Dal lamento funebre antico al pianto di Maria, Bollati Boringhieri. Stereotipi, rappresentazioni e contro narrative del mondo rom in Italia, Spagna e Romania, Castelvecchi, Ritratto di un uomo dal Marocco, Booklet, The exam will focus on the entire exam program indicated, including both the theoretical and monographic components. Students are invited to engage with the materials in a way that connects the field research or their chosen monograph with the theoretical component of the lecture and the manual.
The final report will be evaluated on the basis of the student's comprehension skills: The oral part will follow the following evaluation: The course will consist of in-class lectures during which the teacher will explain in detail the content of the exam texts and provide insights and examples with the aid of PowerPoint.
I will also lead the students in group discussions on specific topics and exercises, to be decided on together with students. Si persuadano d' esser vn gran rocco, ma riusciscano vna ridiculosa pedina in fatti. Oh non lo conoscete alla fama, e alla persona? Ambrogio per ondeci anni fu parimente auocato in Roma, e S. Germano, e molti altri. Pregandola, che in suo nome si degnasse di dar al marito quella tasca di scritti, quali tutti [ La donna promisse di far l'ambasciata, e cosi fece, ma il Leggista vdite le parolle, veduti li scritti, ne riceuendo ariento, le ge [ L' oro fa lingua, e la sententia d'oro: Lasciamo, che'l mondo se ne vola con il suo peso, e corra co suoi piedi: Cito auro violatur iustitia eiustificatur impius pro muneribus, et Iustitia iusti aufertur ab eo; e tutto questo auenne, Exo.
QUIZ: Which influential Icelander are you?
Qual fedel anima non si sbigotirebbe, sentendosi titilar il sangue in ogni fibra: Auerte oculos a muliere compta. Mortifican i viui, e fan suscitar i morti: Socrate, e Platone conchiuse l'amore esser pi [ Aristofane nelle sue fauole recita, che gli huomini pel ira di Gioue furno disiunti, e ciascheduno rimasto mezzo, ad opra per vnirfi all' altro mezzo, e cosi diuenir perfetto.
Et altri lo dimandorno quella prima patienza, e quel primo piacere, ch'habbiamo, quando la cosa desiderabile c' occorre alla vista, e si diletta. Plotinio disse esser vn atto dell' anima, che desidera il bene, e Dante vn cuor gentile, et amor diremo esser il medemo; il Petrarca hor foco, hor vna cosa, hor l' altra. Non fuori di proposito lo dipinse il Cauaglier Guirino, coss dicendo:. Quod Amor est circulus bonus a bono in bonum perpetuo riuolutus. Ma finalmente aprendo l' occhi, e conoscendo se ben tardi il tutto; vnita la virtu ael cuore, e sott [ Iactor, [Page ] crucior, Feci.
Semina pianto amor, e riso accoglie, e dopo l' infinit' amare doglie, radolcisce tutti l' affetti suoi. Amor amaro pien d' ogni cordoglio, mansueto fanciulo, e fiero veglio: Deh signor mio, voi nonsapete ancora quanto il foco d'amor possi in vn petto, che petto sia di carne, e non di pietra, come parmi, il vostro tanto crudele. Volete viuer neghitoso, e senza gioia, che sol amondo l'hu [ Pace tranquilla senz'alcun affanno, e sol l' amore.
Habbiate pace, ma le bagni di pioggia, e muoua il vento, e con pie immondo la greggia il calpestri e'l peregrin. Ma perche in van mi lagno? Ma chi ritroua il ben, s'egli no'l cerca?
Non s' altra volta nascer non l' ha visto. Fate quanto vi piace, vsi ogni sua arte amore, che mai vi giuro ei [ E finalmente amor priuo d' amore. S' in ogni breue spatio entra, e s' asconde in ogni breue spatio? Opra tua dunque honore, che furto sia, quelche fu don d' amore: Pur sia come si voglia, l' huom amar debbe la donna, e vi [ Anzi che donna co'l soaue lampo, e con la vista angelica, amorosa di duo soli visibili, e sereni l'anima tempestuosa di chi la mira, achetta, e rasserena, e suono, e moto, e lume, e valor, e bellezza, e leggiadria fansi dolce armonia nel suo bel viso, donde ogn'vn d'amore resta trafisso.
