?
What is the legal framework in Greece regarding the activities of distressed funds? Is so, do these discussions include the changes promoted with respect to the Greek law on the protection of Greek mortgage holders who are first-time home buyers? The Commission is aware of the difficult financial situation of households due to the economic crisis in Greece, and has addressed this issue in the context of the Second Economic Adjustment Programme for Greece. The programe applies only to loans with mortgage on main residence.
Regular participation in the scheme will allow households to avoid evictions, thus providing protection to their property. On the same day, it sent letters to out of a total of employees informing them of this decision. Given that there are cases in which, under the pretext of the economic crisis, employers have arbitrarily denounced workers' contracts, and given that Lafarge is one of the corporate giants in cement production with a presence in 64 countries and 65 employees, will the Commission say:.
Is it aware of this situation? Have the guidelines that are supposed to protect workers when businesses take important decisions, such as the closure of the above plant, been followed? Have companies belonging to the group in Greece been given aid under a Greek development law co-funded by the Commission or other EU funds? What are the requirements of that legislation?
Given that the largest cement plants are leaving Europe and relocating in the emerging countries, does the Commission consider that the measures it has taken so far have had satisfactory results in terms of increasing employment and improving working conditions in this industry? Given that workers are being made redundant despite the massive unemployment that exists in Greece, what instruments does the Commission have to further strengthen the position of workers?
The competent national authorities, including the courts, should ensure that national legislation transposing the directives is correctly and effectively applied by the employer concerned, having regard to the specific circumstances of each case. According to the Greek Authorities, the Group Lafarge received assistance from the Structural Funds through its participation: The Commission has no power to interfere in specific company's decisions.
However, it urges them to follow good practices in anticipating and managing restructuring. Given that certain bridge projects forming part of regional operational programmes for Greece have not yet been completed while others have not even got as far as the public procurement phase:. Can the Commission identify major bridge projects forming part of the regional operational programmes for Greece which date from the period?
What bridge projects have been envisaged under regional operational programmes for Attica and the Peloponnese specifically and how far have they progressed? On the basis of information received from the Greek authorities, the implementation of the major projects listed is advancing, even though some projects are delayed mainly due to public procurement issues, judicial procedures and liquidity problems of the constructors. Can the Commission say why the allocations will not be reviewed before so as to take account of the crisis and benefit those European regions worst affected in economic and social terms?
In addition, following the withdrawal of Gazprom from the privatisation of the DEPA natural gas company, further shortfalls are anticipated. If the implementation of the budget and the macroeconomic perspectives for the coming years confirm the accumulated shortfall of 3. In the autumn, new macroeconomic and fiscal data will provide more complete information on the size of any remaining fiscal gap to be filled for If so, what view does it take of the fact that the deal concluded between Attica Metro and the contracting company has a five-year deadline?
So far the Commission has not received any major project application for the period, either for the main line of the Thessaloniki metro or for the extension to Kalamaria. In order to better plan the project, discussions are taking place between the Commission and the Greek authorities. The Commission is not aware of any contract concluded by the Attica Metro concerning the envisaged major projects.
Die EU hat zu diesem Thema keineswegs geschwiegen, sondern bei verschiedenen Gelegenheiten und auf allen Ebenen ihre Bedenken zum Ausdruck gebracht, so u. The law was approved in the face of multiple recommendations to the contrary by UN bodies, including an unprecedented statement by 11 UN human rights experts who called for the reform to be withdrawn and stated: Numerous NGOs, including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the International Office for Human Rights Action on Colombia OIDHACO and the International Federation for Human Rights FIDH , have expressed concerns over this controversial military jurisdiction reform, and some of them have specifically called for the rejection of a proposed law whose purpose is to give greater powers to the military justice system and which will shield members of the armed forces and the police from justice for crimes under international law.
She is also aware of the criticism levelled against the legislation on the reform of military criminal jurisdiction in Colombia by the UN system, as well as by civil society. It was in response to these expressions of concern that the Colombian Minister of Defence, during his visit to Brussels, requested EU assistance in this area.
