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I read this book on a dare, sort of What made this book a must read for me though was the overriding story arch that I could neither guess at nor imagine. The cover reminds me of old-style pulp fiction and I guess, in a way, that's what it is. But the story-line I read this book on a dare, sort of But the story-line is so solid and the descriptions so complete that I would look around for my spacesuit to stave off decompression should an air-lock fail! Of course I'm exaggerating,but the story is immersive and if you plan of reading the first, trust me, you might as well get the other seven in the series as well or you'll be cursing silently why you didn't have them handy when you finish it and the wait is interminable.

I won't submit reviews for the other seven, except to say Jul 08, C. Stegall rated it it was amazing. This tops my sci-fi all-time favorites This is one of those books that I read about once a year, just for the pure joy of it.

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Great character development, awesome military themes, Allan and Chris just nailed this one to the floor. It is just about perfect in every way for me. Sten is seen as a kid on a slave planet, who loses everything and has to make his own way in the horrible world he's in. But, this g This tops my sci-fi all-time favorites But, this guy is not one to back down from any challenge. His character growth over the course of the novel is phenomenal and I would love to be his comrade-in-arms. Sten stands tall as one of my favorite literary characters of all time and throughout the entire series seven books , he continues to grow and surprise us and himself.

If you've not read these books, then do yourself a favor, all you sci-fi fans Apr 07, Michael rated it really liked it. Although it was originally written in the early 80's the story holds up well even today. The action scenes are written exceptionally well and the characters and story will hold your interest if you are a fan of these genre's. Sten is a worker on a factory planet where it is next to impossible to work off your contract to the company.

When his family is killed because of an uncaring company Sten decides to fight back. This story is about his journey to revenge. I bought my copy of this book at a used book store in Crossville Tennessee. This copy was published in the U. I think that it is interesting how far this book has traveled. Jun 14, Freya rated it really liked it Shelves: I really enjoyed this book and it looks like it is set to be a good series, it took me a little while to get into the story and at some points I didn't really feel that I knew Sten as I suppose he had been through a fair deal and so was sort of numb and a bit "oh, ok".

I note that this book is also by I really enjoyed this book and it looks like it is set to be a good series, it took me a little while to get into the story and at some points I didn't really feel that I knew Sten as I suppose he had been through a fair deal and so was sort of numb and a bit "oh, ok". I note that this book is also by Chris Bunch, which probably explains a little while it took me a little while to get into this book, as his Dragonmaster Omnibus was the same - though I really enjoyed that too once I got to grips with it: Jun 19, Gregoire rated it it was ok Shelves: May 31, Cylentwolf rated it it was amazing.

Great start to the series. He is precursor to Mike Harmon. Oct 15, Al Philipson rated it really liked it. The first book in the Sten series. Fortunately it has a beginning, middle, and and END, so you don't have to read the next book unless you want more of the great writing.

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The middle moves kinda slow, but the military training described is fairly accurate probably because Chris Bunch was Airborne in 'Nam which makes it fairly interesting in itself. But both the beginning and the end are riveting, and kept me glued to the pages. I'll be reading the next one in the series I've already got them in The first book in the Sten series. I'll be reading the next one in the series I've already got them in my library. Fortunately for everyone, there is an eBook version, so Amazon won't be running out of them anytime in the near future. And there are some dead-tree versions as well.

It's a solid sci-fi novel. The only irritating thing was the overuse or repetitive use of the names. In chapter 16 on 7ish pages Sten's name is used 47 time. You might think, "well he is the main character and the book is about him", and I would say - fine, I don't mind. But when every sentence and every paragraph starts with his name, one paragraph has 3 sentences all of them start with his name, one has it twice it just becomes annoying to read the book that way. It makes me feel like somebo It's a solid sci-fi novel.

It makes me feel like somebody ignored editors comments. Sep 27, Jason Braida rated it it was amazing. It isn't often I get to discover a new series to get stuck into. This book is what it is All in all an entertaining read and probably well worth adding the next book in the series to my "To Be Read" shelf. May 01, Giselle M. My first sci-fi novel and it did not disappoint! The action and fight depictions are great. I read this in 3 days! Jun 24, Tom rated it did not like it Shelves: I don't care for the authors' hyper-active writing style.

Too many topics in each paragraph. For me, it was a mass of confusion. Apr 09, Chris rated it it was ok. A bit pulpy but moves at a good pace. Seen this before many times Characters: Decent, wish they had a better story Style: Action movie style Setting: Jul 22, Thomas Pentecost rated it really liked it. Good fun space story.

Excellent space opera if you are into that sort of thing. I'd like to start the second book but the price put me off. I need to talk myself into it.

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It was different not thrilled with the character voices and accents but I've listened to worse. Aug 05, Max rated it really liked it Shelves: The series is a fun ride through a unique scifi universe. Some circumstances are always a little too convenient, but overall, it's very enjoyable.

If you like the first book, you'll like it all the way through. If you have the opportunity to listen to any of these in audio book format, I highly recommend it. There are times when the reader can ruin an otherwise great book, but this is the exact opposite. Jerry Sciarrio reads the series, and he's the best reader that I've listened to. He does a great job a switching between characters, to include accents where applicable.

Whereas Alex' brogue can be a little annoying and difficult to understand on paper, Sciarrio makes it fun and easier to comprehend. I read about half the books and listened to the others, and I actually enjoyed the audio versions better. It was certainly all of that, but I was actually a little surprised by how good it really was. There were a few parts that were a little lackluster and the plot became much too convenient at times, but all in all, it was an enjoyable read.

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It's always nice when you pick up a random book for a quick read and end up with an 8 book series of promise. I've already gotten the 2nd book, and I'll start reading it soon. Sten is a young man born on a man-made planet to parents who were indentured servants. When they die in an "accident," he has to take their place on the assembly line. He accidentally comes across some important information that forces him to flee.

The rest of the book depicts his struggles as he tries to move on. For the most part, the characters have depth and meaning. The writing is also fairly smooth. It's certainly not on the level of sci-fi masterpieces like Ender's Game or Armor , but it's actually quite good. It was much better than I expected and a very pleasant surprise. Sep 01, Jeremy rated it really liked it. A fun series to read. Written in a similar worldbuilding style to John Ringo or David Weber without the pitfalls that both of those authors seem to fall into ie getting lost in minutiae, vigorous political commentary, or excessive "historical" reference In just about every long science fiction series Ive read, Ive found myself skimming through boring bits sometimes chapters, sometimes whole books.

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Sten (Sten, #1) by Chris Bunch

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The Return of the Emperor Sten 6. Fleet of the Damned Sten 4. Revenge of the Damned Sten 5. Empire's End Sten 8. The Wolf Worlds Sten 2. When The Gods Slept. Wolves Of The Gods. The Court of a Thousand Suns Sten 3.