Ama d'esser amata, odia l'amanti, prima lusingba, e poi muoue ne petti humani tante fiere procelle d'impetuosi, e torbidi desiri, di pianti, e di sospiri, che madre, di tempesta, e di furore douria chiamarla il mondo, e non donna, o vita de l'huomo. Sia come si voglia, ama lo donna, e vuol esser amata: E se par che dura, e per ingannare: Essend' ella tiranno, empio monarca, oracol di menzogna, albergo d' ira, certo che nulla fe le prestaria. O vera vita, che non sa, che sia morire inanzi morte, che ha dentro assai dolor quel breue gioco, donde agraua l' alma d' vna graue salma. Forse la bestia si douea esercitar nel maneggio dell' infami foggie, e pratticar li rittratti di quella pouera anima dell' Aretino.
Quantunque l'huomo non ar [ So, suo, domiuo, dormeui. In the second, not to liue like a Creature destitute, but as one with reason endued: In the sixt, which is the first of the [Page] second part, to honour and respect not for flatterie, but of sincere humanitie and loue: In the seauenth, being the second, of the second Part, to be a vertuous Courtier, and a Seruant not to his owne particular interests, but to the honour of his Prince, to be prudent and wise, but not triuially gallant: I will finally adde the fou [ And if peraduenture any body thinke much, that in varying one and the selfe same word, I haue made vse of another diuerse from it, which in his iudgement was not to be vsed: Neuerthelesse I know, that let an Authour proceede with neuer so good iudgement and reason, yet the world being vitious, as it is, and euer hath beene, hee shall be but as a white to the arrow of euery mans tongue: So that in this infamous profession, they farre exceed the worse kinde of Pharisaicall ostentation: Before hee opened his eyes in this world, they sought to see and censure him, to the end that as in the hands of one infected with the plague, euery thing how healthfull or sound otherwise soeuer it be, growes pestiferous and mortall, so being contaminated by their peruerse opinions, and by their false relations infected, euery thing is sodainely turned into Vipers poyson, the more easily to open vnto him a large and spacious way, to his perpetuall infamie.
In what close corner of the earth? King, not being able of my selfe perfectly to iudge therein, I leaue the censure thereof to those that can better vnderstand it then my selfe. Thou slouenly lubberd, and toyish fellow, what idle toyes goest thou fantasticating. These are Aretines excuses. How you can season the sowre with the sweet, and of vnciuill become ciuill?
Thou canst speake so much as thou wilt, and I beleeue as much as please mee: O what a foole was hee; yet very often the wisest men haue their breeches fall: I also did sleepe. We must confesse the truth: What else shall a seruant doe, who is not lesse poore in riches, then in vertue and wit. If you know your selfe, why deferre you? Alas my Master, the prouerbe is true, Petrarch. That some change their haire rather then their manners; and the wolfe changes his hide, but not his vice; we seruants as we are born, so we die.
Did you not beleeue me? Excuse me sir; who hath committed the greater errour, you in not telling me your name, or I in not opening to him I neyther saw nor knew? God forgiue vs, he cannot abide a woman should come into his chamber, much lesse into his bed.
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Oh, oh, neither will the Ape eate Cherryes, nor the Beare hony; nor yet Mistresse Pipa permit her wanton louer to lay his hand vpon her Citterne. Goe to, dispatch; seeing you dare not, leaue that care to mee, ile waken him well enough. I doubt you be one of the seauen sleepers, or of the kinde of the Dormouse, or sleepy Badger. Me thinkes rather that you sleepe, since you discerne not by the forme the kinde. To what purpose serues so much watchfulnesse, being full onely of trouble and of all anguish? O vnhappy he, that tels the dayes, Petrarch. I finde sleepe to be the better part of life. O is it you Sir?
What good time haue you? It is true, but I tould you before that we were passengers here, incompassed with a thousand enemies, and that which is worse, often without vertue, many times vnarmed for defence and with great store of offensiue weapons of our selues. It is impossible then not to be ouercome: Neuerthelesse there wants not many excellent, nay diuine voyces to stirre vs vp and to inuite vs to heauen.
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God calling vs with his voyce, who being the onely good, doth also [Page 11] miraculously allure his progenie to be like himselfe. The voice likewise of the separated mindes, conioyned to vs with an indissoluble knot, perswade vs to the common father. But who shall be deafe to the liuely sound of the common Trumpets of the heauens, Psal. There is also anothe, as I thinke, no lesse potent, which is that of Nature, who hath made vs most apt to seeke, and with the grace of God, to obtaine the same end. Nor lesse effectuall doe I holde the voice of the promise to those that with liuely faith, leauing the lees of base things, as an Eagle, raise themselues vp to diuine ones.
But now where is there such an one to be found amongst vs, which is worthy to be crowned with perpetuall praise? I doubt the greatest part of vs, not regarding the answere, are quicke of hearing, and too attentiuely hearken after that which carnall men heretofore were wont to alledge, that is to say, Many things are spoken of, and are promised to vs, Sed quis ostendit nobis bona?
Mignocco, art thou happily drowned in the barrell of Oyle, that I see thee not? Oh, oh, now I smell thee by the stincke. Take heede least being so dry the smoake carrying you vp the Chimny toppe, doe not sublimate you. What, either thou speakest too much or nothing at all: What saiest thou of it thou Owles head. To appeare before the vulgar and others, that many times haue but little iudgement, it is no small folly not to follow the fashion. It were better Sir that you would put on your hose made after the Italian manner, guarded with gold lace, after the humerous fashion, and your doublet with the French body, Spanish sleeues, and Polonian collar.
Thou art wiser then I tooke thee to be: At hand thou idle lazie fellow? I thincke thou com'st of the race of the fixed Stars, which moue at the end of threescore, or of an hundred yeares, according to Ptolomies opinion. Thou art alwayes playing the foole. If thou hadst remayned in the caue there where Apollo became a Prophet, thou wouldst not. And this fift I beleeue thou art. And if a shee Asse did prophesie, thou maist better doe it being a male.
O Sir, you rich men plunge your selues in pleasure, like Flyes in Milke, like Waspes your are drownde in Hony, and as Germanes stifled in Malmesey. Whatsoeuer shines dost thou take it to be gold? There is no clocke, how great or little soeuer, which can goe or turne, without his counterpoyse. We read in Ouid of one Mopsus, Ouid. It is no great matter to make such a one as I am beleeue that hee is able by fishing in a well, to catch the Moone.
I am afraid Sir, you take your selfe to be in a Campe, where by sound of Drumme and Trumpet they giue the allarme. God for his goodnesse made mee a man, and this foole like another Circes, Medea, or Calisto, would transforme mee into some idle-headed woman, to grow old in attyring of my selfe. Why I know thou hast no wings: They haue virile shape, and feminine harts: Oh, but there's great difference betwixt in deed and being so reputed.
Dost thou not know that from the beginning the world goes arsie-versie? Yet the Bees mount in the ayre to make warre. Dost thou know what this populous and common sort is? This is very strange to mee, that Land, Silkes, and Mony should haue priuiledge at this day, to make a Gentleman. This is true indeede, vvhich you say, amongst the popular troupes: I cannot tell, I doe but obserue, after the manner of others, I see that hee vvho is vvell monied, and vvell cloathed, is onely honoured. Art thou so great and grose, and yet hast neuer heard, that the number of fooles is in a manner infinite?
What would you haue mee vviser then the World? In my minde it smels more of a learned man to be reputed vvise of many, then a foole of a fevv. According to the vvorld indeede thou saist true: I thats true, but by and by it will be darke or misty, or cloudy, and then a little after raine will follow, with moisture, then cold, after that heate and thus in little space of time, we shall haue a taste of euery season. In the fountaine, or the vvell. That which is worst; thou growest vvorse and vvorse. Excuse me gentle Sir, ther is a certaine fellow come amongst vs, whose name I doe not vvell remember, who in a paper as long as the Bible, doth promise largely to further memory.
Hee is deceiued, hee deceiues thee, and thou deceiuest thy selfe. VVhere Nature failes, Art can little preuaile. In learning of the termes, and recording of the points, to set vp thy rest of that little which thou hast already in thy skonce. Giue me then some crummes of bread, or of my powder of Almond cakes, with Beane flower, and the little sheeres also. Because it is somewhat hot this morning, it were better for me to weare a falling band. Seeing you will be a Scholler of the Art of Memorie, I will now tell you in good earnest some locall memoriall. All will be well Sir, so as conformable to our first couenants you will please Sir, to command, and call, but not strike.
Tush, after the receipt weele reckon of all. Oh Sir, now I come with all my hart to doe all seruice to my deare Master Pompilio. I cannot conceiue how so liuely a spirit as you are, in the Morning when the spirit vseth to fructifie, should suffer it selfe to be subdued by drowsie sleepe. Why, I pray you Sir, Tas. Who knowes it not? From whence we must confesse that Aleander spake wisely when hee said, Somnus est omnibus valetudo vi [ It is the health of the body, and safety of the soule.
It cannot be denyed but if a man would liue, it is needfull hee should eate, and eating, of necessitie hee must sleepe: On the contrary, wakefulnesse is procured by the superfluous heate of the braine, and it causeth tribulations of minde, indigestion of meates, whereupon naturall heate which is the first instrument of life doth become weake, and seruing to all the members, it leaueth the concoction of meates, by which meanes without sleepe, crude humours and many defects in the body would ensue, the which sleepe is the quietnesse of the minde, and the repose of the animall facultie: Now in truth you speake like a gentleman: And therevpon diuine Plato admonisheth vs that superfluous sleepe is not onely impertinent to the soule and body, Plato.
The selfe same Eschines deciphered, Eschin. Of the same opinion was Gorgias the Philosopher: Philo also called it the very image of death. And Alexander, by reason of his workes, fame, and glory, Alexand. Diuine Petrarch saith, Sleepe is a kinne to death. Sleepe therefore being so detestable, that Wise man saide. How long will thou sleepe, O sluggard? To that effect the Apocalipse concludes, saying: Happy is hee who watcheth and keepeth his garments, Apoc. All this is true, so it be seasoned with Platoes salt, that is, our health, euer considered. Let a man be of what nation hee will, hee must needes order his life, and little will satisfie to the Nature, therefore Tassus: If the desire be little, also our neede is small whereby our life is preserued.
Why but a man must necessarily eate and drincke, because without these two offices, neither sound or sick can continue: And questionlesse, it is an vndoubted point, that few things will serue a man endued with Faith. Vse against reason beares no excuse, besides, surfet hurteth the body more then any thing else; so as he that would liue in health, must take heede of surfetting, otherwise hee shall [Page 33] suffer all distemperatures, chollericke fluxes vpward and downeward, vomite, prosternation of appetite, heauinesse of head, griefe of the stomacke opilation of the Liuer and Mylt, dissenteries, and malignant Agues, the which wee see goe and spread from house to house.
I am of your opinion, being needfull to keepe that rule: Nihil nimis, nothing too much: I know well that there are some of opinion, that the body growes the more infirme and weake, through good, regular, and orderly life: I speake not of Physicke, because I know it to be naturall to the creatures: The Harts vse Dictamus. The Swallow the hearbe Celedonia. The Dragon wilde Lettuce against vomit.
The Panther Libbards-bane which operates against the poison of Wolfes-bane. The Beares, Ants, against the Mandragora. The Cranes, wilde bull-rushes. The shee-Beare being wounded [Page 35] heales her selfe with Woolblade.
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The Foxes with the teares of Lorice doe heale their wounds. Although I know, the authoritie of the Arte is diminished, by the great number of some, who were the other day, but Pedantes, and now beare themselues like arch Doctors, to whom you may ioyne a troope of feminine Physitians and Practitioners.
Besides this, to draw neare to my purpose; the matter of our bodies, that is not like the stones or mettals, but of a slimy, and therefore fragile nature, we are also more apt to slip easily out of the bounds of health, and therefore a rule of life is requisite, which may preserue vs, though not wholy free vs from death. I said before to you, speaking of diet, we ought to regard the complexion, so also in sleepe, therefore if a man by nature be sanguine, with a iust proportion of cold and moist, though he be of a good temperature, yet to keepe himselfe in health it shall be needfull for him to sleepe moderately.
It will helpe him much, to vse moderate sleepe, because of the quiet of his minde, and in respect of the amendement of his complexion. But how should one know the sufficient quantitie of sleepe for euery complexion and age? It must be conceiued by the perfection of concoction, which is discerned by the vrine, for if it be of white colour, it shewes that there is a kinde of raw humour in the veynes, and therefore he must sleepe the more, but if the vrine be of Citron colour, it shewes, that the iuyce is concocted, and that extraordinarie sleepe is no more requisite.
They that be of an hot age, as young men, sixe howers sleepe may suffice them; but for others of a cold complexion the vertue digestiue being in them very weake they had neede haue longer sleepe. Why hee cannot haue lesse, then eight or nine houres: Also others, that in kingdoms, prouinces, common-wealths, Cities, or Vniuersities, haue any good successe, or that from a base are exalted to high estate, you shall finde that they haue beene all most vigilant.
Doe you not remember that common Prouerbe, Hee that sleepes takes no fish? Seneca with great iudgement in the person of a Prince, aduiseth vs all to auoid much sleepe. Iustinian the Emperour doth also say, In instit. Where there are many dreames, there are many vanities, Eccle. Platoes Schoole determined on this point, Plato. And Auerroe, the head of the Atheists, Auerro. The Philosophers from common, but fantasticall sense. Homer in his Iliades, deriues them from Iupiter, that is, Homer.
Albertus Magnus, from the Influence of superiour things, Albert. The bearded, or graue Physitians, Phisici. Cicero and Macrobius, from the effects, Cicero. The Arabians, from effects intellectuall. The Astrologians, from our Constellations. I take this to sauor a little of superstition, as the Southsayers 10 did, who obserued the notes, and which way the birds tooke their flight, as if there had beene some diuine spirit in their flight, or prophecie in their bils and beakes.
I doubt you are in an errour, because the influence of your Planet, may fauour your affaires, more at one time then at another. I suppose, Caesar was of such a spirit: Such change and others as prodigious, Hesi. Vncertaine likewise as I told you is dreaming, and so much the more, because it occurreth by chance.
I remember to this end, that when Cyrus in the affayres of Persia, dreaming that he saw a Sunne at his feete, the which he striuing to catch three times with his hands, it fled away: It was foretold him thereupon, that that desire of taking the Sun three times, did demonstrate vnto him, how hee should raigne for thirtie yee [ We read likewise in Heraclides Ponticus, Heracl. In the history of Agathocles, it is also recounted, Histo. What say you to Plato, who reports, Plato.
Aristotle also leaueth written vnto vs of Eudimus his great friend, who going into Macedonia, Arist. Tullius in like manner writes, how Sophocles a famous Poet, Tul. To this, I cannot tell what to say. This I onely finde, that though I vse all the caution or circumspection possible, yet [Page 47] my dreame will proue true: I enuy those of Africke, who according to Herodotus, Herod.
