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Routine Patrol: Memoirs of a Small-town Cop

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Would you like us to take another look at this review? No, cancel Yes, report it Thanks! You've successfully reported this review. We appreciate your feedback. June 30, Imprint: You can read this item using any of the following Kobo apps and devices: Learn more about Kindle MatchBook. Start reading Jailhouse Stories on your Kindle in under a minute. Don't have a Kindle? Try the Kindle edition and experience these great reading features: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention neil haugerud jailhouse stories law enforcement sheriff minnesota andy sense chapter human respect.

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Being a small-town cop captures a lifetime of big-time memories - Prescott Journal

Jailhouse Stories is a collection of several dozen short stories written by a former small town sheriff from rural Minnesota. It was published by the University of Minnesota Press which, in addition to publishing a stream of scholarly books, also produces books of Minnesota voices from all walks of life. This book is about pages long and organized into several dozen stand-alone stories which range in length from 2 to 12 pages. It is illustrated with a few black and white photographs. In a sense it is a period piece because it is set in rural Minnesota beginning in This is the year when year-old Neil Haugerud successfully campaigned to be the new sheriff of Fillmore County in southern Minnesota.

His stories are drawn from the eight years in the 's when it was typical for rural sheriffs in Minnesota and perhaps elsewhere to live under the same roof with the county jail and the sheriff's office. What makes these stories come alive is Neil's modesty, decency, empathy and human insight.

He almost never carries a gun for reasons that he explains , and no one calls him Sheriff. Everyone including those he arrests address him simply as Neil.

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The stories are enriched by his sidekick, the town doctor and coroner. He is very colorful. He worked his way through college and medical school playing his saxophone in Speakeasies. Now Doc is the profane and cynical counterpart to the straight arrow Neil the sheriff.

Recollections of a Small Town Cop

The very first story starts you off with a bang. I will just say that I insisted that my wife listen while I read it out loud. Other stories such as "Jesse James and Ernest Hemingway" made me laugh out loud. The stories are full of warmth and humanity. I couldn't wait to order extra copies from Amazon to send to friends.

The Memoirs of a Small Town Christian Police Officer by Carroll Morgan

I think that some of the stories could of been more detailed. I met a drunk name Earnie; drove to St.

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It ended up being Hemingway. Also being I know several people who were changed, since no authorization forms prolly signed, where so full of life and were cards. This arrived when I was away from home. So I can't tell if it was early, on time, or late. Arrived in good condition. The book itself is a good mix of humor and pathos a fun read with short episodes good for a short break. Funny stories that were at times amazing. It was a nice review of simpler times that still had modern day issues.

Personal, true, accurate 2. The stories of a politician who began in criminology. One person found this helpful. Jailhouse Stories is a short book long on wisdom. Neil Haugerud was sheriff of Fillmore County in southern Minnesota from to Elected sheriff after a short stint as sole deputy in this small, rural county, he has craftily translated 18 years of old-time country law enforcement onto paper.

Haugerud exemplifies the courage and fair-minded justice that we expect in our law enforcers. He seldom wore a sidearm, much less a uniform as he handled his often dangerous duties with or without his staff of one deputy.

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  • Recollections of a Small Town Cop;
  • Later, the department expanded to a pair of deputies and a secretary. Most of his career he relied on his wife, Helen, to handle much of the housekeeping as well as occasional assistance with female body searches. Oh, have times changed. The Haugeruds and their growing family lived in a residence conected to the Fillmore County jailhouse.

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    Their front door was opposite the entry to the jailhouse. Helen cooked the meals and trustee prisoners would do yardwork and occasionally help with housework. Haugerud would usually transport prisoners uncuffed in the family car rigged out to be a Sheriffs vehicle with a little red cherry on top. Although Haugerud faced down many more dangerous situations than you would probably recall from Andy's days in Mayberry, the philosophy, the zen was the same.