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The team, though, has already left on its next mission without her, and Waller warns that she will find a way to make the law catch up to her father and what he did in the past if she doesn't address the press.

  • World's Most Dangerous, Chapter One!
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  • World's Most Dangerous, Chapter Three: The Forest and the Trees;

Reacting at first with confusion, they are forced to fight for their lives until Katana slices off Wonder Woman's head with her Soultaker Sword. The cut reveals that these attackers are actually advanced robots. Having learned earlier - by mistake - that he could vibrate machines into pieces, Vibe tries to do the same to these robots, though his team-mates are in the line of fire.

Fortunately, the rest of the team is only shaken, and the robots are destroyed. Catwoman congratulates him on his success, but she soon finds the Soultaker sword at her throat, as Katanna claims that her husband, whose soul resides in the weapon, does not trust her. Someone had to have tipped off the Society to their coming.

Fortunately, Martian Manhunter has scanned Catwoman's mind, and explains that she is just as in the dark about the Society as the rest of them. Reluctantly, Katana releases Catwoman, and the rest of their time is spent searching the forest. Strangely, all that they find is a shingle and some broken glass. Whatever was there, it is gone now. After returning to A. With this knowledge, Steve has a few ideas of how to find the Secret Society - but they involve breaking a few laws. The plan requires that Catwoman - who is the only member of the team who hasn't gone public - stage a robbery and get caught.

Unfortunately, Green Arrow didn't get the memo, and he, thinking that he is helping the JLA tries to capture her as she attempts escape. Requiring that Hawkman surreptitiously bring him down, so it can appear as if they've caught her. When Oliver realizes that the whole thing was for show, he blackmails Trevor into letting him join the team in exchange for keeping quiet about Catwoman's involvement with it. Now that Catwoman appears to have been caught, the next stage of the plan requires that she be sent to Arkham Asylum , where she can play up the idea of wanting to join a Secret Society, escape the asylum, and then wait for the Society to recruit her.

Though it takes her longer than she expects, Catwoman is out in 48 hours, and the JLA puts out a statement indicating that they are all after her. As she runs over the city's rooftops, she is suddenly stopped in her tracks by the appearance of Signal Man and Blockbuster. After taking a heavy hit to the head, Catwoman wakes up strapped to a chair in an empty room.

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From this point on neither the pre-Crisis Ultraman nor Saturn Queen are seen again and their fates were unknown at the time the universe was rebooted again during 's Flashpoint. Meanwhile, the anti-matter CSA made their next appearance in Trinity. After the hyper-powered Trinity heroes of the story defeat and imprison the Syndicate and free the slaves, the antimatter Earth falls into chaos. In Justice League of America vol.

World's Most Dangerous, Chapter Two

Owlman, Ultraman, and Superwoman are briefly seen standing atop a building, with shadows obscuring most of their identifying marks, thus making it unclear which versions they are. The full Crime Syndicate members later appear with the original pre- Crisis iterations of Power Ring and Johnny Quick replacing their contemporary counterparts as a mirror to the events of Green Lantern: It is revealed that the Syndicate members were working with Doctor Impossible in order to create a machine that could resurrect the dead, hoping that they could revive Luthor and force him to undo the damage he had dealt to the Crime Syndicate's world.

However, just as the machine is to be activated, Doctor Impossible double-crosses the Syndicate and attempts to resurrect Darkseid rather than Luthor, but the machine malfunctions and instead creates an immensely powerful villain called the Omega Man. In the ensuing storyline, Power Ring is killed and the members of the Justice League and the Crime Syndicate are forced to work together to stop Omega Man.

Realizing that the situation is hopeless, Owlman betrays the League and turns them over to Omega Man, figuring that the Syndicate could take over the League's Earth after Omega Man kills off most of the heroes. At the last second, Batman reveals that he anticipated the Syndicate's betrayal, and used the Tangent Universe's version of Green Lantern to resurrect Luthor behind the Syndicate's back.

Though his resurrection is short-lived, Luthor builds a machine that ultimately sends the Syndicate back to their own ravaged world and seemingly destroys Omega Man. In 52 52, an alternate version of Earth-Three is shown as a part of the new Multiverse. In the depiction are characters that are altered versions of the original Justice League of America , plus the Martian Manhunter.

The names of the characters and the team are not mentioned in the two panels in which they appear. Based on comments by Grant Morrison , this alternate universe is not the pre-Crisis Earth-Three, making these new characters unrelated to previous versions. In Countdown 31, the name of this team is revealed to be the Crime Society of America. The Society are said to be evil doppelgangers of the heroes of Earth-2, and make their first solo appearance in Countdown Presents The Search for Ray Palmer: Shortly after the Crime Society's introduction, they are offered a place among Monarch 's army.

Already recruited into Monarch's army, Johnny Quick wins a place in Monarch's elite squad when he defeats his Earth-9 and Earth-2 counterparts in the Countdown: The original five members are not present at this battle though their fates remain unknown. With the changes of this new timeline, Geoff Johns revealed, in August , that the Crime Syndicate would be introduced as the true antagonists of the " Villains Month " event, and the Forever Evil series.

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  • Abigail Adams and Her Times;
  • Justice League of America Vol 3 2 | DC Database | FANDOM powered by Wikia.
  • List of DC Multiverse worlds - Wikipedia.
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At the conclusion of " Trinity War ", it is revealed that the leader of the Secret Society , previously known as " the Outsider ", was actually an Earth-3 version of Alfred Pennyworth. He gains possession of Pandora's Box to open a portal to Earth-3 from which the Crime Syndicate emerges. The Crime Syndicate then proceeds to attack the fallen Justice League members and claims Prime Earth now belongs to them. Atomica , who had posed as Atom while working as a mole for the Secrety Society, and Grid , a sentient computer virus in a robot body made from Cyborg 's old prosthetic parts.

Grid also informs them that the ring has released a pulse that was sensed throughout the Multiverse.

World's Most Dangerous, Chapter Four: The Good, The Bad, and The Shaggy

Knowing the creature that destroyed their world has found them, Ultraman orders the Syndicate to regroup and heads to Maine with them. Grid informs the Outsider of the intrusion, and he goes to protect their hooded prisoner over Grayson only for Black Manta to intercept Outsider and kill him. Batman, Luthor, Catwoman and Bizarro enter the room with Grayson and see he has been placed in a "Murder Machine" originally intended for Doomsday.

They realize that the machine is a detonator for a bomb that can only be stopped if Grayson's heart stops. Johnny Quick and Atomica attack Captain Cold and Black Manta, who have unmasked the prisoner and removed the tape from his mouth. Captain Cold fires his cold gun on Johnny Quick's leg and then breaks it off. Back with Grayson, Luthor prevents Batman from saving Grayson, choosing to save the group's lives over Grayson's. As Grayson dies, Batman attacks Luthor for murdering him with Luthor trying to reason with him that he has everything under control.

With the hooded prisoner now free, he reveals himself as Alexander Luthor and yells "Mazahs! Alexander Luthor transforms into Mazahs and kills the injured Johnny Quick, taking his power. Mazahs goes on to destroy Deathstorm taking his powers as well as attacking Lex and Bizarro, where Mazahs defeats Bizarro.

Mazahs is able to pin Lex, who says "Mazahs! Lex Luthor is able to defeat him once he is back to Alexander Luthor and then kills him. Ultraman begins attacking Lex. As he does, Black Adam and Sinestro move the moon causing Ultraman to be hit with the sun, weakening him. Atomica reappears from underneath rubble only for Lex Luthor to kill her by stepping on her.

Lex Luthor rejoins the heroes and saves Superman by removing the Kryptonite placed in his brain by Atomica. In the aftermath, Ultraman and Superwoman are captured with Owlman still on the loose. It is later revealed that the entity that destroyed the Crime Syndicate's world is the Anti-Monitor , who declares " Darkseid shall be mine. In the Darkseid War story in Justice League , Cyborg and Jessica Cruz, who has partially learned to harness Power Ring's Ring of Volthoom, seek out Superwoman in her maximum security prison for guidance on how to deal with the Anti-Monitor, who has killed Darkseid and now threatens all of existence.

