Japan And Asian Modernities.

Trans Pacific Press Pty Ltd - Japanese Society Series

The effect of Japan on the challenges and complexities of the modernisation process that globalisation has brought to the fore in Asia are the subject of this interdisciplinary volume by leading scholars in the field. Using fascinating examples drawn from current business and organisational practice in Asia, it focuses on the impact that Japanese modernity has made in Asia as a model to be imitated because of its apparent success in adopting western technologies while retaining its own cultural identity.

At the same time, Japan itself is a dominant force in modernity in East and South East Asia, exporting its own type of modernisation, management and business practices, and models of 'traditional' social relations which do not necessarily correspond to the traditions of other Asian cultures. This adds another element to the conventional model of modernity as a dialogue between West and East; without considering Japan's special significance in the region, any critical assessment of the modernising process in Asia would not be possible.

This emphasis is the special contribution of this innovative work which aims to show the extent to which the experiences of one non-Western modernity can influence others; to highlight the problems of cultural identity that must be faced by modernising societies; and, above all aims to contribute to the larger debates on intercultural communication that are vital for achieving genuine understanding between representatives of different cultures, traditions and world views.


Besides Asian and Japanese Studies specialists, "Japan and Asian Modernities" is addressed to a larger audience of academics and specialists working in the areas of history of ideas, political science, the sociology and anthropology of business, comparative cultural studies and economics or other disciplines related to contemporary East and South-East Asia where the subject of alternative modernities is relevant.

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Capabilities Text to speech. Additional information Publisher Taylor and Francis. Presenting Japan as a test case for relating the emerging problematic of multiple modernities to civilizational perspectives, Arnason examines the economic foundations as well as philosophical self-interpretations of Japanese modernity.

  • New Interventions in Japanese Studies - University of California Press.
  • New Interventions in Japanese Studies!
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This book gives a human focus to the nascent struggle for social acceptance and dignity being waged by homosexuals in Japan. It describes the authors coming out to society and their subsequent appeals, on both a personal and public level, for the acceptance of homosexuality by the wider community. All prices are in Australian dollars. Takami Kuwayama, Native Anthropology: Eiji Oguma examines the ethnic self-identity of the Japanese as represented by a vast and diverse range of authors dating from the mid-Meiji period through to the postwar years.

The book presents a counter-argument to the widely held view that the Japanese have believed that they are a homogeneous nation since the Meiji period.

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  4. The University of Sheffield/Routledge Japanese Studies Series!
  5. CRC Press Online - Series: The University of Sheffield/Routledge Japanese Studies Series.
  6. Oguma demonstrates that the myth of ethnic homogeneity was not established during the Meiji period, nor during the Pacific War, but only after the end of World War II. The study covers a large range of areas, including archaeology, ancient history, linguistics, anthropology, ethnology, folk law, eugenics and philosophy, to obtain an overview of how a variety of authors dealt with the theme of ethnicity.

    It also examines how the peoples of the Japanese colonies, Korea and Taiwan, were viewed in the prewar literature on ethnic identity.

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    The book was translated by David Askew. They differ from economic migrants who went overseas before the s for economic reasons but represent new types of lifestyle migrants who seek to enjoy a more easygoing, carefree life abroad.

    Public Lecture Video (3.13.2018) Book Talk: Japan's Foreign Relations in Asia

    Based on some interviews, the study attempts to portray the participants joy and sorrow, felicity and frustration as seen through their own eyes and expressed with their own words and phrases. Japanese intellectuals have been producing and continue to produce a massive and ever increasing literature on the subject with no end in sight. In Hegemony of Homogeneity, Harumi Befu, a bilingual anthropologist who has dedicated his past 40 years working on Japan, dissects, analyzes, and interprets this discourse by consultinghundreds of original sources in Japanese.

    Nihonjinron discourse is argued, among others, as a civil religion of the Japanese and a creature responding to Japan s changing geopolitical and geoeconomic environment.

    Japan And Asian Modernities

    Hiroshi Komai, a foremost scholar in the foreign residents in Japan, demonstrates the progress of settlement and the formation of ethnic communities. The study presents an analysis of deprivation and discrimination against migrants and examines human rights violations in a wide range of areas, including subsistence, residence, liberty and freedom, social life, culture and political participation.

    Some studies look at macro phenomena such as patterns of international migration Befu , business internationalization Sedgwick , educational reform McVeigh and trends in values Mohwald. Others examine ground-level change as experienced by particular social groupings: