Hardback Editions

Author Charise Harper weaves together distinctive, quirky illustrations and vibrant characters in fast-paced stories that capture familiar school and family situations that every young girl can relate to in a truly authentic voice. Artist, comedian, animal-lover, environmentalist, cook, sister, good friend —Grace is the quintessential 3rd grader… just a little bit… different. In this eighth addition to the series—Grace has major problems.

Her neighbor is getting married and she has to get over her disappointment at not being chosen for a flower girl, not to mention figure out what to give as a wedding present! But with a touch of girl power, Grace musters up a fantastic idea that takes a lot of planning and a little help from all of her friends; her dog, Mr. Scruffers; and Crinkles the cat. Will her plan go off without a hitch on wedding day? A Pig Who Cooks: Imagination Station Children's Series Vol. The Belief in Angels. Native American Man of Spirit. Franklin in the Dark 25th Anniversary Edition.

Amber Brown Is Feeling Blue. The Legend of the Buffalo Stone. Best of the Best. A Long Day in November.

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The Bones of the Holy. I Don't Want To Go. Children of the Tipi.

Working Myself to Pieces and Bits. Amber Brown Is Tickled Pink. Also Known as Elvis.

Paperback Editions

The Heat Is On. Wedgieman and the Big Bunny Trouble.

Wedgieman to the Rescue. A Hero Is Born. Fashion Kitty and the Unlikely Hero. Crafty Cat and the Crafty Camp Crisis. The Amazing Crafty Cat.

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Bean Dog and Nugget: Princess Patty Meets Her Match. Fashion Kitty versus the Fashion Queen. Aside from the wedding gift fiasco, there were several plot points that made me laugh out loud, such as Grace and Mimi worrying about what the groom might wear to the wedding. I was also very touched by the portrayal of Mimi's growing and evolving relationship with her new brother Robert, who makes for a nice addition to the cast of characters. As I also have a two-year-old son, my daughter has personal knowledge of what it's like to navigate sibling relationships, so this is a theme that definitely resonates with her.

A couple of books ago, I might have worried about there being an eighth not to mention the end of the book drops hints about the ninth book in the series. It's always a shame when a series starts out promising but then goes stale because the author has drawn it out for so long. I'm pleased that this isn't the case with the Just Grace books.

Grace has shown a tremendous amount of growth and there have been some profound changes in her world that have helped the series to blossom and mature over time. Jun 30, Katie Fitzgerald rated it liked it Shelves: This latest installment in one of my favorite chapter book series places its heroine at the center of a life event lots of little girls dream about - a wedding.

While she waits for her assignment, Grace devises a special gift for Augustine Dupre - she and her friends will train Crinkles the cat to walk This latest installment in one of my favorite chapter book series places its heroine at the center of a life event lots of little girls dream about - a wedding. While she waits for her assignment, Grace devises a special gift for Augustine Dupre - she and her friends will train Crinkles the cat to walk down the aisle. Even when her actions are completely misguided, Grace always has her heart in the right place, and readers can easily enjoy the antics that ensue from her off-the-wall ideas.

Readers who have followed the series from the beginning will recognize lots of characters from previous books and hints at previous plot lines, and of course, all the wonderful little drawings that add such charm and character to every page. Under the guidance of a creative teacher, Grace and her friends learn how to write comics and cartoons, and they compile them into a class book.

In fact, if I do a library program with graphic novels, I might use this book as a kind of introduction. Just Grace and the Flower Girl Power will appeal to girls who love to dress up and feel fancy, and especially to girls who dream of being, or will be, flower girls in weddings. For a similar story about a girl witnessing a wedding, read Mallory on Board by Laurie Friedman.

Apr 11, Barbara rated it really liked it Shelves: This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. I've enjoyed this series every since Grace was introduced seven books ago. While readers who have enjoyed Clementine, Amber Brown, and Judy Moody are likely to enjoy this one as well, there's just something endearingly different about Grace that makes her adventures appealing to me.

I like her quirkiness and imperfectness, of course, but I also like her straightforwardness and her penchant for making lists. After explaining why she is known as Just Grace, the story moves right into Augustine Dup I've enjoyed this series every since Grace was introduced seven books ago. After explaining why she is known as Just Grace, the story moves right into Augustine Dupre's wedding plans. Augustine is Grace's older friend, someone she loves and respects.

