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Nostalgia is tempting though for those of us whose upbringing erred on the side of disciplinarianism.

How to Get Your Child to Practice ... Without Resorting to Violence

Most of us, deep down, were slightly afraid of our parents. Cinema or theme park? Money for skunk or just more booze? We got what we were given and were obliged to be conspicuously grateful. And so, determined to be more liberal and child-centred in our parenting style, we strove for a more egalitarian family dynamic, and promptly let the pendulum swing too far in the other direction.

Weirdly, hearing that is like an arrow through my heart and the first time she said it I actually became tearful. Your friend doesn't wash your socks and give you breakfast and pay for your school trips and make sure you've got your packed lunch and spending money.

5 Practical Tips to Stop Your Kids from Hitting - Parenting A to Z

I am your mother. Simone, 39, has a twin boy and girl aged nine, and a daughter aged three. She concedes that she finds discipline a daily struggle: I don't smack them, but I sometimes think I should, because the elder two have so much attitude. Thankfully the children haven't clocked onto that yet, but the day is fast-approaching when they will and I've no idea what I'll do then, just muddle through, I suppose. But muddling through is a short-term solution that stores up long-term problems.

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Erratic parenting is the bane of many families' lives, claims Sarah Crosby, 47, who trained as a Norland nanny in , and has two sons at university. She has spent the past thirty years instilling the Norland ethos into households the length and breadth of the country and is of the opinion that "tough love" is an invidious phrase that is open to wildly varying interpretation. A lot of problems with behaviour stem from a breakdown in communication, and I've seen scenarios where both children and parents are throwing tantrums simultaneously, through sheer frustration.

Loving your children doesn't mean letting them have their own way all the time, but it's important to think before you say 'no'; if your child wants to watch TV, instead of saying 'No, you haven't finished your homework', you say 'Yes, of course, once you've finished your homework'.

Along with clear boundaries must come clear sanctions, which are agreed beforehand so children are aware — in line with their age and stage — of what consequences any misbehaviour carries, whether it amounts to five minutes on a naughty step for a young child, or the confiscation of a mobile phone for a teenager. But while no one disputes that children need rules, Michael Duke, primary child psychologist in Denbighshire, North Wales, stresses that children also need role models. It was humorous and well-written though. Laura rated it liked it Feb 04, Kelly Burrill rated it it was amazing Feb 28, Katrina Thompson rated it liked it Sep 01, Elena rated it it was amazing Nov 12, Irene added it Nov 01, Leland Lim added it Dec 19, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.

Books by Cynthia Richards.

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Mar 21, Amalie Simper rated it liked it Shelves: I just re read this book for the first time since i was required to read it in college. I think the book could be cut in half. The first half the book is a break down of when to start a student, the right instrument to pick and the teacher you pick.

By the time I would, as a piano teacher, suggest a parent read this book they have already done those things and really are in need of the very good lists and systematic approach to discovering this that could help a parent. I feel like the subjects I just re read this book for the first time since i was required to read it in college.

I feel like the subjects were unnecessarily elaborated on a do could have taken 20 pages instead of She also states, repeats and then repeats the ideas again by the end of the book. Certain subjects were visited three times without any new information given.

Tough love: do your children a favour - Telegraph

The substance of chapters 11 and 12 were the basis of the book and very good lists of ideas. The stumbling block chapter at the end of the book was perhaps the best list of helps and could be an article all by itself and a parent would get the most out of this book by working with it.

Mar 18, Libby rated it liked it. You'd think with a title like that it would have a little more wit to it.

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It was a bit of a dry read. Full of philosophy, but lacking in specific ideas to help motivate kids to practice. Jun 10, Dianna rated it really liked it.

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This book had more discussion of philosophy behind practice than I expected I was hoping for practical tips —but it did have practical tips and suggestions too, and I'm glad I read it. Dec 21, Catherine rated it it was amazing. Great ideas for my daughter who recently started taking piano and for me, her crazy perfection driven mom who cringes at every missing sharp and flat!