Rather man being for his similitude to God, almost diuine, and by the vnderstanding different from other creatures, whereupon the diuine Poet saith:. That which our nature hath most worthy in it in this world, Petr. Therefore the same in another place; My minde, which doth presage of thy harmes. The soule is not alwayes with senses darkened, Guir. That novv the minde is not distracted, and in it selfe vvholy retyred alone, to open vvith darknesse the eyes of Linceus. My spirituall Mistresse, goe your wayes home, and the next night, attentiuely hearken after our Mattins bell, which will vndoubtedly instruct you, in whatsoeuer you are to performe.
Hauing heard this, the poore soule, reuerently thanking the Frier, tooke her leaue, and wholly attentiue, those few houres which were to runne before the morning, seemed to her a thousand yeares; finally, behold in an happie houre, she heard the Bell. The Mattins bell sounding, she sodainely thought, Petr: Without either oyle, or salt, in the morning following, she [Page 51] concluded the businesse of consolemini. O hope, O desire, alwayes deceitfull; Petr [ The world a deceauer of his followers, after the sweetnesse filles them with bitternesse: The hope of Louers is doubtfull and their ioy is short, Petrar.
One cannot obtaine, anything rare, without great labour, and rare wit: There being no bad neighbours, that might animate her to euill, nor wicked or bad kinsmen to nourish her in it, but such as exhorted her to ouercome the euill with the good, after she had suffered enough, peraduenture for diuers other of her secret sinnes, she went to the Monke and tolde him all succinctly, who answered her in this sort: Doe not marrie, doe not marrie, doe not marrie: The wiser this Cowlist was, the lesse wise thee: But you must vnderstand, there is great difference betweene a Kercheife and a Bonnet.

It is true, but you also know, that few wise men are found, which will apply themselues to such a businesse. In this wee are not different for many reasons 12 and authorities: Guir, that onely of Senecaes, shall suffice me saying: Diogenes also said, that considering the policie of man, Diogi. Augustine also added hereunto, Aug. Porphirius was of opinion, how the interpretation of dreames came from Diuels. We cannot but blame the exposition of dreames; Eccle. Dreames extoll fooles, as he which apprehends shaddow, and followes the wind: In Leuiticus also we are admonished, Leuit.
And moreouer Fool siastes addeth: Therefore the God him sent a silent dreame, because hee would reueale to him a high secret. He neuer did reueale to others in sleepe a vision of so faire and fine imaginations, as in this he did to him, in the which he did open to him the secrets both of heauen and earth. And moreouer I say vnto you, that after a man shall haue passed in his youth any great trouble, whensoeuer hee shall dreame in such a state, he must certainly prepare himselfe for some sinister encounter, and if hee dreame of his dead predecessours, notwithstanding any industrie or meanes so euer that he can vse, he must expect some vnhappie, or at least no wished for successe, of his principallest affaires.
This is true, whereby we see the iuditious Fathers, to bring vp from childhoode their children in such wise, that they make an artificiall nature to dedicate, not to the birds, nor to the inquired running amongst the woods and fieldes, but to the Muse, the pleasant Aurora. What meruaile is it? And Ierome writing to D [ Nothing is worse then Idlenesse; because it doth not onely get nothing, but it loseth also that which it hath got. Nihil in sancto prop [ Nilo who was a Bishop and a Martyr, Nilo. Plato in the first of his Common-wealth, Plato. Empedocles cals it an vnrecouerable losse of time.
And Bion, he termes it a disease or infirmitie of the soule.
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Menander affirmed, that this did corrupt the virile forces, Menan. Mercurius was wont to say, that Nature doth infuse wit, Mercur. Homer therefore exhorteth vs, Homer. Demosthenes in his fourth Phillippicke Oration saith, Domosth. Deuout Bernard cals Idlenesse the mother of lyes, Bern. Seneca termes it the roote of all enuie, Seneca. The puzzle of short-term assistant professors and the good example of life-sciences , in Murgia, A.
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November For several years I have provided seminars to students in journalism and to May professional journalists on gender and journalism and more specifically on the representation of gender violence and gender stereotypes in the media. Other seminars have been held and promoted by: February — August Member of the board of experts. I hereby consent to the processing of my personal data for uses allowed by law