Although she won't get to be the flower girl for the wedding, Grace decides to give a special wedding present to Augustine: She'll train Crinkles, a neighbor's cat who adores Augustine, to walk down the aisle during the ceremony. This requires much work, much patience on Crinkle's part, and quite a bit of help from her friends. Although things don't go quite the way Grace plans, there is certainly one very surprised--and happy--bride waiting at the altar.

Maybe it's because I'm a cat lover or possibly because of the way the story is told, but this book made me laugh out loud several times. I could just picture the dog, the cat, the squirrel, and the crackers. The pen-and-ink illustrations that have been digitally colored in Photoshop add to the pleasures of reading this book.

Grace continues to hold great appeal for third and fourth grade readers. Watching her continue to grow throughout the series has been great fun. Jun 04, Jennifer Haight rated it really liked it. Grace is a third grader in a class with many other girls named Grace. Her teacher asks her what she wants to be called in class and she responds; "Just Grace," and the name sticks.

Told in a journalistic format with hand written text separating sections and sprinkled with illustrations and diagrams, in this installment Grace shares her experience of participati Just Grace and the Flower Girl Power by Charise Mericle Harper The series Just Grace by Charise Mericle Harper continues to be a delight.

Told in a journalistic format with hand written text separating sections and sprinkled with illustrations and diagrams, in this installment Grace shares her experience of participating in her friend Augustine Dupre's wedding. Scruffers, and her friends Sammy, Max, Mimi and Robert become accomplices in an extensive plan to surprise Augustine at her wedding. The series is definitely focused towards girls but can be enjoyed by all readers.

  1. Teardrops on My Guitar?
  2. Parents' Choice Foundation.
  3. Just Grace and the Flower Girl Power: Book 8 : Mericle Charise Harper : ;
  4. La nave doro: Unavventura di Oswald Breil e Sara Terracini (La Gaja scienza) (Italian Edition).

May 20, Brenda rated it really liked it. Just Grace is a wonderful friend. She isn't always perfect, things don't always work out, but her intentions are always from the kindest, most thoughtful place in her heart. That's why I like her. In the first book from the Just Grace series we learn that Grace draws comics and that she has the super power of empathy.

Those key strengths are carried with her throughout the series. Eight books later, Grace's neighbor, Augustine Dupre is getting married. How wonderful and exciting! But Grace is no Just Grace is a wonderful friend. But Grace is not chosen to be the flower girl. Once over that disappointment, she works to figure out how to support her friend and find a way to give her the best wedding present ever. Silver bowls are boring! It will take everyone working together - even Mr. Scruffers and Crinkles, the cat to make it happen.

Grace has one chance to carry out her plan. May 06, Rachael rated it liked it Shelves: The storyline is simple and easy to follow for a middle elementary reader strong 2nd grade through 4th grade. I enjoy that the illustrations in the book are more of a 'bonus' rather than something that is needed to understand the content although it does make it more fun to read.

The story is told from the perspective of Grace, the main character.

Just Grace and the Flower Girl Power

She's saddened to hear that she won't be the flower girl in her friend and downstairs neighbor's wedding. However, she quickly turns that sadness The storyline is simple and easy to follow for a middle elementary reader strong 2nd grade through 4th grade. However, she quickly turns that sadness into determination to give her friend the best wedding present ever. Overall, this is a nice change for the readers who enjoy Judy Moody and Katie Kazoo-type books. Sep 13, Celeste rated it it was ok.

This book was my least favorite book in the series. The main character Grace in the other books is always thinking about others, but in this book she decides that because she can't be the flower girl that she is going to train a pet cat to walk down the isle. It was a dumb idea for a book and I found it lacking what all the other Grace books have had so far-friendship and service. Again, this series is aimed at 2nd-4th graders-I read it for Isabelle. Aug 17, Ramarie rated it really liked it. Another delightfully sweet read about Just Grace.

I love that this character is so honest about her feelings. I can often relate. In this title, Grace is surprised to learn that Augustine Dupre is getting married and disappointed that she won't get to play flower girl. But as befits Grace, she finds a way to shine anyway. Oct 03, Abby Perez rated it it was ok.

It was a pretty good book i was sad that Augustine go married though because i thought that she should live forever below Grace. And Grace is a super smart little girl for thinking of that whole plan of the flower cat, i thought it was absolutely perfect even though it didn't work out perfectly it did in the end.

Jul 18, Brett rated it liked it Shelves: Continues to be a good series for lower-grade girls. May 16, Dolores rated it it was amazing.