Seizing the opportunity to reunite the Synidcate, Volthoom seizes control of Jessica's body and when Cyborg attempts to interface with the ring, has the "Grid" personality reuploaded and placed in control of his armor. As the trio plot to reunite with Ultraman, the heretofore-missing Owlman shows up and declares that the League and Syndicate must work together to stop Anti-Monitor. The following five members founded the original Crime Syndicate of America and have appeared in all additional iterations of the team:.

The CSA's post- Crisis world is primarily governed by the "favor bank"; the only rule that is not consistently broken.

Justice League of America (Volume 3)

If any person should grant a favor for someone else, that person is entitled to compensation whenever they see fit, no matter what the cost or hardship to the latter. Failure to pay back a favor results in inordinately harsh consequences; as seen in the beginning of "Syndicate Rules". A mobster, Jackson "Rat-Eyes" Drake, who failed to follow up on a favor owed, was put on "trial" by Owlman, who then had him incinerated by Ultraman as a favor. A team of Qwardians based on the then-current Justice League International roster appeared on the post- Crisis , pre- Zero Hour Earth, although they did not call themselves the Crime Syndicate even through their predecessors Qwardian versions of the original Syndicate did.

It is not clear if any of these characters exist in post- Zero Hour or post- Infinite Crisis continuity. In addition to the five founding members, The New 52 version of the team introduces four new members:.

Crime Syndicate of America - Wikipedia

The Crime Syndicate appeared in the Justice League: This version of the Crime Syndicate is based on actual crime syndicates , consisting of different families and bosses. Below them are lower-tier villains called the Made Men who were granted superpowers by the "Bosses" in exchange for joining the Syndicate. Surviving members briefly seen in the film include Jester this Earth's version of Joker , and Harley the Jester's pet monkey. The President of the United States in this world is famed war hero and former government agent Slade Wilson who is depicted as missing his left eye rather than his right.

President Wilson is reluctant to speak out against the Syndicate due to being afraid of what they would do to his daughter Rose and it is implied that his wife was killed by the Crime Syndicate for similar reasons. During one of Rose's speeches against the Crime Syndicate, the Crime Syndicate sends Archer to assassinate her, only to be defeated by Martian Manhunter and arrested by the authorities. The Crime Syndicate leaders were not pleased with the news of Archer's arrest. Following the deaths of Owlman and Johnny Quick, the Syndicate's remaining leaders are arrested by the Marines led by President Wilson, who sees to it that his world's law enforcement hunts down and arrests the remaining Crime Syndicate members.

Although the Syndicate itself does not appear in the Teen Titans television series , a similar team, the Teen Tyrants , appear in issue 48 of the comic spin-off. Their costumes are all colored with black and red to show their violent, gothic, corrupt nature and willingness to kill. There appearances are similar to their counterparts with a few differences. Red Robin's eyes are red, and he sports a red version of his counterpart's costume albeit with a large grey "R" across his chest ; Tempest wears a costume that his counterpart wears much later, has a hook in place of his left hand and has shorter hair; Arsenal has an "A" on his belt buckle and has a goatee; Red Raven wears a red version of her counterpart's costume and has pink hair; Blackfire wears red instead of purple and has black hair.

Justice League vs Suicide Squad Prelude: The World's Deadliest Villain Returns

There are no evil counterparts of Cyborg or Beast Boy despite both of them being part of the Teen Titans. The Teen Tyrants appear when Raven attempts to send Killowat back to his own time, but he is accidentally sent to the Teen Tyrants' dimension where they have conquered Jump City. He is held captive after being assumed of being part of the Brotherhood of Justice the parallel Earth Brotherhood of Evil but non-villainous.

The Teen Titans travel to that dimension to rescue him, but once they step through the portal, they fight the Tyrants and are defeated. The Teen Tyrants attempt to conquer their counterparts' universe until Blackfire reveals that she is working undercover for the Brotherhood of Justice, whom she summons, and they help the Titans defeat the Tyrants. Killowat is then freed and sent back to his dimension.

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