This request is currently under consideration. Such assistance would consist of the provision, by European experts, of information and best practices regarding military justice in the EU, with particular reference to the human rights standards established in this area, i. Thus, the offer of assistance cannot be interpreted as an endorsement of the legislation.
It provides information on EU best practices on the matter and gives an opportunity to broaden dialogue on this delicate issue. It is aware that the introduction into the new General block exemption Regulation of a proposed threshold for notification of very large schemes might trigger the necessity to notify certain Polish schemes for employment aid for disabled persons. However, this threshold will only mean that the Commission will analyse these schemes ex ante rather than ex post , not that by default it will not consider them compatible.
In any case this threshold, and the whole draft GBER in general, constitute a proposal which the Commission wants to test through public consultation and in discussions with the Member States. The Commission has received feedback on the draft GBER from numerous citizens and disabled people's organisations as well as from the Polish authorities. The revised proposal for the GBER will be published in the Official Journal before the end of the year and will again be subject to public consultation. Disabled people, their organisations and national administrations will therefore be able to follow closely the developments in the area of block-exempted aid and will be asked for their opinions.
Diese RP7-Aufforderung wurde am Es ist Aufgabe der Antragsteller, sich mit Fragen wie der Konzeption der Studie oder landwirtschaftlichen Praktiken auseinanderzusetzen. Langetermijnstudie naar genetisch gemodificeerde diervoeders. De Europese Autoriteit voor voedselveiligheid EFSA en nationale agentschappen hebben weliswaar kritiek geuit op de methodiek en de conclusies van deze studie, maar wel is erkend dat een dergelijke langetermijnstudie nooit eerder is uitgevoerd.
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Waarom wil de Commissie een studie laten uitvoeren naar MON en niet naar NK, dat was onderzocht in bovengenoemde studie? Hoe zal de Commissie de studie financieren en de wetenschappelijke onafhankelijkheid ervan garanderen, daar zij weet dat er herhaaldelijk twijfel is gerezen over de wetenschappelijke onafhankelijkheid van de EFSA en over de belangenconflicten in de wetenschappelijke panels, zoals bleek uit een mededeling van de Europese Rekenkamer.
Wanneer wil de Commissie van start gaan met het proces en wanneer hoopt zij de resultaten binnen te hebben? De oproep tot het indienen van voorstellen in het kader van het zevende kaderprogramma voor activiteiten op het gebied van onderzoek, technologische ontwikkeling en demonstratie KP7 heeft betrekking op onderzoeken waarbij ratten gedurende twee jaren met NK worden gevoed. De EFSA zal naar verwachting eind juli een wetenschappelijk verslag uitbrengen. De oproep tot het indienen van voorstellen is gedaan in het kader van KP7. De Commissie bepaalt de opzet van de studie niet zelf, maar heeft de tekst vastgelegd van de oproep tot het indienen van voorstellen, waarin het kader, het onderzoeksgebied en de minimale toelatingsvoorwaarden.
Het is aan de indieners om over zaken als de opzet van de studie, de landbouwpraktijken en andere aspecten te beslissen. Zie vraag 2 voor de aanvangsdatum van de procedure. De afronding van het proces is afhankelijk van de begindatum en de duur van het geselecteerde voorstel. Op dit ogenblik zijn die nog niet bekend. Although the European Food Safety Authority EFSA and national agencies have criticized the methodology and conclusions of this study, it has been recognised that no such long-term study has ever been performed.
Why does the Commission intend to ask for a study on MON and not on NK, which was tested in the abovementioned study?
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How is the Commission intending to design a collective and credible scientific methodology for this study, in light of the scientific controversy surrounding the methodology required and the reluctance at the EFSA to conduct such a long-term study? How will the Commission fund the study and guarantee its scientific independence, given that, as it knows, the EFSA has been questioned repeatedly about its scientific independence and about conflicts of interest on its scientific panels, as reflected in a communication by the European Court of Auditors.
Will the Commission design the study in such a way that test animals will also be fed a combination involving GMOs and Roundup, which is the case in many agricultural practices and thus would reflect the real world? The call for proposals was launched under FP7. The Commission will not design the study but has rather defined the text for the open call for proposals, which.
It will be up to the proposers to consider issues like study design, agricultural practices and others. See question 2 concerning the starting date of the procedure. The finalisation will depend on the starting date and duration of the selected proposal, which is currently unknown. The information requested by the Honourable Member is not available to the Council. The Commission does not have detailed information as to the specific reasons for issuing this type of visa.
Member States have an obligation to ensure that persons seeking international protection are given effective access to an asylum procedure. In particular, a Member State is obliged to treat as an asylum-seeker with the right to remain on the territory for the purpose of the procedure any third-country national who makes a request for protection anywhere on the territory, including at the border or in a transit zone.
The Commission uses all tools at its disposal to ensure that Member States fully respect their obligations in this regard. Questa consiste nel coprire il suolo che circonda la pianta con materiale organico o inorganico: A tal fine gli Stati membri sono tenuti a definire i requisiti per la protezione dei pascoli permanenti e per la gestione delle stoppie. Nel quadro della politica di sviluppo rurale, gli Stati membri hanno incoraggiato la pratica della pacciamatura nel periodo di programmazione mediante misure agro-ambientali per es.
Per il prossimo periodo di programmazione la politica di sviluppo rurale prevede il sostegno a favore di gruppi operativi e dei loro progetti connessi alla partnership europea per l'innovazione. I gruppi operativi riuniscono agricoltori, consulenti e imprenditori agricoli per valutare nuovi approcci pratici.
Lo sviluppo di nuove tecniche di pacciamatura potrebbe rientrare fra gli incarichi dei gruppi operativi. A tale proposito esiste coerenza fra i programmi promossi nell'Unione europea e quelli dei paesi terzi. For plants to grow and complete their full life cycle from seed, they need to have the right conditions. Soil conditions are particularly important. The soil needs to be maintained at a mild temperature at all times and excessive evaporation resulting in dryness needs to be avoided; weed growth also needs to be kept under control.
Mulching is a technique which helps to promote such conditions. This technique involves covering the soil surrounding the plant with natural or synthetic materials. Organic mulches include foliage, prunings and compost, while a variety of artificial mulching materials such as polyethylene or polypropylene film, which have been available for some time, may be used.
Mulching is a simple practice that can significantly improve the fertility of soil if applied properly. Stabilising soil temperature and limiting evaporation and weed growth have a positive impact on all soil types, and soil fertility could be significantly improved in those areas where climate conditions are particularly unfavourable semi-deserts or areas subject to sharp changes in temperature. Does the Commission intend to encourage the use of mulching, particularly by raising awareness of its benefits?
Does it believe that this practice should be promoted in developing countries, particularly in Africa, in order to increase land productivity? For this purpose Member States have to define prescriptions for the protection of permanent pastures and for arable stubble management. In this respect, mulching can be imposed where appropriate. In the context of the rural development RD policy, Member States have encouraged mulching in the programming period through agri-environment measures for instance as a part of integrated farming or organic farming commitments. Support under this measure can be granted for commitments going beyond mandatory requirements, including cross compliance requirements.
For the upcoming programming period RD policy provides the support for operational groups and their projects related to the European Innovation Partnership. Operational groups bring together farmers, advisers and agribusiness to explore new approaches in practice. Developing new mulching techniques could form part of the undertakings of operational groups. On this subject coherence exists between programmes promoted in the European Union and those in third countries.
Hola, soy nuebo aqui y me gusto mucho esta pagina pues nos ayuda a las personas que no pudimos terminar nuestros estudias a poder superarnos o por lo menos aprender un poco mas, gracias a la persona que hizo esta pagina nos es de gran utilidad. Me alegra mucho saber que estas usando esta pagina y que te ayude en algo, es la finalidad.
Quiero dar gracias a Dios que hay personas que nos pueden hayudar y lo hacen de todo corazon para que muchas personas como yo puedamos sacar nuestro ged. Les doy mis felicitaciones a todos aquellos as que no temen la batalla, y desean superarse. Lo voy a obtener. Nececito ayuda para con el examen de redaccion, en los temas de enseyo por alguna razon las ideas no fluyen en mi cabeza. Si tienes alguna duda nos haces saber, saludos!!
