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Oct 03, David Caldwell rated it did not like it Shelves: A little history of this story for those that may not know it. A fairly long time ago, there was a literary experiment. It was to be a shared fantasy world, called Sanctuary, with many various authors writing short stories in it. They would share characters and develop the story from what others had written. Some authors came up with favorite characters and would return to them and even have spinoff stories and novels about them.

Dialogue between a Man and His God

One such favorite was the character of Tempus developed by Janet M A little history of this story for those that may not know it. One such favorite was the character of Tempus developed by Janet Morris.

The Original man, his God, his purpose and his Wife

Now the experiment did well and produced several collections. Of course, as more authors played in the sandbox, the series went farther from the original concept. There is some disagreement about if it went too far or at least when it went too far. But back to Tempus. This story has been presented in several places with some changes. There is also some discussion whether Tempus changed too much from his original self. I have read one of the earlier presentations of this story.

It was long ago enough that I can't say if it underwent any changes.

  • The Unknown Constellations: A Novel.
  • German Shorthaired Pointer (Divine Dogs Online Book 24).
  • Between Man and His God | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS!
  • Legs Fetish (Adult Picture Book) Volume 1.

What I do know is that reading the story without the other Sanctuary tales being that strong in my memory makes this tale suffer. There is background material that helps to explain things that happen in here that you just don't get without those stories. Even ignoring that problem, this story just didn't seem to flow that well. It seemed to drag. When there is action, the presentation still makes the reader feel removed from it. While the story wasn't terrible, I would have been happy to have left it in the past with the rest of my memories of Sanctuary.

May 29, S. Mallery rated it it was amazing. It takes place in a town called Sanctuary, where mercenaries have gathered for the onslaught of war. Vivid descriptions abound, showing us filthy living conditions, weaponry, wizards, and how even back in antiquated times, business owners hoarded drugs. Excellent reading for true historical fiction fans. May 28, Fantasy Literature rated it it was ok. Morris, Tempus brings his Sacred Band of Stepsons to Sanctuary, a city in the midst of preparations for war.

  1. Dialogue Between A Man and His God () - Brill Reference;
  2. "Man and His God" a Sumerian Variation on the "Job" Motif.
  3. Little Phil: The Story of General Philip Henry Sheridan.
  4. Get A Copy?
  5. Internet-Praxisbuch (German Edition).
  6. Tempus is a tough man to kill, one who has watched severed limbs return as his god, Vaschanka, heals him. For some fantasy readers, the presence of a sacred band alone will be reason enough to seek out A Man and His God, a novella that was first written in and that is now being rereleased. Mar 19, Cherime MacFarlane rated it it was amazing.

    If you didn't know better, you might think you were reading a tale from an old scroll or clay tablet. An epic story filled with those things that have endured through the centuries, battle, love and the lust of gods for mankind's essence. A starting point for the tale to unroll, a beginning that points to an end. Mar 15, Wayne rated it it was amazing. Tempus It's been a while since I read this story, and I'd forgotten the impact that it has. Janet Morris is a powerful writer, and this story shows her style beautifully. It hits you like a sledgehammer.

    Or a short sword being swung by Tempus. Jan 17, Sahara Foley rated it it was amazing. What a tragic love story. Jan 18, Fiona Murphy rated it it was amazing. Short stories are rarely this satisfying, highly recommend. Jun 23, David Freemen rated it really liked it. Interesting Good start to the trilogy. Short read but very entertaining.

    Looking forward to the rest of her books in the series. Jan 18, C. Mandara rated it it was amazing. Dec 22, Anthony Hulse rated it it was amazing. Not my ususal genre, but I'm happy I read this. Dec 22, Jennifer Loiske rated it it was amazing. Different and very cleverly written! Jan 17, Jana Petken rated it it was amazing.

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    As always, highly entertained and engrossed in this story and the way in which it was written. May 18, Drpsychorat rated it it was amazing. This was a well written, intriguing fantasy adventure. Janet Morris has researched her subject very well and brings this ancient world of mythology to life through her words and vivid descriptions. I enjoy stories with a mythological base to them but I found this one to more moving emotionally than any other I have heard or read. Morris wrote this book in such a manner that anyone could pick it up and immediately become engrossed in it.

    However, this is not a book you can only pay half attention to and get it. Of course, these folks assume that the government will, of course, lean their direction and pick their prayer forgetting how vehemently Christians fought each other back in the days when America was founded. Why should a free government that we all pay into support the beliefs of some over others?

    Even if a majority of Christians could even agree, those who understand the Constitution know that it is never about the majority—it is about one person's rights to believe, worship, speak, publish and exercise this remarkable freedom we Americans enjoy. Not just collectively, but as individuals with our own ideas and opinions.

    Constitution is brilliant, and we must guard it at all cost.

    A Man and His God

    Likewise, if we believe in what America stands for, we must up for that one single child who is not Christian and who does not want to hear The Lord's Prayer or any other prayer on the loudspeaker every day. Her family paid for that speaker, too, and the walls around her and the desk she sits at. The government, on behalf of a momentary majority, cannot be allowed to push a religion or a prayer on her.

    Sadly, tyranny is often pushed by the "majority" and even, too often, in the name of one religion or another, including Christianity.

    Dialogue between a Man and His God - Wikipedia

    Remember the so-called Christian soldiers, the Ku Klux Klan, who quoted the Bible and prayed to God at rallies where they planned violence against African Americans. Yes, that happened right here in a Mississippi where the majority voted to close the public schools rather than follow federal law to integrate them. My intense respect for the U. Constitution, including my belief in freedom of each of us to worship as we please, is exactly why I will stand against any establishment of religion by the government.

    Yes, that includes putting a creche in front of City Hall. Yes, that includes school-sanctioned religion activities. Yes, that includes public schools and universities saying an organized collective prayer before classes and meetings. If we want America to continue to be great and free, we must respect and fight to maintain every single person's constitutional rights.

    And that means each of us needs to stand firm against anyone trying to push their own personal theocratic dream on our schools and our government institutions.

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    It's wrong, and it's un-American. I recently visited the Jefferson Memorial in Washington D. I'll leave you with Jefferson's words from a letter he wrote in to the Baptists of Danbury, Conn Like independent media outlets around the world, the Jackson Free Press works hard to produce important content on a limited budget. I would speak to you: I would tell you about it, would unravel to you like a thread the evil of my path. I am less qualified than my friend; I am inferior to my companion. Let my sister, truly a sweet-voiced balaj singer, narrate tearfully to you the deeds by which I was overpowered.

    Let my wife voice my suffering Let the singer expert in chanting unravel my bitter fate to you like a thread. The bright day has become? Tears, lament, anguish and despair are lodged within me. Suffering overwhelms me like a weeping child. In the hands of the fate demon my appearance has been altered, my breath of life carried away.

    The asag demon, the evil one, bathes in my body. Anguish embraced me though I am not its wife and Grief spread its lap for me though I am not its small child. Lamentation sweeps over me as if it were a southerly wind-storm and My brother cried "Alas". My god, you who are my father who begot me, lift up my face to you. For how long will you be uncaring for me and not look after me? Like a bull I would rise to you but you do not let me rise, you do not let me take the right course.

    The wise heroes say true and right words: When the day is not bright, in my vigour, in my sleep, may I walk before you.

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    May you utter words of grace on him who knows the words "When anger and the evil heart came about". Indeed he speaks joyously to him who knows the words "When fear and