Muchas gracias por su pagina: Me da gusto saber lo que mencionas, siempre es bueno y satisfactorio aprender algo nuevo, saludos!! Por otra parte, si pasas el examen pero no logras alcanzar los puntos, considera repetir otro examen en el que te sientas mas seguro y intenta obtener mas puntos de esta manera puede balancear los puntos entre dos examenes y no solo uno. Hola ,mi pregunta es los examenes son muy diferentes alos de las guias de practica. He estado estudiando la guia deMc Graw Hill; estoy a punto de terminar de estudiar las cinco materias y presentar el examen aqui en Georgia ;pero tengo esa duda,muchas gracias por su ayuda y por su pagina tan maravillosa.
Que dios la bendiga siempre. Hola la molesto de nuevo para ver si me podria ayudar y contestar mis preguntas. Bueno muchas gracias por su ayuda ya que he estado asistiendo a clases por hace casi diez mese y solo me falta estudiar una materia para presentar el examen,pero,los maestros son voluntarios mo de clases de GED y cuando tengo una duda sobre algo del examen no me saben responder.
Muchas gracias por toda su ayuda. El ensayo es en su mayoria narrativo y descriptivo porque te dan temas en los que tienes que compartir una experiencia u opinion. Quisiera pedirle porfavor si habria alguna posibilidad de que le envie algunos ensayos que he escrito de los temas que me envio, para ver si los podria revisar usted y darme su opinion al respecto. Puedes enviarmelos por inbox en el facebook o a luz spanishged Hola antes que nada muchisimas gracias por siempre responder mis preguntas.
Pero hoy quisiera hacerle la mas importante de todas. Pero nuestros maestros no supieron dar mas imformacion. En un articulo aparece este telefono, no estoy segura si es al que tienen que llamar. Saludos y esperemos que no pase esa iniciativa. Hola Luz,soy yo de nuevo para molestarla otra vez. Lo que pasa es que le envie unos temas que escribi para ver si me ayuda a revisarlos y decirme si estan bien o mal.
Espero que le lleguen porque tanpoco soy muy buena con la computadora. Bueno muchas gracias de nuevo, espero su respuesta si es que le llegan. No se que otra duda tengas. Saludos y si tienes alguna otra pregunta me haces saber. Hola me gustaria hablar por privado con usted nose si esta pagina aun sigue funcionando este es mi correo Almu. La pagina esta activa, tu puedes dejar tus dudas en cualquiera de las columnas donde tengas dudas, por lo general las contesto una vez a la semana. Hola Aaqui, es casi imposible lo que me pides, hay mas de 25 versiones diferentes de los examenes y nadie sabe exactamente que les van a preguntar o que tipo de pregunta va a venir porque los temas y la forma en que se la planteen puede ser muy diversa.
En general deber estar familiarizados con todo lo relacionado a aritmetica, algebra, geometica, fracciones, analisis de datos, etc. Puedes estudiar unos problemas que estan en la seccion de matematicas o tambien consigue en las bibliotecas algun libro de GED. Lo que te recomiendo es que practiques muchos problemas verbales, pero antes de eso es indispensable dominar los temas que te mencione. Pasar al contenido principal. Enviado por migul en Marzo 3, - 5: Enviado por Luz en Marzo 6, - Me da gusto saberlo, saludos!!
Enviado por Emma Alvarez en Abril 3, - 3: Enviado por Luz en Abril 5, - 9: Enviado por Valeria en Mayo 9, - 4: Enviado por Luz en Mayo 12, - 5: Enviado por jovielj en Julio 27, - Enviado por Luz en Julio 27, - 1: Yo quiero aprender todos los cursos. Enviado por marcotulioromero en Agosto 16, - 4: Hola muchas grasias por crear esta pgina me esta ayudando mucho. Enviado por Norme E. Enviado por Luz en Agosto 20, - Enviado por joseperez en Agosto 26, - Enviado por Luz en Agosto 27, - 8: Enviado por Antonio A en Diciembre 13, - 9: Enviado por Luz en Diciembre 15, - 1: Quiero dar gracias a Dios que.
Enviado por miguelbahena en Enero 24, - 7: Enviado por Luz en Enero 24, - 7: